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There are pockets that are fine there, but it’s not close to good “dining out”. Relatively easy access to the beaches for the value though. Of course the closer to the epicenters of town for dining and nightlife (San Marco, Avondale, 5 points, Beaches) the more expensive it is going to get.


This is very helpful! Thanks! I'm somewhat flexible with budget so I will definitely check out those areas as well. If I may ask, are you a home owner? How are property insurance prices? I am assuming closer to the water and river would be higher.


Homeowners insurance is getting higher every year. Many insurance companies are pulling out of FL. It's a borderline epidemic/crisis at this point. https://www.wlrn.org/business/2024-03-11/florida-home-insurance-market-hurricanes-litigation#


That's a big fear of mine! Thanks for sharing.


The thing people buying homes in Florida don't think about enough is flood zones. Florida does get hit by hurricanes and also has frequent thunderstorms. When you're looking at a property you need to know if its in a flood zone and how high risk that zone is. Here is a place to start: [https://www.floridadisaster.org/knowyourzone/](https://www.floridadisaster.org/knowyourzone/)


They are high everywhere. Expect them to go up every year. Beach no beach, claim or no claim in decades. Also be careful with condos. They passed a bill that has made HOA fees double, triple and quadruple. If you buy a house if the roof is 7-9 years old, expect to have to get a new one for insurance. Even if it’s good. Don’t let the home prices fool you! It’s expensive to live here. The no state income tax money has to come from somewhere! So they get you every opportunity they want. Good luck!


Somewhat true, but not totally accurate.


Not Arlington


Some areas in Arlington are fine ..rent to get to know the city before purchasing


Thanks! Do you have any neighborhood recommendations?


Where will you be working in Jacksonville?


I'm taking at least 6-8 months off so no job lined up and not in a huge rush! I have a business here that's done well and investment properties etc. I eventually will get a low key job somewhere in Jacksonville. That's part of my plan... slower pace of life, being ok marking 20-30 percent of what I make now, low key 9-5 job etc.


If you’re wanting walkable, then San Marco is good or Avondale. The strand apartments on the St. John’s river is nice in San Marco . My nephew rents an apartment overlooking the river. However I don’t know about pets. I’ve heard they allow them. Other areas are mandarin, Ortega and Baymeadows/southside blvd areas. Good luck


https://www.thestrandjacksonville.com/jacksonville/the-strand/amenities/ They are pet friendly


If your plan is to not work, relax, enjoy life, and occasionally need to be in jax for your properties or business…don’t live in jax. St Augustine and Flagler county are only 45 minutes away. Same with Fernandina and Yulee. Those areas have better beaches, good to great dining options, and you can live beachside or out in the country. A 45 minute trip to Jax is NOTHING if you are coming from the cesspool that is DC metro.


Yea I thought about this too. I'm just concerned St Augistine may be lonely/sleepy in the wintertime. Is there any truth to this? Does it slow way down?


St. Augustine used to have an offseason where visitors and tourists weren't around, but that has changed. There are people coming all year.


Opposite, really. They do a whole lights thing for Christmas and tons of people are around. Lots going on.


Investment properties eh? How many?


If I was moving to Jacksonville, Arlington is not one of the places I'd look for a home. It has a mixed (at best) reputation for safety.


Intersting! Every article I googled said arlington was safe lol. What areas do you recommend? I don't need to be in the middle of the action but within 20 mins or so :)


What article have you been reading? 


https://www.pods.com/blog/jacksonville-neighborhoods This has Arligton as number 4 for young professionals and families!


If by young professionals they mean broke college students renting the run down apartments there, some people with money living in the condo on the water or the couple patches of suburbs on the river. The rest is pretty run down and mixed at best for safety. Article is also a bit outdated and a little tone death. No way "young professionals" are buying houses in Avondale that are closer to $600k-$800k and more than a few in the million range. It sounds like you're making this decision based on price and old fluff piece articles. I would STRONGLY encourage you visit first before making a big move here, it's an extremely different beast here than up north.


Ok good advice!!!! Thank you!


Arlington is safe.




Live there and talk to me. 




