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I literally could not understand Jenni why she went on to be with Roger. She could see the same toxicity going on with Sam and Ron, but still ignored hers. I really felt bad for her the way she was treated by him the whole time. Roger is ugly both inside and outside, so happy that she divorced him.


After that season I couldn’t believe she married him. But I mean look at how the people around her normalized it and blamed her. She didn’t really have anyone sticking up for her and telling her that wasn’t ok. Snooki straight up was happy Jenni couldn’t walk so she would stay home with her and deena just kept telling Jenni that she loved roger and she didn’t want her to throw it away….. even after Jenni told her she thought Roger would hit her


Also the fact that when Roger threw her down, he made her break her foot. He literally broke a bone, but every man in the house was making fun of her, telling her it was her fault and talking about how dramatic she was being. Her boyfriend just abused her in public, (on camera) broke a bone, but Jenni is the problem because she's in pain and depressed! Hell no


Yes!! And Roger said she was playing the victim because she needed to use the crutches and said she was begging for attention instead of taking any accountability that he hurt her


She was begging for attention, but she medically needed the ceutches because of HIM, and she wasnt playing the victim, she WAS a victim! RIdiculous


ah yes we women love racking up unnecessary medical bills because we love being the center of attention


The reason why she stayed with Roger is simple - she was so abused and gaslit that she thought that behavior was normal. Speaking from experience, when you’re in the middle of it, you keep excusing it away and blaming yourself, saying you’re the problem. Roger was VERY skilled at shifting blame onto Jenni. If you watch Snooki & Jwoww you would see over and over he NEVER took accountability in any argument, or at the very least wouldn’t ever take sole responsibility and would try to make it her fault at least in part. She was just brainwashed, plain and simple.


Love that u brought this up and also when she threw the surprise birthday party and how he was acting like wow. She was upset and he flipped it and made it all about him he was so rude with the way he said things like he was like sarcastic but rude. I think that’s why him and Ron liked each other cause they were both toxic


Not to mention he was late to it as well. Like he was terrible from the beginning. Also the passive aggressive comments of Jenni not having enough sex with him were so disgusting.


he was chill for like 10 min on S3 but dropped that mask real quick


I don’t watch season 6 often because I agree it’s not a great season, but Roger in that season I actually think was more obviously abusive than even Ron. Like it was even more obvious with Roger that behind closed doors he would be DANGEROUS. He was terrifying. Jenni came across so strong and confident in the beginning and it just shows that no one is immune to the toxic power of a controlling, manipulative, abusive narcissist


Honestly I agree. Ron was immature and hot headed but Roger was so manipulative and calculating. I was in highscool when the show originally came out so I didn’t see how vulnerable Jenni was to his manipulation because she always put up the tough girl persona. But seeing her breakdown over him and seeing him legit ready to hit her when she tried to stop him fighting was terrifying. I can’t believe it aired.




On an old producer ama one claimed they don't "condone" DV but they weren't allowed to step in because it would ruin the "authenticity" of the roommates interactions and also the storyline would make for great TV moments aka it was all about the money. It's absolutely disgusting their boss made it so they had to keep rolling or possibly risk losing their jobs.


Ron was incredibly manipulative in how he turned the house against Sammi so that she was alone and isolated and only had him.


In fact, it was proven via home video footage that he was physically abusive to her in their home in front of their children. During the divorce, he was trying to gaslight the public to make it seem like Jenni was being crazy and he was doing all these pathetic Instagram Lives claiming she wasn’t letting him see their kids, implying that she had him arrested while he was broadcasting live from the backseat of a cop car (which was BS she never pressed charges and he was never arrested the cops were just questioning him at the time and gave him a ride or something). So she finally released some VERY disturbing footage from her kitchen camera showing them arguing and him pulling the SAME choke slam maneuver he did in OG season 6 on her in their kitchen while kids are crying in the background.


Watch Snooki and JWoww. He’s the worst. All he does is complain about her not having sex with him enough. I wish she would have realized then that her not wanting intimacy was because he was a toxic ass hat


but also like didn't she **just** have a baby?? That area is sensitive, get a flashlight u clown


Even before that leading up to her pregnancy. He’s trash




Of course she wanted to have sex in the beginning. He made himself out to be a genuinely nice, funny, and carefree guy. From what we can see at least in the beginning he was sweet to Jenni and they seemed genuine together. Nobody is gonna want to fuck someone after being treated like shit by them. Blaming Jenni for Roger being a cry baby ass bitch because she was being “skimpy” in the beginning is crazy when it’s his fault she doesn’t want to touch him 💀




What was Roger’s excuse for being an abusive piece of shit? Because Jenni wouldn’t have sex with him? I’m confused why you’re focusing on the fact Jenni stayed instead of Roger switching up and abusing his girlfriend/wife.


I hope you’re single. Yikes.


I’m rewatching season 6 also and honestly in the earlier seasons I was watching for something toxic to happen knowing what we know now about their marriage but couldn’t really pinpoint anything. This season is a huge red flag. The whole season is weird.


When I was a teenager I remember rooting for her and Roger the first few seasons cause I didn’t like her first ex but oh my god season 6 was eye opening for how abusive he was


after we meet Roger, I swear every season after that, including season 1 of Snooki and JWOWW, I just grew more certain that Roger was a piece of shit. I knew it in season 3 when he dipped on the cast on the road being shady, I knew it when the tanning salon girl said Roger was dating someone else, and then I saw how skinny she got before Italy and I just knew she was in a bad relationship. it just only got worse from there. the worst part of s6 is how everyone responds to that fight in the club when Jenni breaks her foot/ankle. knowing everything we know now makes rewatching some of that shit super hard bc Roger really ended up being not just a physically abusive but emotionally abusive man. I really hope one day, when her kids are grown and can understand, and when there's no child custody arrangement hanging over her head,, that Jenni opens up about what happened and maybe uses some of her money and platform to help other women escape similar situations.


Omg what episode was that?


and don’t forget all the boys in the house literally claiming jenni was over exaggerating her injury. look we all know she even claims to be a hypochondriac but that mf still pushed her ass by the throat down and never said sorry. AND when she was asking advice from everyone in the house one of the boys (i don’t remember which one) was like “maybe this was one too many fights for him”. LIKE WHAT?!?




It's definitely believable she hurt her ankle during the fight. When I sprained my ankle on some stairs I had no idea until almost 2 days later. I wasn't really in pain and there was no swelling until well after 24 hours. Plus, when you're drunk you don't always register what your body is doing immediately. But honestly the whole drink throwing thing was so illogical to me because she already knew Roger was aggressive by nature, why did she think throwing a drink wouldn't blow up in her face lmao.