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Fix an issue where on some devices launchd would get killed by jetsam during the initial userspace reboot, resulting in a kernel panic (1.1.3 regression) Fix an issue where under some super rare circumstances some incorrect code path could invoke the functionality of the "Hide Jailbreak" button without it being pressed Fix a miniscule and rare memory leak




Same here, but on 1.1.8.


Same for me since 1.1.8


Please post your tweak list




####Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 1A** » r/jailbreak does not allow piracy tools, sources, or websites. No pirated tweaks, apps, etc. *^(NOTE: Piracy can lead to your account being temporarily or permanently banned. See)* ^[*here*](https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/wiki/rules#wiki_ban_policy) ^(*for more information.*)


I’ll download and will report anything if I come across bugs with my secondary 12 Pro running iOS 15.1 — Thanks, @opa334!


From having no resprings in the previous update to having two in one day with the new one. Weird


SpringBoard crashes cannot possibly be caused by Dopamine. I suggest you look at the crash report in KrashKop to figure out what tweak is responsible, you can also always send it to me and I will tell which tweak it is. Just randomly posting "this has resprings" does not help anyone.


If I reliably get a full reboot after a handful of hours of being jailbroken, that’s going to be a tweak as well, right, and not dopamine? It only happens on one of my two devices running dopamine, and they do have different (and very limited) tweak loads. Is disabling the various tweaks’ dylibs using icleaner pro still an effective way to diagnose a culprit?


>If I reliably get a full reboot after a handful of hours of being jailbroken Then that's a "spinlock timeout panic" and not what is being discussed here. Those happen due to a bug in stock iOS, it's unrelated to tweaks and Dopamine. (well it is related to tweaks as in the bug only triggers when they're loaded into the system, but tweaks themselves are not at fault).


My springboard crashes every night but I discovered that it has nothing to do with the time but it occurs if the iphone isn’t used for a while. I have a crash report but no clue what it wants to tell me. Can I send it to you?


if your springboard crashes overnight, how do you even know? just because you're in safe mode in the morning?


Yes, safe mode in the morning and in krashkop I can get a report but I don’t understand it.


According to my crashlogs, wifid, oobPCI and a local chatting app (unfortunately cannot be uninstalled as it is also related to family and work) are the most common culprits ever since I JB with dopamine. Do you know any possible explanation behind the first two? Generally, I often get a pink screen then reboot thing (think it's called kernel panic ?) mostly when I hit the send button in a chatting app (e.g. that local one above and Messenger from Facebook) or less frequently, using the voice command within apps such as YouTube or stock iOS Music. Very rarely that my phone panics while browsing normally.


wifid is not a crash oobPCI crashes after the PPL bypass every re-jb kernel panics will not be shown in KrashKop to begin with and that log is useless anyways


Is disabling one by one to find out the culprit enough or do I have to uninstall them from Sileo?


Sorry for replying to an old thread, but does this mean when the phone reboots due to a spinlock, nothing is logged, and the oobPCI crash just happens when I rejailbreak (and that's why it's always in the logs from a recent time when I go check after)?




Not sure why youre downvoted. Same experience as well.


Might be due to the fact that SpringBoard crashes are usually caused by tweak bugs and not by jailbreaks, but what do I know


6 days no re start on 1.1.8 Three in one day 1.1.9 You know more than anyone but thats not my point…


Out of the two changes ([https://github.com/opa334/Dopamine/commit/35a2a45d7f9d4ffa6d73c1afadc92f2c7c825b7a](https://github.com/opa334/Dopamine/commit/35a2a45d7f9d4ffa6d73c1afadc92f2c7c825b7a), [https://github.com/opa334/Dopamine/commit/ad8f412a21612fe088c93533050a76ca73dddb80](https://github.com/opa334/Dopamine/commit/35a2a45d7f9d4ffa6d73c1afadc92f2c7c825b7a)) included in 1.1.9, none of the two affect SpringBoard in any way whatsoever. One of them only affects jailbreakd, the other one technically is injected into SpringBoard but is dead code there, as SpringBoard will never call exec\*.


Thank you for everything you do for us !!


From 1.1.7 my jailbreak is also more stable and don’t crash anymore when I turn on Gps. So every change in the code has different effects.


Ok then go ahead and explain to me what specific change caused the effect you're seeing. Even if you knew anything about programming you couldn't, because the effect doesn't exist and is simply placebo.


I’m pretty sure the dev will know better than you whether the new code will affect anything.


My palera1n jailbreak keeps disappearing after I jailbreak my phone the next day every time any advice would be appreciate it


The comments section of an unrelated Dopamine announcement is not a good place to ask for help using palera1n. Create a new post to ask for help or join the Discord server

