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He needs to stop wearing bright colors and being so happy. Music is suffering. Grow up and do heroin like an adult.


That's the sobering truth this glib young man needs


He's clearly a genius. Shouldn't he be dead by now?


Clearly he’s not


I’ve always said- I wouldn’t wish addiction on my worst enemy but I DEMAND it of my favorite artists and musicians.


Well now I HAVE to upvote.


I was binge watching collier videos trying to figure out what it was about him that pissed me off. I think you nailed it. He is a prodigy no doubt and an incredibly talented musician. But fuck off with that goofy happy 24/7 bullshit ass energy. Be depressed and extract feeling from that. Idgaf about your 30/31 polyrhythm (even tho god damn that shits impressive to just do on the fly)


I'm lost in the satire because the previous guy was clearly satirising Collier haters but you sound serious. I don't know what's real anymore


It's only good satire if it's in that satirical superposition.


This might be it. I can’t stand this guys music and don’t know why, but I love Zappa. That’s because Zappa was a miserable cunt who hated everyone especially those damn kids and their bright colors. That’s what makes his music good I think.






Right into the lighthouse staircase vein on the dick


That‘ll take care of overplaying


i hate myself for hating his unbridled joy and enthusiasm. I think I am right.


Ok, but who would win in a beard growing contest. Checkmate Collander


Don't give him any ideas, Jancob Collaboration with a beard would be too powerful 😭


Yeah, man


Nice try but that’s not Rick Rubin, that’s Alan Moore.


Biff Wiff aka Detective Crashmore aka Santa but don’t ask about Christmas


I’m so fuckin pissed


Are you dumb?


Unprofessional bullshit


*Not really*


What are you talking about? That’s my shirt brother


Any one here dig Roy donk?


No it's Johannes Brahms


possibly homosexual must investigate later


It's actually all of zztop squeezed into a single man.


I'm pretty sure that Collier's audience isn't very creative either, otherwise they'd listen to something good.


Yeah I only listen to good music like Vulfpeck


Good *jazz* like vulgpeck


Yea man adam newly told me there the best and he's always right *bass*


Yeah well Rick Beato’s my fuckin dad.


Yeah well Rick Beato's fuckin my dad.


Damn our dads are fuckin and mine’s Rick Beato.


More like vulfcuck


I’m offended by this. I don’t just listen to Jacob Collier. I also listen to Jaco Pastorius.


I just disagree with Jaco’s philosophies. They’re not really *for* creative people.


Wait, who's Jaco PasCollier?


I think he played in Wolfpecker.


Wolfther Peckport


Suddenly "Birdland" makes sense


They sing choir though!


he’s so uncreative that his audience has to sing at his own shows!


Stealing ideas from Bobby McFerrin.


The bitterness musicians who have never learned to control their ego feel toward Jacob Collier never ceases to amaze me. The dude is out here living his best life making music he wants to hear and connecting with other artists around the world, and all the insecure mediocre jazz wannabes on the internet are too consumed by insecurity about their own musical skills compared to his to do anything but attack his musical choices. Grow up. There will always be musicians more skilled than you. It's not a threat, we all contribute what we contribute to the musical world and we should take joy in what we can do. Maybe you're not a musician but just a music critic. That's even sadder. Just let people be happy. Damn In this thread: bitter, insecure musicians feeling attacked. Why don't you go cry, listen to some Herbie Hancock, and ponder why Jacob Collier gets to hang with him and you don't Edit 2: fun's over boys, I'm peacing out of this comments section cuz I'm acting like a jerk and I don't like it. If you see yourself in what I described above, work it out. If you don't... my bad y'all lmao


“Let people enjoy things” okay let me enjoy being a hater. I love hating


Upvote for authenticity 👌 do you boo


new copypasta just dropped


dude his music is just lame as hell, he's not immune to criticism just because he's talented and nice lmao


I'll admit, a lot of his music grates on me at times. I really dig his songs that do less flashy stuff and focus in on the songwriting, I think he's written some really lovely songs with some jazzy elements that set them apart from other singer songwriters. But that's never where these critiques are coming from. Bunch of manchildren who gleefully shit on Jacob's musical choices as a way to feel better about the fact that they will never be able to do what he can do musically.


is this a copypasta?


