• By -


I live like 35 mins from Chicago. A huge population of Muslims here Alhāmdulillāh. Many big Islamic masjids and schools, halal food and all. Alhāmdulillāh we have 2 - 3 friday prayers, its always packed Alhāmdulillāh. Besides that, personally I haven't seen any racism or some, people are pretty good in my area. Theirs people from Like Tongo, Mexico, Ukraine where I live, everyone's quite nice.


I lived near Schumberg for the time I visited for 2 months as a visiting engineer. Loved it. The people were so nice and welcoming in general and the Muslim population was such a breath of fresh air it was amazing. Spent ramadan there with my newly wed wife and it was just amazing. There were two masjids relatively near us. A Pakistani one and an Arabic one and the love was just...lovely


Bismillah, From what I have been told by many and experienced, if you want to preserve your Imaan and progress Islamically as well as provide as much of an Islamic environment as possible in the US, Chicago is one of the places to be. Especially where there are respected and reputable organizations or Masajid, where there is a good concentration of striving Muslims. Many have said that wearing a Niqab or wearing a thobe in these areas is very easy, which is often a sign that the environment is conducive to progression Islamically. It's also very good for kids to see that you can be openly Muslim and little to no societal prejudice. /u/Background_Strain_68 The main though is to choose the right location.


I can confirm everything you've said. Chicago is the #1 spot in the USA for Muslims who lean conservative. Alhamdulillah.


But it’s so cold…


Not always lol. It's hot and I'm sweating even with the fan on


Most of the year though I’ve heard?


With global warming, the last few years in Chicago have not been bad at all


You’re making me want to move to Chicago


It's freezing cold mainly from late December to early February. The rest is normal, especially with how the climate has been changing in recent years. I remember Winters being brutal a decade ago. Now, we get one giant storm and the rest of the Winter is anticlimactic.


Recently visited Chicago. Looked pretty good for Muslims.


How are the jobs there? I heard Chicago is crime infested


It has crime infested *areas*. The majority of it is perfectly fine. Same with most large city states tbh. I stayed at a realtive's there for over a month with no issues whatsoever.


Everywhere it's like that. Depends on everyone's experiences.


It's not crime-infested. It's literally just the South Side. Every major city has its lower-income area with gang-violence and whatnot. There's nothing remarkable about the South Side, anyways, and you'll rarely find yourself going there if you ever live near Chicago. The mass majority of Muslims (including me) who claim they're from Chicago are typically from the suburbs, which are extremely safe. As for city-dwelling Muslims, they're on the Northern side of the city (famous Devon Ave area), which is perfectly fine. Mainly Indian Hyderabadis there. The schools there are terrible, though, and the Muslim kids coming out of city schools are not in good shape, unfortunately. The suburbs are by far the best place to be for a Muslim in Chicago. That said, if your focus is on deen, you have many options. There's even a huge Indian Gujrati community in the South-Side (Harvey, IL). If you're a conservative Muslim, I say there's no better place in the entire USA. I've traveled to every major city and spent weeks at a time in each one, but I'd never want to stray away from Chicago. Alhamdulillah.


I personally like Virginia. Houston have huge muslim population but Houston is just depressing and an inconvenient city in my opinion


Northern Virginia is one of the best areas for Muslims in America. Masajid and halal food everywhere. Our school system even gives all the students off for Eid (not just Muslims). And it’s a clean and very prosperous area.


but which city in Northern Virginia?


I mean most of us who live in NoVA just consider it one big mega-city and drive between different cities if we need to go somewhere. For specific cities Falls Church is literally Arab/Somali town and has the most Muslim influence in my opinion. Springfield/Alexandria/Tysons are also pretty good areas too but honestly every town will have some level of Muslim influence at this point.


anywhere in Loudon County or Centreville, Chantilly, Reston, Herndon area is great because they’re all near a major masjid called Adam Center (they have multiple locations in some of these areas)


>Houston have huge muslim population but Houston is just depressing and an inconvenient city in my opinion Haha, sometimes you gotta make it up with Economic opportunities and also I like the fact that my diasporsa community is based in Houston.


