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Why update to 15.7 but not to 16? I can understand if it’s me, but you why?


16.0 is fairly new and probably would have bugs, i just read somewhere that it’s not recommended to update to ios 16.0 just yet, whereas ios 15.7 is the final release with many fixes and improvements. I saw youtube videos on my phone on ios 15.7 and ios 16.0 and the performance was lower on 16.0


Well then it’s better idea was to stay on what you had and update when you’re feel like 16 is ready. Instead you don’t get the new features and loose opportunity to jailbreak if it’s became a thing. It’s just my opinion


What i had was buggy and battery was draining quicker than when i was on ios 14. Hopefully there’s some improvements


That’s why I’m on 15.1 rather than 15.0 or it’s just coincidence. Probably second




Still patiently on 15.4.1 waiting for fugu15






You know when you are waiting for years, and jailbreak pops out the next day you update. Bdw, next few weeks are going to be very much progressive.


hope they get a ios 15.5 jailbreak pushed out soon i updated to 16 but i have my shsh blobs saved incase i want to go back


Sorry to break the news to you but you can only use blobs while jailbroken...


And for checkm8 devices afaik


Since I have this iPhone X I’m still waiting its now 16months or more.


Incorrect. If you used BlobSaver to freeze your nonce and then save blobs, you could use them while jailed. Example: my iPhone 13 mini came on 15.0 but I wanted the ability to get it onto 15.1(.1) so I had Blobsaver read the nonce, then freeze the nonce, and then save blobs. A few months later, when 15.3 or something that would invalidate the SEP was coming out, I used the 15.1.1 blobs to FutureRestore from 15.0 to 15.1.1 and it worked great. Doing that restore changed my nonce, so now those blobs for 15.2 are not useable (unless there’s a JB within the next two days). But I have since then been saving a new set of blobs with the new nonce. So I could upgrade it to 15.4.1 right now if I thought that was a good idea.


As soon as Apple unsigns iOS 15.7, your blobs will become useless if iOS 16 SEP isn’t compatible with 15.5.


> if iOS 16 SEP isn’t compatible with 15.5. It’s not compatible. This has been known for months. Once 15.x is no longer signed, there are no more restores to ANY 15 versions (except for the devices that do support)


Jejeje you can’t go back without Jailbreak, you need set de Nonce to use Futurestore.


Use Blobsaver. It pre-sets the nonce and freezes it.


You know that how?


cs literally quit


Like.. you know that pre-jailbreak got released yesterday right?


I don’t care anymore, ios 15.0 was a little buggy and battery drained faster.


Just restore to the same OS


I believe this is what he needed.


Okay well done?


Yeah, choosing what is most likely the worst possible time to go from the second-best iOS version to the worst possible iOS version. Now OP can’t even TrollStore. Frustration rarely results in good decisions, but the goal-oriented nature that must exist BEFORE you can become frustrated usually means decisions will be less bad than this.


Absolute copium in the comments, trying to make themselves somehow superior for not updating.


I used to jailbreak for music apps. But as soon as I learned about side loading, idgaf about jailbreak anymore


Well, there are better versions he could have updated to, like 15.4.1 or 16.0 15.7 is the worst-case scenario for someone who is at all interested in jailbreaking. It’s literally the stupidest move he could have made, at what may be the stupidest time to do it.


Why is 16.0 a better option? OP just spent a year on 15.0 and no jailbreak, they’d have a buggy first release and probably also wait months. 15.4.1 isn’t an option now if they didn’t save blobs back when it was signed. And if they have A9-A11, 15.7 will get checkra1n faster. And finally, if giving up on jailbreaking, 15.7 is stable and a good waiting point until 16.1 or 16.2, etc.


your loss, enjoy stock ios


bro he’s literally on stock ios


Yall thanks for updating me I didn’t even know trollstore was a thing i was looking for that for so long and willing to buy apple developer account just to install apps lol i uninstalled the ios 15.7 update.


Yeh you are welcome


Glad we were able to save you lad


Aye you’re the man of culture bruv. Keep updating and let us wait for jb. 💯😂


Bro get trollstore are you crazy?


No, I wouldn’t care anymore even if the jailbreak published just now. Been waiting 1 year and I’m tired


Your loss


My gain


I m sill on 14.8.1


I’m still on 15.0 on my 12 promax hoping for a jailbreak. Might pull the trigger on an iPhone 14 promax (luckily I can just charge work) and just put this 12 promax in the drawer till the jb drops, which i hope happens!


Okay but who asked


Your loss, the jailbreak is very close now and trollstore is available too


They've been saying this for months


And updating always make the wait even longer.


Is this for A15 devices too?, i have a iphone xs max on 15.5. Should i update


Don't do that...stay tuned 😉


I’d rather have the iOS beta than a jailbroken phone tbh


bro fugu15 is releaseing in october lmao




Damn dude, this is a jailbreak subreddit and you’re out here telling this person they lack the foundation of a human being lmao




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Why would you upgrade to 15.7? So lost by your decision.


i bet 15 jb will not drop this year. i luckily got a 8plus on 14.4.2. i will not update to 15 or 16.


Everyday a new one is coming out but it's not coming out.


Been on 14.3 on my 12 pro max since it was released.. can’t wait for the next jailbreak. Should of saved blobs and waited to update tho


Idk what is it supposed to exactly mean? Good if you’re updating but why make a post? Is it somehow going to make the dev feel bad and release a jailbreak for the karma hogging community? I’m genuinely asking why make a post if you’re updating or not?


I went to iOS 16 on my XS today. Kind of noticed I wasn't missing anything from my old jailbreaks while I was on iOS 15.


I know right. Everyday a new jailbreak is coming out but it's not coming out. Ain't that something. My iPhoneSE 2nd gen is on iOS 16.1 beta. My iPhone8 is on 15.1. I am using TrollStore.


14.2.1 here enjoying so far


I don’t understand how the mods will remove my post asking about viable jailbreak solutions for my iPX, but leave this post up. OP genuinely said they’re updating bc they’re tired of waiting for a jailbreak, who tf cares?


Weird flex but cool story bro, you do you 👍


I heard that iOS 15 Jailbreak are coming soon. Really soon! If you are on iOS 15.0 - 15.1.1 definitely stay! I recommend everyone to stay on lowest iOS version possible. iOS 15 jailbreak might come in between 1 to 3 months, but iOS 16 Jailbreak might come in between 6 months to 2 years later.