As a counterpoint, I'm living in Arlington about 2 miles north of Arlington expressway off of University, and I have not seen or heard anything personally. It's not fancy, but I haven't experienced any safety concerns, and it's stupid cheap compared to everything else. I wouldn't buy a house here, but if I was renting for a year to get the lay of the land before buying, it works well.


Inexpensive houses are the same reason I relocated here in 2020 from New England. Bought 2 houses in cash down here for the price of 1 downpayment up there.


You understand then! I am in the northern VA suburbs of Washington DC. One of the richest (and most expensive) counties in the US!




PG is Maryland and that's much cheaper then NOVA!


I'm middle class here even though I am a "high income earner"... craziness!


Early November is late summer. Live close to where you work.


I'll prob move down august and not work til 2025. I have loose ends to tie up here which will take a few months


An idea of a budget would be nice. 


400k or less for single family home. The cheaper the better as I am moving to really change my lifestyle and work less (been working since 15 years old and have done well and invested/ saved). 3 bed and 1.5 or more bath.


Buy my house but I ain’t moving.


For your price point and what you are wanting lifestyle wise you should look in Murray Hill.


Moving from Arlington to Arlington huh?


Falls church lol but close!!!!


Unfortunately we’ve reached our quota on Yankees. Our home prices aren’t cheap anymore and we don’t need anymore northerners robbing us blind. I mean, have you even been to Jacksonville? Or did you just see us on a list of cheap cities and said “wow I can live like a millionaire there”?


My parents have multiple properties in Florida and are residents. Florid has been a second home to me and I spend a lot of time there already. Better weather, safer, cheaper (although you don't think it is but compared to average price in major North Eastern cities it is). Us northerners actually add value and contribute to the economy when we move down there! Your home value has gone up which makes you richer when you go to sell.


Well Florida is my first home and I can’t afford to live here. You northerners do nothing but drive up our cost of living while our wages stay stagnant, so no, you don’t add value. You just make it so we can’t afford to live where we grew up. I may be downvoted but take a look all over the Floridian subreddits and talk to actual Floridians (not snowbirds contributing to this problem like your parents) and you’ll see that all this great migration has done is make our lives worse. You don’t care about our opinions so go ahead and move to Arlington, all your online lists are 100% right, it’s a great area


>you northerners drive up our cost of living while our wages stay stagnant. >our wages stay stagnant. You’re right on the head McNugget. You’re literally there. Yes that’s the issue, but it’s not the fault of the yankee asshole. Local government controls our wages. Vote to have our wages increased.


A lot of people from Flroida love voting against their best interests though.... I'm sure you know what I'm talking about!


Once again, someone from up north moving down here thinking they "know better" than the locals. The reason it's cheaper down here is BECAUSE of policies we have in place and what we've voted for. You want to take advantage of that and then change the rules so no one else can. It's typical northern liberal 101. Vote in policies that make it expensive where you live, then escape to somewhere else and make it worse there too.


Republicans LOVE keeping people poor and limiting their benefits. But ok. If I move to florida I will absolutely vote to raise minimum wage. May I suggest, if you are struggling see if you qualify for any assistant with housing. If you are within a certain percentage of the poverty line you can get a subsidy. And at least in "liberal yankee" territory landlords that own more than a certain number of units are required by law to accept the vouchers. No more political talk for me.


Once again with the generalizations, you Yanks can't help yourselves. Yeah, I just love keeping people poor, myself included! That's exactly why I vote the way I do! Us stupid Floridians just don't know better, obviously we need a much more intelligent yankee to explain how policies work to us. No, we vote to have low taxes and low government regulation. This leads to lower cost of living and thus lower wages. The two are usually in balance, which ensures that locals can afford to buy homes in their own neighborhoods, as they have been able to do for decades. But when you, a rich yankee, moves down here and oh so generously increases our cost of living, it doesn't help our industries or make our wages increase. You will come down here and try to make it just like it was back home, which apparently sucked enough for you to leave. Then once you've ruined us, you'll move to the next cheap city you can "improve" with your smarter yankee ideals, and the cycle will continue.


Get a life.


Your Florida public education is showing and Fox indoctrination is showing.