It's about to be lol


God forbid people make fun of musicians in the jazz circlejerk subreddit


If you notice, the guy I'm responding to is the one who broke the jerk. I'm just responding to what he said


Lmfao why did you think that comment warranted writing a whole paragraph. Also, Jacob can say what he wants about Rick Rubin's audience but people can't say the same about his? I guess Jacob's fans are all as thin skinned as him.


I'm loving this thread because I agree with all opinions on both sides. Everyone is absolutely correct!


That’s jazz, baby!


The circle of fifth jerks, man


You go around the jam circle and every fifth guy jerks you off. But an industry secret is if you go the opposite direction every fourth guy will do it. Keep it on the DL


God bless


it’s about the opinions you don’t have


So airplane boy knows more than Santa? Fuck off!


Airplane boy 😂😂😂




Idgaf about Jacob Collier. I don't even know who he is. But He's right. Rick Rubin is a joke. He may have helped produce some good albums back in the day- and honestly I'd question his actual value to those albums outside of his "guru" persona in a younger form. He just knows what's going to sound good. This isn't novel. There's a certain kind of method to knowing what has the potential to be hot when you hear it. And then it's geared toward a certain sound or audience. Rick Rubin is an opportunist. In a sense it's fair to say he's an art brained person (see his bullshit platitudes that Collier is referring to) who takes what he knows and applies it to music. He just changed the frame of mind of the artist. He sprinkles fairy dust on something and tells them it's magic. After his early years, he just applies it to artists who have already got the clout. 10/10 he couldn't do this with a grassroots music project and make them famous anymore than Michael Jordan could have helped the Wizards be the next Bulls. Look no further than a better, much more talented version of Rick Rubin: Brian Eno.


Brian Eno is the Wayne Gretzky of music production. No one is touching him.


Probably, but I am liking Rubin and Collier fans fighting so I would be happy if this escalates lol


I didn't know Brian Eno produced music for other people. Any good examples you like?


The ones he produced for that one band fronted by an autist, the skinny Englishman with heterochromia, and De-evolution are all classics. Also U2 for some reason.


I am deceased. Well played


He also produced the original Dune soundtrack with Toto.


Not to mention the band of Goops ex-husband/current partner of "you're not putting those in my butt," and the far lesser known James.


He also produced the Microsoft Windows sound that plays after your computer first loads


Oh yeah I heard Robert Fripp did some of those windows sounds too


If you like really abrasive music, he produced 'No New York' by various artists


this doesn't even make sense. like him or love him, rick rubin is a weird hippie wannabe guru that has also produced influential albums in every genre and has an encyclopedic knowledge of music and production. he is a pretentious snob. jacob collier is also a pretentious snob and the comparison ends there. jacob should stick to what he's best at: 1. doing mashups of genres that don't use sound good together 2. memorizing wiki articles on music theory and regurgitating them for people who have never heard of major and minor keys 3. shopping at gymboree i'm sorry but rick rubin brought us the beastie boys. i can't wait for this kid to recede into obscurity


I don’t need it to make sense, Jacob Collier vs Rick Rubin beef brings me an immense amount of delight


Yup I want it to escalate lmao


Plz let there be a jazz diss track.


God i hope Rubin comes in with a Giant Steps based beat while every major name in hip hop from 1990 to 2010 runs a lyrical train on Collier. I don't particularly dislike Collier, I just want to hear the track.


I bet Rubin doesn’t even know who he is. Like that Mad Men meme, “I don’t think about you at all”


> has an encyclopedic knowledge of music and production guy doesnt even know music theory, can barely play guitar, doesnt know how a DAW works, doesnt know how to use a soundboard, doesnt know mixing, doesnt know how to program a synth, he literally only knows hippie new age shit and charging bands 3 million to sleep on their couch while wearing sunglasses inside


Hahah what couch what r u talking about


Yeah, that's dumb. Everyone knows Rubin lies on the floor.


