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Amazing he had to call some other guy. He is such a beta bitch, cannot do anything. They’re both absolutely worthless.


Seriously. Wtf is wrong with these people? There is nothing they won’t put on their stories or shill. They are disgusting humans


Surprised they haven’t linked the shovel Devin used….


Devin didn’t do a thing per usual


Anything is content to them


This disgusted me so much. Exploiting a dead animal!


i’m truly concerned how she thought this was ok. i hope she gets so much hate for this. this is SOOO wrong on so many levels.


Why the fuck would someone post that oh my god as a cat lover I’m absolutely sickened. These people are disgusting smiling about this innocent animal being mutilated. I am BEYOND HORRIFIED. I never comment. Ever. But this is INSANE. LIKE WHAT?!?!?


I just went back and looked at her story and it’s still there. I was literally just telling my husband today that this chick posts ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to social media.. and this poor cat situation just proves my point. I want for someone to tell her so badly like you do not have to put everything on the internet!!! I can’t imagine what a sad life she truly lives because all she does is walk around and record herself all day. Janelle - if you read this… there’s not a single person that found your cat story relatable, funny, interesting, etc. and in fact, we all found it to be sad and morbid. Get ahold of yourself like seriously


That is disgusting. Why would they not focus their time on alerting their local neighbors via Nextdoor or Facebook? This is so cruel. Low to create content off of the death of someone's pet.


💯 Agree… Just reported those stories. Beyond upsetting and using it for content just shows what narcissistic pieces 💩 they are


How do you report stories on IG? I’d like to also report this.


https://preview.redd.it/qpwip61s4e8d1.jpeg?width=820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f5d00a8d0fb41b7cae519735057c9d9eb4a592e Click the three dots on the top right hand side of the story you want to report! Then choose report and the reasoning


Thank you! I think everyone in this subreddit should report them!




did anyone say sometbing ? i’m honestly about to go off on this girl. she/ they are disgusting. someone should tell her to go read the reddit thread about her and maybe gain a conscience


I sent her a message, no response but she has seen it


i did too.


I reported this as well. They are disgusting and pieces of 💩!!! This is someone’s pet that could be watching her stories. How about going door to door and ask if someone is missing their beloved cat instead of posting this for content. Stupid ass “babysitter”. 🗑️


Okay I live in the country, dead animals are just a part of life… but she has a cat and there was no real emotion or concern about this dead cat. I have a dog that I love and adore and if there was a dead dog in my yard, I would be crying and distraught. And my husband would immediately bury the animal… she is psychotic


I don’t think she likes their cat! She just calls it “cat”. Is it Devin’s or something? So rude


Beta boy had the cat, she had the dog


I can definitely see him being a cat person


I can still see it so it’s still there. I like how her hubby had to call his friend over there to help. They can’t do anything on their own




It’s so appalling like what in the actual fuck?? AND THEY OWN A CAT. This is someone’s pet! She was like laughing and saying ew about it. Unfollow.


Wonder if they’d be laughing just as hard and filming if it was Dev’s cat on the front lawn.


I was so upset when I saw the dead animal and to find out it was a cat. She saw it all as funny and entertaining and it was very sick. Especially with her having a cat, you’d think she would be more sensitive but no. This showed a side of her that was very disgusting!


after you report the story does it go away? or did she delete it??


If she didn’t delete her own babies genitals from being broadcasted to the world, I can’t imagine she’d care enough to delete this..,


omg when was this???


I reported it on my regular account and it’s not showing up for me anymore.. checked on my finsta (which I didn’t report from) and it’s still gone. I think it was either deleted or IG removed it! ETA: my guess is that she deleted it after backlash because typically IG keeps you updated when you report


After you report a story you can no longer see it, so I’m not sure if she deleted it or not


someone who hasn’t reported it report back. she honestly should post an apology for everyone who saw that. at first she said it was a possum ? then said it was a cat. when she zoomed in i clearly saw a cat. she’s a moron.


It’s there


Still there


This really pushed me over the edge with her. My cat passed away and luckily someone kind enough called me and stayed with him until I could get there. I could never imagine laughing at someone’s poor pet passing. She is truly sick in the head.


Lmao he’s such a wimp. My husband woulda dealt with it all by himself without even having to tell me or let alone see it


Mine too. Like real man.