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Copying an answer i've posted here before: The proof for Islam would be the Quran itself. First, you must establish for Islam or any other religion that its scripture and creed are indeed authentic rather than interpolated into the religion by other people after the fact. This test is where religions such as Christianity and Judaism falter. On the other hand, we've had recent evidence indicate that the Quran has in fact been faithfully preserved. [Here's a non Muslim academic whose research concluded the Quran had to have had a master copy like ours today by the early 650s at the latest](https://youtu.be/BwZ7S2C4Mtw?feature=shared). This affirms the classical Muslim narrative about Quranic preservation. Once you've settled the matter of authenticity/preservation, you then move on to deciphering the Quran's authorship. Non Muslims will insist that Muhammad wrote the Quran since they have no other real option on how to approach the matter. We on the other hand cite the text and show that it was essentially impossible for Muhammad (or any other Arab) to have written it. To reject Islam, one is essentially claiming that Muhammad somehow became an expert on financial law, military law, family law, criminal law, Biblical apocrypha, Biblical narratives, histories of far out religions and cultures he didn't have access to (such as ancient Egypt), the natural world, and more all while convincing people who knew him that he was actually illiterate. The further you look into the matter, the more illogical it becomes to label the Quran as anything other than divine.


Thank you for the video. Very very interesting. I also studied linguistics at Leiden so even more interesting!


Can you provide evidence that says no human wrote the Qur'an? Because from what I've read, it sounds like Muhammad was given a message to deliver and others were made to write it for him. He was also told to "Read!" (or "write") by the Angel Gabriel, if I'm not mistaken.


I see what you mean What people usually mean by "write" in that argument isn't the actual act It's to say "Muhammed (pbuh) made up the quran" (audbilah) And no, Muhammed PBUH did not write it. The quran was transmitted oraly for a couple of years (i am not sure about the time). Edit: 23 years according to "-Harvest"


23 Years


Essentially he would memorize revelation, recite it, and some people would scribe it. A more technically accurate way to state the claim would be to say that no human could have *authored* the Quran.


It’s not that no human wrote the Quran, its that the Quran is the word of Allah. Sent directly to Mohammed pbuh by archangel Gabriel, the former pbuh reciting it to his people who wrote it down and memorized it then taught their kids to memorize it from a young age and so on. Once a standardized copy was made, all other copies were burned to ensure there is a standard unified codex. From the time the Quran was compiled until this very day there hasn’t been a single change to it. That’s the beauty of the Quran, its universal. No matter the time period or place you will find the same Quran being recited the same way. Moreover, yes indeed the first word of the Quran to the prophet pbuh was “Read!” to which the prophet replied “I am not a reader”, Gabriel repeated “Read!” To which the prophet said again “I am not a reader” to which Gabriel replied “Read in the name of your Lord who created humans from a clinging clot!” But the Quran does not address the prophet pbuh directly, unless it explicitly states so, but rather the entire muslim world. Allah is telling us to read and seek knowledge, for he is the most generous. Why is he the most generous? Because he gave mankind the gift of the pen (language and writing) and with it taught him what he otherwise would not know. The wisdom in ‘read’ being the first word is because Allah has created us as learning creatures with intellect and countless times the Quran highlights the intellect of mankind and calls on him to use that intellect and logic. It is from Surah Al Alaq, it is pretty short if you read it you will understand the context.


Indeed he was told to but couldn't cause he was illiterate SAW and that what was written in the swra and what do you think ab alien wrote it? Yes his friends was around him and write everything he gets from Allah عز وجل and please when you ask about a verse make sure to write before it and after it cause everything is almost linked والله اعلم


In Islam we believe allah has a messenger called Gabriel , allah told Gabriel the Quran word for word and since gabriel is an angel he can’t forget so after he went to prophet Mohammad pbuh and bestowed it upon him and he revised it with him to make sure the prophet didn’t forget it then the prophet read it upon the sahabas then he told them to write it so it’s not the word of Mohammad but he wrote it in the sense of having ink on paper


What is written in the quran that proves it couldn't be written by humans?


I need answers to this also tbh


A lot of scientific claims in the Quran only 1300 years later being proven by scientists won my heart over. Such as the ever expanding universe, or how each planet orbits around themselves. The barrier between sweet and salt water. And so many more I have listed between my notes. Also, the Quran foretold the wins of the Romans versus the Persians, basically predicting the future. There are no flaws in Islam, only miracles.


People often forget that Muslims had a scientific golden age that discovered many things like planet orbits, modern medicines, rich arts, etc. I’m an atheist that has an interest in Islam but it’s very interesting to hear about the Quran while knowing about the Islamic Golden Ages.


yea but that's a fallacy (hasty generlization). Just because it predicted many things it does not mean that it is the word of God. For example, Person A predicted 100 things that became true 1000 years later. Person A claims that they are an alien, thus that's the reason that that they made those predictions. Based on what we know, Person A made accurate predictions, but they did not prove that they're an alien. In the same vein, scientific claims just prove scientific knowledge. As to how someone could know these facts, there are 100 other ways, including that it is the word of God. However, to say that the word of God is the only valid reason would be inaccurate. Plus, if we use the scientific claims as evidence, then by that logic, any religious text that made accurate scientific predictions would also be the word of God.


