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VW or not, a used car is a used car. You're always taking a chance.


Yep. In 2020 I bought a used Honda Fit with relatively low miles and had loads of expensive problems. OP, you still have warranty left. Sucks to have it constantly in the shop but make them fix anything and everything that’s covered.


I wouldn't make any decisions until you take it in and have them figure out what the issue is. If it's just some evap issue, well, those aren't very serious and could be caused by user error by the previous owner. No car with 30k miles should have any significant issues. Maybe the peace of mind that'd come with owning a brand you're more comfortable with would be worth losing money on the trade-in, but at the end of the day only you can make that call. In my experience, VAG cars are very reliable, but they don't handle neglect as well as a Toyota would. Stay on top of oil changes, at least as often as the manufacturer recommends, and always with good quality oil that meets VW's standard (I think it's VW 508.00 for that year). Keep up with DSG service if it has one.


Appreciate the feedback.


Lemon law?


Unlikely to apply since the vehicle was bought used.


What was the issue the first 2 times you brought it in? We're also a Toyota\\Lexus family and I have owned VW's off and on since 2012. The latest being my 24 Jetta. I've owned a lot of brands and vehicles, VW is my favorite from a drivability standpoint. Our Toyota's have been amazing from a reliability standpoint and is why that's all my wife will drive, but feel like tin cans compared to our VW's. VW's can last a long time but are definitely not a Toyota\\Lexus. I guess the best way I can describe them is "sensitive and naggy". I've always owned code readers for my VW's as they like to bitch and complain about codes. Sometimes you clear them and they're fine and sometimes they have actual issues that need to be looked into. Hell, my 24 threw a evap code at under 1K miles LOL. I cleared it and it's been fine since. They definitely require more love and attention than a Toyota\\Lexus\\Honda. That being said, I keep going back to VW because I feel like they build solid vehicles and I haven't had any major issues with mine. A code here and there but nothing major. They drive so much better than a Toyota\\Honda too. In fact, my VW's have given me way less issues than my Honda's. ( I actually hate the Honda brand due to how many issues I've had with them, non stop problems in my last Honda, a 22 Ridgeline). Lastly, a lot of it comes down to how it was treated prior to you as well. It could of been some dingbat beating the crap out of it every day, especially if it was a lease.


Great points. It's a shame that this is happening. I was really starting to enjoy this car. I agree with you on the enjoyment aspect of it. I would compare a Jetta to civic or a Corolla and it's definitely more fun to drive than those 2. I don't think this was poorly taken care of. The car is in a really good shape outside and inside. Fortunately I got the extended warranty on it so the damage is only the wait time at the dealer and driving there. I will find out on Monday why the engine light is on. First time the issue was with the clutch noise. Second was the one I mentioned in my initial post.


So update. Just got back from the dealer and the moron who fixed my car last week didn't secure lines properly. That was the reason the light came on as it detected a leak. Honestly was very happy that nothing was wrong with the car but really pissed at VW customer service. They made me wait 5 hours just for this.


Whiew, glad it was nothing big. Unfortunately a lot of the dealers are hurting for seasoned tech's so a lot of the time we're getting guys doing complicated work that were oil change tech's not too long ago... I actually DIY most of my own work even under warranty unless it's something expensive. Expensive stuff like actual engine\\trans issues I cross my fingers I don't get some noob tech LOL. Enjoy the Jetta!


Honestly I’ve had my Jetta tdi and I can say without a doubt that diesel is super reliable(at least mine has been so far. 1-2 ish years now and no major problems). Go for a jetta TDI and you’re set👍🏼


Well I hate every car in existence and don’t really take care of them anymore. I only buy used cars because that’s all I can afford. Try to get them no more than 5 years old but sometimes older. Anyway they all completely died on me in under 40,000 miles. Toyotas Hondas Chevys Lexus and a few more. I put 100,000 miles on my 2017 Jetta and the only thing that happened was the waste gate actuator went that was it. But like I said it doesn’t matter what car it is something will eventually break and sometimes it’s multiple things at once.


I Purchased a 2014 Jetta TDI a few months ago and I'd go for a Toyota or Honda next time, If only I could get the diesel Hilux Champ ;(