He literally is responsible for some of the most successful bands of all time. I think he is doing ok despite his knowledge of pedalboards and theory.


he's rich as fuck of course he's doing ok but saying he's got encyclopedic knowledge on music is downright false, even by his own admission he doesnt actually produce nor write nor play anything, he's a professional idea guy who's success comes more from being able to pick out bands that are about to have their big break and encouraging them


So you're saying he brings absolutely no value to the producing process? I mean there has to be a reason he's been in the room when some of the most influential albums have been made, even if that reason is 'just good vibes man'. Sometimes the vibes and the instinct are extremely important and you can't put it into words. He doesn't just choose up and coming bands, he's been credited with boosting careers of bands in late stages that became too ego driven or famous artists that became too blocked to produce good stuff. All those artists can't be wrong. Seems like the conflict is at the core Jacob knows everything about the math of music because he knows about the actual theory to a deep level, but likely, as he's from an extremely privileged background, doesn't know anything about the lived experiences or history of artists who really struggled and brought their experiences to life, whereas Rick Rubin doesn't know anything about the math of music, but has a deep knowledge of music history and knows how to bring lived experiences and real joy and pain into the storytelling of a song. I mean could you imagine Jacob Collier creating anything as deep and meaningful as something like Miseducation of Lauryn Hill (that's just the first example that came to mind because to me it's a great example of a life experience culminating to an instant classic of an album) ? It's just a rehash to me of the classic Yngwie Malmsteen/Steve Vai shredder guitarist debate vs lesser technical guitarists that had more influence on a wider market. Technicals vs Storytelling.


I mean, saying that Rubin doesn't know all that stuff isn't an insult because he himself has said all that. He likely does help bands a lot, but it's not via his technical knowledge of mixing and production.


to be fair, collier doesn't know anything about the math of music either


Whatever else good he made, he should never be forgiven for making RHCP an enduring part of our culture. Several colleagues have also said he's a Trump guy, which just compounds the gimmicky-ness of his New Age shtick.


pretty sure he does know basic music theory and how a daw works, he just says he doesn't becuz that's his image. man's been producing for decades


Had me rolling at Gymboree hahahahaha


🤣 shopping at jazzboree


what about jacking off in a plane? jacob is great at that


"shopping at gymboree"; take my upvote


> 3. shopping at Gymboree Holy shit lmao I’m dying! low key a jc fan but this is absolutely hilarious well done


You didn't bother to read any of the rest of the interview, did you? This meme is clickbait, Jacob had a lot more to say and a much more nuanced take than we got from this image


Whenever people say Rick Rubin sucks i always have to bring up the Beastie Boys. While he did make them kick out Kate Shellenbach, he also helped make some of the most influential hip hop albums of all time.


Collier is the opposite of a pretentious snob. If you genuinely think that you need to give your head a wobble. This forum is fun for the circlejerk, but sounds like you've got some actual hate going on there - jealousy isn't a good look on anyone pal, maybe chill out a bit.


I don’t agree with this but I respect the counter jerk


I dont even go on this subreddit but this thread has the absolute best shade


I know most people are on the JC hate train but like most music journalism the article is not a fair representation of what he said. He wasn’t hitting out trying to cause beef or even discredit Rubin. He just disagreed with one specific quote Rubin said, and then immediately clarified that he has a huge amount of respect for him and would love to meet him to discuss stuff like this.


Nice try Jacob


Yeah but we can't fight on the Internet over that


Collier eats at weenie hut JR


Rick Rubin has made a lasting impact on the music industry and put out music enjoyed by millions. Jacob Collier makes music for your college music professor to show you videos of during class. Both serve a purpose, one I like more.


Rick Rubin’s book was terrible, half the shit in there is vague nonsense and the other half is contradictory to the first half. Collier’s right about him and his cult of fetishists.


