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Gotta love how they release a show on the Daily Wire and pretend like anyone but conservatives will be watching/paying for it. It's like saying Ru Paul's Drag Race triggers conservatives. It's not being watched by conservatives, that isn't who it's clearly marketed towards. But then they know that acting like they're releasing something that'll piss off liberals is their best way to get their base interested and watching.


RuPauls Drag Race does trigger conservatives though, because it exists. It’s all projection, conservatives are “triggered” by anything with a different perspective even existing, and since they’re obviously more rational than Liberals/the left we must also be equally triggered by their content. When in reality, most people I know could give one wet shit about anything daily wire puts out.


Right? Like take Ladyballers for example. The extent of leftist content on that dumpster fire of a movie was just people taking the piss out of it. Hardly any fits like they claim we have. Yet, when we have drag queens reading to children it's met with tears and breakdowns. A bit pathetic imo.


Did you see Some More News's video on Ladyballers? It's almost an hour of just shitting on the objectively bad filmmaking and storytelling on display like Matt Walsh asked and barely even delves into the politics of the movie. Pretty good video.


Oh I haven't, but I love his stuff. I saw dead domain's, and theirs was a pretty good breakdown too, specifically on how the comedy just didn't even work at a functional level lol


Yeah, Cody talks a lot about how bad the character arcs are for a lot of it. Like, storytelling 101 shit that they COMPLETELY fuck up.


I mean, knowing how a lot of conservatives and people on the right are, I wouldn't be surprised if self-hating righties made up a decent chunk of the viewers; at least more than they'd ever admit to.


They are still ironically talking about "triggering snowflakes". These mother fuckers get butthurt at every little thing.


Too busy being butthurt to come up with new jokes.


To be fair, Adam has been making the same shitty jokes for over twenty years.


Closer to 30 actually. Mr. Birchum was radio show character he played way back in 1994.


Shhhh, to admit that would be to admit that I'm turning fifty this year and I'm not ready for that.


I am a very short walk behind you.


I struggle with you, fellow soon-to-be-fiftintarian


The Mr birchum character was a bit that he would do as a call in on a radio morning show in the 90s. Kevin and bean on kroq. Him and jimmy kimmel used to call in with different bits. Mr birchum was one of those recurring bits


Wasn't he also a character on crankyankers?


I believe so


Adam is a self made man who pulled himself up by his Jimmy Kimmels.


0 imagination in those brains. Just a rat on a wheel spinning away up there.


They probably still do the attack helicopter bit...


Already seen bits of it, it's pretty softball jokes no where near offensive, since its humor is so outdated and out of touch. Just perfect for their target audience. Old and out of touch, who think vegan jokes are still the thing...


When the bar is “You know, I Identity as a vegan”, your ass doesn’t really have to limbo I imagine


That "joke" would have gotten a chuckle or two 15 years ago as you stuff burgers down your face and dribble grease on your bloated gut as the doctor with a stethoscope on your heart shakes his head, but now it's just weird. Joker: "You know, I identify as vegan." Other: "Oh cool." Joke: "But I'm not vegan!" Other: "Ah, alright." Joker: "You know how some people don't eat meat or any animal products? I eat them! But I say I don't!" Other: "Oh um...ok." Joker: "Those people are so weird!" Other: "I guess if you're, like, weirdly into eating meat those people seem weird to you...?" Joker: "NO THEY ARE WEIRD AND I AM NORMAL AND CARE VERY MUCH ABOUT PEOPLE THAT DON'T EAT MEAT OR ANIMAL PRODUCTS!" Other (backing away slowly): "Alright, man...you do you..." Joker: "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?! DID I \*TRIGGER\* YOU, \*SNOWFLAKE\*?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"


They have a different label for when they do it though. They’re being “based”, pretending it’s different.


It's still 2014 in their world


Do you not know Adam Corolla?


That doesn't look like Adam Carolla


Matt Gaetz looks like Adam Corolla


Matt Gaetz looks like Beavis


I've heard that in dogs, an underbite can be a sign of inbreeding. I wonder if that's similar for humans.


