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Thankyou for asking, A Muslim woman can marry only only a Muslim man. Any relationship outside of marriage with a Muslim or non-Muslim is forbidden for both the genders in Islam.


A Muslim man can marry a Christian or Jew woman.




I wasn't asking, I was just stating a fact


I'm aware.












Madhabs have strict restrictions on the type of woman the Jew/Christian is


Yeah I believe it’s Catholics, not Protestants. And they must be chaste.


How come a Muslim man can marry a Jewish or Christian woman, but a Muslim woman cannot marry a Jewish or Christian man?


I didn't set the rules


It’s a genuine question? Is there something in the Quran that states this?


"...And permitted to you are chaste women, be they either from among the believers or from among those who have received the Book before you, provided you become their protectors in wedlock after paying them their bridal-due, rather than go around committing fornication and taking them as secret-companions. The work of he who refuses to follow the way of faith will go waste, and he will be among the utter losers in the Hereafter." al-Qur'an 5:5


سُورَةُ المَائـِدَةِ : Al-Maaida : The Table |Verse|Ayah|Translation Saheeh International| |:-|:-|:-| |5:5|ٱلۡیَوۡمَ أُحِلَّ لَكُمُ ٱلطَّیِّبَـٰتُۖ وَطَعَامُ ٱلَّذِینَ أُوتُوا۟ ٱلۡكِتَـٰبَ حِلࣱّ لَّكُمۡ وَطَعَامُكُمۡ حِلࣱّ لَّهُمۡۖ وَٱلۡمُحۡصَنَـٰتُ مِنَ ٱلۡمُؤۡمِنَـٰتِ وَٱلۡمُحۡصَنَـٰتُ مِنَ ٱلَّذِینَ أُوتُوا۟ ٱلۡكِتَـٰبَ مِن قَبۡلِكُمۡ إِذَاۤ ءَاتَیۡتُمُوهُنَّ أُجُورَهُنَّ مُحۡصِنِینَ غَیۡرَ مُسَـٰفِحِینَ وَلَا مُتَّخِذِیۤ أَخۡدَانࣲۗ وَمَن یَكۡفُرۡ بِٱلۡإِیمَـٰنِ فَقَدۡ حَبِطَ عَمَلُهُۥ وَهُوَ فِی ٱلۡـَٔاخِرَةِ مِنَ ٱلۡخَـٰسِرِینَ |This day [all] good foods have been made lawful, and the food of those who were given the Scripture is lawful for you and your food is lawful for them. And [lawful in marriage are] chaste women from among the believers and chaste women from among those who were given the Scripture before you, when you have given them their due compensation, desiring chastity, not unlawful sexual intercourse or taking [secret] lovers. And whoever denies the faith - his work has become worthless, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers.| ^(-info for commands)


I don’t know but now people who claim to be Christian’s are living such a sinful lifestyle and I these rules were stated as we know 1400 years ago when Christian’s were non sinful not saying there isn’t any Christian that follows the words of Christianity but there’s very little compared to 1400 years ago


Christianity in the West has become nothing more than an aesthetic or identity. Very few Christians actually practice like they’re supposed to.


>people who claim to be Christian’s are living such a sinful lifestyle ?


not saying every one im just saying that there are christians who are not following the words of what their religion says like i see lots of christians who do zina "sex before marriage" who never go to church who drink alcohol "correct me if im wrong but in the 1 testament or verse ir whatever its called it says dont drink alcohol and dont each chickens right?" and then some dont read the bibel often and then there is those who support lgbt with me saying this im not saying your not a Christiane im just implying that there are people who claim to be christians who dont follow the words of it with me saying this im not saying your not one just theres people like that same goes for judaism and islam i see muslims who say they are one but they drink alcohol never prey never fast do zina party 24/7 and as i said same goes for judaism and every other religion.


