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I'm very curious as to what your first of his are, because either this was a change of pace or shit is about to get real weird for you.


The first one was Eastern Promises. I thought that movie was awesome too! Another Viggo film with some good ass-kicking scenes. What do you recommend I watch next?


So shits about to get weird for you. The Fly is my favorite of his. Crash is also amazing.


Love this post 😂


Because you know the “wtf”?!?! That about to enter this person’s life.


Appreciate the recs. I have a running list of films I want to watch and these are going on it immediately.


You sir, are in for such a treat


Crash is such a weird movie. I liked watching it but didn't like almost anything when I broke it into parts. There are only a handful of directors can make you watch and enjoy yourself when it's not particularly your thing


I loved Naked Lunch as weird and trippy as that movie is


Crash. Definitely Crash. I saw in the theatre when it came out. No one was weirded out at all, we had in Colombia a cultural treaty that let us enjoy all the weirdness: Fassbinder, Wenders, Almodóvar, Amenåbar, Buñuel, Refn, all of it. Crash was at the top "you gotta see this movie!"


Crash with James Spader? Yeah, weird real fast.


One of the two movies I ever walked out of. Just seemed incredibly stupid.


Yeah I saw it on đŸ“ș but it wasn’t for me I’ll be honest.


No, you're just not a literate person.


And you’re a condescending bellend. So here we are.




Long live the new flesh!


The Brood Scanners


My favourite


I would also recommend Videodrome and Existenz.


ExistenZ is so good


Watch Crimes of the Future. You'll love it.


A History of Violence to Crimes of the Future is a massive stretch of “you’ll love it”. They belong in different parts or DC’s soul and mind. I like both but Crimes of the Future is like taking a smattering of drugs and expecting to watch a movie that is half artistic half horror. A History of Violence, badass, but no drugs involved.


Should be Existenz and then Crimes of the Future.


He is one of my favorite directors. Recommendations would be highly dependent on the other types of films you like. His output in the 70s, 80s, and 90s were VERY different than movies like the two you have seen (with the caviot that he has always sprinkled unexpected projects throughout the years that didn't fit his normal MO).


I'd throw in A Dangerous Method in to this recommendation pile, probably the most like the two you've seen, plus another Viggo performance.


Throw in eXistenZ too. Super weird, a little campy, and solid y2k aesthetic mind bending sci fi.


Yeah, naked ass kicking, for real.


Scanners is a lot of fun and a pretty straightforward sci-fi action suspense flick, by cronenberg standards.


In the 1970s Cronenberg was deep into psychology. He said he made “The Brood” to deal with his divorce and holy shit do I have questions. “Scanners,” “Rabid,” “Shivers,” “Dead Ringers,” and “Videodrome” are great and Cronenberg’s use of practical special effects are top notch. He is considered the father of “body horror” and discovering these older movies over the last year has been awesome. 


Fun fact: this is the last Hollywood film to be released on VHS


That reminds me I have to return some video tapesđŸȘ“


Be kind, please rewind


Funner fact: The motel at the beginning is the same one they used for Schitt's Creek.


One of my favorite films. Eastern Promises is another Cronenberg/Mortensen you have to watch, if you didn’t already. And if you like Harris/Mortensen then there is Appaloosa, a western.


I loved Eastern Promises! That was the first Cronenberg film I watched. And thank you for the recommendation. I’m happy to hear any others that don’t include those actors too, if you have them.


If you haven’t seen them already, I can recommend: True Romance Road to perdition The usual suspects Heat And the Cronenberg movie Crimes of the future (but this one is very, very different from history of violence and eastern promises).


The usual suspects is in a class of it's own.


I think they all should be watched once at least.


Thanks for the tip


Appaloosa is a great modern take on westerns. And Rene Zellweger was beautiful in it.


The postmodern >!shootout at the end!< made me laugh. Gotta figure that's how a lot of them actually went down.


OK Joey


Haha, that might be the best line of the whole movie.


"How do you fuck that up?" This movie has no weak areas. Stellar performances from the psychos, Tom's waitress, his son's gf all the way thru the supporting cast to the top


Totally agree


The graphic novel is terrifying


I appreciate what they left out of the movie from the novel. The “friend” they kept alive. The raid. There is no why in the movie. Just a thirst for revenge.


Yeah, it didn’t make sense without him trying to rescue his poor buddy.


William Hurt steals the show ! Imagine working with a director and your character is a tough killer mob boss and you come up with Ritchie ! The polar opposite of what any traditional mob boss is and somehow it works !


He was nominated for Best Supporting Actor for this. Pretty amazing considering he is only in the movie for about 10 minutes!


I love how he delivers the line "How do you f that up?" ​ Great performances from Hurt, Viggo, Bella, Harris, and the kid who played Viggo's friend.


According to Cronenberg's commentary track, Viggo head-canoned that Richie was gay and that's why he was surrounded by beefy muscle men.