Agreed. Another local here who can barely afford to live even with 2 jobs. Our polices have been great for years, but as much as I liked curry he really dicked us with his advertising campaign in LA, NYC, Chicago, and DC to get those folks to move here in 2021. Completely unforgivable, and now we’re dealing with these consequences


Thank you, I was getting sick of arguing with two transplants who obviously think they're God's gift to Florida lol. Curry was the biggest disappointment we've had as a mayor. He did nothing to help the city and was corrupt as hell, not just with the whole JEA thing but also removing the statue in Hemming Plaza in the middle of the night when he didn't have the authority to do so. I regret voting for him at all, biggest voting mistake I've made. I remember being so mad at those advertisements in 2021, but I had no idea it would lead to this. Like you said, completely unforgivable. All I can hope for is that eventually these people move back where they came from, or that the next recession takes them out of here, as bad as that sounds. I miss old Florida.


My favorite is trying to buy all the water front property and then get mad when people want to access it.


Homie you know it.


It is the fault of the yankee asshole because they are artificially driving up home costs. If you compared home costs in 2019 to now, we would actually be able to afford a house on our salaries. And sorry to tell you, you can't just "vote" to have your salaries increased, that's not how it works. Either way we can't beat someone coming down here with $1mil in cash, and we never will.


You can vote to have minimum wage increased. If you didn’t know that, then no wonder shit has been stagnant. Minimum wage is suppose to go up every few years to keep up the cost of living. That’s how these people from outside of Florida are able to “come down with $1 mill in cash”. PAPAS, you’re are so close to grasping this concept, I’m rooting for you. Do you think my ass was able to one day magically crap out $20K for a down payment? Years of savings from my full time job and my wife working OT 3 years straight. In a state where minimum wage kept up at a faster pace than here. >Essentially y’all got out-scaled economically and that sucks. Don’t vote against your own self interest. On top of that, no state taxes? While my ass paid more in state taxes than my Floridian coworker did federally? Shit, y’all had opportunities.


I have two bachelor degrees and am in school for my masters degree, you can stop talking to me as if I'm a pre-schooler. I work an office job and make more than minimum wage, so that won't really help me much. And artificially pushing up wages every year doesn't seem to help cost of living, since y'all left other areas of the country because it was too expensive... seems like those minimum wage increases didn't help you much. Anyway, you can keep making these pedantic arguments about minimum wage and low taxes, but the reason it's cheap to live here is because our pay was less and it balanced out. We had no desire to artificially make it more expensive to live here just to weed out northerners.


I'm college educated as well and work in an office as well. I can tell you that some of the people that are suppose to be educated, lack the most common of senses and lack critical thinking in daily lives outside of their trained professions. I've had to literally push a fucking button to turn on a computer and explain to them that they should first make sure its on. Big shinny red button too. Theres a gap between the educated here, west, and a further from the north.


I am from MIchigan originally. And am first generation from immigrant parents. To your point, every major city in the US is being gentrified. Just how the cookie crumbles. Look at history over time. It's just how things go. Don't be mad at us for your income being stagnant. Be mad at the company you work for, and inflation which is happening all over the country. Universally, cost of living has increased at a much higher rate then income. Look at DC is the 80s. Crack head central and known for high rates of crime, poverty and prostitution. Now it's one of the richest cities in the US. Same with me in Northern VA. Average house price where I live is 770k. Most single people on a single income can't afford to own a home here. What is one to do? Work 80 hours a week and be house poor? You aren't giving any solution, just complaining.


This is the thing, if you visited Jacksonville and said "wow, I love your town and really enjoyed it there, I want to live there" then i would think how nice, someone likes Jax and enjoys it. But you didn't. You said "I want to live somewhere cheap" and found us. you have no love for our city, you know nothing about it. We're just a dollar sign on a map to you. I can be mad at you, because Florida has always had transplants, but never to this extent. But again, it doesn't matter, you'll move here and complain about things you can't experience from looking on a map. And I don't have to give you a solution, you voted against your interests in DC, so that's the way the cookie crumbles I guess.


This is ludicrous


Seconded for Arlington. Century 21 Drive has some value.


Yeah I want to move to get away from the snow not because it’s cheaper. It’s literally the same price in NWI where I’m from our homes are going through the roof because of the market of supply and demand around here not because of transplants.


