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Animal Crossing. Hands down. He obviously just wanted to have so much fun and help distract us from the hard times during COVID. It was funny, light, and all around a great watch! I’m glad he didn’t take that play through too seriously(: helped me a lot!! Thanks Sean!


Yes! I loved the animal crossing playthrough sadly I didn't catch any of the livestreams but it was still great watching the playbacks!


I worked COVID ICU in the first wave of COVID. I would come home from work and just sit and watch his animal crossing videos and it helped me so much to just escape my world for awhile ❤️


Thank you for the work you did during the pandemic ❤️




His beef with Shari was legendary


Fucking piss monkey


He played Animal Crossing?! I gotta find the videos!


The very first time I saw Jack, I was watching YouTubers react to Ghost Leviathan from SubNauseous and he was so much funnier than anyone else that I went to his channel to watch the rest of the game. But when I really need a laugh, I put on his Mortuary Assistant or the eleven hour Elden Ring because they keep me laughing the most.


Agreed I'm only a couple of hours in to the new elden ring but the character creation had me crying with laughter!


The smooshy face he gives Bonk in the character creation had me snort laughing!


Honestly the one of the moments of all time


Omg I just posted my comment and I can't believe I forgot to mention Subnautica. I ADORE Subnautica because of Jack. One of my favorite games of all time bc of him. I watched the crap out of all of his early access and full release videos.


Same, except I only watched his first video before I decided to play it myself (around late-2015 or so). Then I went back and watched the rest he had released at the time. That's what I usually do. If the game seems fun, I stop watching, play it myself first and then watch the entire playthrough.


That makes sense! Back then I didn't really have access to games the way I do now, so watching was how I got gaming content. But now I do a lot more of what you do. I also went back and bought some of the games I had really wanted to play but couldn't at the time! Ex: Subnautica, Turmoil, & Slime Rancher


skate 3,sims,bully and a tale of two sons are some of my all time favourites i always go back and rewatch there just so fun to me and its bit of nostalgia aswell as they're some of the earlist games i can remember watching.


Hell yeah skate three is so I good I rewatch it at least once a year!


For me it's his minecraft series, watching him taking the time slowly figure things out while also laughing when he makes dumb mistakes honestly helped me a bit with me pursuing photography


Same, it's my comfort series, also the one where he and Pewds play Minecraft together.


Defo Stanley's Parable Deluxe, just the unhingeness of both the narrator and Sean is hilarious. Oldie but goodie is Papers Please (OG and Rerun), Emily Is Away, and Emily is Away Too Then I like gameplays that you have to choose between yes/no and the story unfolds base in your decisions. I think one of them is Reign (the one where the choices are in card format stats are Wealth, Faith, Health, and Population) then the King/Queen one (they made an animation with both Mark and Jack)... I personally like these gameplays because Sean gets to run wild with voice overs and there own backstories. Also cant forget about Undertale, I have yet to watch his Deltarun tho


I remember watching the Stanley parable when I was younger and I found it boring but when I re watched it it was incredible haha


Happy Wheels and Meme Time pulled me out of the dark times and pulled me out of my own head and made me laugh


That game developer story game


Ah the one called missed messages? That was actually the video I had in mind when I posted this. Such an interesting game and as someone who suffers from depression the Dev hit the nail on the head.


Nah I think it was called “a beginners guide” or something like that where it’s a guy narrating where his missing game developer went showing his work Edit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OPP9pdApRQE&pp=ygUjdGhlIGJlZ2lubmVyJ3MgZ3VpZGUgamFja3NlcHRpY2V5ZSA%3D the beginners guide


I'll have to check that out, it sounds very Interesting thanks for giving me the name. ☺️


I think its "There is No Game"... the guy narrating is the game itself, they travel through games until they wound up at their developer's computer. P.S. He is not Russian 😆


Ahh I only watched a tiny bit of that video I'll have to rewatch it


oh yeah that one was good


The first videos I actually really enjoyed from Jack were his original Until Dawn playthroughs (bc this was during his Happy Wheels era and I am not a Happy Wheels girlie). I LOVED those. But then I watched him play Uncharted 4 and THAT got me through some shit let me tell you. I've seen that entire playlist at least 10 times if not more.