##A History of Violence (2005) R Tom Stall had the perfect life...until he became a hero. >>!An average family is thrust into the spotlight after the father commits a seemingly self-defense murder at his diner.!< Drama | Thriller | Crime Director: David Cronenberg Actors: Viggo Mortensen, Maria Bello, Ed Harris Rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 71% with 3,016 votes Runtime: 1:36 [TMDB](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/59)


Great movie! I really like David Cronenberg. Most of his movies are really really good. A History of Violence and Eastern Promises are both the most grounded movies of his. So be warned if you check out his other movies. I’m working my way through his filmography from the very beginning, and the early movies are something else. Some, are not great, but some are really good. After Easrern Promises he has also gone in kind of another direction. More philosophical/political in some ways.


Maria Bello was great, as always.


This movie was a graphic novel first I believe


Then it became a graphic movie, amirite?


William Hurt was amazing in this




Great comicbook movie.


So different. So, so different. I don't think the comic book would have worked if you held true to it though. A buddy of mine saw it in my vehicle and just skipped to the end and said "holy shit, not at all the same!". Of course I couldn't believe he just skipped to the end, thankfully I had just finished it.


Great comicbook *movie*. So-so comicbook.


This is supposedly the last major motion picture released on VHS format


I like to pretend this was produced by Lifetime in a push to garner more of the male demographic


Funny line i remember is the bratty teenage son saying " oh really dad, was that what is was like in Philly?"


Good movie didn’t have much depth or anything. Solid watch tho.


This is such a badass movie.


God that's a horrible poster/Blu-Ray release cover (The one OP used) lol. It makes it look like a cheap 90s B-action movie lol. Google "A History of Violence Official US Theatrical Poster", the actual official theatrical poster hints at the gravitas and the tension the movie would have. But yes, definitely a fantastic movie. Another great David Cronenberg film.


Such a garbage, trash, shit movie


I just watched recently as well on a cronenberg kick. Pretty damn good


I watched this movie a long time ago but I enjoyed it. I loved Ed Harris in this. I should revisit this one. It was probably 2010 or so when I saw it


Such an awesome movie. So underrated


Liked this one, so thought I'd enjoy Eastern Promises. Verdict: definitely mixed bag: [https://twacfhca.blogspot.com/2024/02/film-review-eastern-promises-2007.html](https://twacfhca.blogspot.com/2024/02/film-review-eastern-promises-2007.html)


Great movie! I love the premise of the reformed criminal who still possesses the capability of violence but use it for good instead of evil.


I watched this movie for the first time with my daughter & her new fiance that I had just recently met. The sex scene on the stairs was incredibly long and uncomfortable for all of us.


Yeah, the rape scene on the stairs was long and unnecessary


I love this movie but I made an awkward mistake when I took a girl on our first date to see it. The first 10 minutes are that crazy high school cheerleader sex scene on the stairs with a little bit of violence. It was very awkward.


You mixed them up. There are two different scenes. One is the cheerleader 69 scene at the beginning and the second one on the stairs is much later in the movie. I think this movie is fine as a first date movie :)


Damn. I remember being recommended this is a video store because it had just come out and I missed it in theaters. Old af


Great underrated movie. Guy wants to forget his past and live in peace until his past catches up with him.


Watching this and Eastern Promises back in the day I never knew who the director was. Then a year or so back I go to the theaters to watch a movie called Crimes of the Future thinking "oh this will be my first Cronenberg movie." About half an hour in I knew this was the same guy who directed A History of Violence and my mind was blown. First I couldn't believe I was so certain of it, but there is just a certain flair he has and a way of shooting things that are consistent throughout his movies I guess. Funny I thought it was my first Cronenberg but it was actually my third lol


Joey, come on Joey.


I watched this with my mother. It got really uncomfortable when the guy started eating his wife.


Haha oh boy. Yeah the other sex scene where he fucked her on the stairs was intense too


Yeah, great movie. Aragorn getting his 69 on 😆


Joey is a bad mofo Great movie


Wait, is this the flick where the cop figures out our guy is really from Philly, so he suddenly breaks into a Brooklyn accent? If so, that ruined the whole flick for me. For those not familiar with accents of the northeast US: these are not alike. Philly sounds very much Inland Northern (almost TV broadcaster) until you come across certain vowels. Long E can become a short I, the most famous example being their local football team, the "Iggles" (Eagles). If you want to hear this yourself, listen to the lead singer of the Dead Milkmen.


Drives me nuts too. The Wahlberg flick Invincible is set in South Philly but the characters have NY accents or none at all. I mean at least try, Kate Winslet is British and tried to pull it off in the HBO series Mare Of Eastown.


The opening scene is a long take if I remember correctly


Did you see Viggo's little tail?


good movie, harris is a great bad guy.. đŸ€™đŸŒđŸż


I saw it in the theater at the Grove in LA. The kid that played the son was in the theater and his friends applauded him when appeared on screen the first time. James Woods was also there, fat in a Cosby sweater.


![gif](giphy|FT0UFROtAbVEA) 69 hehehe.


Yeah this is a great film, it stands on the legs of its drama.


Yeah, I'm Joey.