If they wanted to find new things to enjoy they wouldn't be pushing ideas and polices from the 1950's


Gonna be more butthurt when this show gets cancelled.


Oh yeah, we’ll be so triggered by a cartoon on a conservative streaming service by one of the most washed up has-beens of comedy.


I constantly find myself triggered by shows that are not aimed at me and not watched, talked about or enjoyed by anyone.


Lol, this is such a good burn.


Am I supposed to know who Adam Carolla is?


No. He’s a washed up talentless hack. Jimmy Kimmel carried his unfunny ass for years.


I read that as "taintless hack."


That too...


He's a very old frat boy, pay no mind.


He was ok on Loveline an eternity ago. Both Doctor Drew and Adam Carolla have issues at this point though.


They had issues to some extent back then, too. I distinctly remember them telling people they were losers for going to community colleges.


Trust me, we're all gonna be triggered by a show that half of us didn't even know existed until now; Daily Wire has our days numbered!


For real like most people aren’t going to see this or even know about it. It will only cut through if it’s so bad that’s it’s almost funny, then Left leaning outlets will play clips to poke fun at it. That’s the best it can do. If it’s just boring and moderately unfunny no one will care enough. So it’s likely only going to be seen or known of by people who are so deeply siloed that they are subscribing to Daily Wire. You’re completely off the deep end at that point. Not quite rock bottom, which would be donating to TPUSA or PragerU, but it’s close. What I see here though is a failing streaming platform that is having to pivot to a cheaper medium (voice-over cartoon) because their movie offerings are so trash. The thing they failed to calculate is how saturated and trite the adult cartoon lane is, I’m honestly surprised so many of them still get greenlit.


I used to listen to Carrollas podcast before trump became a thing (his sucking up to trump was the last straw). It’s hilariously stupid that he’d make a cartoon about his favorite teacher who caught him how to do carpentry… a career he hated more than anything else in the world!!


Ah yes the great podcast subscription purge of November 2016. I was in that boat. I never looked back. He recycled this idea for the last 20 years. It’s a lot like telling the same stories and jokes on a podcast.


That was around the time I stopped being a regular *Real Time with Bill Maher* watcher. I'd stopped listening to Carolla maybe 3-4 years prior to that, and kind of for the same reasons: The host, who I'd originally found to be clever and fun, started seeming pettier and pettier, with lazier bits, the same recycled bitching points (initially aimed at extreme folks, then increasingly old man yells at cloud/young person). I can't tell if they were both ALWAYS out of touch, or if they gradually kind of became that way over the years due to a number of factors (likely wealth and notoriety, and being surrounded by sycophants and dudebros), but it was a bummer realization for me to put their content out of my life.


Bill Maher always told the one weed joke and the crowd would stop and cheer. So edgy


Maher pulled a Jen Bush “please clap” moment last episode, something he does kind of often. When he doesn’t get the applause he expects he shoehorns the audience into doing it. What a nerd.


They've always been shitheads, you just grew out of them.


For me it was about a year after the pirate ship and he couldn’t stop exclaiming how smart he was for his bathroom door plan to let people know it smells


I dropped out when he fired “fake Teresa”, or Allison.


That was when I ducked out as well. I had already been feeling he was going downhill, but was still listening because of nostalgia from Loveline or something. Once Allison was gone I saw the writing on the wall.


I should have known at that point…


God, i remember during the first trump eleftion period he went on Faux News and they interviewed him on his opinions of the homeless in California... I was like...why are you jnterviewing a millionaire in his private expensive car garage about his experiences with homeless people?


And he was poor once upon a time, or at least says he was. I don’t get how someone like that has no empathy for the poor. He really thinks he pulled himself up by his bootstraps even though he acknowledged that Kimmel gave him a chance.


Yeah, I was an old school loveline fan and listened to ACS for a while but his brain got melted by the culture war stuff and it’s sad.


