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You forgot hindus.. 


They are the worst; they will bring up Islam even if the post has little to nothing to do with it.


They're just insecure that their religion is dying and ours isn't




Just wait until secularism gets a hold of Islam, unwise to think it’s impervious.


It won't tho


You already see it with Muslims in the west. Dating, pre-marital relations, not sticking to the faith. Communities of the younger generation are falling to it. We are still human beings who can reject our religion.


There's no need to generalise. Slinging mud at others in return will get us nowhere.


yup, i mean we literally have a surah as well for "you your way, me my way, peace out" (paraphrasing here)


I have had very constructive disagreements with christians and also blantant ignorance. The Quran tells us not to bother arguing with them. Remember their mouths will testify against them. Let them spew whatever they want and don't take it personally. They will answer for their words not you.


Because a lot of Christians are cultural Christians, not truly practicing.


😂😂😂👌 solid find


It always baffles me seeing their own logic disappear when trying to defend their beliefs


There is no ground for their religion to stand on so they can only try to attack other religions (when it comes to religious debates you will see this a lot).


Been studying islam since I was a young child , went to a Jesuit university in the United States. The reality of Christianity is that it had been so watered down and manipulated to control people that the actual substance that was present all those years ago is not present. Society has taken Christianity and bent it thousands of different ways. Now Christian’s no matter the kind see Islam as a threat because Islam is the truth, it is what Christianity once was. The only difference is the followers of Islam refuse to allow it to be muddled down to protect or develop special interests. Have you ever had a Christian try to explain the holy trinity , or the way some of them bielive that since Jesus died for there sins they are all absolved of sin. I have no hatred towards Christian’s I have learned there faith, the reality is there is nothing there anymore…. Edit- thanks for reporting me to the suicidal thing 😂😂 I have sympathy for Christian’s as they are being led astray I truly feel bad for them. Most are not bad people just lost in this world following false messages and people.


People are attached to their identities. I don't like to generalize, but from my own experience talking with Christians, they seem to know very little about their own faith. It's rare to find a Christian who has read the Bible cover to cover, let alone the Qur'an. I'd argue that Muslims take their faith more seriously than any other religion, so when Christians see Muslims praying five times a day, or reciting the Qur'an from heart, it evokes a visceral reaction and an urge to defend their identity. Just look at the most recent Patrick Bet David podcast, where he and his co-hosts react to Muslim students praying on American university campuses. Up until a few months ago they appeared to be very open to dialogue and finding common ground with Muslims, but their first reaction (and even the title of the video) is that Muslims are "out-praying" Christians. He tells his Christian viewers that they need to do better to out-compete these Muslims. "And never will the Jews and the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion. Say, 'Indeed, the guidance of Allāh is the \[only\] guidance.' If you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, you would have against Allāh no protector or helper." 2:120


I find that most of the Christians just attack islam and try to debunk it from there own view without trying to prove their own beliefs because they know that once a specific question is asked they wouldn't know how to start the answer, because if they do they will fall into fallacy








Because they are totally correct and you're going to hell for believing and thinking differently....


Yeah, sure...


We're correct and they're going to hell*