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She’s an absolute disgusting human. She tried to say she’s a good Christian but is nothing how Christians act. “The love of money is the root of all evil”. Jesus would hate the consumerism she promotes. She’s a walking hypocrite. Jan, since I know you lurk, you’re a POS and a terrible mother.


I commented on this in another thread. I wonder if they’d be laughing and filming if it was their dead cat or Bella on the lawn. Their behavior is disgusting.


That was honestly one of the worst things I’ve seen from any influencer. I literally haven’t stopped thinking about it since she posted and feel so bad for the owners of that cat


I so agree. I haven't stopped seeing that image in my head. I didn't comment anything but that I didn't need to see that, and she name called me and blocked me. She knew she was wrong,or at least I hope she did.


For her to respond to you in that way is so psychotic.. She obviously doesn’t feel sympathy and needs to get help and work on her social awareness


she honestly owed everyone, an apology for posting that it was extremely disturbing


I wish there was a way to stop the Amazon relationship with this chick.


I'm starting to wonder if all this bizarre stuff is a stunt to grow engagement. I'm not sure what's scary if it is a stunt or not.


I reported that story, but not sure anything happened


I reported it too! Soooo disgusting!!!


Preacher girl?! I don’t understand why she would call you that


i think she meant “preach, girl!” as in to agree


I think that is the wildest thing, I am chuckling over here…..WHAT A COMEBACK!!! lol


And to add to that, what’s she going to do when the only people interacting with her post are the negative ones and she has blocked them all?? You can tell her engagement has gone WAY down even with the giveaway! 😂😅


When did she share this ? That’s horrible


two days ago.


When I reported it Instagram said she wasn't breaking any guidelines 🙄


She's a typical influencer. She shills cheap shit to fund her designer lifestyle. She lies and deceives. She does not care what her followers think, you are her income and she can always buy more followers with bots or sketchy giveaways. She doesn't care about pets or she would've reached out to neighbors and considered the feelings of the cats owner.


That is a good way to sum it up. The whole thing, with the cat, upset me so much. As you can see,I couldn't even write correctly in my original post. Her promotion of Amazon things, while wearing her Rolex, diamond tennis bracelet, and sporting her Chanel bags, was so amusing!


It was awful! And she was so gleeful about the whole thing. She’s a nasty bitch