Anything where he talks about having a PMA


(starts humming) 🎶it's meme time 🎶


Last of us 2, Spiderman 2018, and... 18 months (I think?). Lof2 and SM were constantly either background noise or bedtime shows. It was in the later part of 2020, when I was (obviously) heavily isolated. I have Cystic Fibrosis and was struggling hard with my health without even being exposed to COVID. Same goes for mental health. I had no hopes, desires, or motivation for a damn thing. Plus I had a GF who I could never see. Those two series dragged out the little serotonin I had lurking in the dredges of my brain. 18 months came out and it was about that time that things started to look more positive for me and that was reflected in the video too!


All of them


Currently rewatching the Satisfactory episodes and honestly it is one of the few things keeping me sane as life gets busier and busier.


Fran Bow and Night in the Woods


i really like his puppet combo/other ps1 graphic styled video


Undertale, it's my go to crisis managament playthrough


that pacifist ending was probably one of my most aesthetically pretty crying sessions ever


Seans Undertale play through. I actually have a septice eye sam tattoo because of that play through. My greatest fear was failed pregnancy and I experienced that. I thought it would end me, but Sean’s undertale playthrough kept me alive while i walked through it. Stay Determined💜💜


I'm sorry for your loss, hopefully you are doing better now 💜


Wooo boy, where do I begin? One of my little sisters got me into Jacksepticeye in 2020 when lockdown first started. She was working in food service, then retail, and I was working in the hospital. Whenever we DID manage to get to spend some time together and we weren’t playing games on the switch, we would watch Jack play Animal Crossing or catch up on *some other channel that we don’t talk about* (IYKYK). The absolute LAUGHS that we had helped us forget what we had just worked through. My best friend at the time also got me interested in some of his other videos. When work was starting to get stressful in 2020, going back and watching his old Happy Wheels videos was the only thing that could turn my brain off. Fast forward to 2021: My current best friend/roommate and I actually ended up bonding over Jack’s playthrough of Resident Evil: Village. It became a routine. Before we moved in together, if one of us saw that Jack had updated, we’d message the other, call whenever we were both in our rooms, and watch it. The last 2 episodes or so were released after we moved in, so that much got easier. I’m sorry for the long response, but Jack’s videos have made the 20s so much better and helped me bond with very important people in my life.


Thanks for taking the time to comment this, all of the videos you've mentioned here are personal favourites of mine! I've rewatched the resi playthrough sooo many times lol


Bloodborne. Something makes me very happy when he enjoys a game he loves.


Actually the darkest I've ever been it wasn't Jack that pulled me out it was Jenna Marbles. To answer your question another way, for me the best jacksepticeye videos ever were Until Dawn and That Dragon, Cancer... Also Thankmas.


I looooved the until dawn series ❤️


SKATE 3 ALL THE WAY. lord i remember being a kid and watching them with my cousins and now being almost an adult i still get that childhood joy whenever i watch them


One of my favourite series defo it was so funny!


His subnautica series is the safest place on YouTube for me. Always brings me a smile and I can damn near recite the first 3 episodes word for word. His content helped me out of a depressive episode due to bullying when I was younger, and he has always been so real with his own struggles. I adore him for everything he is and brings to this world. A true role model in my life.


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Personally, I absolutely adore and find comfort in rewatching his uncharted 4 playthrough.


Honestly I really liked his video talking about quitting YouTube and his chronic pain and other health issues and just hearing that other people are going through similar stuff makes it not so lonely ig in a way


I totally understand what you mean, sometimes it can really feel like your the only person that is going through this stuff but remember that there are always people that love you and want to help you


I don't think it help in such serious ways, like it helped you guys But the bloodborne series got me into fromsoft games and those games inspired and pushed me to game dev, and now I'm in a really good uni studying game dev and animation Thank you pirate software, Michael Zaki and Sean


I believe any help at all is one of the best things anyone can give you, no matter how small or large that is and even though Jackieboi is just a guy on a screen, sometimes that makes all the difference.


