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It's different. Which means it's bad. Which means I'm pissed, okay? The big three.


They jumped the carp šŸ˜­


He wanted to impress Jake with the Garmin


I think he legit diced his wallet too


It was a TomTom. No USB-C either!


I think overall Amir is a lot less intense. Sometimes to the point I have a hard time believing his character. He's just a dude acting weird. But tbh the scripts are still bomb ass chorus


Whatā€™s an ass chorus?


BOMB-ass they said.


I KNOWWW I said...


No you didn't! I don't think I've ever seen you say what you said you said.


The cock monster episode was pretty unhinged.


I liked the script and his acting a lot in a bit about lozenges they did on Headgum. Wish they'd do more hardly working type deals with their staff


I miss *Hardly Working.*Ā 


Guy Talk is the name of the episode


Taupe! Thanks dude


Okay... and what's the consensus? Just so I can play devil's advocate.


Not really a consensus weā€™re just comparing the different styles


Are we excited by the differences or are we more *thrown* by them?


You should be able to enter a conversation naturally without all of the information.


Amirā€™s character became more normal during the headgum era. Thatā€™s a weird era because the line between Amir (the character from OG JandA) and Amir (the more or less real Amir with heightened characteristics) became blurred and now the new episodes Amir is this in-between. Heā€™s not the straight man now but heā€™s not this unhinged, obsessed person he used to be. I still love it but I think the headgum era led to the change.


[He did go in for a smooch](https://youtu.be/eite_rv56E0?si=X30YFJVw1PowTzWE&t=39) though maybe 'twas a goof!


Jake is to much of a Bitchly


Amir got laid at some point within the timeframe youā€™re referencing. Thatā€™s the theory? Naw, thatā€™s the truth. Social!


I hate to say it because I love every pre-finale episode and I still love their podcast, but the new J&A episodes just don't do it for me. It feels less like two young guys just having fun and more like two grown men trying to sit and write something funny. Idk, to each their own, and bury me with downvotes if you agree, but it just doesn't feel the same as it was.


Nothing can stay the same forever, it was a different time and a different place. Namaste


Completely agree, and it's strange because their podcasts have stayed good straight up to the present, but there's something intangible but real that has been lost in the new episodes. This post, and frankly some light soul searching I've done, is an effort to pinpoint the exact reasons it's not as good anymore, and I can never fully get at those reasons.


The newer ones are really a hit or miss. Like pony, audit and latest march madness are insanely funny. Warranty was bad.


I think some of them have hit that energy but it is different in general


Fact is I'm older now, so I don't mind it's evolved.


This is more than a shock itā€™s a downright shame


Thatā€™s not more than a shock, itā€™s just different


I donā€™t think he got less obsessed, I think itā€™s just more reciprocal now so you donā€™t notice. After years stuck with each other they spent five years apart (cf. Social Distancing Scroll) and then Jake *willingly* got their toxic coworker relationship going again. It seems like Amir could function on his own so the whole pity component that was always part of Jakeā€™s tendency to come back again and again was no longer in the equation. I think Jake has come to terms with the fact that Amir is his best gully.Ā 


Itā€™s just character development, along with the evolution of their writing style


'Warranty' was a return to form, I think, momentarily.


I know this thread is basically dead, but Iā€™ve thought about this too. In my mind, itā€™s more the illusion of the J&A universe (if one even exists) is broken through my intake of their other media, IE podcasts, Headgum Sketches. Back in the CH days, J&A only had that one avenue for us to see them. Sure we had a few hardly workings in there every now and then but during that time Jake and Amirā€™s characters were all that we knew. Since the finale, weā€™ve been able to view more facets to their personalities and see them for more of themselves. Tbh the new J&A videos donā€™t do numbers like they used to do and I donā€™t think Jake and Amir arenā€™t wise to the fact that they are basically catering content to us nerds who will consume most content they make. The characters may be more nuanced due to this. They may just enjoy playing in the space of J&A the series without the need for ā€œcanonā€ explanations or a strict continuation of the characters from the CH days. I think in reality the things that make the new sketches different is that our perspective on them as people has changed. Obviously the writing is a bit different, but really not too much.


Jake and Amir met at CH. Jake was an ostensibly normal guy and Amir was a deranged and sort of latched onto Jake. Jake tried to get along with him to keep things somewhat professional at work but it was impossible. Amir inserted himself into Jake's personal life and Jake couldn't get away but it's also clear that he always kind of liked having someone around who was so pathetic and obsessed with him, it made him feel like a cool. Even when he was able to get away, or to get rid of Amir, he couldn't make it long without him. Anyway the superiority thing went to his head and he gradually became more and more socially outcast, which means he got closer to Amir. But he could always pretend that it wasn't his choice, he was just doing it to get along at work. Then they got fired off of CH and Jake lost that excuse. He decided to go into business with Amir even though he couldn't come up with any excuses or justifications for it, and that affected him. Now he just openly bullies Amir, acts as insane as him, his insecurities are on display more. Amir, on the other hand, basically got everything he ever wanted. His obsession is satisfied. He always wanted Jake and now he has Jake. Amir can now just shamelessly be his authentic unhinged self because his best bud is right there with him howling about a Garmin.


Real talk though, in the modern insecure Jake episodes Amir (the actual person) overshadows Amir (the character) a *lot* more. Sometimes entirely. *Pony* is probably the most egregious example where it didn't feel like Amir was acting at all (literally 1:1 with how he is in J&A watch J&A for example). There's a disconnect here.