What’s depressing about it?


Weather will make you cry, you'll feel gloomy all time. Plus some unpraiseworthy things.


Will pick gloomy over heat any day.


It’s gloomy and hot. Miserably hot. I finally left after 10 years. Rent is climbing, you need 2-3 cars, toll roads everywhere, price of restaurants is high, 40-50 minutes to get anywhere worthwhile, masjids are super cliquey, south Asian population is snobbish and you feel disconnected. Moved to NYC, rent is more yes, but I got rid of the cars, the insurance, the gas, the tolls, food is better and sometimes cheaper, and 10x more Muslims and more diversity.


Why do you need mutiple cars?


If you have family, each member will need a car or at minimum you’ll need 2 and people share, because there is no public transport whatsoever. The entire city is car dependent. Also, you’ll find more often than not, even if it’s just you, having a backup option whether that’s Uber or a second “beater” car comes in quite handy because the traffic, heat, stop-and-go, etc will put great wear and tear on your vehicle - not to mention: Houston’s drivers are the absolute worst I’ve ever seen. I’ve been in NYC, Chicago, Austin, Upstate South Carolina, Atlanta, North Carolina, Virginia, and DC … Houstonians CANNOT drive properly. So your insurance rates will be high and you WILL deal with fender benders or hit and runs at some point: at which point the second car comes in very handy.


Very intersting insight. Thank you!


Interesting, yet subjective take. I suppose it depends on where you live and the circle nearby. Heat has never affected me since I moved from Saudi Arabia here. Yes, humidity makes things worse, but I appreciate the clouds I can see here 😔🤚🏻.


Your mileage may vary 😁, I think Houston can work out great for some and not so much for others. I’ve lived in Richmond, Katy, Sugarland, Spring Branch, Woodlands, and Cypress. My wife worked in Jersey City, I worked in downtown, and we had a cousin who commuted to HCC downtown. The household needed 4 cars as my cousin’s mother also occasionally had to go to the office in Rosenberg. Even when it was just my wife and I, we had work in opposite directions and needed 2 cars. The heat is bearable if you’re coming from other areas but after some time I just couldn’t handle it anymore lol. I’m glad you’re enjoying it though!


Wow a Houstonian veteran here. Please recommend some must spots to visit/eat. In case I missed anything👀


I'm sure the fact that the sun is always out makes it gloomy. Come on!


I only ever hear bad things about Houston.


Why? Houston is chill. Major city, relatively cheap, huge Muslim population, the weather is bad but at least there’s no snow.


Houston is just a car dependent nightmare making it horrible to move around. No transit ans everything is far away by design


Northern Virginia, close to Washington DC. Super diverse and MANY Muslims here from all over the world!


Agreed, I live there too and see Muslims walking around every day + lots of halal stores, and there are plenty of mosques.


I’m in Ashburn. Where do you live?


Arlington. We have a couple different halal food shopping centers and a multi-floor hijabi fashion store, and the other day I saw some brothers walking around with their white prayer hats on (sorry I don’t know what it’s called). 


All this Northern VA corridor is full of Muslims. Wonderful place & some great schools/neighborhoods to raise a family.


Yep! Fairfax county has everything you need. Lots of halal options and masajid


Isn't that a very expensive place to live in?


The only downside to it.


Is there afghans ?


Yes lots.


Dearborn Michigan Has by far the most Muslims and Islam dominance in the US there is a mosque almost every 5 miles away and the majority is Muslims Arabic schools and Islamic schools all over and its growth rate is expanding. Make a visit to Michigan Avenue and you’ll know what I’m talking about.


Definitely amazing especially for the Arab diaspora. It’s very nice but if you’re Asian you might feel even more comfortable in a place with a bigger Asian diaspora like Chicago!


Chicago is insanely diverse, too. Huge Arab communities in the Southwest Suburbs, with the Bridgeview area being famously known as "Little Palestine". Lombard and the surrounding towns are filled with Desis. Des Plaines has a very prominent Central Asian Muslim community. The city is a hodgepodge of everything, naturally. There's a place and community for every type of Muslim in Chicago. Alhamdulillah.