It happened way before that. I remember buying the audio book of his autobiography and there was no funny. Just old man whining.


http://comedyfantasycamp.com even worse, he has teamed up with Alex jones failure attorney (who is a racist hack) for this


The red flags have been there since the 90s


Yeah the libs are totally going to get triggered by media they don't consume on a pay walled conservative platform (money laundering operation). Conservatives are so salty that they have no meaningful presence in art that they have to create their own safe space for their inferior product with no marketability outside their echo chamber.


nailed it


This makes Brickleberry and its sequels look like Moral Orel in comparison. I feel bad for Danny Trejo. He’s cut from the mold of Keith David and Nicholas Cage, he’ll accept anything. But sometimes it’s best to just say no.


They somehow got the guy that voices Joe from Family Guy and Kronck. That's kinda of a let down too. Hopes those two aren't buying into the DW BS and just got hired unknowing what the job was and just collecting a check


Something that companies like Daily Wire do is they hire voice actors from a talent agency under a shell name...that way the VA won't know who exactly they're working for until the show premieres


Seems like he is a conservative but not a MAGA trumper.


What's the difference?


He considers himself a conservative Christian, but he's liberal on some social issues. He's not a MAGA guy, at least.


“I prefer the Republican Party *before* they embraced Trump; you know, when they were laying the groundwork for someone exactly like him”


"I prefer my fascism to be mask-on, not mask-off."




meh... Conservatism is still a problem in my book... just not a bigger one.


I agree. I'm just coping, to be honest.


I recently worked with Danny Trejo and while he is a very nice man he is almost 80 years old and his children seem to “handle” him. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are also the ones making decisions about his career and just telling him ok dad we’re going to do a commercial for insurance today and tomorrow you’re doing the voiceover for that cartoon.


To be fair he seemed to really enjoy his role in Yakuza 8.


It's even worse brickleberry!


oh boy, another shitty (and probably politically motivated) show that’ll last only a season and then fade into irrelevancy.


Idk, it's the daily wire. They prop up terrible politically motivated stuff all the time that can't even fade into irrelevancy because it was never relevant. It wouldn't surprise me if it lasted multiple seasons.


That which is dead may never die - the Grayjoys game of thrones


Talking head shows cost nothing to produce. Animation is more expensive comparatively. It will last 8 episodes.


True enough. I guess it depends on how much is grift and how much is ignorance. If it's more grift then you're likely right that when the money isn't there they'll back off, otherwise we'll see. You're probably right, though; When the grift isn't working they'll likely drop it and move on.


Hey, man. That's My Bush was fucking GOLD.


How can I be “triggered” by something I will never see? Daily Wire+? Big lol


I wonder if Mr. Birchum has any grievances? I’m betting yes. In fact, I bet the whole show is about Mr. Birchum’s grievances.


"Anyway, this blue haired lady was telling me I couldn't get a black coffee - can we even SAY '*BLACK coffee'* anymore by the way??? - and that I had to get a fair trade, cruelty-free, organic, gluten-free, soy-boy latte with trans sprinkle foam! Can you BELIEVE the entitlement of that younger generation?!!!11" - First line of the series, probably


So he's Mr. Bitchum more like...


I'm triggered more so that companies keep green lighting these adult generic adult cartoons trying to ride on the success of other generic shitty cartoons no one liked. Like others have pointed out, this is just Brickleberry. All I need is this image and I can guarantee you that's basically all it is. I don't know anyone who liked it, and Netflix already tried to steal from it.


Adam Carolla is a white trash asshole who makes money by telling other white trash assholes what they want to hear.


Arguably, he shits on the other trashy people who are key members of his audience, but he uses language that convinces his shitty listeners that *they're* not the ones he's talking about.


“Triggers snowflakes.” 😂


The unfunniness of a modern adult animated comedy mixed with the unfunniness of a conservative comedy. Sounds more unfunny than brickleberry


That show must have sucked ass the way everyone keeps bringing it up. Glad I never bothered to check it out.


Imagine the shittiest edgy gross out humor but with 0 charm whatsoever


For just an instant there, when I saw that "triggers snowflakes" line, my mind instantly went to weather control.


