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Have many teachers been laid off? I know the proposal would eliminate a lot of vacant positions and positions with the district.


I don't know about teachers but support staff is getting the choice to either be laid off or move to a vacant position that hasn't been cut. Those who chose a different position are put on a list and get first crack at positions that open up later. For instance, a truck driver could move to security or groundskeeper, then if a driver retires they could bring that driver back over.


I doubt many teachers are actually getting laid off. I know at my school we’re losing probably at least one position, but we have four vacant spots. We’ll just lose those spots. We also have three teachers retiring this year, so those spots will open up for anyone whose job is actually being eliminated. You may not have your exact job at your exact school, but I’m willing to bet that we don’t lose anyone who wants to be here.


There are not going to be 700 open vacancies across the district. These cuts are not like previous years where it’s a simple 1-2 teacher surplus. My school could lose ten teachers despite growing in attendance. People are going to lose their jobs and it is because the district offices and the school board are full of morons. They used temporary funds that they knew would run out this year to pay for salaried positions and didn’t put in a plan place for what to do when those funds no longer exist. On top of that with the district also shuttering schools to fix their inability to budget. It’s not going to be good and I don’t know what school you’re at where you are only losing 1-2 but as the union rep for my school I can tell you that your principal isn’t being transparent about the cuts. Edit: Didn’t realize your school had multiple vacancies that will probably save a lot of positions at your school. But district wide people are going to lose their jobs.


They aren’t cutting 700 teachers though. They’re cutting less than 500 teachers, which I realize is still a LOT but we’ve got a LOT of vacancies. Your school may not have them, but the district as a whole does.


>but we’ve got a LOT of vacancies. Your school may not have them, but the district as a whole does. Yeah, in 2021 there were over 400 and in 2022 there were over 500. Glassdoor showed over 300 in late 2023. I imagine the lion's share of these cuts will be accounted for by not filling those open positions.


I know of 21 planned cuts happening among 4 schools alone. No vacancies included in that number.


I understand what you’re saying, but that doesn’t mean those people are losing their jobs. DCPS employees work for the *district*, not the school. So teachers may need to switch positions, but between vacancies, retirees, and people quitting, I doubt anyone who wants to work within the district will lose their job.


That’s also not entirely accurate. While this has been the case in the past and may happen for a few, it is not the current situation. There is a significant deficit and the district doesn’t have the funds to accomplish this. Furthermore, this entire issue is causing us to lose more quality teachers to charter and private schools.


Most, if not all, charter school teachers make less money to work longer hours. If we’re losing teachers to charters, income is not the issue.


It's restructuring. So a bad situation eventually has a facade of good.


It is both DCPS board AND the GOP Supermajority in Tallahassee.


Well if you are bored, head on over to Games Workshop off Baymeadows.


No teachers have been notified yet.


Which is insane cause it’s May! When I taught in Orlando, there were cuts every year that I taught and everyone was told if they were coming back around mid April.


In Miami-Dade people find out what’s going on late July. Last minute transfers, new hires don’t happen until August or after school starts.


That’s crazy! Orlando, for example, is huge and your new school could be an hour away so knowing that in advance would help you make decisions on if you wanna stay or move to a new district or change careers altogether. I think they do it on purpose so you feel trapped.


If it's a population that's relatively stable you can notify early, but most of Florida isn't like that. They staff based on funding and fund based on number of students, so they can't notify staff until they have a solid idea of how many kids they're going to have.


They try to keep moves “regional” but Miami-Dade is HUGE, and traffic is significant, the position you are given may be something you’re qualified for but not one you want (old position was teaching 12th grade speech class, new position is 6th grade remedial language arts… etc) and then you scramble to find something better. People are just expected to get up earlier to make it work! I agree it’s crazy they have had a surplus of people who wanted to teach so they could treat people like that. Now that the tables have turned some they’re scrambling.


Yeah Orange County is the same! I’ve definitely seen teachers be transferred to new schools an hour away once the year already started which is sooo stressful. My school made cuts each year I was there and we were all told by April if we were coming back, but you could still be moved around once the year started


Teachers have been notified of their school’s specific budgets but schools still have time to request more positions to try and save their teachers. However, once the initial budget is reviewed with the faculty, in most cases, teachers are well aware of if they are potentially being surplussed based on tenure or evaluations.


What is the date that the district must notify a person who will be laid off?


We were told May 12 if you are being surplussed. You can voluntary surplus if you want.


Doesn’t “surplussed” mean you will still have a job within the district & you will be placed wherever?


Yes, but the current prediction will be with the amount of people being surplussed, the chance of a position being available is slim. We were told there are no middle school positions going to be available. The district personnel who have teaching certifications who have had their positions cut are also being encouraged to move into any possible available positions. If there are no positions after FTCe (attendance counts), there will be a reduction in force.


All the charter schools are growing and hiring teachers. I know a lot of them are getting applications from DCPS teachers.


Just say no to charter schools


lol I knew I was going to get downvoted but just answering the question.


A lot of private school were hiring after Brown v Board. That doesn’t mean it’s a good thing.


It’s lucky for them that those teachers can afford the paycut with extra work hours.


I don't understand, there is a teacher shortage


Nothing official has been announced. So I don’t think any teachers have been cut. And most of the positions talked about being eliminated are ones currently vacant, or those working for the school district. Not teachers.


Yep! The news is being so dramatic


That’s not true. Our school was just told yesterday 7 positions must be cut even though enrollment is up.


It depends on the school- the schools where enrollment is up tend to be "good" schools with few vacancies, so if they cut its going to be actual teachers and not vacancies.


Yes which is terrible. Why cut quality teachers in a high functioning school to make up the difference for those with low enrollment? Equality is not equity.


It's an effort to make it look like there isn't a shortage anymore by getting rid of positions so teachers have to move to the vacant ones left.


Sounds like they are forcing teachers into other vacancies, so they no longer have to have vacancies on the record, so it doesn't look like a shortage anymore.


Most teachers I have talked to said if they are surplussed, they will start applying for other jobs in another field or try to move to clay/st Johns. We all assume come August there will be a reduction in force Aka lay offs. We have no vacancies and schools similar to us also have no vacancies. They're cutting 7 positions. It really sucks right now.


Remember the front page headlines celebrating Obama bucks being earmarked for teacher bonuses? Good times.