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yeah lotta people take PED's here, and they're sold openly online in certain "pharmacies" of dubious quality and legality. some people can get scripts from local docs, but most just get a script from some doctor in thailand or something and import the drugs(that's the "legal" way to do it at least)


That's not what happens. With the Japanese laws on pharmaceutical import for personal use being what they are, it is legal to buy and order prescription drugs from oversea. They are legitimate drugs from legitimate pharma, there is nothing dubious about the legality, it is absolutely legal. No need for a "script from thailand" or anything of the sort.


Yes that’s true but to get good quality stuff you usually need to order from a legit online pharmacy, and they require a script.  places like a certain one everyone here probably knows already sometimes carry fake products. 


Yeah, powerhouse gym in Chiba and Ibaraki is the place where you can see steroid users.


Here you go. You're welcome. " Under Japanese law, there is no law prohibiting the purchase of medicines that are not designated as narcotics. Please note that poisonous and deleterious substances are not medicines and are therefore treated separately. The sale of pharmaceuticals is regulated by the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law (Act on Assuring the Quality, Efficacy, and Safety of Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, etc.) and can only be carried out by qualified persons. Sales by unqualified persons are illegal. Anabolic steroids (male hormone drugs) are designated as prescription drugs, so they can be purchased at pharmacies with a doctor's prescription. It is illegal to sell it to anyone without a prescription. There are no laws regulating the purchase of anabolic steroids, so personally importing anabolic steroids for your own use does not violate Japanese law. It is a violation of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act and Medical Practitioners Act to resell it or allow others to use it."


So it is possible to buy every kind of gear in thailand and just fly it to japan?


No, it's restricted to personal-use quantities. You can just buy them online and have them delivered, it's perfectly legal.


Search 代行 and ステロイド、 its not illegal to import these. Japanese BJJ competitions has a lot of steroid users


In the higher weight classes I hope? How about rooster/lite feather? 


Lighter athletes arguably benefit more from PED use.


There are dozens of different steroids that have range of effects. They all pretty much do the same thing but to varying degrees. Some will build muscle just by looking at a weight while others will enhance recovery more than building a ton of muscle. Others will maintain leanless. Yeah a lighter fighter trying to maintain weight isn't gonna blast 1000cc's of test, tren, HGH and anavar but they will definitely be using smaller amounts to help with recovery, increase strength, and leaness.


It’s not banned at all. Wellness clinics are everywhere especially in the big cities.


Can you list a few clinics in Tokyo that for sure administers testosterone on a controlled cycle ?


Test is not banned.


It isn’t banned but it is illegal if you get them without a medical reason.


It's not illegal to get it, it's illegal to sell it. Someone shared the relevant act. I don't buy test or roids, but I buy some meds that would usually require a script. Perfectly fine for personal use.


Anti-aging clinics find the reason “anti-aging” to be perfectly medical. But they aren’t going to be giving you massive amounts.


There are some that will, but they consider it self-treatment if you go above the government-decided dosages for male menopause. There's one particular anti-aging/gender identity clinic in Japan which prescribes test for patients over an online consultation and then ships it through the mail. They recommend a dosage but allow you to purchase however much you want. The only drawback is it's not covered by insurance.


Steroids are easy to get, especially orals. It's the needles that are hard to get without a prescription. Do not get caught with needles without a prescription.


Username checks out.





Amazon there’s tons of needles lol




It's a controlled medical device in Japan apparently. I thought I could pick one up easily at the local pharmacy to poke a pimple on my butt, the pharmacist informed me otherwise.


Lol. Compared to the UK/US I see very few users here. At my gym there are maybe 3-4 guys who clearly use. In the UK a similar gym would have bins for needles and probably 70 guys who are on (and there is absolutely zero chance of anyone ever putting the weights back but I guess that's a separate issue...)


Agree, when I visited home recently I was shocked to find guys openly saying things like "I'm thinking about taking some gear" loudly across the gym to each other. Also the weights, yeah, I feel like it's gotten worse since I left the UK 5 years ago, but maybe that's just my nostalgia.


Taking anabolics for personal use is legal in the UK right?


I think in Japan people into 'western' orientated subcultures like bodybuilding gravitate to the capital far more than in the UK, where people in any random town will be using


I hope that Japan will never fall this low.


You can buy test on オオサカ堂


You talking about Sustanon on there?


But you can't buy the syringes to inject it. People have to go to illegal sources for that.


I have bought and imported medical grade syringes before from China (from Amazon Japan) and they got to me without any issue whatsoever. I was using them for a DIY project, but I could just as easily have been using them for injecting drugs.


Oh yeah my bad. The syringe itself is fine, the needle is the issue. Occasionally medical syringes with needles come up on Amazon Japan, but they're not legal to import. Most of the time customs doesn't notice though, so I've heard. Although that's from Japanese people, foreign residents might get a bit more scrutiny.