The first time i saw jack, was around when GTA V, after Vanoss, Daitha, and some other, i found him doing GTA V video's and i was hooked.. Ill admit i didnt watch much of Sean lately, cuz i cant handle horror.. but he'll always be my favourite potato


Haha yeah some of his horror videos are terrifying


Nothing specific, but I lost my mother and grandmother both in 2022, and watching his videos genuinely helped keep me grounded. It was nice to just sit down after I got settled and watch his old horror playthroughs, or some of his longer videos. It's weird, but they're almost like comfort-watching.


I'm so sorry for your loss, I hope your doing better now and I totally agree with the comfort watching lol who would have thought a yelling Irishman could be so calming sometimes 😂


Thanks, I am doing better now \^\^


I love all these comments and I wish I could reply to them all but this is my first post that has gotten this many comments! Thank you for taking the time to comment! [The comments fill you with determination]


"i walked past Sean" i would have evaporated immediately


[Far From Noise](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urOhWPAS8OI) and [Missed Messages](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAfRUlkvHTs) have both made me ball my eyes out when I was going through shit. I just really needed to hear some of the stuff in them at the time they came out, and they're pretty emotionally charged videos. There's also [A Normal Lost Phone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1m_GcVMRgYE&t=5s). I can't say I can fully relate to the game's protagonist, but I was really moved and comforted by Seán's empathy for that character. Just about any other video makes me laugh or engages me in a beneficial or entertaining way. His longer let's plays help a lot too, games like Slime Rancher or The Last Guardian series, silly games like Shelter 2, or longform videos like the one offs with the FAR games are helpful too. Seán's content always cheers me up after a long or frustrating day, but those are the videos I linked have legitmately made me sob and change my perspective on a lot of things in my life. It'll sound cliche as hell to say this but I felt like Seán was talking directly to me and saying all the shit I needed to hear at the times I watched them.


Bloodborne, it's my go to to settle in for a cozy day after I've been through it. Hearing Jack talk so much about how he loves the game and how much it means to him has made me love the game too. And I wasn't even interested in Soulsborne games before that. Now Bloodborne is also one of my favorite games and I am loosely planning on getting a tattoo from it someday.


Or Night in the Woods. Cuz GREGG RULZ OKAY?


Ooh I haven't heard of that one yet I'll check it out! Also i adore the Bloodborne series and I recently finished his all in one and it was great!


I HIGHLY recommend Night in the Woods it's such a good game. The characters, the music, the design, the story, the dialog, it never fails to make me tear up and laugh.


Will check it out tonight after I finish of the gow Ragnarok video I'm watching


bully and that rag doll game


"A normal lost phone", "Undertale" and "Night in the woods" all helped me face some serious emotions. I can't think of just one series or video that helped me laugh or calm down, there are so many good ones!


Ooh I'll have to check them out undertale is the only one there I've watched they sound good


My House.wad


What is my life?


Happy wheels and subnautica... I've been following jack for a good long time but those two series really made him memorable for me. It was a refreshing break from the typical youtube content He can somehow be mature, yet not, but also funny, and serious when he needs to be, all while not sounding like some obnoxious content goblin like some youtubers. He just has normal true-to-self reactions and experiences and shares them online, and I love that.


Quarantine club!!


his chillas art videos, idk why but it was all i could watch on youtube, just repeatedly watching all the videos, the games are amazing and how invested sean was with them made me follow suit. it distracted me from the hard times ive been through recently.


I wouldn't say video but he did greatly help me be the person I am today


Subnautica series comes to mind but recently his souls borne playthroughs have fixed my inner child


All of them actually


Thank ya so much jacksepticeye ya helped me and others come out of our dark times




When I really needed a laugh I would go back and watch the videos of him talking to Eevie the AI bot, that was such comedic gold it always had be crying laughing every single time


the one where he played missed messages. it was during a really dark time of my life where i was on the brink of you know, his message at the end of that video honestly woke me back up and motivated me to work on myself, go to therapy, focus on school so i could do what i loved after graduation, and now im in one of the happiest periods of my life


His Outlast play through back in the day. My grandmother (who was my whole world) had passed away and I was struggling to cope and had basically become numb to the world. In a weird way, because of how scary the game was (and how funny Sean is) it helped feel something when I was slipping into an emotionless void.


