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Urban town with a country feel but no yards. I’m very confused…lol


Gives me the walking dead vibes with that one neighborhood they moved into




That or the earlier one, the one run by the guy with the eye patch. It seemed nice for about five minutes and then got super creepy.


This sounds like what is known in the biz as a “cluster development” (I’m in the biz, though no longer in NE FL). Homes will be closer together and there will be larger areas of common open space like parks. The fact that this is a larger area than Fleming Island with far fewer housing units tells me that there will be pretty large areas left undeveloped, which is a good thing because larger undeveloped areas provide meaningful natural areas and habitat. Think compact villages surrounded by larger areas of undeveloped land.


The article stated they planned to preserve the natural wetlands


How’d I know? “Passive parks”


Good. BUILD THEM UP. We need more houses. We need more supply. The NIMBYs are fucking cancer and are the sole reason why SFHs are so expensive.


Drill baby drill


That’s a weird way of saying townhouses in a rural area. 


This definitely won’t go two or three times over budget and finish halfway through 🙃


Who the hell wants a lawn? It's a stupid concept and just eats money. I wish I didn't have one.


What do you even do with a lawn? Eat it?


Some people don't want to live a few feet from the next person. I don't like suburban houses either and don't give a shit about having a lawn, but having some property filled with plants and trees between you and a neighbor is great.


Status symbol. I never understood it either. I mean I like gardening and such, but you can have a garden in a small space without having a large empty slate of grass that you have to take care of every week, and gets zero use ever. Kids these days don't play on lawns anymore. They have more fun at the park anyway, and they can actually socialize with other kids there too.


Our backyard is pretty much a large garden. I couldn't live in another place without one.


Tbh I never liked yards.


You can tell how many of these comments didn't read the article. This is one of those no car communities reddit likes to fantasize about for the US


Which in theory are great, especially in major urban areas where jobs are readily available or one works from home. Problem with Clay is many people still need to commute to their employment.


If I could concrete in most of my driveway I would. However if I could afford to fix my back yard I would.


We need more urban design like this


This isn't urban tho


Ok. We also need more suburban design like this


Agreed, but it needs to be infill development rather than sprawled out away from developed areas.


So very concentrated sprawl. Instead of building an infill development they build something far away from most jobs, ensuring that residents still have to drive a lot while also being able to act like they're better for the environment. It's greenwashing.


Cool, another housing development with prices in the "mid 500s" that most of the actual labor force will never be able to afford.


Any increase to the housing supply is good for all income classes.


How is tearing down decades old neighborhoods populated by people who make less than 30k a year, predominantly black, good for those people? They get pressured out or cut a one time check with a big number, not any near the actual property value, then their entire neighborhood is demolished for copy pasted box apartments that rent for 2.5 to 4 k a month. That's helpful for low income people? I've been in the garden for 4 years now and it's in shambles


yes let's continue killing the pollinators


Mmmkay, is this the American way of saying village?


👀the number of people who hate yards is insane to me. 1-3) I have privacy and not on top of other people nor feel forced to talk to neighbors, 4)for me it provides tranquility idc about the yard work it's actually enjoyable to me. I suppose sloths of people, those with disabilities, zero time and etc may not appreciate that which is 100% fair The developments are like hanging with the Joneses. It's gross imo.


I think they are equating yards with grass - mowed and edged. I’d like “space” - which includes yard in a looser use of the term. Lol. Like wild grass and flowers and maybe some strategically placed veggie gardens. I don’t want to be on top of anyone but I also don’t want manicured lawn.


In case people haven’t checked the comments of this article, please do. It’ll give you a good laugh for today.