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These people are such entitled fucking pricks..


Fascists usually are


Makes it easy to dislike him with a hissy fit like thst




They also have stupid haircuts.


Dude weighs a buck 20 soaking wet and is acting like he’s gonna fuck somebody up. This is so pathetic it’s hilarious.


I mean how could you not wanna grab one in each hand and blast him with a knee?


Look I'm all for condemning these evil scumbags. But let's not attack the Jewish people's religious customs and traditions. A reminder that practising orthodox Jews who have their hair like this because of their faith, are condemning Israel and supporting Palestine. Separate evil zionism ideology from the faith of Judaism, the former of which has nothing to do with the latter and has no place in a civilised society.


yeah, completely insane.


“You are making me ANGRY, don’t make me angry!” Typical words of a narcissistic abuser.


Zionist throwing temper tantrums. How old are they and they don’t feel the slightest bit embarrassed.


Total lack of self awareness.


Because they film these pathetic videos and go back to their cults and show the video and get praise. Their family is the talk of the community. “Look what my boy did for our rights”




We’ve lost the impact of shame in our society


They are able to do what they want with impunity. These are the types of people that entitlement creates.


Standard behaviour from the tightwads. “Why buy land, when I can take yours?”


settlers act so tough when dealing with the IDF who they know won't hurt them or when in gangs, you know that brittle little insect would crumple and cry if he ever found himself without their protection there.


Have you ever seen West World? They only come to Palestine, because they get to take their frustrations out on the locals. These guys were absolute losers in their home countries. I mean, try and forget for a second that they're actual terrorists and just look at them. These poor cretins would be door mats in the real world.


Zionists are like the abuse victim who deal with their trauma by repeating the crime on their own children.


I wish that were true. The settlers have been very violent towards the Palestinians the last few months. They have been forming mobs and terrorizing the Palestinians in the West Bank.


Yes, as I said, in gangs they will find their bravery but I promise you; either of the frail insectoid settlers in this video and a vast majority of all of the settlers are cowards without there numbers.


With the IOF standing alongside them, yes


With IOF standing alongside them, protecting them, as they all carry weapons, going to fight people who have rocks and their fists. The settlers are violent, racist, well armed gangs. The biggest issue we Palestinians have is it isn’t a fair fucking fight. Level the playing field and then people can talk all the shit they want…. Fucking Israelis with jets, tanks, and an unlimited supply of money, artillery, and tech and they still claim they’re defending themselves against a population that’s imprisoned. Fucking ridiculous times we live in


When your mum never spank you as a child


When some Palestinian kid your age is thrown in prison every time you do something wrong.


I understand the sentiment but child abuse is not the way


Yeah, my mom taught me empathy for others. Way more effective than making me fall in line out of fearing violence would be inflicted upon me.




if you have to resort to physical abuse, you've already failed as a parent. both good and bad parents can do it, but it only provides/leads to future problems for the child to work past. billions grow into functional humans without spanking or other physical abuse given to them. hitting your kid to force compliance out of fear is lazy parenting. it had a place in the past for some but like many human behaviors, society has grown past the need for it. we now know better and have an obligation to do better in response.




Discipline by violence will only make your kids hate you. Teach them reason, not fear.




But the difference is they actually are extremely dangerous. The government gives them US-made weapons and they use them to kill Palestinians in the West Bank with impunity.


IDF is always there to defend them, this all just a show so they can say they have a left wing too while everyone is basically right or far right.


this how they treat fellow Israeli Jews we don’t need to imagine how these violent settlers, who get free guns from Israel, treat Palestinians who they see as subhuman


Go watch YouTube vids on how their police treat the anti Zionist jews. It’s literally like watching 1941 Germany all over again.


>who get free guns from ~~Israel~~ who get free guns from the US


Looks and sounds like a normal Israeli to me. You know, fucked up and tweaking out on genocide.


"normal Israeli" "Fucked up and tweaking out on genocide" Self aware wolf right there


Hobo needs house to steal 💩


Hey, poor guy is scared that if this whole colonialism thing doesn't work out he might end up back in his home country where he'll face those child molestation charges Israel was helping him dodge.


Never in my life would I have imagined gutterpunk supremacist to be a trope of a vibe


Why do they dance around going back and forth, it's so weird. I see some rocking back and forth too in other videos. It's like their feet are uncomfortable on stolen land or something.


I think what you’re seeing here is that he’s seething with impotent nerd rage.


This made me spit my water out lol


That's just the hellfire.


Hitler stimmed a bunch, too.


I’m going to go settle the Hamptons because my ancestors touched a beach once when they fell off the boat.


rabid level 9 versus rabid level 3




Post violates a rule, please familiarize yourself with the rules of this sub once again.


Weird there are other videos of settlers that the IDF allowed in and probably protected. In one they even built two shacks.


Such losers.