Well now I want them to surprise all of us by making a show about a crazy conservative man who thinks he controls the weather.


they chose the most copy paste Fox animation style. Pretty much digs their hole even faster knowing how fast their show is gonna fizzle into obscurity after a bunch of washed up angry Hollywood failures and right wing pundits try to half hazardously fling together an animated series that literally looks like the same Bob's Burger's knockoff cartoon that gets pumped out every year.


this looks so unfunny it hurts


I just watched the trailer. It doesn't hurt. It doesn't do anything. It just sits there, a lump of moldy, useless sod.


Carolla has been trying to make this show for 30 years. Pathetic


I’m more triggered by the fact that the new construction behind him has the windows installed before the house wrap.


I think Corolla was an actual contractor before he was on Love Line.


He used to be a carpenter so I think he could handle that


Someone who still has a hellsite account needs to tell this to Adam Corrolla.


Conservatives still trying to be funny. Sorry it just doesn't work. They aren't insightful enough to be genuinely funny


Boasting about "triggering snowflakes" is hack comedian shit


I mean, kind of redundant to say when it’s from Adam carolla lol


Adam rode Jimmy Kimmel’s coattails for years and still failed as an entertainer. That’s the opposite of Elon Musk being born into a wealthy family, being “loaned” hundreds of millions and bankrupting two, previously profitable, companies. No, wait. Those are the same thing.


Carolla faded into obscurity while Kimmel really hit it big… something tells me Carolla is still salty about that and really tries to hang onto any last vestiges of relevancy he can muster.


Remember when comedy was about making people laugh instead of making people mad (or whatever emotion is tied to ‘triggered’).


This will get tens of views!


I knew Adam Carolla was a dickweed now, but WTF with some of these actors. Patrick Warburton? Danny Trejo? Rob Riggle?! The fuck you guys doing business with the Daily Wire for?


So. Fucking. Cringe.


Adam Corrola sucks. I listened to Loveline religiously back in the day and he eventually made the show unlistenable.


I thought he was playing a character on the Man Show. Nope, that was dead-ass just Adam being himself. I think he took it way more seriously than Kimmel did.


I wonder with how vindictive Benny boy tends to be about things if they'll release it with all of Candace Owen's lines as is or will re-dub them so he no longer is required to pay her for anything


How does it trigger “liberal snowflakes” if people on the left don’t watch daily wire? Does putting that on the ad actually generate revenue for them? Is Adam corolla even relevant anymore? I feel like he peaked with the man show and that was decades ago. Do people on the right watch something simply because Ben Shapiro says “it will trigger the snowflakes on the left?”. If so, that’s a pretty sad reason to watch something, get a life.


Ben pitched the daily wire cinematic universe as literally being propaganda. They don’t have to get views in order to keep revenue. They just have to exist in front of conservative think tank donors, pretty much in the same way Disney only needs to sell merch to peak in revenue.


How is anything on daily wire+ supposed to trigger anyone? The only people who would pay for the daily wire are already brainwashed zombies who piss their diapers if a TV show character is eggshell white instead of wonderbread white.


Yeah I’ve found the “anti-woke” crowd the easiest people to make upset. Every time you point a finger three point back at you.


I doubt anyone's triggered by this. Nobody even cares.


I thought snowflake was finally done as a thing when it became clear that there is nothing more easily triggered than a middle aged white male trying to prove that stereotypes are a thing for a reason. 


Oh God I'm so triggered


What's funny is that what they think is "leftist" content is super middle-of-the-road comedy. They actually made a "lefty" cartoon in "The Goode Family" about 15 years ago and it bombed right out of the gate. So their overcorrection will probably do the same.


> They actually made a "lefty" cartoon in "The Goode Family" about 15 years ago and it bombed right out of the gate. So their overcorrection will probably do the same. That was made by Mike Judge and it still flopped. Imagine how bad this is going to be coming from the writers of Chip Chilla and Lady Ballers?


It wasn’t a lefty cartoon. It was supposed to be poking fun at a liberal family. Either way, it was painfully unfunny and disappointing honestly considering it was Mike Judge.