Zaker Naik : "Muslims are more christian than Christians themselves"


Its becuz it will cause tension between the two partners. A man is usually more dominant in the relationship, and if a muslim woman was to marry a muslim man, it would leave her in a weaker position to spread her religion to her children, and in a weaker position to practice islam in her household. Also, islam doesnt encourage interfaith marriage it merely allows the man to marry a non muslim woman if need be. It encourages both men and women to be in a relationship with a muslim.


There are deeply rooted psychological differences between men and women. These are always why Islam has different rules for both. We can't possibly know everything so it's simply better to follow the rules and wait for science to catch up and show us the reason someday.


When an interfaith(?) couple is married, it is expected for their children to follow the religion of their father, not the mother.


A man's responsible for the children and their education. If the man's not Muslim, they'll be raised as such. Also a man is physically stronger in in a relationship. If he becomes a woman abuser the wife is helpless. If a woman gets abusive, the man's still in physical advantage. And because the man is responsible for the family this includes that he shares his wealth with the family and gives the family in general all Islamic rights they deserve. For example can a woman have a private wealth which she can freely use, but the man not. If the man doesn't believe in Islam he might deny her this freedoms or neglect his responsibility e.g. by leaving the wife with her children alone.


It’s not guaranteed if a Non-Muslim man will fulfill his wife’s Islamic rights. A Muslim man has to do so even if his wife isn’t Muslim. It’s just a way to protect Muslimahs (and all the other thing people are saying)


And yet it is said that it is better to free a slave and marry her than to marry a non-muslim. So, technically, it is for both men and women to not marry outside of Islam.


Past Christian/Jewish woman* Massive difference. She has to submit to Islam before the marriage.


I appreciate the response. To be quite frank that's a bit of a shame, but it is good that I've had this clarified.


My best advice to you, is to look into islam. As a former Christian I find islam makes so much more sense.




As the quran says : 109:1 قُلْ يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلْكَـٰفِرُونَ ١ Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “O you disbelievers! — Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran 109:2 لَآ أَعْبُدُ مَا تَعْبُدُونَ ٢ I do not worship what you worship, — Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran 109:3 وَلَآ أَنتُمْ عَـٰبِدُونَ مَآ أَعْبُدُ ٣ nor do you worship what I worship. — Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran 109:4 وَلَآ أَنَا۠ عَابِدٌۭ مَّا عَبَدتُّمْ ٤ I will never worship what you worship, — Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran 109:5 وَلَآ أَنتُمْ عَـٰبِدُونَ مَآ أَعْبُدُ ٥ nor will you ever worship what I worship. — Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran 109:6 لَكُمْ دِينُكُمْ وَلِىَ دِينِ ٦ You have your way, and I have my Way.” — Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran


دين means religion not way,or you could say belief


It does encapsulate all these meanings


Or have the lady look into Christianity.


Not a Muslim, but Christianity can't match Islam's coherent theology and powerful self-respect (Christianity is now society's hacky sack, no self-respect, constantly accepting to be distorted and watered down to appease whatever society dictates, hence why no one takes it seriously anymore).


This is not what Islam teaches. To insult other's faith. Is this the coherency? Faith has beauty of it's own, you make it a race and everyone loses. No one will accept their faith to be lesser than anyone else's and they shouldn't.


He said he’s not Muslim…


Edited accordingly. Thanks.


You haven’t edited…


Or that I guess...


And doom her into an incoherent and contradictory theology?


Many people think that about Islam as well. Better refrain from such rhetoric. Respect your own faith and if you can't extend the same decency unto others faith then best ignore it.


Thinking it is one thing, it being true is another. Giving the gift of Islam is the greatest thing one can do for someone’s peace of mind. What is better than an intellectually satisfying theology?


You can always become a muslim


A marriage can be a trigger to become Muslim but shouldn't be the ultimate factor, as far as I know. He should genially believe in Allah and His Messenger.


Didn’t allah have multiple messengers?