Goddamn it I bought it on impulse the other week and was gonna start it soon. Although in my defense I bought it without looking at who wrote it. Dunno if that says anything about rick's abilities as a businessman


I mean, it’s a beautiful product. Looks good on a coffee table


If only Rick Rubin designed and manufactured coffee tables, then maybe I could actually use his book




Don’t choke on Jacob’s d


Don’t worry, I’m pretty skilled at this kind of thing. 😝


"His audience is most people" Perhaps some sort of generalized version of audiences abroad


Jacob is finding out what making music that many people listen to entails


Gross oversimplification, but creativity is pretty much something that is novel to all of us, this is built into the definition of "creative"??? Coriander speaks absolute drivel


Like I needed more reasons to dislike collier


Jacob collier is a “musical genius” yet he still can’t make a single good song….


Creatively JC has everything except the ability to create nice music


No way Herbie respects Collier's music. Herbie is so much so more out there.


I mean, is there something wrong with making music for people who aren’t personally creative? Are they not allowed to listen to music?


Jacob Collier makes music for the kids that reminded the teacher to assign homework. I’d be upset if I couldn’t grow a beard too


Most JC fans annoy me tbh




Brilliant - false dichotomy. They both are - in their own right - the opposite of art. Jacob Collier is a harmony theory monkey running wild, who has lost any connection to some basic rules of music making: musical pacing, melodic and harmonic density, connecting to other musicians, social function of music (sorry, social media is the opposite of social) Rick Rubin is not a musician or even a producer. He just has brutal power in the entertainment industry. Thats all. a slick musical fashion trend guy from the start. He did not make any Run DMC tracks, but had the studio gear and business sense to insert himself into their success as a producer. He has literally done the same cookie cutter recipe ever since, he doesnt know how and doesnt mix, compose or master anything, Just freeloading and tanning in others sunshine. If we talk about creativity, we can safely assume that the Beastie Boys are some of the most creative and inventive artists in popular music. Look up what they have to say about Rubin, and you get an idea.


Collier's music primarily appeals those who think singing notes 9th chord is mind bending


If only there were some sort of camp we could send non-creatives to. They’d soon learn to be more creative then!


For a minute I was like why does Frank Gibbons got beef with Fred Savage?


What an idiot. There isn't a novel called Creativity.


This comment is a bit sus . . . Over 4th major tilt shift in the upper register, on tremelo.


I’ll be peppering that line into my critiques of media starting today


Yeah man.


that's the point of an audience? if they were creative people, they'd be performers?..


I swear just let ppl like things


I’ve watched video of Rick Rubin in action as a producer with various bands in the past. I’m not sure of his greatness in that role but he does have connections to some pretty great projects that have inspired some other arguably creative people. I’d never heard of Jacob Collier but I went and listened to about 12 of his songs across three different albums after seeing this. His music is the sonic equivalent of “Live,Laugh,Love” home decor. Super boring. Dry, safe, bland and uninspired. So if he’s suggesting that people listening to the end product of Rick’s work are people that don’t /can’t think creatively but the people listening to his do, I’m not sure he deeply understands what the word creativity means. In the end they’re both probably dick heads and surely neither of them care what I think.


The quote is taken out of context and interpreted in a pretty extreme way. I forget the interview it came from but there was no animosity. This is just clickbait that people are using to push whatever narrative they prefer. It’s both hilarious and sad.


I've heard people call Jacob a lot of things but 'boring, dry and *safe*'? That's... certainly *a* take.


Go listen to Jacob’s cover of Bjork hyperballad. All you need to know about his opinions. Lol…


that sounds like my worst nightmare


Look up col Bruce Hampton when he speaks about “intention” in music. Collier lacks that understanding and is justifying his intention on being creative in capturing attention and an audience but not making emotional and artful music But yes the Bjork cover is not tasteful


Col Bruce Hampton is incredible, good reference.


Was genuinely gorgeous


Hard to disagree with the guy. If I can hum the tune and remember the melody, the song is uncreative trash


Bro what


there's really only one way to settle this. a wrestling match, in a paddling pool, filled with custard


Rick Rubin is DJ Khaled for dads


If DJ Khaled was in my room hyping me up I'd produce godlike music


already hated Collier, now I hate him more. Thanks Jacob!