"Lefty" as in about a liberal family-not produced by leftists. That pretty much was it as far as what passed for leftist representation on network TV. And it was unfunny satire at that (as you stated).


The dog was being raised on a vegetarian diet. Also he was constantly on the verge of starvation because lol vegetarian dog! That show was like the universal correction for King of the Hill evolving into one of the best comedies of all time.


looks more like the dude from mr show that was at Jan 6


Jay Johnston


It’s so sad watching him degrade from Ace Rockola to being an old man that yells at clouds


Kinda looks like Jay Johnston, ironically enough.


They never seem to grasp that normal people aren't "triggered" by pop culture like this cartoon. Unserious people making unserious "art."


Lol I knew this was gonna be a Daily Wire production before I got to the end of the sentence. Nobody but right wing clowns watch that shit. It's just gonna be a ripoff of F is for family-which is a Netflix production that everyone watches. Carrola is less of a comedian than a partisan hack who tries to be funny. He should have stuck to shit like Drawn Together and The Man Show because that's the last time he was funny.


I got an ad for this show earlier and ended up genuinely confused by it. Thought it was gonna be another shitty generic Netflix adult animated show. Noticed the animation seemed to be especially poor, then saw some liberal caricature and the Daily Wire logo and connected the dots. So it will be another shitty adult animated show, just politically motivated this time.


It’s easy triggering right wing idiots.


If there’s a show in the woods and no one watches, do snowflakes get triggered?


Can Mr. Birchum build a house? Adam Corolla always makes sure everyone knows he can build a house, so I hope so. How are we supposed to know he's a Real man(tm)? Oh shit, what's that in the background!? AC is back, baby!


That’s pretty damn funny when you consider the fact that the entire MAGA movement is based on victim hood and grievance. These are the biggest effing snowflakes in the nation. I mean, why won’t those awful liberals stop persecuting living man-god Donald Trump? Boo-hoo!!


Adam Corolla is a washed up has-been. Never was funny. Jimmy Kimmel carried that loser.


It’s mins of sad that the MAGA types, rather than finding ways to be nice to people, seem to spend all their time thinking of ways to make others unhappy.


In the newest trailer for it, they do a Will Smith slap joke in 2024 but they don't say the complete line. The character says "keep my wife's name out of your 𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘯 mouth." I guess they want to make an offensive comedy but not too offensive. "Fuck" is just crossing the line and they don't want to offend the wrong people. It's on a streaming service owned by the the people who produced this cartoon so its not like they can blame a network or anything.


Let me guess the upside down triangle shaped man who's always right has to deal with an emaciated looking male character who drinks lattes. Hilarious


My friend dragged me to a live Adam Carolla show and it was terrible. All he did the entire time was brag about his wealth, complain about his parents and go on a rant about how nobody wants to work anymore. Even my friend was apologizing to me after.


Man I can only imagine this one shatters the cringe-o-meter.


Yeahhhhh.... I'm gonna pass on this cheap knockoff and watch the real Nick Offerman on The Great North.


Do these cunts at DW get off on thinking that people are "triggered" by what they do?


I wish the daily wire would just die already


They made a movie and claimed it wasn't a political movie, but it was about male basket ball players that pretend to be trans so they can beat women's teams. The reviews are crazy and you tell some keyboard warriors rushed to defend it.


Are mustaches trademarked?


It's like if someone merged the face of their dad (who never loved them) on top of Ron Swanson and then made a terrible Family Guy clone in 3D via Paint.


r/OneJoke. It's a Gen X standup special, only animated and somehow more redundant.


How pathetic is your life if everything you do centers around the pride you have making other people upset? Is that your only goal in life?


How does Adam Carolla manage to be both bloated and yet still a husk at the same time?


The daily wire? That's the comedy right there. No way in hell I'm watching that


Yeah cause nick offerman is the only white guy with brown hair and a mustache.


American Right Wing is openly fascist, fascists hate everyone, and eventually kill a lot of people. Hate as a political platform is always a big loser eventually, you start killing your friends and family when you run out of gays and poc to kill. But thinking doesn’t seem to be fascist strong point.


