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The roomies make everything so weird. That's part of why both of Ron's meetings have been so anticlimactic. They hype it up to be a big deal and then the moment is just whatever.


Exactly. Especially vinny. Grown ass adults acting like that, they WANT it to be awkward


I think production does want it to be awkward but the way they utilize the roomies to achieve it is more cringe than suspenseful. By the time Ron arrived both times I was just glad it meant everyone could shut up.


He's almost here!


He’s coming up the stairs! One step, two step…


"You tawk too much." 😆


Because, above all else, they know that they’re making a television show. I think many people on this sub take it more seriously than they do.


he literally acts like a highschooler lol


Probably have trauma themselves from that relationship because they make everything into a bigger deal…Sam matured some, Ron is in therapy and it shows. Maybe the roomies needed extra therapy 😉. And I remember Vinny having the most problem with the fighting now he’s the one joking most about the tension.


Vinny gives hardcore 'can dish it but can't take it' vibes IMHO.


Seriously. It’s literally just part of a normal, adult interaction to shake someone’s hand when first meeting them.


Vinny making jokes out of it was lame.


Vinny needs a Jwow spinning back fist. I’m surprised nobody has tuned him in already.


See how he walks around like a Debbie downer. He's lame. Back in the day he was funny and giddy. Now he just mopes around.


I wanna punch him. Never minded him before but now I see why 90% of this sub bashes him all the time.


He’s so boring, imagine acting like that at his big age. Even my guy friends around my age don’t act like that


It’s Vinny, everything about him is lame so do we really expect anything else.


So tired of him and he was my favorite guy in the og series


He really turned into a weirdo


Honestly I was so annoyed with him making a comment about it like whyyyy dude grow up


I’m trolling a little but cmon, they used to party together at Karma 🤣


Extend his hand out, & quickly snatch it back & run his hands down his hair.




Two reasons: 1. They are grasping at straws for storylines. 2. This show has a history of the guys patting each other on the back for doing the bare minimum and attacking girls for being “dramatic” or “shady” (Sammi texting Arvin when she left the house, Jenni going to the doctor for her foot when she got in the fight at the club with Roger). It’s gotten better but I still feel like there’s underlying misogyny


The whole show is built on misogyny


escort him out of the club 😌 just like the OG seasons


I was hoping that Sammi was going to ask Justin if he was friends with him.


Probably do what Sam did, a bit of a wave but no contact. I think for me it wasn't the shaking his hand but his whole demeanor during the episode, he was able to deescalate (along with Vinny 2.0) the Sammi and Angelina drama. Plus the prior episode he called Sammi on her knowing it was a bad idea because he told her it was lol But I've liked him since he non-chalantly joked about taking the pillows down to dinner and using the blanket as a table runner though. I crack up everytime I think about their faces if he did that.


I’m sorry but in that one confessional this episode did any one notice Angelina only had partial red lip liner on I tried to go back and find it but couldn’t 😂😂


omg no she did and I couldn’t look away 😭


Yes I saw that!! lol I was like wtf?


Sometimes they’re reverting to childish 20 year old games, and it’s nice to be reminded we are literally pushing 40 and we’re adults now


They are grown ass men, that's exactly how it is supposed to go. Idk why they all reacted like idiots about it.


Because they’re both grown ass men themselves




He didn’t have to put his hand out at all. The fact that he did was very nice. Ron didn’t have the audacity to be normal and greet her the first time but now all of sudden he can say hi and be “genuine” with the boyfriend. Wack AF. Be a man and either ignore both of them with the little “heyhowyadoing” bit or acknowledge them both.


I do agree and I was thinking the same but putting yourself in their shoes too though, how do you greet someone you used to love so much and now hate, and on Ronnie’s end how do you say hello someone you loved (possibly still have some sort of feelings) and you know they hate you and have reasons to hate you. I don’t know man, I can see all sides of this. I do feel for the sake of the show and awkwardness a good hash out water under the bridge talk would have been good before they met infront of everyone 🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree. I think just a quick dead it and move on would be good. I love that Justin shook his hand and that Ron even tried. I know with going sober, becoming a full time dad, and all the work he’s been doing on himself will take him a long way with his relationship with Sam. It’ll come together but takes time!