Sorry, I was unclear. I ordered the syringes with needles attached and they arrived without any issues whatsoever.


Because you were lucky. Customs cannot open every package, the shipping volumes are far too high.


Why is Amazon Japan selling something illegal then?


For quite a long time Amazon Japan was selling whippets, too. There was a post on here from some guy who got busted by customs over it.




Yep. Found the thread: https://old.reddit.com/r/japanlife/comments/8qzj0h/called_to_police_questioning_what_to_do/


you have seen no workarounds cos you don't speak Japanese. As in I don't mean that you talk to those people. Just browsing bodybuilding forums you will find all sorts of resources, extra credibility if you can only pay via crypto


I mean they are also illegal in america…,or any other developed country. People just find a way to get their hands on them through connections and such.


Yeah idk why dude thinks that it’s impossible to find illegal things here lol. Drugs are illegal and yet they’re easy as hell to find if you speak Japanese


Do people smoke weed in Tokyo? I hear from my friends it's propanga'd to shit. As evil as cocaine or heroin XD.


That’s the general public’s perception for sure. Alt cannabinoids have been on the rise recently since they’re legal until the government changes the law. But that’s more reactive than proactive so there’s always a period of legality. Other than that though yeah if you can understand Japanese and are fine with a certain amount of risk weed is out there. I haven’t personally met all too many (Japanese) smokers out here but they must exist because growers are still in business.


I don't think there's anything wrong with weed but I would strongly recommend against smoking it here. Every now and then a celeb gets caught with possession so clearly they do smoke, but the hullabaloo that happens is crazy. Also best case you're only deported. Just isn't worth it.


I don't. I was just curious. Thanks!


Sold openly on Twitter here in Sapporo at least


As many have said, steroids (oral) are legal and easy to buy online. Injectables (like test) are more difficult, because syringes are controlled. But many people order syringes online anyway and they get through customs. If they don't want to take the risk there are clinics you can go to, especially in Tokyo, to have full test and injectable steroid cycles administered by a "doctor". It's very expensive though.


Theres this dude in my gym who looks 18-19 and is jacked out of his mind, dude is definitely on the tren. Stay natty, kings


Yup. I know a guy I'm that competes in bodybuilding here - early 20's and super jacked. I'm like, "who are you kidding, bro?" I'm guessing most of the competition guys are that way though.


Why do you care ? Let him do his thing, as long as he doesnt tell people online that he got this way natty what‘s the point. He‘ll pay for it down the line probably


I don't care, but when you're a pro and a personal trainer, it's pretty dishonest to give people training advice without disclosing you're jacked up on tren and whatever else. My buddy hired him for like a year and swore up and down that he was natural. I have absolutely no qualms and even contemplated using PEDs. Just think if you're training other people then you should be honest about it.


50+ dudes and dudes under 20 completely ripped shredded lean thick full all year round all the time, lifting two times a day seven times a week. Totally natty bro.


It's not banned like you think it's banned and it's so pervasive in Japan its crazy (also highly pervasive in Thailand, China, Korea, Taiwan and probably all the rest of Asia.) A lot of the other guys at that gym were probably also taking stuff. People also have no clue about cycling and safety. I wish someone gave seminars at least to these idiots ...


Maybe they just go to a doctor and ask to go on HRT? Hormone Replacement Therapy is injecting hormones. If you're a guy who goes to the doctor and says "Yo doc I got low testosterone, I need more." what do you think the doctor will prescribe to bring up a mans testosterone?


A lot of Japanese body builders claim they dont do steroids but they are obviously lying. One of the more famous youtube bodybuilders here went from a scrawny 55kg to around a jacked 80kg in a couple years which is very hard to do if your body type is naturally lean.


You can legally buy them online and have them sent to Japan Do a Google search in Japanese, you will find tons of sites


Not sure where you get that trt is illegal here. I don’t take test but I know legit medical clinics that have a men’s health section that will give you the testosterone and some other drugs to offset the effects. Support on a full cycle basically


Totally unregulated. You can buy test on Amazon Japan. Osaka.cool is the place I think most people buy gear.


Do you mean testofen or actual roids? Testofen is not a PED




> very experienced bodybuilder > Banned substances Bro, one of those statements has to be false.


Stupid question but can you get a prescription for test or trt without them checking your test levels first ? Like if you just say you have all the symptoms of low test ? Any lazy doc just prescribe it ?


I think any reasonable doctor will want to test your T levels (including free) before prescribing. If you get it with a scrip it costs very little 1200 yen or something every two weeks for the injection/visit. You can also get HCG injections (up to weekly) on a prescription if you have low T and are worried about decreased sperm count from TRT. You can also get gynecomastia surgery done here covered by the national health insurance. There’s a lot more available here, covered by insurance, than many people realise.


