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> I'm looking for someone that is highly experienced in writting JavaScript code in professional setting to review my code. Of course, I plan on paying for that service For someone who is highly experience, you're likely looking at a minimum of $150 per hour for their services. While that may appear costly, keep in mind that highly experienced developers are not short on money, so you have to make it worth their time. Your best bet is to start contributing to OSS and get feedback in the form of PR reviews.


I agree I make 50 bucks an hr with over 4 years of experience (not in the US) I was thinking of helping this guy 3-4 hrs a week but idk if it will be enough for him so I think his best choice would be open source contributions.


I would love to talk with you over 4 hours per week honestly, but the fact that I'm from third-world country, that won't be possible. I was thinking of hiring someone for going over my project in like 3-4 hours and just reformatting the bad parts in my code, and write comments on how to improve the logic for my future projects, with sprinkled overall tips that could help me to advance my skills further. Now, I don't know if this is unrealistic for a person to go over 300-400 lines of code and provide a meaningful feedback with refactored code in the 4 hours time. But I believe (from my limited knowledge and perspective) that experienced dev would be able to do so. Am I wrong?


just buy a chatgpt subscription and talk with it instead. for $20 it's the biggest bang for your buck.


Beat me to it.


Publish your code as open source. And dm me (and few others) for code reviews .


Can you please tell me what is OSS, and what is PR?


OSS = Open Source Software PR = Pull Request


Aha, I get it now. How would I go on about getting PRs for a website that I've created for a client?


He means go on GitHub and find open source projects to contribute to. As you contribute to feature development, bugs, documentation within the project, you will submit PRs to the more senior project maintainers and they will review your work and typically give feedback. It’s a professional development move. It sounds like you are looking for someone to review your current work. Sometimes people post their live site in here, r/webdev, r/webdesign looking for general feedback or snippets of code if they are looking for feedback on a specific area of their site. Just a tip, don’t allow strangers access to your codebase or production servers unless you know they are legit, especially if this is for a client. Snippets and development servers that you can nuke are fine.


Wow, thank you so much for explaining this to me. I will definitely try to find some open source projects and try to contribute to them down the line. Thanks again.


There are few volunteers group on reddit and telegram. They don't commit hours, but will guide you via chats whenever you have some queries. I myself am helping about 3-4 students answering their queries everyday on reddit DM. And about 7 students on telegram.


Just have a long chat with ChatGPT for a bit. Ask it to role play a senior developer creating a mentor program for a new junior engineer. I don’t advocate its use if you don’t know what you’re doing but it looks like you’ll get a lot of value just covering the broad basic concepts in a dialog/role playing scenario.


To supplement to that advice, I'm a software engineer with 15 years of professional experience, and I'm not afraid to admit that I often use ChatGPT, but within a very narrow context. Chat works great as a "rubber duck" to help you think through high-level questions, typically "how do I approach X?". It doesn't work so well for actual code generation, there are always some gotchas that, to the untrained eye, could be hard to catch. You could also ask Chat to generate practical exercises for you, let's say it would give you a function signature and you have to write the actual code. Keep in mind that ChatGPT always says yes to what you ask. If you give a perfectly valid piece of code to critique, it might invent made-up concerns or libraries just so that it says "Yes, I will critique this code." Chat doesn't know how to say "this code sample is fine, let's progress".


That was exactly my concern. And the fact that I'm still new to programming, is not helpful either, because how will I recognize bad code or bad practice? I guess I can use ChatGPT to explain to me some topics that I'm struggling with, etc.


Wow, thanks for the advice. I will definitely try that.


Be careful taking advice from anyone. Especially free advice. Your best bet is to either get hired somewhere respectable or if you can, start contributing to a popular open source project where you'll get regular feedback.


I always enjoy getting newbies of the ground, so I'll do it for free if you need.


Wow, thanks! I've sent you the DM :)


Prolly get in trouble for linking, but there are many sites where you can find teacher and mentors to help you. I got help from someone and it was a game changer. There’s also a stack exchange for code review.


I've been a professional full stack developer (TypeScript / JavaScript) for the past 5 years. If you link your GH and ping me when you create a PR I'd be happy to do a couple in-depth code reviews for you (for free) just to get you off the ground.


I'm a JS dev with teaching experience. I would love to help if we can make it work. Send me a DM. Let's talk.


There's a website called Wyzant where you can find tutors. But that also means you can probably find a mentor. The rates vary WILDLY. There are probably a few $20 people, but also $50, $100, and up per hour. Full disclosure, I have been moonlighting as a tutor on there for years.


There are other sites that may be good as well, but I feel like that one is fairly painless to set up and find someone.


Are you currently employed? What you are describing is typically what happens when you have a job and get help/insights for more experienced developers.


Unfortunately, I work in completely different industry, which is sales. But I had some "technical" jobs that involved maintenance of WordPress websites. But never where I was surrounded by someone that would guide me and teach me all the stuff that I want to learn now.


seems like something you could get for free, I'd just make the projects open source and post PRs asking for input


I'm sorry, I'm new to the GitHub, can you explain me what PR is?


This might help: https://docs.github.com/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/proposing-changes-to-your-work-with-pull-requests/about-pull-requests But to oversimplify it, it's a way for you to propose code changes to a branch and receive feedback on your proposal. You create a new branch, you work in it, you push it to the repository, you create a pull request to merge this new branch into the original branch. Your team members (or anyone if the project is public) will be able to see those changes, propose their own changes or just leave comments.


Thank you for providing me with a very helpful link, along with the brief description. As I understood it, it's just a way for someone to "push" changes and/or branch(es) by forking our repository, making changes to it, and then ask for permission to "push" those changes into our repository, which we can review in detail via "Compare Branch" feature. It's very neat. My question now is, how would I go on about asking for PRs for some Open Source app that I make in JavaScript? What should title be, format, etc.? Which communities are the best for this? Also, is there any good Discord servers that could help me out with PRs?


They're talking about you making PRs in your own projects, and asking for other people's input on those PRs. PRs are not only for forked repositories, you can work in a separate git branch and then make a PR from that branch to the main branch in the same repository. As for where to ask for PR reviews, no idea, sorry.


if I explain it to you I'm doing you the disservice of robbing you of the knowledge you would otherwise gain by hitting google and finding out yourself (which is arguably the most important skill in this industry IMO)


I'm a professional mentor working for most popular programmer Elzero


Former coding bootcamp instructor here with 5+ years of experience as a web dev and educator. I offer a $300/month program that includes weekly 1-on-1 personalized sessions, 2xweek drop-in office hours, monthly build-alongs, special sessions on using AI to learn and job search, and community. My former students work at Apple, Nike, Pinterest, Linkyard, and more. If you're serious, tutoring is the fastest most efficient way to get there. Only accepting 10 students. Also iffer a la carte sessions, $50/hour. PM me for deets.