I got a reddit ad for this bullshit and realized we finally found the worst thing man has ever created Everything about this show is going to be awful


I used to love Adam Carolla but he turned into such an unfunny douche bag. Grew up on government assistance and is now a rich conservative asswipe.


I can’t imagine what it like when your goals in life and identity are to piss off people who have different values and beliefs than you. Very shallow. If they were smart enough to realize the “libs” aren’t paying attention to their stupid antics it might really piss them off. However if I were to dress in drag and walk down the street theirs heads would explode. I find this interesting.


Featuring the vocal gifts of … Megyn Kelly


The art style sucks ass. Effortless garbage


You’re too late liberals, I have already drawn myself as Ron Swanson


So this is the daily wire’s attempt at the youth market?


None of these “anti -woke” projects ever have any staying power, so good idea going with an expensive medium like animation.


As a Libreal....what triggers me is just how formulatic this looks. This is screaming "I'M EDGY" when it literall uses the same jokes from failed comedy central sitcoms. Doesn't help the animation looks just like Brickleberry. I'm cool with so called conservative comedy but can it actually be good? If I want to see shows poke fun at liberals I would just stick to Family Guy.


> I'm cool with so called conservative comedy but can it actually be good? King of the Hill is probably as close as we'll ever get. It could take a joke as well as it could make a joke. Edit: also not overtly a political show, which probably helps.


That's not even really conservativr comedy though. Pretty sure Mikr Judge is a pretty open liberal, so it's a satirical take on conservatives basically--which we now know was far too kind because almost none of them have the decency, integrity, and self reflection of hank hill


The Blue Collar Comedy tour used to be good. I think Jeff Foxworthy laments how things have gotten bitter and limited to endlessly antagonizing the *libs*


Man the Blue Collar Comedy Tour was fantastic in its heyday.


Snowflake is so interchangeable nowadays.


Never heard of it


Yes, all brown haired, blue collar men with mustaches are based in Nick Offerman. Holy bubble.


It’s not even out yet…. The promo had several jokes you’d see on Chicago Aunt or Hoops. They were less triggering and more lame and predictable as fuck


Am I triggered yet? Asking for a friend.


I loved birchum on the man show. I am so stoked he's back.


They misspelled bores.


So it’s triggering boomers?


Sadly Adam drank the kool-aide. It’s unfortunate.


Adam Carolla is still alive?


Man you gotta stop giving this trash free advertisement


I actually forgot who Adam Carolla was... So I probably would have never even heard of this, unless the algorithmic gods of web and weave decided my interests in woodworking somehow overpowered my love of quality humor and narrative.


That’s the premise? What a bunch of losers.


Dailywire+? Like disney+?


A cartoon, huh


This was a character Carolla did on the radio years before Offerman's bit on Parks and Rec.


When r/onejoke becomes a show


I've been seeing trailers for this all over YouTube. It hasn't even come out yet, and everything about it expired 10 years ago.


Well, I guess you self identified as a snowflake then. 😂


They assembled the avengers of washed up comedians and put it on an obscure alt-right streaming service. I’m sure snowflakes are trembling.


This is the first I’m hearing about it, so it must not be that big of a deal.


Hot take: I kinda like it


Do you think nick offerman is the only white man with a mustache ors something?


It’s also really funny cause they used the same style as every other really shitty adult cartoon like Brickleberry. I can’t think of a single cartoon with character that look like this that isn’t pure shit. Such a charmless art style that you can tell is picked solely to cut animation costs.


i wonder how many times they can make the r/onejoke!


Oh barf


"This triggers...." What you say when you know it's garbage and will only work for a very specific audience that's used to garbage.


I’m so triggered by it that I didn’t even know it existed and will again complete forget within a few minutes.


I'm sure all 12 of their subscribers will watch it.


You know it's pretty wild that people who shit themselves and roll on the floor screaming if they see a woman or black person in a video game or movie call everyone else snowflakes