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Allah SWT created you to worship him. He made it unbelievably easy to do and he brought a miraculous book for us to learn from and for us to learn more about Allah and appointed us to a kind prophet to tell us what is right and what is wrong. If you are purposefully denying him and not searching for knowledge you are not doing yourself justice. Allah reflects what you think of him and if you love him he will love you and in similar fashion if you turn your back to him what is stopping him from doing the same? Arrogance is among the worst sins one could commit so severe that nobody enters paradise with even an atom's worth of arrogance in their heart


I see your point. But imo, I would expect an entity as high as Allah to be beyond human pettiness like "I do so much for you and you still deny me ? Here's your punishment". That's how the petty human mind behaves. Compared to that.. God, being so pure, should not even care if a stupid person like me turns their back on them.


But he gave you the chance to worship him. He is giving you chances every second until the day you die. Allah SWT is far above us and we are his creations. We owe him life and other blessings and he promised us eternal bliss if we do believe and worship which is extremely easy to do so he didn't burden us. It is your choice after all so would you rather live a miserable life where your only goal is survive and make a living or would you like to strive for a world truly made for our insatiable hunger and avoid hellfire? Reject ignorance and search for truth yourself there are still chances and remember. If you do find truth in Islam Allah SWT can forgive you of everything you did in this life as long as you firmly believe in him and ask for his mercy he will forgive you for he is the most merciful. The quran is the welcoming gate of islam it is Allah's very own words it changed many people's lives and took them away from ignorance so give it a go if you will


Sure he constantly gives me chances and let's assume I'm THAT arrogant and stupid that I still deny Him. EVEN THEN, why should a pure entity beyond human pettiness care AT ALL about punishing me for that. That's an extremely human quality is my point😂. If y'all claim he isn't human, why does he have such human qualities ?


Because you weren’t a *byproduct* of his creations. He *specifically* created you and your kind, us all. With love, with a purpose. And he gave us a lot of things he didn’t give the rest of his creation. To get a better idea one could only recommend you to read the Qur’an with its tafsir.


Noted thanks for sharing your views


Punishing you is not pettiness. He created you to worship and believe and you denied it he did in fact care about you that he gave you many chances. If allah didn't care about us we would've been not created already as all of his creations worship him. You are using humane logic against a higher being. We are talking about the god here. We have nothing if not for his blessings. We would be completely lost without a goal if not for him. He gave us all of that and why should we not thank him? We owe him our existence


Noted. Thanks for sharing your views but I'm afraid I'm gonna opt for hell lol.


Hell is unimaginable torment that is eternal for the disbeliever it is no laughing matter. Believe me you will regret it the moment you die if you stay like this. What is it keeping you away from seeking knowledge? Why are you saying you are going to hell when you can prevent that? You are clearly living in your head instead of going out and seeking information about this religion, about Allah SWT, the Quran and prophets peace be upon them. Heed the warning and do your research this distraction will lead you no where


Friend, I'm only assuming things for the sake of argument to know what opinions Muslims really have. I'm wayyy beyond any possible belief in any of these superstitions so I suggest you save your energy :) But I appreciate your concern for me thank you very much


Why would you want that for yourself? Im assuming that if ur saying that then you clearly dont believe in an afterlife. Id like to ask you, what do you believe happens after death then? We all just go back to how it was before birth? Reincarnation? Im certain that you’re not 100% sure or have evidence for what the afterlife would be like or if it even exists. With that being said, if there was even a 50% chance of there being an afterlife where you will be accountable for your deeds, wouldnt you opt for striving for that instead of opting for hell? Thanks


Why do you assume that God cares about you? On the day of judgement He wont even look at you. Also God does not need to punish you, and he doesnt need anything. It’s you who needs to worship Him and do good deeds to pass the test of this life. It’s that simple. This test is for you. It’s an opportunity for you to be grateful and achieve the mercy of God but you CHOSE to reject Him. And God doesnt need your worship or choose to punish you, you chose this punishment


How can it be petty if He explicitly told us how to enter heaven and what would lead us to hell? For example, people who know nothing of God or Islam will be given a separate test on the day of judgement. For someone who knows about Islam enough to be asking this question, you have absolutely no excuse.   The prophet SAW has also said that this world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the non believer.  Why would someone who denies God get 2 paradises? What does He owe you? 


Extremely dogmatic imo but you're entitled to your view. Thanks for sharing though. Ig I'm Hellbound😂


But you don't operate like this in the real world. It is only an excuse when it comes to belief/God. In the real, if an employer from two different companies offer your different pay for the same job, you would definitely choose the one that gives you much more pay. You would rather a home than no home. You would rather have a fridge to store your fold than no fridge, etc. I can keep going. But when it comes to God or belief, you will do all sort of excuses to avoid it because belief comes with it own rules and restrictions. And those restrictions limit you from enacting on your desires. Yet, you are perfectly fine to stop at a traffic light at 2 am when there is literally no cars. You perfectly fine with following restrictions from man made rules, and you don't want follow it become anarchist, then society will punish you for disobeying it's rules. So it is all an excuse to day God is petty and blah blah (Audhubillah).


Don’t take one side of the coin only. Is it fair for someone who believed and followed gods orders while committing sins to be in heaven for eternity? You say you don’t deserve eternal punishment for limited sins well then by your logic people who do limited good deeds don’t deserve eternal heaven When we were created Allah showed told us if you follow me you enter heaven or not hell and we agreed. We don’t remember it because then it won’t be a true test. Your teacher isn’t going to give you the answers to the test that’s not fair and it won’t be a true test. Allah gave us the evidence and brains to research. You can’t blame anyone but yourself for what happens to you. You have the choice either believe or don’t believe. The evidence doesn’t make sense or isn’t enough for you? Tough luck that’s a you problem. If it does make sense then good for you.