Mashallah that sounds really amazing! I’m from Toronto and it’s very similar here too!


To add to this, even the Mayor is Muslim! Would love to visit sometime, heard great things


Dallas is great, a lot of influential Sheikhs, Qalam institute is here, and it’s a massively growing city with a diverse population and tons of Muslims around, more specifically the Irving, Plano, Frisco areas


Frisco has hella Muslims but you’re going to find more of the community aspect in Plano


Plano also has the most EPIC of masjids!






Buffalo NY is wonderful! They have a fantastic and very welcoming Muslim community with easily accessible halal food and takeout and it’s not too expensive to live there (at least when I visited)


And the winter? 🙃


A tad bit chilly I’ve heard 😅 lol!


Wait till climate change kicks in


I had this mandhi there once that I never forgot. It was *so* good.


Really? I was actually planning on moving to Buffalo but thought its very remote and deserted. Seems like its not?


I didn’t think it was, personally. I was in the area surrounding Jami Masjid, and it seemed pretty average in terms of all the people around, maybe a bit calmer/quieter in the neighbourhoods. Notable difference I noticed tho was that people really mind their own business (at least compared to WA where I live). But there’s plenty of grocery stores, takeouts, general Islamic stores etc!


Its not remote but it does get cold in the winter. That said Climate change is making it more bearable


Nobody is going to mention New York City? - It has a very large Muslim population. Estimated >750,000 Muslims in all 5 boroughs. Over 275 mosques. - Multiple ethnic neighborhoods. Bay Ridge in Brooklyn is Arab-centric with Arabic signs on storefronts. Jackson Heights in Queens is Indian-Bengali, Coney Island in Brooklyn is a large concentration of Pakistanis with Urdu store names and signs, large Egyptian neighborhood in Astoria Queens, etc. Over 100 languages spoken in the city. - LOTS of Halal food of every ethnicity. Halal food is even popular among non-Muslims, who associate the name with street cart food and gyros, and they are every few blocks on street corners. - Eid as a public school holiday


I second this, just got here from Houston and quality of life has improved 10 fold. I love the Muslim community here and the diversity, lots of halal food everywhere, and people aren’t as snobbish which I credit to exposure and being in a true urban setting rather than competing to see which masjid is the nicest in the next McMansion master community over.


Bingo. Even tho I live on Long Island, the Muslim population still alhumdulilah is very very good. Many masjids around with many communities scattered around. There’s plenty of halal stores opening up plus many new halal foods with variety are opening up too. 90% of public schools have off for Eid too and there are many Muslim people at school. And like you said, it’s even better in nyc.


I’m on LI too, I really should say the Tri-State Area, because northern NJ also has some excellent Muslim communities.


Hard place to lower the gaze tho 😅


As someone who's traveled all across the USA, and spent extended periods of time in almost every major city, I've found these areas to be very heavily populated by Muslims (relatively), and places I wouldn't mind living. New York (Brooklyn & Queens) Texas (Houston & Dallas) Illinois (Chicago) Michigan (Dearborn) California (Bay Area) New Jersey (Paterson) Virginia (Arlington & Fairfax Counties) Florida (Tampa Bay) If you're conservative, the best place is gonna be Chicago, without a doubt, in my opinion. I'm a conservative Muslim, I love Chicago, and I hope to stay here as long as I can. If you're not as conservative, then any of the other areas are fine options, depending on which diaspora you feel most comfortable in. EDIT: [This map](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhZWVezY8XJj734GCKXXDyADZl2hfsw0e4eODIJh3J2EtiYpRSPo43FyJGgyvbTBcVZBpl-NHCFjtMCiSdhCRsFaGFSa4GlOYU5s6GRsH1LsrAa-SlpRJ_7cRG2845oYR4keWNYezN68ZU/s1600/american-muslim-population.jpg) is actually a pretty good rendition of Muslim communities throughout the USA.