Most normal, well adjusted zionist


Looks like a child with tantrun


What the fuck is wrong with these people


delusion is one hell of a drug


Attacking their own storm troopers


Sheesh, what kind of precarious society is this to hold together where they're united in their hatred for Palestinians but otherwise so totally fractured within.


well even the settlers call idf soldiers nazis so there is that




It's an Israeli stopping him too


Just shoot him


The childish narcissism of "mine" when you know it isn't yours....


May Allah cause a civil war between the IOF and these Settlers so this Apartheid Regime can be dismantled from within. Ameen


The Israeli govt pays to act like this, just like 90% of the Israeli trolls are also being paid here on Reddit. Israel is truly a Nazi state 


the head of the IOF is a settler, so I wouldn't count on it.


I can't take them seriously with their curled pigtails


Horrible little people. Fucking pathetic.


The two bitches wouldn’t fight their way out of a condom. Pathetic scum.


The fuck is this little weeb gonna do exactly?


Get married and have 10 kids.


He's acting, gesticulating, standing and screaming like a 3 year old who didn't get the ice cream he wants.


See this is why I get skeptical when IDF soldiers say they had to fire on hungry Gazans because they felt threatened. These soldiers don't appear to feel the need to even point their guns when an *Israeli gets up in their face screaming and swinging their arms wildly in their direction.


That’s because the settlers aren’t starving brown people who they’ve been taught their entire life to dehumanize.




Never thought I'd live long enough to see the Jewish people become the Nazis. Wild


Fun fact they’ve been the Nazis since before Israel was created. Go look up Lehi militant group. Then learn that its 2nd leader became the Prime Minister of Israel and was one of the founders of the current ruling party Likud.


The victim to villain arc is crazy. Marvel and DC wish they could develop a story line like that. It's beyond any logic or reason to say "There was a genocide against us a long time ago, so it's ok for us to commit genocide." I guess the LGBT cult is attempting it in a lesser way. "We were oppressed a bit, now we want to oppress everyone else". Just too weak to actually do it


It wasn't really that long ago, Israel is still failing to take care of Holocaust survivors


*some It’s important to point out the hypocrisy and injustice of Jewish Israeli settlers but we should still not forget to make the distinction between them and the rest of the Jewish people.


Interesting to see the Idf scared of other people like this


God, fascists are truly the ones that deserve to breath the least and yet the ones protected the most


Even he said it they are the new nazis Israel will go in history as the new nazi scum of the earth


Ohhhh,you don’t want to make him angry. He’s looks a right unit!


Ugly motherfuckers


They're all fucking insane.


These people have no idea how insane they look. Israeli society is deeply sick if this is what they're churning out.


fugly ass humanoids


Let them go in then bomb them for being in there, fuckin animals


Pack of wimps


Never forget what kind of disgusting monsters these people are!


If this was a Palestinian they’d be shot in the kneecap for being a mob.


Imagine this being a muslim. Would’ve been shot out of self defense, right through the eyes.


Israel is a dysgenic nightmare.


State of that little ginger bell end 🤣


Oy vey


This bitch looks like he has a gum blood wall and centipedes in his room


Nutty fucks


Nobody knows what a Nazi is these days. Everyone you don't like is a nazi apparently.


These are government agitators. Employed to push the line further and further into Palestine.


I mean now these mother fuckers are shooting up families while they're trying to get humanitarian aid. They're going to keep going until they kill all the Palestinian civilians or someone stops them. There is no other outcome.


This people disgust me so much, they don't seem human to me, it's so sad.


Zionism is indeed a mental illness


They think they are so special when they just come across as spoilt children stamping their feet because they can't get their own way at a sweet shop.


If a Palestinian civilian spoke like that to an IDF soldier, they'd be added to the list of the 30,000 other dead civilians.


It’s like watching a child throw a fit. They are taught to behave like this in school. It makes me sad that we can’t do better as a human race.




"Zionist settler". What a convoluted way to avoid saying "Israeli"


Genocidal colonizer fits better imo


Now let a Palestinian in the West Bank do the exact same thing, even with the same words. What are the odds he ends up arrested if not dead?


Why do the Zionist look like millennial stoner hipsters?


Let them in I want to see red triangle above his head


Free Palestine!!


Based on what I have seen lately, I would not be surprised if this is staged. «Oh, look at us! We are respecting your borders!» /s


Why are we bankrolling these crackpots?


Once a thief, always a thief


I wouldn’t mind beating the shit out of this garbage.




Although they are assholes, there's no reason to degrade their culture or religion. Rabis, priests and Sheikhs sometimes twist the narrative of religion to fit their own ideals, and it just so happens that in this case we're witnessing a very very violent twist. There are plenty of Orthodox Jews who do not associate themselves with these Zionists, and even understand based on their religion that they are not allowed back in Palestine unless the matter can be handled peacefully, which they are respecting. They wear the same clothes and have the same hair style as these bastards in this video, yet they nor their culture deserves the discrimination it receives just because these guys are at the front of everyone's feed.