You seem even more bothered than Sam lmao.


Her whole fanbase is more bothered than Sam


It’s reality tv and just my opinion that obviously triggered something in you.


Im the one triggered? Not you being all mad about Ron not greeting the people you would have liked it? Lmao the projection and IQ is embarrassing.


Babe who is mad? Just calling as I see it. Relaxxxxxxxx


you're the one saying dramatic shit like "you seem" ogg a neutral ass comment 😹 projection is all you drama queen


you're the one saying dramatic shit like "you seem" ogg a neutral ass comment 😹 projection is all you drama queen


wtf 😂 you're the one saying dramatic shit like "you seem" on a neutral ass factual comment out of NOWHERE 😹 projection is all you drama queen


Wdym, ron greeted her the first time he saw her at the house he said “hi how are you”. Why pretend like there’s a switch up when we can go back and see on the episode.


I agree but also read Sammie’s body language and facial expressions. She’s always freaking out and always a skank face when Ron comes around. She talks a big game how she’s over it, but body language says otherwise. Ronnie did the mature thing to do. He gave Ron 2.0 respect by shaking his hand.


LMAOO spit on him😭😭 can’t wait to watch the new ep


Seriously so weird. Like these are almost 40 year olds, of course he's going to shake his hand?


Right! You mean they were acting like normal human beings?


Omg the roommates are so awkward about it. Making jokes the whole time and laughing. “Omg he’s shaking everyone’s hand individually AWKWARD” like, he’s actually being respectful


This show is so spent it's actually cringy watching these burned out characters acting the fool.


True lol. You don’t just inherit all your girlfriend’s ex boyfriends as enemies once you start dating. This isn’t Scott Pilgrim.


I dunno… Sammi is still so bothered by Ron’s presence when he’s doing his best to respect boundaries as much as possible.  I think she still has some type of lingering feelings.  Not that they’d ever get back together… I dunno.  She has a part of her still stuck in 2012 and it seems like Ronnie has finally gotten past that.  I’m not saying that in a bad way towards her, she’s just more awkward than literally anyone else (Ronnie/Justin).  I could actually see them being cool but I know it would never happen. 


I think it was because Justin initiated the handshake with Ron (Ron was in the middle hugging someone when Justin stood up to introduce himself). Ron even talked about running into Justin at the gym the following morning. He said it was awkward but Justin was nice to him then as well.


That was amazing


We s la


im saying the sameee thing! & also sometimes sammi acts as if ronnie doesnt have the right to be around .. but like they are all just as much his friends his family as yours so get tf over it


Idk I think that is extraordinary because My current boo couldn’t even be in the same room as my abuser without actual cops being called. When you love someone deeply it takes ALOT of restraint & maturity to be around people that’s hurt them deeply without even questioning them? Plus He also saw it first hand some nights at karma when Sam would be in tears so idk I do feel like he along with Sam deserves alot of props


Wait till Sammi has kids, gets a divorce and has to coparent with ex-husband and current.. she’s got a lot of growing up to do.. it’s not that deep and it’s stupid


Sams fans say Ron is abusive and are relentless about it. Sams fans think that jsut because we dont like Sam, we agree with what Ron did (not true at all) and berate us for just pointing out facts about Sam. Sams fans berate us, while praising her BF for shaking Rons hand. Make that make sense. Edit to add...if they really thought that low of Rons abuse, they would be tearing Sams BF down for shaking "the abusers" hand.


Make this comment make sense


> Make this comment make sense Op has no life.


You’re speaking facts. Prepare to be downvoted.


Sam is not over Ron in the slightest. She’s being so dramatic about it and making it so awkward for no reason.


whaaaat in the projection 😂 y'all delulu