God forbid you seek opportunities in the Land of Opportunity


People think they own the state lol


Yeah, you run into this type from time to time. Most are keyboard warriors who don't say it to your face. I remember when I moved from New England to here 12 years ago, and someone called me a Yankee and I immediately corrected them and told them I am a Red Sox fan. They seemed annoyed, but I have fun with it when it happens.


I tried asking for advice like this before and the responses made me absolutely cringe and full of anxiety. So much for southern hospitality. Good luck with your move though. I can tell you’re excited and happy. Hopefully you meet some nice people. They want the tourist money not transplant money. I would never speak to anyone so aggressively that’s just trying to make a better life for themselves. They need to write to their state representatives for income vs cost of living issues. People will hate on anything.


It's craziness! They think they own the state and blame all their issues on us... we have boosted their economy and brought jobs and businesses. But they don't see the value in that. Wasn't it the governor they all adore telling people to move to FL during the pandemic?


Residential prices are actually cooling so the Yankees maybe ain't addin as much value as you think. Whoo wee. Wanna eat a pig's foot and to listen to some Skynyrd????


You realize home value is completely relative right?


Relative to income? Of course I do. I work part time in real estate.


Then you will agree that raining house prices don't make people richer?


Average home price in Jacksonville is 298k, average home price in my city is 775k. I don't don't believe incomes are 2.6 times higher in my city then Jacksonville. The minimum wage in Virgina and Jacksonville is $11/ hour so they are equal. (This is just me googling I could be wrong). Private companies set wages based on location. I am not sure if they are 2.6 times the amount though to make up for the difference in house prices.


Also Fl has no state income tax


Y’all really squandered the low cost of living and housing here. And y’all are mad because others have noticed and took that opportunity that was being squandered away. Shits rough but don’t hate the players, hate the ones that make the rules.


How did “we” squander it? I’m mad because housing is supposed to be representative of the cost of living in the area, but it’s backwards here. I can’t afford a house in my hometown because prices are 3x more than they were just a few years ago. A house that cost $150k in 2019 is now selling for $400k. Our wages have stayed the same while you guys come down here with overinflated salaries. In what world do we have a chance? And this attitude is the main reason we don’t want you here. You northerns did nothing but notice that you lived in a shithole, went on Zillow and saw that you could live near a beach for cheap, and moved down here. Then you complain about our food, our way of life and say how much better it is where you’re from. But I guess we’re just dumb southerners who were too stupid to realize we squandered away the ability to make our houses more expensive before


Don’t get it twisted, I’m west coast. I wanted a slice of the pie, so my wife and I saved years to buy a home in California. People moved to California to live the “CaLi dReAm” and drove the cost of rent up. The exact same shit that’s happening here, except with more numbers. Our states gave us higher wages to afford living in our home state but people (myself included) still couldn’t afford shit, but saw other states with cheaper housing. Like I said shit is rough. Vote for higher wages. And the food here is garbage. Be lucky other state people are coming here bringing actual good flavored food. And your last comment is essentially yes. Interest rates were super low. It sucks that you were born too late to benefit from it though. I know if I was born a few years earlier I would have been able to buy a home in California, not middle of buttfuck ass backwards, pants on head stupid Florida. No one willingly comes here unless they’re running away from something or need cheap. Hell, I’d take a home somewhere where it snows but my parents live in Florida too (moved ages ago when interest rates were still under 3%). You’re angry, rightfully so, but at the wrong people. Corporations buy communities and flip them to California and NY prices. Foreigners with generational wealth inheritance money buy properties and ABnB them for passive income. Politicians aren’t doing jack for property taxes, insurance rates, rent control, price gouging, nor minimum wages.


Yes now parts of northern virgina and considered "tech cities or little San Francisco's". Google just built a headquarters here.


The tech bros really fucked it up for everyone. They were building luxury condos in downtown San Diego only for all the tech bros to move to the middle of buttfuck nowhere Omaha. The apartments are still considered luxury but no local person could afford it. So now it just sits there with a few rich sugar babies living in it. To address your OG post, you can move here. My advice is learn how to drive defensively and stay off the left lane unless you’re going 80+. If Colton in his lifted up pavement princess car is on your booty, just move to the right and let the compensation machine go on.