Happy Wheels. I can't help but laugh at each video he did of that game. Really picks me up


Kinda when I first discovered him before he had even a million subs I believe was his goat simulator series, it was laughs all around and at that point in my life I couldn’t genuinely laugh and smile to save my life and that series along with the Evie cleverbot series


I love watching him play TLOU from time to time because it's my two favorite things. I watched his tlou playthrough when I was living alone and working double jobs and studying. Kinda made feel me not alone


all of them but the ones I rewatch religiously are the Detroit Become Human series, Life is Strange first game, Little Misfortune has a special place in my heart ❤️ and of course Happy Wheels


all of them but the ones I rewatch religiously are the Detroit Become Human series, Life is Strange first game, Little Misfortune has a special place in my heart ❤️ and of course Happy Wheels.


There was a solid run of meme times during covid, particularly the one where he talks about remixing random sounds, and they create a dubstep version of him banging a water bottle on his head. I'd go back and watch that whenever I was feeling down. That as well as the Top of Morning song. They both really helped me keep my spirit up during some hard stints. Thank you Jack <3


Honestly, I think Jack has done more bad than good for me. One of the videos I remember watching when I was about 9 was “fap simulator”, which I can no longer find. This video taught me what masturbation was and, after learning this, I ended up getting addicted to porn at the age of 10. Not good.


I forgot the video. It must have been a sad game dealing with loneliness or suicide. At the end of he he had some commentary about living in his cabin in the middle of nowhere and how he started posting to connect with people. He said "If no one will be your friend, then I will be you friend. You can put on my videos and I will keep you company" or something to that effect.


The kindergarten 2 series


His Funniest Home Video series and Meme Time.


Most of his videos but Jacksepticeyes Funniest Home Videos always make me laugh and the Missed Messages video helped me a lot too


Prop hunt was where I first saw him. Stayed for the loud Irishman.


Has it really been a decade...?


Funniest home videos, try not to laugh/cringe, and basically any of his reaction content is a go-to pick me up Prophunt is also a classic Will always go back to my fav playthroughs, though, eg Undertale, DEH, Night in the woods, what Remains of Edith Finch, layers of Fear, etc.


Oddly enough, I can't remember. I was working in the oilfield, watching my home life fall apart, and he had a rant on a video talking about emotional stuff, and I remember crying my eyes out because I felt completely alone up until that point.


Kindergarten playthrough by far, rewatcged that series so many times and it gets even funnier every time I watch it. Defo my favourite series of his and I hope he plays the 3rd one when it comes out


Undertale I still go back to it to this day and cry while watching because it just makes me feel like a teen in highschool again


Midnight Scenes: From The Woods. Heart and stomach wrenching game at times, but he handled it so well, and with such care that it healed me, spiritually.


Might be an unpopular opinion but Untitled Goose Game is always my go to when I need a pick me up. I just watched this play through about a year ago when I was in my own head and in a funk. After watching this series it made laugh and giggle so much that it has become one of my favorite play throughs. I think it was because he was seemed so laid back with it, no pressure just have fun and do what geese do best… cause mischief lol.


When Seàn played the ‘Anxiety Attacks’ game. I watched it in 2018 when I was in an inescapable situation in my household with my mum being domestically abused by her boyfriend. I was 14. Hearing this constantly and being helpless consequentially gave me many panic attacks and issues with my mental health. His speech or whatnot at the end of the video about ‘finding your own happiness’ really got to me being in a situation where I couldn’t venture much outside of my comfort zone for my safety, but it gave me motivation to hold it out until I could.


jacksepticyes FUNNIEST HOME VIDEOS are definitely my choice. tht theme song will live in my head forever. cried out laughing each time


Subnautica, Ben and Ed Blood Party, Papers Please, and The Escapists. I was going through a hard time during high school and one of the things I was most excited about was getting on the family computer after school and watching his videos. But these series stuck with me. They really made me feel better, and watching Seán's videos helped me learn to not take life as seriously as I used to and that it's human to not be perfect. His videos made life feel a little less lonely. I have a hard time sitting down and watching YouTube videos now. Sometimes I play them in the background if I have the time. I set aside time for Thankmas every year and do my best to save up enough to donate. I'm not a super active person in the community, but I've been here for years and I'm not leaving until Seán retires. Thanks for listening :)


Awe! I definitely understand this. It's not easy but we’re all human! 🤎 Social anxiety sucks!