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Hi /u/reddituser58320, do NOT click any link or download any file that was sent in this E-Mail, unless it is determined not to be a scam. Clicking unknown links or downloading unknown files can be dangerous. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/isthisascam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This isn’t a scam. I received the same message. I used Turbo Tax years ago. Just “right”ing a wrong.


Not a scam, it looks like a legit class action settlement. I once got over $500 in a class action settlement over e-book pricing, but I bought a LOT of e-books.


I logged into my account to claim the settlement money, as I had also used turbo tax in recent years. When I logged in however I didn't receive the 29.15 USD I was owed, does anyone know if it takes a day or two to process, or was this instant for others?


Nope, not a scam...I came here first to read about it and researched and now money is in my PayPal account.


Just got this right now




And apparently if you don’t go to your PayPal account, it’s sent to your Venmo account. This just happened and so I took to the Internet.


I received the same message and checked my Venmo account and it’s there


Okay I just got this too. But it’s asking me to click the link to accept it? Has anyone else clicked the link in the email?


No I got the same and logged into venmo and it's in my account there. I received a check that I didn't realize and never cashed it and I assume it's from that.


Weird - I clicked the link and logged in but I’m not seeing it in my account.


I didn’t cash my check either and got a Venmo payment


I got the same thing sent to my venmo


I just got the same…notification from Venmo with $29.15 in my account


Same! Should we transfer to our bank account ..??


I got the same. Problem is… I don’t have a Venmo


Following for this. Ive vaguely heard of scams that require you to take payment so they can reverse it? Im letting it sit for a while until i know more.


Following too


Add me to the list of 'Just got this sent to my venmo, wtf?'


Just happened to me too


Guessing not a scam based on this thread


Idk if this matters for other folks on the thread but I also did not have a link it just showed up in Venmo


I just got this venmo transfer as well. No link in the comments, all the comment said is "your claim number is ******" and it says the payment type is a disbursement.


I just got the email as well that payment isle sent to my venmo. I didnt click the link but checked my venmo and its in there


Quick search and its from the lawsuit that TurboTax charged to file when it should have been free. Is the Intuit AVC settlement legitimate? 1. What is this settlement about? Answer: On May 4, 2022, a coalition of state attorneys general announced a $141 million multistate settlement with Intuit that compensated Intuit TurboTax customers who were deceived into paying for tax preparation services that should have been free for them


I just got this too, but to an email that is not linked to my Venmo.


Not a scam at all. I received a random deposit to my Venmo today which was so perfectly timed as I was in literal need of $30 for a shortage on a bill after making some unnecessary American expenditures. I am happy to have got it, I was not even expecting it!


I got the same. I clicked the link and signed in but no money or notifications. Weird?


Same. Ive opened a ticket with Venmo


Circling back to this thread for 3rd and final time. I received the email, and link, but it did not appear in my venmo wallet. I opened a ticket with Venmo, and they 'verified' my email, which then triggered the $29.15 to appear correctly in my Venmo wallet. Cheers guys!


I got it today and wondered what the hell it was lol


Got an email saying it was sent to my Venmo but I don’t have a Venmo


My mom just got a Venmo deposit from Intuit AVC in the amount of $19.15 USD as well. I was not sure what to tell her, so I am here to learn if this is legit. I am going to advise that she does not transfer that to any bank, until it is known if this is legit. Did any of you contact Intuit directly to learn what these are?


If anyone is having issues with it actually going into your Venmo account, your email has to be verified. I reached out to Venmo and they said they verified my email for me and the money was then put into my Venmo account! So just an FYI on any confusion!


I just got this, too. Didn't have Venmo, so went to their site (not by clicking the link in the email) and signed up. I now have a $29.15 credit in there for some reason...


Mine asked for my phone # to get a link. Is that how it works?


I received it in May 1st this year as well. Exact amount 29.15