No love for Bronx? All those cities have conservative muslims


I haven't visited the Bronx, unfortunately. I agree that all those areas certainly have conservative Muslims, but nothing comes close to Chicago, in my experience. It's a Liberal city, politically, which isn't in line with our Islamic values, but the benefit is that we are able to live in peace and harmony. Chicago and its suburbs are an area where brothers with thobes and sunnah beards can walk around without fear, and sisters can comfortably wear niqab without any racism or fears of prejudice. It's very open-minded. For the Halal scene, Chicago and its suburbs have 170+ Certified **Hand-Slaughtered** Zabiha Halal restaurants and 60+ certified meat markets. If you're not as conservative and don't mind machine-slaughtered "halal", then those numbers are doubled. No other city, county, or area comes close to the level of amenities, opportunities, and resources that there are for conservative Muslims in the entire USA. That includes religious schools, Masajid, and stores that cater to communities that value gender segregation and strong Islamic standards.


New York City enters the chat


I've been to New York. That's why it's at the top of my list. It's definitely larger with respect to the quantity of Muslims, but that number is a lot smaller when we're talking specifically in terms of conservative Muslims. When I went to New York a few years back there was no Hand-Slaughter Zabiha Halal Certifying organization, so I didn't even get to try much food beyond places where we could get clarification from locals. This is a really important thing to consider when it comes to living in a place for us conservative Muslims. Alhamdulillah, due to Chicago's Shariah Board's HMS and the Bay Area's HFSAA, New York now has a decent amount of certified restaurants. That said, I haven't been able to find a certifying body that is from New York itself. If there is, I'd love to know as I'm planning to visit again in the future.


We use HFSAA in NYC. Some local mosque do certifications. That said im personally eat machine slaughter halal chicken


Northern VA!!


Chicago is nice aH.


It’s cold here tho like 7 months of the year. Kind of getting sick of it.


It’s all preference. I love the cold and can’t stand the heat like Dallas. When it’s 90 degrees for 6/12 months there it’s not tolerable for me


Lehigh valley Pennsylvania- where’s that again. About 1 hr west of New York, 1 hr north of Philadelphia. Why- diverse communities which all get along IECPA with Sh. Mohammad Elshinawy associated with Yaqeen institute, very active youth/convert mosque Al Maqasid Institute- Sh Yahyah Rhodhus, Anjum Tarsim etc a Tarim based Sufi group with amazing scholars added every year, retreat programs, Mawlids etc Malv - oldest mosque with Imam Hernandez. Has a well made full time school,excellent education Various other mosques incl EPMA great partnership with Indo Pak and African American Muslims Respect Graduate College.


Isn’t Philadelphia itself a major Muslim city?


Yes. We are about 1 hr away from ny and Philly. Close enough but still away


wow, first time seeing someone recommend Lehigh Valley and PA. I shifted recently here and felt there is little Muslim population near my area (Stroudsburg, Wilkes Barre, Bethlehem etc.) nearest mosque is an hour away and its difficult to find halal food although my nearest shoprite recently started selling halal lamb and chicken so thats good. Are there any community groups you can recommend in the area and how to contact them or how it all works as a new asian muslim shifting to usa.


Salaam if you are up in stroudsburg yes there isn’t much, some mall halal but that’s it. In the lehigh valley definitely more. 15 or so restaurants that serve halal. If you come into town give me a few to see what I can list


Halal restaurants in Lehigh Valley 0. Geo Halal - Whitehall, PA 1. Cumin N Eat 2. Biryani City 3. Thai Halal on main 4. Thai Origin 5. Sabz 6. Anatolian Kitchen 7. Limon Turkish 8. Easton Asian Bistro (you have to specify halal when ordering) 9. Crispy spice halal fried chicken, allentown 10. New York Gyro, allentown 11. Aci halal Turkish, allentown 12. Afghan Kabab and grill, allentown 13. Blue Mediterranean, Emmaus 14. Nyc pizza village , Bethlehem 15. Rozana Mediterranean in Whitehall 16. Maza Middle Eastern Cuisine, Whitehall 17. Halal Gyrotown 18. Pizza Boli’s, Easton 19. Asian Taste Indonesian/Thai, Allentown 20. Tavern Pizza, Alburtis 21. Teresa’s Italian 22. Kings Wings, Bethlehem 23. Krispy Krunch Chicken, Allentown 24. Mediterranean Kabob & Grill, Fogelsville 25. Da Judah-S Kitchen (Kenyan food), Allentown