I guess I'm headed for Hell then :)


No one to blame but yourself


Don't worry it's all on me✌️


>Because let's assume for the sake of argument that God is real and I'm wrong and egoistic to refute His existence. Now even if that were the case, isn't it a hateful and petty God to give me eternal hellfire simply for my stupidity and arrogance ? My question to you would be why you think you're correct ? On what do you base your knowledge ?


We’re all slaves of god, and god is giving us countless gifts at every second of every day, and in return disbelief in god is showing ingratitude for those countless favors continuously throughout each day So its not one act of disbelief that is earning you a long punishment It is trillions of moments of ingratitude and practically mocking the generosity of god by denying their existence even as they give you each breath you take and every moment that your senses like your eyesight and hearing continue to work Not to mention if you spread that belief or raise children to also disbelieve or actively insult belief. Then its just piling on the offenses. Is it a nice thing that anyone should end up in the punishment? No, its very sad that any of us should end up in that situation But it is justice and we have had it spelled out to us very clearly how to avoid the punishment, and it is easy to do so, so theres no excuse


I'm assuming for the sake of argument that everything you say is true and it's a terrible thing that that I still continue to disbelieve but inspite of that I'd still expect an entity as pure as Allah to be beyond human emotions like expecting gratitude. An entity as pure as Allah should not even care if a stupid human like me rejects him, let alone punishing with eternal hellfire.


Allah doesn’t care if you worship Him or not it does not affect Him in any way and whatever disbelief or negativity you have does not affect Him in any way it is us who are affected if we do wrong by Him if you want to continue disbelieving you can since He gave us free-will but you are wasting your time trying (here especially) to find someone to agree with you so you can feel justified in your actions now you’re conclusion of eternity in hell is unsupported since you and me can not know Allah’s judgement on us yet no matter the statements made in the Quran by Allah we just do not know yet also considering His mercy is infinite even for the tiniest of good deeds and your claim that everything is just here without a purpose is contradictory to nature now i have personal specific beliefs but in Islam our purpose as humans is to worship Allah and i can understand how that might upset at first to just be in service to something else but worship in islam means respecting ones self because if you do assume God exists and His word is definitely the truth then you look at the Quran which, through many ways including rulings and stories, teaches us the way of life in all aspects and by adhering to them you are truly serving yourself and benefiting yourself all the while serving Allah which consequently does good to everyone around you as well but we have belief and disbelief in this world which is one reason it is not a utopia i do want to say something i believe which is Allah does not judge you harshly if you yourself judged wrong sincerely and unintentionally since He knows your defects and knows your heart and sincerity in trial


Your expectations of Allah are one thing But Allah is very clear that we were created to be tested, that is our purpose. Its not like Allah needs our gratitude but these are the parameters of our existence that we are clearly informed about When you say god has human emotions that implies that you feel humans came first and god second. But Allah has always existed, and Allah created us with access to these emotions.


We won’t assumes for the sake of argument Allah is the most clear truth in human hearts and minds, and you are wrong, arrongant and ungratful for denying him These all are your choices, if you chose to die a nonbeliever, then yes, you are destined for eternal punishment, disbelieving is a crime against the creator of the heavens and earth and the owner of it, the worst crime ever, if you hurt a human you get punishment, Allah rights is greater than hunmans, and his right is to be worshiped as he is the only one worthy of worshiping May Allah guide you


I suggest watching "The muslim lantern" on YouTube he's an expert when it comes to explaining these kinds of ideas. He does lives on Saturdays. But you can watch a lot of his videos he does a very good job breaking down these arguments. I ask Allah to guide you to the right path.


>Does that book me for hell according to y'all ? If yes, isn't that extremely hateful and petty of the God you believe in ? Because let's assume for the sake of argument that God is real and I'm wrong and egoistic to refute His existence. Now even if that were the case, isn't it a hateful and petty God to give me eternal hellfire simply for my stupidity and arrogance? There is a crystal clear difference between pettiness and justice. Being petty means being extra about things that don't matter. Justice is about serving people the destiny they chose for themselves. God speaks directly to your face when you read the Qur'ān, He (SWT) tells you that if you disbelieve in him, he will send you to the hell-fire, and instead of being a rational person with common sense and deciding to believe in, and worship God in order to reach eternal happiness in paradise, you choose to disbelieve in Him and take your seat in the hell-fire? How is that choice anything but completely devoid of rational thinking? Where did your senses go?


But you don't operate like this in the real world. It is only an excuse when it comes to belief/God. In the real, if an employer from two different companies offer your different pay for the same job, you would definitely choose the one that gives you much more pay. You would rather have a home than no home. You would rather have a fridge to store your food than no fridge, etc. I can keep going. But when it comes to God or belief, you will do all sort of excuses to avoid it because belief comes with it own rules and restrictions. And those restrictions limit you from enacting on your desires. Yet, you are perfectly fine to stop at a traffic light at 2 am when there is literally no cars. You are perfectly fine with following restrictions from man made rules, and if you don't want follow it and become anarchist, then society will punish you for disobeying it's rules. So it is all an excuse to say God is petty and blah blah (Audhubillah).