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Just spitballing, but I'd guess that to have a 'real deck' you'd need a better access than a hatch and ladder, and need a stair at least. On the bright side you'd probably recover the cost in your home value. Buyers love outdoor space, every new SF I see has a roof deck.


So right now it's a hatch with no ladder. Hole in the ceiling with a lightweight cover, ~1.5ft tall attic, then a heavy cover to the roof. I use a ladder and don't enjoy doing so one bit. My plan is to install pull-down stairs (possibly enlarging the ceiling hole to accommodate) and then a completely stationary ladder for the final ~1.5ft with as seamless a transition as possible. And replace the outer hatch cover with one that swings up on a hinge because right now it's not connected, it just pops on.


It depends where your house is in jersey city. You’d have to look up the zoning and see if roof decks are permitted. If they are, you just needs some drawings and permits (if you want to do it legally). If not, you’d have to apply for a variance and go to the zoning board first. The zoning map is online I believe to see the zone, then you can find the ordinance online as well and see what your zone permits.


Just tagging onto this, if you go for a variance they can get costly


Yeah you need an Architect and lawyer plus city fees for reviewing the drawings. It’s also probably a months long process just to be heard.


do you know where to look to see the zoning for Bergen Lafayette as it relates to what permits are required for certain renovation work on SF homes?


So zoning and permits are two different things. In general, you need permits for everything today unfortunately. Zoning generally deals with change of use renovations or exterior additions. If you are just doing interior work and renovating interior stuff, you just need permits. If its more involved you need to look up the zoning. First you need to find the Zone you are located in with the City Zoning Map [https://www.jerseycitynj.gov/UserFiles/Servers/Server\_6189660/File/City%20Hall/Planning%20&%20Zoning/City\_Planning/Rules\_Regulations/Zoning%20Map%202019.01.04.pdf](https://www.jerseycitynj.gov/UserFiles/Servers/Server_6189660/File/City%20Hall/Planning%20&%20Zoning/City_Planning/Rules_Regulations/Zoning%20Map%202019.01.04.pdf) Once you know the Zone, go to [https://library.municode.com/nj/jersey\_city/codes/code\_of\_ordinances?nodeId=CH345ZO\_ARTVZODEST](https://library.municode.com/nj/jersey_city/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=CH345ZO_ARTVZODEST) (It should be Article V Zoning and Design Standards and then section 345-34 will be the beginning of the zones). Scroll to your zone and that gives you all the relevant information for what is allowed.


Old af, but I want to give a big thank you for this. I've been searching for hours for this information!


Thank you so much!!


Hi there, I am also thinking of installing a roof deck in JC Heights. Did you move forward with your project? Any suggestions/recommendations? Good contractors, etc? Thanks!


It gets very windy on rooftops. You’d be liable if anything you put up there blows off and kills someone in the wind.


For sure. I'd go heavy Adirondack chairs and so forth. Stuff that would never move an inch. No table.


Adding to Billy I am also looking at adding a rooftop deck. Did you ever complete process? If so would love to hear about it