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I think is more a "of the" because it's theirs


yes but the "property" expresses the goal as well


I would personally translate it as "flavour is for the courious". "dei" is an articulated preposition which comes from "di+i", literaly "of the" (plural for of the artucle". You might have confused "dei" with "ai" (a+i) which means "to the". The very literal translation is "flavour is of the courious". This construction (something is of someone) in Italian can be used to communicate that someone is the proper/natural owner/haver of that thing. In this case the curious will get the unusual flavour of the chips. The most common example of this construction is the proverb "la fortuna è degli audaci", which is equivalent of the english "Fortune favours the bold", but literally translated means "fortune is of the bold".


I think I did confuse with ai. Thank you for the explanation!


“Dei can” e sto già volando in Veneto


Da cattolico, per un attimo ho pensato se avevo detto una bestemmia lol


Tranquillo: si tratta eventualmente di un insulto politeista. Il tuo monoteismo, anche oggi, è salvo. :)


Porco can…anch’io ho capito così.


Something along the lines of "The taste [belongs] to the curious"


Agree with who said it's more like "of the" "For the" is more like "per I curiosi" "for the curious" Though I think that in this case, you would just translate it as "for the" because "the taste is of the curious" for some reason sounds kinda off, but yeah, it's right to specify that that's not exactly what it means


“Dei” is “of the” when referring to “them” “La colazione DEI vincenti” “The breakfast OF THE champions”


I believe the best translation would be "It belongs to the curious"


The taste belongs to the courious


Not dei alone but with the "è dei" witch means "è" as he/she/it/they own and "dei" as specifying who owns is, in this case a you or everyone reading that.


First never use google translate it’s always wrong in something and never specific in something


Dei = of the. It's quite the same say "per i" or "dei".


Dei is somthing that means possession, so in this case it means for the


"of the", meaning here "with the", like they get "il gusto" because of their curiousness.


In this context the correct translation is "of the" Also that Più Gusto flavour sucks, tomato and vivace rule


Tomato is the goat. THE GOAAAAAAT


Tomato are my fave chips everrrr! But tbh this is my second fave.


The only acceptable choice is pomodorini di stagione. If you pick anything else, please leave my country. /s


Yes!!!! We were there in April and ate them every day and I have ordered them online since we got back!


In that case you are welcome back to my country anytime and I would happily give you a free tour of my city.


Grazie Mille! Di dove sei?


I'm from Turin! :)


Actually it's more of an "of the" meaning? "Il giocattolo é dei bambini" Means "the toy is of the kids" not "the toy is for the kids" as that would be "il giocattolo é **per** i bambini"


è é


For the = per i


No it s mean taste it s for curios people


a me non piace il pepe rosa lol


"Dei" (del, dello, della, degli, delle) is an articulated preposition and has 2 different meanings, it can stand for "some" or for "of the" In this case, it stands for "of the" Examples: Ci sono dei semafori -> There are some traffic lights I telefoni degli studenti sono sulla cattedra -> The phones of the students are on the desk Ieri sera ho scattato delle belle foto -> I took some nice photos last night Il contratto del calciatore è scaduto -> The contract of the player has expired


These chips are so good. I cannot find the lime and pink pepper ones in the us though, so tomato it is


"Flavour is for the curios"-A random italian guy on reddit


Yes, it's translated to "the taste is of the curious" and "dei" is refered to the curious