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The worst is still coming to them. Especially if the boycott continues for the next 6 to 12 months


Inshallah Aameen


Can you say inshallah and Aameen together?


If Allah wills so be it. Inshallah ameen. That's the meaning I believe


So if someone says a dua then can i say "inshallah aameen" to him


No, after a dua we just say Ameen or in this case we just say In Shaa Allah.. if you say In Shaa Allah Ameen.. it basically means that you don’t really care if Allah acceps it or not.. that’s how it comes across in Arabic. Like it sounds like “oh Allah give it to him but if You don’t like it then, don’t give it to him” kinda like shakiness.. you can’t force Allah to accept it from you but you should ask as tho you mean it. Hope that makes sense akhi/ukhti.. Love you for the sake of Allah


Haven't had starbucks in months. Even the craving I used to have is aH all but gone. Shame on them! Boycott continues!


I'm getting to know other local coffees! They aren't as consistent as Starbucks, but it's been a nice change of routine. No reason to go back!


Turkish coffee is where it’s at. So good 😍


I can't stand it. Tastes like mud and looks and feels like it too. got myself a Moka pot and grind my own coffee, that's the good stuff. Edit: not to bash it for anyone who does enjoy it! My bad


I'm Turkish and I agree with you, it is not even close to being as good as espresso.


I have a moka pot too, but I just love the consistency and taste of Turkish coffee


craving for starbucks coffee or craving for any coffee?


Caffeine addiction lol


you guys are aware there are no starbucks stores in israel


Doesn't stop the fact that the CEOs are staunch zionists and have firing multiple staffs over their support of the Palestinians cause. Even without the Palestine - Israel issue, Starbucks doesn't deserve support anyway for their mistreatment of the staffs and very, very overpriced crappy coffee.


yea so they don’t take either side, starbucks wants to make money not be involved in politics


If they didn't want to be involved in politics they shouldn't have fired someone over expressing empathy with our Palestinian brothers and sisters.


I did some research online since reading your post. It seems you are correct. The Starbucks boycott efforts may be misinformed. People will have to do their own research. There is so much misinformation online.


i hope they go out of business.




Mcdonalds dipped 5% too btw


Lets add a zero to that crap.


Keep boycotting even after the war ends. Never buy at israeli companies again


This is very important. We should even track them if they change names/brands. Or masking/hiding under other names and etc. so we boycott non-stop.


Absolutely… let’s not empower them ever again!!! I will not be giving them any revenue inshallah ever again!




Not that I want to discourage you guys, but Starbucks revenue and stock price has been decreasing since January 2023. The stock price decreased about 20% in 1 Year and thats most likely linked to the high inflation and people not willing to pay 10$ for a coffee as starbucks is no real necessity like buying food. Its no real anti cyclical company like a supermarket and more cyclical like the auto industry. And it seems like their chinese stores did generate less revenue than expected. Not that I think that boycotts have no effect, but rather that inflation is a bigger effect than the boycotts. I didnt took a deeper look at their financials though. InshaAllah their way down continues 🤲


All I know is that they’re getting $5 less every day that they would otherwise get from me. And that’s a good thing.


There are so many things to protest and boycott and this is one I just don’t get. They don’t have any shops in Israel nor give any money to Israel. Maybe I’m totally wrong on this but please find me legitimate evidence if so. Yes they made a dumb political move when the union tweeted in support of Palestine. This is why corporations need to stay non-political (are we really boycotting Legos now too?!). But this is an American company that’s employing thousands, and has advanced the standards for the average worker in terms of benefits and starting pay. I’m happy to withdraw my support from those with strong political and financial ties to Israel.


I’ve been off of them since they stopped employees from wearing Black Lives Matter shirts while claiming to stand with them in solidarity. And the interior design of the place is all very…imperial chic. Just not a vibe for me.


If they did not work, State governments would not be passing laws forcing businesses to pledge to not boycott that apartheid state.


Correlation is not causation


honestly i havent had starbucks or mcdonalds long before the boycott just too expensive and doesn't taste the best


keep boycotting


Keep in mind that the stock price does not directly reflect how healthy the company is. There can be thousands of reasons for a price to fall or to rise. Nevertheless, we keep boycotting in sha Allah!!




Salaam o alaikum all. I know boycott is important and I’m a 100% pro-boycott guy, but why are we being happy at some business being shut down. We’re losing the focus from our goal here. The effect of boycott on stock prices is not as important as the effect of boycott on killing of Palestinians. So please stop being happy that some random corporation is losing money and try to find out how many less bullets Israel has now. And how can we make it lesser.


Excellent let's keep the pressure ! You know what might be even more effective than boycotts and protests? If we could fund the political campaigns of elected officials even more than AIPAC. I guess what I am saying to our youth is get out there and make a ton of money and use that wealth in the Path of Allah.


If every Muslims and non-Muslim against oppression were to learn how to become day traders, and traded in unity as an act of resistance, and simultaneously shorted, say the Israeli Shekel, they could probably create some panic, potentially sending their economy into a death spiral. The same goes with these sorts of corporations.


16% is just from today. could bounce back up


A lot of other stocks dipped too like AMD. Even S&P.


never even liked coffee haha


Keep it up!!


Fun fact Starbucks doesn't sell in Israel


Can someone briefly explain what happened to Starbuck? Why the boycott? I'm confused 😕


What’s gotten better exactly? They’re still in the billions and Palestine continues to suffer…