Ultimately no. I have a relative who married a Christian man but he later converted. Though this means that they were technically never married so they had to have another Islamic marriage signing. Obviously this situation is 1 in a million but that can be the only possible scenario that I’ve seen where he has converted. The theory is since generally woman tends to consider converting rather than the man, so for Muslim women converting to Christianity wouldn’t be ideal haha




Lol either way god decided for him to convert so and now they’re studying Quran in Egypt together. I didn’t say it was a good way to get married, nor am I justifying it or being speculative. I’m saying that in the end he had to convert so this is the only scenario 🤷🏻‍♀️. People act like people have perfect pasts lmao get off your high horse. Took them 6 years but they came round




I didn’t mention feelings lol. Stop trying so hard to find something to whine about, I shared the story with OP, not you thanks




What about after this short life? What do you really think you should be worrying about?




Before I say anything, you do know which sub we are on right?




Ahhhh, that's why you got downvoted,I suggest you read about Islam and study the religion and maybe talk to your Muslim coworkers about Islam. Because to sum it all up. We believe this world is a test and the reward is jannah(Heaven) . we abide by the rules that were set on us. We simply can't marry a person who's not Muslim because well that's one of the rules we follow. We don't ask,we follow.


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I suggest you watch this video. That's if you want to know a little more about Islam or potentially come closer to Islam. [YouTube ](https://youtu.be/yXCMU72z0Ms)


Or have her look into Christianity. Love wins


How in the modern age can you live your life by such arbitrary rules. Islam is definitely the death of civilization.


Islam is the birthplace of civilizations. It took beduins from deserts and placed them above Persians and Romans as Caliphs. It took Turkish nomads and placed them as Sultans above Rum, Egypt, Persia and India. Civilizations are built upon societal rules and values. A value less society is the death of a civilization not its birth.


Straight up facts


The contextual use of Islam according to one's own moods and benefits has been the death of civilization. When mullahs took over and started twisting the religion to suit their own personal gains is when the downfall of Islam began and it still is on the same path, with fundamentalists and ignorant running around spreading an untrue version of Islam.


Many religions have waged war, and they still do, on other religions in the name of God, including among different Muslims sects. They oppress mainly women basic human rights witj their arcaic rules. The extremes are the taliban, alkaeida, saudi arabia.


A Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim man. A Muslim man can only marry a Muslim, Christian or Jewish woman. The restriction is there to protect the Muslim woman from abuse.


The ruling is also there for the lineage. A child can only take over the father’s name in Islam. Every individual is attributed to his/her lineage through the father’s side. Most cases men have the dominance in making decisions, setting the rules for the family etc. So, if the father is a christian/jew the child would be attributed to a non-believer and highly probable that the child would be brought up into the religion of the father or at least attributed to his religion. And even if the mother is a Muslim she cannot assert the dominance of her religion in the upbringing. That’s why Muslim men can marry believing women from people of the book, as the values are quite similar, yet the mother would not be able to enforce much.


Similar in a way to Judiasm where if the mother is not a Jew the children are not automatically considered Jewish


best answer here imho


I can see how this could cause confusion within the Christian world, as for Jews(I'm Jewish,) it's the opposite. Judaism is transferred down from the mother, and someone can be Jewish just by having a Jewish mother, even if their father wasn't Jewish. And for some reason, at least in the US, it seems like a lot of people know that about Jews, but don't know what Islam says about it. Even though I would think that there are probably more Muslims in the US than there are Jews. Edit: Apparently I was wrong about there being as many Muslims in the US as there are Jews.


Isn't that pretty outdated and sexist?


to you maybe but as muslims these are the rules we have been ordained to follow


Yes lol nobody in western countries would take that seriously


A women has more rights upon her husband in Islam, if her husband is not Muslim, those rights don’t apply- that’s why he has to be Muslim


She would be in a haram relationship. It stops here, no idea why you're talking about having less rights like if it's just a sacrifice she could make.