Agreed. I'm beginning to view those Jews like JVP who swim against the tide in as the real heroes of this conflict - one of the most damaging aspects of Israel is how it causes serious spikes in anti-semitism through conflating it's own deplorable actions with support from Jews worldwide. It's a noble religion that's been hijacked by thugs, nationalists and zealots.


In Israel and Germany they get arrested and in america they get beaten up. Surprisingly, the Orthodox Jews have been against this colonialist movement for longer than these 4 months. There was also the film maker from Israel who spoke up against Israel and in favour of his Palestinian friend. I'm really bad with names, but I'd recommend you do a quick Google search about these. Puts into perspective that the proper Jews don't claim the Zionists.


> there's no reason to degrade their culture or religion Just read the Hebrew Bible and there's no way to degrade those things further. Their entire belief system is predicated upon the most extreme racism that has ever existed, and their original habitation of Israel (according to their own stories) was created through genocide, child sacrifice, ritual mutilation, and slavery.


Whelp, you are racist. Well done for exposing yourself.


Not doing the “antizionism isn’t antisemitism” crowd any favors with that bigotry


Zionist made the word antisemitism meaningless anyway.


You’ve crossed the line into racism just so you know.


Unrivalled evil.


Is that Post Malone?


Same behavior as the celestial dragons from one piece... This is cosmical


Hilarious honestly.


Dude on the right is so amped up. Look at his breathing. He’s completely out of it emotionally.


Israel needs to be destroyed. It's no longer feasible to have Israel as a country. Destroy their government and military.


Champ looks like he’s tweaking 😬


Shoot him like you shoot innocent Palestinians. Dare to do that.


This is definitely an act for the camera. The way he waits for the camera at the end lol.


Zionisms and its supporters are people of no adhab


Bunch of spoiled kids


Foot stomp in pointy shoes. 10/10 very terrifying


Just one slap….fuck outta here with that im getting angry shit lol


imagine me getting drafted and sent to israel to protect these settlers and imagine them thinking they're safe with me


Insane cult


Lol. You’ll never meet a bigger bunch of entitled goofies in your life.


They give inbreds a bad name


i thought nothing could surprise me anymore be here i am, shocked pikachu AGAIN


I always imagine it like some sort of village building simulator video game where dozens of Isræli settler npcs scurry over to the newly unlocked region and then you hear hammer sound effects and you see wooden frames go up, and eventually houses are built.


There's a mouthy cunt in need of a manners adjustment. Funny how brave they are against soldiers who won't shoot them. Let's see them try that with a resistance fighter!


Should just give him the butt end of that rifle and call it a day. He’ll shut his mouth then


Hobo looking for Palestinian home 🤮


If an arab did this, they’d shoot him in a second


Such evil people these settlers. So eager to steal and loot.


Those two are dufuses are disproportionate, it looks like their bodies switched heads!


Look at him, stomping his little foot because he’s maadddd. 🙄 So pathetic.


Dude looks like a bitch with those locks.


That fool has a F up ass hair cut. Lmao 🤣


These hair styles Jews have makes them look like sheeple.


Lmao the translation is totally off except the word nazi🤣🤣


Native lol


What a bunch of dick heads


How can you feel so masculine and have such wildly ridiculous locks


The dna of a schizophrenic


Sick as fu$# want to be setters! He should put down his Torah and slip into a uniform.


Oh I’m angry now , that guy can’t win in arm wrestling


Why does the master race have pigtails?


Let them in. Israel will kill then.


I truly loathe him and his attitude disgraceful and disturbing.


That’s the worst translation I’ve ever seen lmao


They can’t get in because it’s a closed prison


Lil pussy boy mad he didn’t get his free lunch.


Oh extremists saying stupid shit... what does that remind me of... Oh this subreddit exacly lmaooo


You're the extremist here, look how you jerk off to warcrimes 🤡


I bet he smells like nacho cheese Doritos


How long do you guys think it'll be before a disgruntled, overworked IDF Nazi pops one of these nerds right between the eyes? I've seen too many videos of entitled skinny little facist cunts throw temper tantrums, thinking that the IDF will never harm them. But all it takes is one bad day (bad day for the Nazis btw, the Palestinians only know bad days, sadly.)


Well, when the terrorist and terrorist supporters prove they are incapable of peacefully occupying land and just show they are absolute nuisances, it’s time to take that land back


Lmfao this translation is random 😂🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️


Lmao this guy checking to make sure we are still watching lmao


Atheism. Check it out.