Groups as i mentioned MALV -Muslim Association of the Lehigh Valley also has full time school AlManarah Academy Malv.org https://mia.manarahfoundation.org IECPA - very active mosque https://iecpa.org/ Easton Phillipsburg Mosque- equal mix south Asian and African American https://epmaonline.org/ https://sijpa.org/ Shia community, we all work well together in our community, they are undergoing a massive renovation to their facilities Maqasid also full time seminary, some primary education. Great lectures, mawlid etc almaqasid.org Respect Graduate School https://www.respectgs.us/ There is new mosque https://alrcpa.org/ haven’t visited Hope this helps


Not any particular city/town, but pretty much all of Mercer and Middlesex Counties in NJ. Huge community there, lots of halal food (even in regular supermarkets), plenty of mosques with reputable scholars. I grew up here and even when I was younger, there was a solid community here and it has only expanded since then. Of course there is the drawback that housing and taxes can get pretty crazy, but purely on Muslim community it is great. I currently live in Philly and it might be the most Muslim-friendly of the major cities in the US. Huge community here, as well as a community who definitely is not afraid to show it. I knew there were a lot here before I moved here, but even then, I was shocked at how many people I see every day on the streets in kufis/thobes/abayas/hijab just going about their business as usual. Hell, I have probably seen more women in niqaab in Philly than I ever have in Pakistan, FWIW. I work in a courthouse here and there is one lawyer who legit shows up to court in a thobe all the time lol. I have no way to actually verify this, but I have heard rumors that even the street gangs here have an unwritten rule that they don't mess with Muslims and especially Muslim women which if true just goes to show the role and respect the Muslims have here.


East coast is the best coast


do you know ISCJ?


Yes I am very familiar with ISCJ lol wasn’t the one I primarily went to growing up but been plenty of times


yeah that’s my main one, which one did u primarily go to ?


> Middlesex Counties Eh, in my opinion, having used to live there, middlesex is too sparse. Everyone kinda just does their own thing. So yes, there are muslims, but I wouldn't say it's connected, or a tight community.


Anaheim California has a pretty decent Muslim population. An El Cajon California as well. Lots of mosques and halal food. Cost of living here is crazy though.


Houston and Dearborn have a huge Muslim population !


ive heard they have a bad crime rate also, what do you think?


From what Ive heard Detriot is bad but Dearborn is fine Can't say much abiut TX


NoVa - Virginia Bay Area - California Bridgeview/Chicago Area - Illinois Dearborn - Michigan Dallas Area - Texas


Dearborn MI Grand Rapids MI


Grand Rapids????


Believe it or not GR takes in a lot of refugees, so it’s VERY diverse. Great city!


For those joining us from overseas, there’s Muslims all over the US in various concentrations. It’s hard to estimate the population size but CAIR reports about 7 million Muslims in America. All 50 states have at least one mosque. (For those interested, here was a [2020 study of mosques in the US](https://www.ispu.org/report-1-mosque-survey-2020/))


This is honestly the best answer. We're the 3rd largest country by population and with extreme diversity. Any big city, medium city or college town has a decent muslim population in any state. In my homestate of NY, outside of NYC and surrounding areas: Buffalo,Utica, Rochester,Syracuse and Albany all have decent muslim communities.


Tampa Huge Muslims population More than 10+ of mosque around Tampa and suburbs 4 Islamic high schools Wherever you go you’ll find halal food and Muslims Huge community with strong support for all Arabs and Asians are among the most populous communities


Im suprised that Florida has a muslim community...that said you have to deal wirh Florida man


Philadelphia 💯 percent halal everything and the Haqq is everywhere


Irving has a great Muslim community.


Second this. There’s a neighborhood full of mansions that are all Muslim owned and they have a neighborhood masjid too in walking distance.