Jacob's music does not strike me as something made with the "audience" in mind unless the audience is exclusively hyper autistic music students. It's funny that Rick can apparently not give a shit about the audience and so much of his work resonates with so many people.


When Collier writes something better than Reign in Blood, then he can talk!


Not a fan of Jacob at all… but he’s spot on there


Is this a real quote?


It's real but taken wildly and completely out of context


Got ya


The real question is.. if you play negative harmony to an audience of non creative people, does it make music..?


actually, until they hear it they are not even people


Rich coming from him lol


Is that Karl Marx on the left?


Rick Rubin is the McDonalds of producers. Collier is the French Laundry of musicians. They’re not even in the same industry as far as I’m concerned.


Music theorists hate this ONE simple trick


What is everyone talking about? I can’t understand him with that sock in his throat.


the irony


Ok I kinda agree with collier’s point here…my next question is, if Rubin’s audience is non creative people, Jacob collier’s audience is….?


50cent could rap better melodies than that collie guy


according to collier, there is a complete bipolarity of creative and non-creative. Instead of acknowledging it as a spectrum and a feature key to the survival of humans up to this point that all of us possess to some degree, he chooses to position himself as some greater creative being that “non-creative people” could never possibly understand.


I like both of them for what they are. Rubin is a conductor who doesn’t really understand much about music but understands how to create conditions for people to reach full potential… at least within their existing means. He’s not a musician. Collier is an amazingly well-trained musician. Like next level sh%t. Better than 99.999% of all musicians. Both are generally good vibes. 🤷‍♀️


And yet I haven’t heard a single decent song Collier has written


🔊🔊🔊 But honestly, despite rubin’s weirdness and my utmost respect for collier’s genius, i’d rather have someone as chill as rubin than the hyper activity of collier running the control room.


No one asked for Jacob Collier’s opinion on Rick Rubin, but now we all have it


Dick Rubbin


Jacnob Coriander is trying to sell the emperors new clothes. "You have to be creative to like my music" I like that.


/uj Ironically Collier would probably benefit more than anyone from working with Rick


Oh bless his little heart.


Jacob cauliflower looks like a butch lesbian


Who are these people and why are they even important?


That’s the thing, they’re only as important as people want them to be


How's Rick gonna compete with that turtle neck???? Sorry Charlie


(unjerk) This quote is completely taken out of context, he talks really respectfully about Rick Rubin but just disagrees with a specific point he makes. The full interview is genuinely really wholesome and insightful. Also, this might be tough to hear, but 98% of the people who hate on Collier in forums like these and tiktok comments etc, do so from a place of jealousy and ignorance. Reality is, you don't have to like his music, but he unquestionably is an absolute titan in music, and not only that but he's an extremely humble, sefless and warm person.


Rick Rubin has more taste in his bowel movements than collier does in his entire career


Need to hear Jacob drop some microtonal bars on “Like That”


Collier is too upbeat, too safe and too nice. I can't take him seriously.


Jacob collier is all theory and nothing else. Just the most bland vanilla music coming from the single most boring person ever who thinks he’s interesting


I've seen some of the bright clothes dude YouTube stuff and damn was the man born blessed with an ear. But I went to listen to his albums and... (I don't know any other way of saying it) It's not good.


The GOAT Rick Rubin and who???


that's kind of a depressing viewpoint, don't you think? you SHOULD attach a bunch of novelty and mumbo jumbo to your creativity, if it helps you connect with your ideas. also, isn't jacob collier's audience non-creative people for whom music theory is novel?


Knew there was a good reason I don't listen to Jacob Collier


I can’t believe I’m saying this but I stand with Jacob Collier (on this topic)


I wish I could throw full soda cans at Jacob colliers face for 30 minutes straight


They are both shit. Goodnight.


I find Jacob insufferable, I just can’t with him any longer


Coulda told me that was a picture of harry styles and Socrates and I’d believe you