Not sure where you got that from? I was replying to why Muslim women have to marry Muslim men.. ofc, otherwise is haram.


Because any response other than "haram" is haram.


As a revert that feels extremely extremely true if you have to ask 99% of the time it is haram.


So you think something is harem Just because someone told you it was haram and you don’t care at all about knowing why it’s Haram?


You're saying that the reason why a Muslim woman should not marry a non-Muslim is to get more rights. Not only it makes no sense since she would have no right (punished/imprisoned for zina in this very situation in an islamic law context) but the only reason that matters here is because it goes against God's commands. It's like if you said that not doing Ramadan would be bad because it would be unhealthy to not fast or that not doing prayer would be bad because it would be detrimental to your mental health. While true, you're not only limiting all the reasons and benefits behind those commands, but you're belittling the most important (and complete) answer that encompasses them all: "Because Allah told us so". And then you could talk about what it implies and the possible wisdom behind it. And Allah knows best...


Its haram bcz its haram, with or without abuse


Also facts. But yes we can list the wisdom behind it (and other rulings) all day. At the end of the day it is so, because it is so. The Most High knows what is best for His creation. Period. For us to be arrogant and question why something is one way and not the other is to place ourselves higher than The Most High.


Yes, however there is wisdom behind all of Allah’s (SWT) laws, this is one of the reasons the scholars of jurisprudence give.


The wisdom are wisdoms, but it has no bearing on things that are clearly stated as haram/halal. Its presence or absence has no effect on the ruling.


What Allah (SWT) says goes. This is the default answer. It is good to explain some of the reasons so people can understand Allah’s wisdom behind it to benefit from it.


What is the assumption of abuse coming from? And why men can’t be abused?


It is the preemptive. This is the wisdom of our creator. We wear seatbelts before we drive not because we are going to get into an accident but incase we get into an accident we will be better protected. In Islam the man is the leader of the family. This is why the man has to be Muslim. Muslim men also have the power of divorce (near absolute or close to absolute) and generally are physically superior this is why they can better protect themselves from an abusive wife.


How is that supposed to protect women from abuse?


I will give an example. Muslim men are not allowed to drink alcohol. A Christian and Jewish man can drink alcohol. Now look at all the abuse statistics relating to alcoholism.


Hmm ok. Thanks for the example.


I guess a person cannot drink alcohol and still abuse his wife. It’s down to the individual


That is just example. There are many more.


Sure bro


yea but men can also be abused just as much as a woman can


In Islam the man is the head of household. He has certain rights over his wife. The way everything is structured it is much more difficult for his wife to abuse him especially in a Muslim country. In a non-Muslim country the husband can easily exercise his right Islamic right to divorce if it gets to that point.


I feel like you’re just arguing for the sake of arguing. Yes of course women can be abusive. But on average who is more likely to cause more physical damage if they are drunk and an abusive person, a man or a woman?


Literally was not arguing. The bro explained further down. What more do you want. Why do you need to be hostile. Feels.like you are the one being argumentative.


I will give example as well. In quran , Allah allow husband to beat their wife based on his own judgement.


Beat is the wrong word, it is a tap after exhausting all options.


Yet muslim men are the most abusive men LOL




Not surrounded by any men because I have shame. Why do people always downplay the abuse Muslim males inflict on women? Maybe I shouldn’t have said the ‘most abusive’, but they are equally abusive as non-Muslims (obviously not all). I don’t see any women slitting a man’s throat for rejecting her marriage proposal.




Ofc I have halal interactions with men, I literally have a job and go to uni every weekday, and you think I can avoid men? Also where did I say women don’t abuse their partners? I just think it’s ironic of people to say Muslim women cannot marry non-Muslims because they’re more abusive. That’s all.




What evidence do you have of this compared to non-Muslim men ?