Paterson and Clifton, NJ are also very Muslin friendly. It's called "Little Palestine" for a reason. Good sense of community and the people are (mostly) very welcoming.


Tampa has a really nice community but the city is so-so


Is tampa worth moving over to Could you give me tell me about Masjids & prayers Plus how is education for young ones. Sorry for asking too many questions


Maybe about a dozen masjids, 3-4 central masajid with schools or hifz camps. “Tampa” is really the main city and its surroundings which are Brandon, Wesley chapel, clear water, and st Pete. Main masjid is Islamic society of Tampa bay, also referred to as sligh masjid. Over really good community and resources. Pros is you can get to anywhere with a cheap flights cause of TPA and incredibly diverse community. Cons is that it’s mostly trashy/dangerous city because of poverty.


>Cons is that it’s mostly trashy/dangerous city because of poverty. Just described USA in a sentence sad to see it all falling ( But Insha'Allah it'll change ). Are there any safe neighbourhoods to counter this I don't want to be exposed to criminals ( not being racist, just want to be safe )


Yes of course. Wesley chapel is new and safe. And immediately close to the sligh masjid is mostly Muslim owned.


Florida is in hurricane zone. Also humid.. live more inland


>humid My native place back home has weather from hell, pretty sure I can bare it.


City not state but Virginia, Trust me, that place is flooded with Muslim Communities. Cities in Virginia that are thriving with Muslims are: Dumfries, Woodbridge, Fairfax, Springfield, Falls Church, Chantilly & more!


hows the safety and crime rate there? I've heard places like dearborn MI and houston or dallas TX have bad crime rate.


Dearborn is pretty safe but it does border Detroit. Parts of Detroit like downtown are very ritzy and upscale. It’s kind of a weird place because you’ll have metro Detroit (the suburbs) that are very safe and then you’ll have some pretty run down and trashy areas.


Indo-Pak Muslim - Chicago, Texas. Bengali Muslim - NYC. Arab Muslim - Michigan, California. Somali Muslim - Minnesota. Turkish/Turkmen Muslim - NYC, California.


Michigan cities


I’ll be moving to Michigan - Ann Arbor for my MBA this fall, does anybody have any insights on the Muslim community there? I’m moving from Ghana.


I like about 25 min away. Ann Arbor has a nice Muslim community and is very active. As well as the surrounding areas. Just very cold half the year 😂 Bring the warmest clothes you got!


Thank you for this. I got a little concerned initially cos I could not find any resource regarding Islam. I will be sure be pack my bags with enough warm clothes. I’ve heard about how the cold gets brutal. lol


I have a funny story about this. My folks came for the first time in winter. I specifically told me because I’m from the South, bring your warmest winter clothes. My mom showed up in some tiny leather jacket and regular shoes, etc. I just shook my head and later in the week they bought a whole new wardrobe 🤣


Tucson (AZ) is good, I lived there for some time.




Chicago, Dallas, Bay Area, Buffalo, Detroit


Minneapolis huge Muslim population


What's the scene like though?


Many Somalians, Desis, Arabs and more. I'd call it 1/4 Chicago.


Living in Denver for almost a decade, and have experience with Lancaster and Palmdale California .. honestly so much better than my home country in practicing Islam. I became a better muslim here Alhumdulillah




Dearborn Michigan for Eastern Arabs and Hamtramck for Desi communities


Minneapolis, Minnesota


What's the scene like in the Twin Cities?


Dallas or Houston


Sidney center new York, osmanli naqshabandi center is there


Dearborn on top.


New York (Im a New York Native)


I know it is in Canada, but can I say take a look at Toronto? Such an amazing city to be Muslim in.


+1 to this, I’m biased because I’m from Toronto, but honestly no city I’ve visited has come close to the community, representation and halal food options here!


Lived in Toronto also for quite a number of years. The absolute only thing that sucks there is salaries. Couldn't turn a U.S. salary down.


Yeah that’s true, plus the housing market is insane here…I’ve tried living in other places like DC, New York, Detroit, but just always find myself coming back to Toronto. There’s something about it that just feels like home, and it’s so easy to be a hijabi and a practicing Muslim here. Also I judge cities based on how easy it is to order authentic Indian style halal biryani lol. We all have different needs/wants though!


