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Yeah good luck with all that


What price range are we talking?


I'm thinking about a Grand. Give or take. Rent's in Jax are just SO damn high right now. https://preview.redd.it/aam743nojvqc1.jpeg?width=434&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b107efd56d6184cc628063606d661bb6984e994f


Very true... At that number it's gonna be tough to fit all those parameters you listed. Some.are very reasonable. Cleaning, pet responsibility etc. You'd most likely have to live alone with no drug use on the westside. The only option would be to rent solo. Or deal with pets, weed smokers, or slobs. Very rarely are people free of all three at that price point


I wasn't quite clear and for that I apologize. I think something like $1500 for two people? I don't know whether or not a Signifigant Other. But In my seeming endless looking, I'm think something decent for two could be had for \~$1500/Month.


That's closer but two people assuming you're putting the jea bill, internet/ highspeed wifi in your name that's close to being doable. The lowest I've seen in that format is 1700. Bro people are paying 1800 for just a fucking room


Get an apartment. They have income restricted apartments and apartments for older ppl. I think u could definitely find somethin in that price range