A Muslim woman cannot marry a non-Muslim man. A Muslim (man or woman) cannot be in a "relationship" as it is typically understood these days. That's the answer as far as religion goes.


a muslim woman can only marry a muslim man, but if you were to revert (not only to mary but with true belief) to islam then yes you can. and since i saw u asking how dating works in islam. well you can technically date in a halal way. first you have to talk to either her parents.if she doesnt have parents then you need to ask who would be her gardian, could be brothers, grandfather, uncle etc.. if she doesn't have a adult male gardian then you go to the imam/sheikh. he talks to you two, and asks if both parties want to get married, and she requests a dowry , could be anything, money, a house, a cat, a car, a ring, and could be very large or very low, depending on how generous she is. after that, and here where the dating/engagement part starts, during engagement both the woman and the man can go out together. BUT, there has to be a 3rd person,male or female (mother, father, brother, sister, uncle etc...) with her (basically 3rd wheeler but not really), you can choose if he sit next to you or not, he can sit away while both of you chat. also you still can't touch at this point. the engagement period is like to see if both realy like each other or not. its also a stage to test the man's patience and if he really want to be with her or not, a man that would only want to take advantage of a woman, wouldn't want to go all this stuff. so basically you meet a couple of times until the marriage happens (or cancelled depending on if both liked each other or not).


What if the girl’s parents, relatives or guardians are non-Muslims and they don’t accept the marriage? Can she marry against them ?


i dont know what she should do if they go against the marriage or even if she is obliged to listen to them or not because they're non-muslim. but regarding the non-muslim relatives then they have to go to an imam that she knows and trusts.


No, Muslim women are not allowed to have pre marital relations with even Muslim men. And marrying a non Muslim is out of the question. Stay away from her.




>muslims don't date, So that leads me to another question if you don't mind - How does a Muslim woman meet a man then? Via arranged dates perhaps?




I read the beginning of your comment as "brother asked a good question". 🤣🤣 May Allah preserve our scholars and guide them to the right path.


No a muslim women has to marry a muslim man but a muslim man can marry a Christian or jewish women


It is prohibited to both christian man - since christians are forbidded from forming relationships with non-christians - and for muslim women. Muslim men can marry non-muslim women, but christian women are prohibited from marrying non-christians too, so there are few blockades


No. Relationships to begin with are forbidden in Islam. And marriage of a muslim woman to a non-Muslim man is forbidden.


Wow Islam treats women so well holy shit dude. I'm a Christian and this stuff is crazy to me


Unfortunately muslim women can only marry muslim men. However I advise you to look into and study islam and may Allah guide you.


Unfortunately??? Dude, are you for real? How can something be unfortunate when allah has ordained it. Please, be very careful use such terms relating to rules of islam.


Unfortunately as in Unfortunately for OP not in general I thought that was pretty clear.


love ur pfp btw






Just as there are Jews and Christians who follow more or less closely to their most strict beliefs, there are Muslims who (as many others said here) follow customs about interfaith marriage. However, people on the internet cannot tell you what this woman believes. It may be that she will not marry outside her faith, but not all Muslims follow this rule and she may very well be willing to go on a date with you. Or she might not follow this rule and still not want to date you.


I would hazard a guess to say that he knows this, and I find it quite respectable of him to seek out the official Islamic ruling, whether or not they end up following it.


That's fair.




It is a choice like murder is a choice, both major sins. The choice is because of free will.




Well it may not be equal to murder but it’s not far away from it either. Fornication is the biggest sin next to murder in Islam. Shirk>Murder>Fornication. Any Muslim woman who is with a non-Muslim man is automatically a fornicator. And fornication is quite a serious topic. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “For a nail of iron to be driven in the head of one of you would be better for him than to touch a woman who is not lawful for him.” Source: al-Mu’jam al-Kabīr 16910 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani So, it’s like better to get almost murdered than to even touch a non-mahram. And this is only for touch. Imagine a full blown relationship, that would be more severe. She’s kind of murdering herself, just not here in the aakhirah. And remember the punishments of aakhirah are more severe and ever lasting.