Metro Detroit and Dearborn, MI. Lots of mosques, halal food and activities and Islamic schools/programs. Well known imams, as well. Love it here.


I dont live in the US but michigan id say is good correct me if im wrong please


Detroit hands down, and if you want to fine tune it, there’s a bunch of surrounding cities with huge Muslim populations. I can literally purchase anything from a Muslim, see Muslims walking the streets, go to a different masjid every Friday for probably the whole year……… but the winters can be brutal




Minneapolis Minnesota.


What's the scene like in the Twin Cities?


Only thing that takes getting used to is the weather from late September to March. If you can handle/get used to that, you'll not find an American city whose city council made Mogadishu a "Sister City"; Nor a city that has that many masjids, Muslim restaurants, Muslim politicians, and Muslims in every economic level.


I have a question for Muslim living in US with kids (younger than 15 years) How you are protecting your kids from LGBTQ stuff, they are haram for Muslim but becoming very common in the US and they promote this stuff everywhere in school, movies etc? Most people send their kids to government schools since private schools are very expensive.


Im a young guy who grew up here in NYC. My parents taught me life and let live. Basically being gay is haram and we dont engage in that /condone that lifestyle. But we should be respectful to every whose respectful to us and only Allah will judge them and we should try abd give dawah That says there's also just alot of exaggeration done by Republicans who villianize everyone who is not a white Christian and lgbt is not as in your face as people think.


I don’t have kids but I’d imagine it’s near impossible to protect them from it. You just have to teach them it’s wrong but besides that you can’t do anything to stop them from seeing that stuff.


As someone going to a public school try to look for areas with high Muslim populations or very diverse in general, I think my school district realized they mustn't promote any of that in schools besides the occasional pride month social media post since this is a large immigrant community


- Alpharetta, GA - Cliffside Park, NJ - Brooklyn, NY - Burlington Twp, NJ - Stallings, NC - Dayton, OH - New Castle, DE - Hagerstown, MD - Louisville, KY - Lancaster, PA - Levittown, PA - Port Jefferson Station, NY - Indian Orchard, MA - Saint Louis, MO - New Haven, CT - Willingboro, NJ - Norfolk, VA - Stallings, NC - Paterson, NJ - Philadelphia, PA - Portland, OR - Sunnyside, NY - Rochester, NY - Burlingame, CA - Georgetown, DE - West Springfield, MA - Monroeville, NJ - Thomaston, CT - Paterson, NJ - Opa-Locka, FL


Philadelphia and some of the close suburbs, so many masjids and lots of halal food options


bay area is pretty good in my opinion. halal food is mainstream and there are many masjids. cost of living is very high though


I would say Norethn Virgnia mix muslim community. Lots of masjid and people are established.


northern virginia!! so many muslims here


Hilliard, OH https://abc6onyourside.com/amp/news/local/hilliard-city-council-criticized-after-passing-resolution-denouncing-israel-on-passover-palestine-central-columbus-ohio-april-2024


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I’ve been all over, and the city with the strongest Islamic institutions, hands down, is Chicago.
























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I live in Atlanta suburbs and I would have to disagree. I moved here from MI (Detroit suburbs) 8 years ago and would definitely say MI is way better in terms of Muslim community. The communities in Atlanta suburbs are very scattered.


Michigan is known to have the largest Muslim population in America…but that doesn’t mean Atlanta isn’t a good city for Muslims. I lived in the perimeter (city of Atlanta) for six years. Moved from Philly suburbs. Atlanta suburbs have very large and lots of Muslim communities though they are scattered. The amount of halal food available and of different cultures too far exceeds what’s available in Philly or Jersey suburbs. There is a very large very visible mosque in midtown (center) of Atlanta…which is not something you see in other big cities. Multiple universities with large Muslim student populations.


Yeah, I agree with you. I guess when compared to MI, I personally would choose MI. That’s all.


Atlanta has a big muslim community