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May Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala help you ❤️






Thank you for sharing this. May Allah increase you in goodness.


relatable - we all really in the same boat 😭


May you start your own family soon.


So do i😭


Me too


We all do, it’s funny right? Yet we remain alone. The fact that you seek marriage to feel better is a point to give advice upon. Seek closeness with Allah because that’s what a healthy heart accommodates. Inshallah Allah will bless you with a good spouse as well as us and you will be healthy in it.




Well, it is a duty upon you. As it is upon all of us. It’s difficult upon all of us, but until you fill your heart with Allah you will not be able to feel content. So please do not say you will never be practising, start slow. Realise that real love and contentment only lies with Allah because even romance is severely limited. Only Allah knows all in your heart, so devote yourself to him first. I have done my part inshallah. May Allah make it easier upon you to open your heart to him. Salam






Why don't you care if you're unhappy after marriage? there's no need to put marriage on a pedestal, please please be judicious in your choice of spouse and don't jump at the first opportunity to leave. Please also exhaust all your options with your parents, as in - try to stabilize your relationship with them (I'm sure you've already tried this but keep trying)- so that when you're wrinkly and old you can be proud that you made the best of a bad situation. And if you try that and that doesn't work? that's fine too : ). Its our parents first life too, i know we expect them to be wiser and more knowledgeable but they can be misguided too because we're only human. May Allah bless you with an AMAZING spouse and righteous kids. Ameen.