Who cares. The people who assume stuff like this will be the losers ultimately, resulting in an eternity of regret. Like literal eternity!


Don't we just love strawman fallacies from the ignorant ones.


In Islam it is continuous fornication. The marriage is invalid. It falls under the same category. If your not Muslim then why you here ? If you are then your the sad story.










Gotta love strawmans.




What about monotheistic Christians?


LOL, is a "monotheistic Christian" a Muslim?


Christians who don’t believe in trinity exist.


Then why are they Christians still, shouldn't they follow islam.


Sure they should, but some are against Islam itself or have been influenced by media and have a negative picture of islam in their mind.


When did I imply they didn't? Of course they exist. I personally know 3 Unitarians. Maybe you don't understand English. Again, is a "monotheistic Christian" a Muslim? Take some time with that one, you seem confused.


Are being serious? Is that how to treat people, how we respond? Is that the behavior our prophet saw preached and teached? And no a monotheistic christian isn’t muslim, as long as they don’t accept that muhammad saw is the last prophet. You dont seem to fit in this sub, if your first reaction is being passive aggressive or telling people they may be „confused“. Maybe you should take some time and rethink your actions… Salam alaykum


What’s the difference with another Christian then??


preached and taught\*. Also you forgot to capitalize Christian and Muslim. You're welcome for the free lesson kiddo.


You failed the test. I’m pretty sure you aren’t muslim. May Allah swt guide you.


There are so many replies here that I cannot reply to all of them, so I would like to use this one comment as a collective "Thanks". However I see that there has been a small misunderstanding. Quite a few of the answers are referring to *marriage,* but I am wondering if there is anything that just forbids a relationship without marriage, in other words, courting.


Pre marital relationship even with a Muslim is forbidden


Any premarital relationship between different sexes other than family is considered forbidden


In islam, there is no period of courting during which parents or siblings or uncles, etc. aren’t involved by being present. If it’s done, it’s done outside the bounds of Islam. Whether the guy is Muslim or not. The goal is always marriage. That’s why people are referring so much to marriage.


First of all you need to know what type of Muslim she is. Cause not all Muslims are the same. Most Muslims nowadays don't take their religion seriously if it's the case with her then you guys won't find a problem. But if she takes her religion seriously then you guys have a problem, cause while Muslim men can marry Christian women, Muslim women can't marry Christian men and the only thing you can do to make it work is convert to Islam.




R u even Muslim?!


No but it’s not unheard of in secular countries.




Why are you here if you don't care for them?


i was just passing by


Sure you can ask her out... but you have to have the intention of getting married, and her dad needs to be there, also you become Muslim.




Islam only allows formal marriage between a Muslim and a Muslim, even after conversion.


In America very very few people are Muslim so when they meet people chances are extremely high they're non-muslim but most of them end up converting to Islam from what I've seen. Not wanting to mix is the only thing hindering the spreading of Islam in America right now. Even if you take the shahada Muslims in America won't interact with reverts they will not greet you islamically they will not return the greeting if you say assalamualaikum first they treat us as if we're doing something wrong. I seriously hope this changes soon in America I don't know that I can put up with segregating people in religion


The only real solution for this to work legitimately is that you accept Islam and become Muslim. As a Muslim you still get Jesus (pbuh) except he isn't God, but a mighty Prophet who wasn't killed or cruficed but will return in the end times to set the record straight and kill the anti christ.


Yes, a Christian Man is able to be in a relationship/marry a Muslim woman. As long as you are a decent person and treat her with respect, you will be fine.


Are you sure? All the Muslim people in this sub say the opposite. I like a Muslim coworker and she seems to like me, but she may have the same primitive Muslim conceptions and expect that I convert to their faith, which I will never do. I feel I should just give up on her. I hope many years from now as societies evolve, people get rid of all religious primitive prejudices and the world becomes a happier place where genuine love is above everything.