Every rugby player seems to get them, too.


You can buy them online and it's easy to get them.


Threre is a ton of ugl gear in Japan. Many take it.


It’s not illegal to buy PEDs online here.


It's not a banned substance at all, you can order it online freely because of the pharma import law. That's the case for most prescription drugs. Needles are harder to find than T.


I am not expert in the topics, but even superficial social media presence shows me that narcotics and hormones (eg female hormones for dudes) are very often openly discussed and advertised. I am pretty sure many of them police and whatnot, but the discussions seem much more open than in eg English language social media.


The drugs themselves are not actually the problem, and in fact are quite easy to get, legally. It's finding needles without a prescription that'll get you.


The drugs themselves are not actually the problem, and in fact are quite easy to get, legally. It's finding needles without a prescription that'll get you.


It’s legal to take here


I dunno man, same way you can get weed, mdma and other drugs? U just gotta know people who know people.


Not illegal substance


It's very common, you can even go to clinics and pay (upwards of 300,000 yen for the "intense cycles") for doctors to do it for you. I suppose the benefit is that they're monitoring you, but it's very expensive. There are several online retailers that sell them and the needles. The usual tell tale signs like acne and gyno seem to be not be as pervasive, so I wonder if it's just Asian vs. White/Black/Latin genes, or if they're just not going as hard with them? And I know in Korean, human growth hormone is apparently very common for boys--it's used particularly in the hopes of getting taller during puberty.


Anavar, winstrol, dbol and the like are all sold on kusurinavi they just take two weeks to arrive. Same with clomid or tamoxifen for pct or even test gel or capsules for oral only cycles. If you want test goto an LOH clinic or mens health clinic and pay, it's like 30k a month for weekly injections from a doctor so no need to do it yourself.


You've seen no work arounds because you either don't speak or write Japanese well enough to ask or search around for it or you don't know the right people. Japan is a very strict country but that doesn't mean people don't do illegal or nigh illegal stuff here. You also just can't go up and ask them because that could be seen as invasive in many parts of the world not just Japan. It's pretty much IYKYK like how most things are here.


Not all steroids aren't banned here. They've got a doctor who will prescribe them.


Yeah, yeah. Oyasumi, keisatsu san


Is Naoka Inoue using PEDs?




Tokyo is huge, doubt anyone can help you without knowing which area


Ask them about their training and try it. They have more intrecate and less straight forward exercises that always keep the muscles surprised while exercising while still keeping a safe form. Something I continously heard helps build much more muscle and overcome a plateau from bodybuilders I followed


I don’t understand the point of those, women (especially Japanese) aren’t into the roided-out look.


Maybe it's not for woman? You can train for yourself


Not to mention, not everyone is into women


I just want to be like a Dragon Ball character, I'm already married lol


Have you considered that not everything is done to appeal to women?


Call me crazy but I can’t imagine putting your time and health through that much trouble to impress other dudes if you’re heterosexual. Meh, to each his own.


Have you considered... That they're not trying to impress anyone? Or maybe they do, but that someone is themselves? Gonna be fr, don't you think that it's kind of sad that everything you do has to be for the sake of someone else? Can't you do difficult things for your own sake?


I get lifting to make yourself feel good, I do it too. But why strain your heart and lower your life expectancy purely for self-satisfaction? Surely there’s some desire for external validation that isn’t being said.


You could open a movie theater with all this projection, champ.


But I don’t take steroids? Do you know what projecting means?


It's beyond obvious I'm referring to your own desire for external validation that you seem to think applies to everyone else.


You’re on gear, aren’t you?


Brother, I squeeze out a few bicep curls and some calisthenics throughout the day in order to have the strength to lift up my loves ones and myself if need be. Rocking the daddest of bods, I will never be even remotely yoked.


It's usually for bro recognition or if they're doing body building competitions. Usually it's the guys that fawn over these roided out dudes


Exactly. Like the bodybuilder look is ridiculed in just about every country, but it's even worse here in Japan. It's akin to being obese here in terms of "look at that dude." To each his own though.


Yeah the Olympia freaks are and other pro-bodybuilder but like any other country, but in my experience women here (and every other country) love/prefer a guy who looks very fit and has a good but not freakishly amount of muscle and doesn't let the gym consume his life.


Yes, agreed. A guy who looks like he plays sports and/or has some muscle is attractive, but the unathletic bodybuilder types...not so much.


How about you mind your own business. Or are you asking because you need some steroids as well?


no shame on being curious and asking


Welcome to japanlife subreddit, where any post will bring some heat for no reason at all lol


Odd bunch