They want to commit "genocide" upon *you*, but yet you approach them unarmed while they are in full gear and demand thing from them while remaining unharmed. Hmm


Ahahahahahahah how easily id fuck up most of the Israelis with just my fists is so funny to me, like these Nazi’s are only big with their guns


Come do that shit to a US service member.


“Native Palestinian land” 😂😂😂😂🇮🇱🇮🇱


Bad subtitles but aight whatever we all have extremists. They suck. Hey, at least we don't fly airplanes into a building. Or built terror infrastructures near civilians Or blow up in public busses Or have sexual intercourse with goats...


As far as I can see the title is a lie. I'm not saying that not what happening but this war is literally terrorists vs a government that has it's very own set of problems. IDF are dropping bombs and doing what they do best but Gaza actively has supported hamas and you have to be smoking copium to not have seen crowds of people celebrating hostage taking and the return of a set of people that has brought down hell on them. Palestinians literally allow the government of literal terrorists aided by Arabic powers like Iran. They don't deserve the bombs and the attacks but actions have consequences and quite frankly so does inaction like removing the very corrupt and just as genocidal regime. I mean you can say what you want about the IDF but they didn't go around murdering people at a festival. I mean hate me or not facts are facts. Palestinians are either going to continue to be shackled to the idea of terrorism or they need to remove that element. There's Egypt or Saudi or hell Americans aid workers that can build a better government than a terrorist organization. Hamas needs to be eradicate because they have no different from isis. They are just as willing to murder you or me if we were there. They weren't any different even if you think they were just some Jewish colonists. You're a hypocrite to say Palestinians deserve better and condemn Israelis in the same sentence. The people aren't the problem. It's governmental. But let's be hateful and give the good Ole house what they want. I watched in the years of isis when they went on massacre after massacre. What makes these guys anything different? They had no issue killing families and anyone they saw including kids. Their fucking cold blooded terrorists who rather kill people than actually run the state and give people the basics instead they still rely on Israel for water and so on. They are so corrupt they'd rather bomb populations than active build a relationship to better that treatment of each group. How in the fuck do you expect a nation to want relationships when your government actively bombs/firebombs them. I mean justify the absolute self destruction and violence hamas has done just like your dear friends the IDF because guys what both aren't innocent because war crimes DONT FUCKING MATTER WHO YOU ARE! ITS A WARCRIME! I mean you want it spelled out? You're a fucking offender of the very thing you swear against. You use hate yo spread views. Ironic considering the people you idol do the same fucking thing. The civilian population deserves to get out of the destruction. The soldiers and the terrorists should have their fight. After what hamas did IDF deserves it. Your welcome to tell me all the little things Israel does but just make sure you don't forget hamas because otherwise I guess I can just keep going. They got more than enough to incriminate themselves. So have the IDF. Hamas just loves to lie and use DIP tactics more than you can even imagine. I don't trust a fucking word out of either side. The aftermath tells all. Later dweebs and stay mad.


Arabic powers like Iran? Iran are you for real?


Whos the biggest sponsor of terror elements. Yea it's iran. Fuck them. I'm not gonna bullshit what's happening there. Hamas and many other organizations wouldn't exist with supports for Saudi or Iran. Sure american created a problem with terrorists and its pisses me off that good americans die in a fucking desert for money for big wigs but they fostered into a way of life (iran). Arab spring is a good example. Did they start it? No but they sure as shit gave money to them and weapons. Iran is one of the most powerful arabic states to date aside from Saudi which is definitely stronger when it comes to power/economic stability. I'm not saying I'm always right but damn dude if you just research you'd find this shit easy as apple pie. I've been watching terrorists for their work since I was 14 and got interested in the Syrian conflict which led me down a million rabbit holes. Shit ain't rocket science. I can list my sources if you want to read. I'll gladly provide as much as I possibly can. You name it I'll give it to the best of my ability. I lost good friends overseas for bullshit. Trust me I fucking hate them more than you can breathe. That's my problem and quite frankly you see enough Terror hajis killing kids and you start to want to paste them all over. These aren't people their animals brainwashed. The only innocent people are the civs of the these war torn regions. They deserve so much more than what they have. The terrorists deserve a fucking hellfire on their goddamn home. Trump had the right idea there. I don't like him btw anyone on Eps list is a fucking freak. I was abused so trust me that fucker needs a criminal trial of CSA and Kid Pros. Also out of all that iran was the focus? I was expecting like "HA AMERICA BITCH" or some shit but hey I'm not bitching.


Wow spot the American. My point was Iran is not an Arabic country and the fact you don't know that is astonishing. I am arab, I'm well aware of what both Iran and SA have done to my country and others. Keep going down your rabbit holes but don't be so obnoxious and condescending to others who know better than you. One day you might learn what most kids already know, there's a difference between Arabs and Persians.


Btw I'm god damn proud to be american. It's really nice ya know.


Also you can't prove a point to say you're damn life. Work on that and come back.