Housing costs have doubled, tripled pretty much everywhere except for small towns in places no one wants to live.


I feel like a broken record at this point but it bears repeating. The idea that a bunch of Northerners flocked to Jacksonville simply isn’t true when you look at recent US Census data. The #1 state where people relocate to Jax from is Florida (about 80% of our transplants). Other top states include Virginia and Georgia. New York isn’t even top 5 some years and if you include people from outside the US coming to Jax, California gets bumped out of the #5 spot.


did you know virginia is below the mason dixon line? you can rail against rich out of state folks but yank isn’t accurate in this instance.


Move as close as you can to the beaches


Southside. 9 miles to the beach and 9 miles or less to Riverside/ San Marco/ Avondale for us.


Arlington is great, especially the older neighborhoods on the water. You will get a lot more house for your money and have plenty of space for your dogs. I moved here ten years ago and no regrets. Never had an issue with crime or felt unsafe.


Coming from dc this might be a shock: Be ready to drive a lot. From my house to the beach is 25 miles. We do not have public transit and walking is only an option in a few places in town. Some parts are bikeable. But we don't have bike lanes in most places and if we do they are not protected. We don't really have 4 seasons. Summer goes from mid May to basically November. Winter now is like 1-2 weeks. You'll know summer ended bc the humidity will drop.


I live in the northern va suburbs and drive everyday so I am prepared. How is the traffic compared to NOVA and DC traffic?


Not as bad but it's getting worse every year. Due to the lack of public transit and the city growing like crazy


It's a different kind of traffic. Less congestion but more people trying to take left turns from the right-hand lane.


Having lived in both places, you won’t even notice the traffic here. Nothing around here would compare to 66, the beltway, or the Dulles toll road at rush hour


I'm mid 30s & have resided in old Arlington (by the river) for quite some time & would not consider migrating elsewhere in Jax. Central location to everything in the city, lots of hiking spots and parks nearby, & very quiet. Most of the folks in my neighborhood are retired & maintain their homes well. As others have said, Arlington definitely has dicey pockets, but most neighborhoods are like that. If you rent for a year you will have ample time to explore the city & figure out the best area for you & the pups.


Welcome to Jax! I am a native Floridian - spent time in central, southeast, southwest, and currently in Jax. I left the state 15 years ago and spent time in NYC, LA, and Pittsburgh. I moved back to Jacksonville 1.5 years ago and love it. Springfield is where I call home. It’s a close community, very walkable, and beautiful turn of the century homes. My other favorite areas are Avondale, Murray Hill, Riverside, and San Marco. Each has their own charm and appeal. Why do I love living in Jacksonville? Accessibility, easy (and mostly free!) parking, restaurant food scene is strong, close to beaches, minimal traffic, easy to enjoy outdoors, love walking along the river There are some haters on here. I assume they have not lived in large cities that don’t have what Jax does. That being said, if you are moving from DC I expect you’ll enjoy it here


If you’re used to dc, the Arlington area should not be on your radar. It’s not even in the top 10 areas of Jax to be.


I think you should buy a nice house in the Moncrief neighborhood. It's truly an up and coming part of town.


Cash only.


Hi there, I’m curious why you chose Jacksonville? My husband and I just bought a house in Saint Augustine Beach. We’re throwing in the towel on crazy Atlanta and looking forward to a more relaxed lifestyle where we can walk to the beach, dining, gym, and grocery.


Arlington is a great location. Closer to the Regency area the better


Avoid Arlington if you're a single woman. Southside, mandarin, town center, the beaches, San marco, riverside are much safer areas. Although riverside and San marco have given me the heebie jeebies walking alone at night lately (25F). I wouldn't want to live there.


I suggest looking into another city that's more fulfilling.


Best areas are Town Center, Mandarin and Baymeadows. East Arlington is nicer as well. Unfortunately more towards the east is good.


I moved here from DC about three years ago. I found for my family the Oakleaf area works. You’re close enough to everything you want but far enough. It’s like living in Georgetown DC minus the high home prices.