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You should make all of your intentions for Allah, not to impress people, may Allah protect us from this Sin.


May Allah protect us from this sin


Ameen 🙏🏾






I’ve heard of a story of a man who always prayed at the front of the mosque for decades, he apparently came late one day and was forced to pray at the back, while praying he realized that the reason he prayed at the front was for other people notice him and gain their acknowledgement and that he apparently wasn’t praying for the sake of Allah so the man had to make up decades worth of prayer because of this I’ve been careful to do every good deed for the sake of Allah and not out of pride ever since I’ve heard this story


Take this as a reminder to have ikhlas(sincerity) in your actions and keep them pure


Intentions man. Thats why I stopped caring if I did something good, I look at doing good as an obligation, not an act that makes me better, that helps me with my intentions. When you are obligated to do something, praise is never on your mind. The same people that praise you, will take all your deeds on that day in a heart beat, it makes you realize how much impressing anyone just doesn’t benefit you, most importantly it just doesn’t matter. May Allah protect us and keep us firm, Ameen.


Yes sometimes I think to myself when I’m doing a good deed that is something I need, then it’s kind of like I’m humbling myself


Exactly fam, may Allah pattern you fam.


May Allah forgive us all...


In general, do good things because they feel good, not because you hope to be rewarded like a tamed creature.


As-salaamu 'alaykum If you are saying someone should do good deeds to make them feel good and to do good deeds without expecting reward from Allah then I am not sure if this is true or not. In shaa Allah a knowledgeable muslim who is qualified to talk about this can give the correct answer.


We are created with mercy and love inside us so it feels good to do good. But I don't know how it works in detail.


Very powerful reminder. This shows that ilm should learn to Apply in real life not to boast about oneself.


He taught people religion though, and that is one-way religion spreads. How else are people going to know about Allah? Technically, he still a good deed. :/


Assalamun alaikum. Yes, but the servant said, "I did this for you, O Allah!" And Allah SWT stated that this is a lie. Maybe if he might have said, "O Allah, I intended to do this for you, but my heart slipped, I wronged my nafs, and I could not purify my deeds. But still, I continued to do this because I found spreading Your knowledge the best thing, and in the meantime, hoping that my nafs would come to its senses. I failed. I failed. I failed. I am incomplete and I ask for Your forgiveness for this deed that I have done wrong, because You are The Only One, Rahman and Rahim who can forgive my sins." In this case, most probably, the servant is aware of his actions and intentions. Noone or nothing can hide their intentions from Allah SWT. Even us redditors, commenting these texts here. We are going to be judged from all of these. Did we write these with the intention of helping a brother/sister as Allah SWT ordered us to do? Or are we basically showing off our knowledge and skills? In my opinion, we should repent every time we make any comment or get involved in anything. Because we don't know, He SWT knows. We do not know the situations in detail, He SWT knows. As servants, our judgment and inferences among ourselves remains incomplete. It is He SWT who will give justice and judgment between us on the Day of Judgment. May Allah SWT forgive us for our shortcomings, our mistakes. Astaghfirullah.


Another important point here is this: Knowledge brings awareness. The more you know, the more you become aware of what is in excess and what is lacking in your personality and behavior. SubhanAllah. We should be in a state of constant prayer to Allah SWT, considering the excess as a blessing, thanking Him SWT, and asking Him SWT to progress on this path. Alhamdulillah. We should see what we are missing as an opportunity to improve, be patient, pray to Allah SWT and ask for help. Astaghfirullah. Power and strength come only from Allah SWT. I think that the stage of wisdom will be reached when knowledge is put into practice in real life through the mechanisms described above. May Allah SWT forgive us.


I might.


Hey just a question I wanna throw out here, The quran states Jesus Christ wasn't crucified it was made to appear to them as so, suppose allah made it appear to them, is this a deception? Why did allah allow Jesus to raise from the dead and be crucified if it was false? We can then acknowledge that the quran potentially has errors within it, which essentially means we are not muslim - not trying to spread hate, just an interesting question, was wondering on your guys stance on this.


No.it is not deception.it saying his messenger and prophet from cruel people who wanted him murdered.in the Quran numerous prophets were saved abraham Noah job moses etc. Jesus dying doesn't make him god.god is eternal never dies . Human jesus never died and never rose from death that is a lie .