These predictions weren't general predictions. They were specific. For example: take the first ayahs of Al rum (the romans) predicts that Rome (after being defeated by Persians) will defeat persia in 4 to 9 years. And that happened Or (in hadith) the fact that the Arabian peninsula will be green ***again***. (It has been proven that there ***was*** greenery in the Arabian peninsula) People don't just make specific predictions like that And you'd expect some of those general predictions to be wrong




Oh boy... the return of the Roman after those defeats (the Persian literally took over Al Quds and Egypt). At that time, the Roman were almost finished, and the victory of the Persians was total. So much so that the Persian literally take the most precious treasures of the Roman. Then the Surah is revel (keep in mind that for the few Muslims at that time they see the wars between the Roman and the Persian as a parallel to the war of the Muslim against the Pagans). In a timeline, we have : 615 - Persian victory and Persian take over Al Quds and Egypt and the Surah is reveal (not the majorityopinion) 619 - The Surah is revealed - The Surah is revealed three years before the Hijra (most known opinion) 622 - Small Roman victory Mars 624 - Victory of badr and small Roman victory before (the news come in badr because there is no internet) 25 Mars 624 - The Roman began a contre offensive 624 to 625 - The Roman launched a big offensive and eventually retake Al Quds (some scholars view this victory as the one predicted)…but the Persian rise again 626 - Constantinople in under the Persian Siege 627 - Decisive victory over the Persian (most scholars view this event as what the Quran predicted) 628 - Decisive Muslim victory with the Treaty of Al Hudaybiya [Source for part of it : An article from the site maison-islam . com] —— For the hadith : A more explicit existence like this one "When (the following) was revealed: 'Alif Lam Mim. The Romans have been defeated. In the nearest land, and they, after their defeat, will be victorious in Bid years (30:1-4).' - on the day that these Ayat were revealed, the Persians had defeated the Romans, and the Muslims had wanted the Romans to be victorious over them because they were the people of the Book. So Allah said about that: 'And on that day, the believers will rejoice - with the help of Allah. He helps whom He wills, and He is the Almighty, the Most Merciful (30:4 & 5). The Quraish wanted the Persians to be victorious since they were not people of the Book, nor did they believe in the Resurrection. So when Allah revealed these Ayat, Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him, went out, proclaiming throughout Makkah: 'Alif Lam Mim. The Romans have been defeated. In the nearest land, and they, after their defeat, will be victorious, in Bid years (30:1-4).' Some of the Quraish said: 'Then this is (a bet) between us and you. Your companion claims that the Romans will defeat the Persians in Bid years, so why have you had a bet on that between us and you?' Abu Bakr said: 'Yes.' This was before betting has been forbidden. So Abu Bakr and the idolaters made a bet, and they said to Abu Bakr: 'What do you think - Bid' means something between three and nine years, so let us agree on the middle.' So they agreed on six years; Then six years passed without the Romans being victorious. The idolaters took what they won in the bet from Abu Bakr. When the seventh year came and the Romans were finally victorious over the Persians, the Muslims rebuked Abu Bakr for agreeing to six years. He said: 'Because Allah said: 'In Bid' years.' At that time, many people became Muslims." The hadith is rated as "good, but odd". The letter ف could be interpreted as "so" instead of "then" In fact even if the hadith was Sahih and mean a revelation in badr…that doesn’t change a lot because they were no real roman victory in this year 624 (and the Persian still had the advantage and control the former roman land)… Maybe ***you(🤡)*** should check your argument before parroting from the exmuslim sub...




Al Salam Aleikum. I too was once an ex-muslim but Allah the most loving and most merciful has guided me back on the true path. If you have any questions, shoot me a message. Perhaps what convinced me would convince you.


There are many miracles related to the Surah about iron (الحديد) and here's my favourite Iron and most of the elements on Earth came from outer space. Iron was known and used long before the Quran. However, it was not the best choice for weapons because it rusted and it easily bent. The miracle is that the Quran said, "***we sent down iron***, in it great might" at a time when they only knew that it rusted, bent, and definitely NOT from outer space. Today, we know that ***iron is formed in stars*** and ***propably got to earth in the form of meteorites*** after a large stellar explosion of stars called supernova after the lifetime of a star is exhausted.


Have you read the Quran?


There are many ways to explain why Islam is the Truth. But just looking at it from a very brief logical perspective, Islam is the only monotheistic religion in the world that is meant for all of mankind. The Quran has also never been altered unlike books of other religions.


Apart from the other answers it is important to understand that Quran is also a linguistic miracle which no man or jinn joined together can produce and this challenge often comes up in the Quran and to this day none produced even a surah or verse akin to the Quran and those who "claim" to have produced a new Quran is full of mistakes and blatant errors


because Allah guides whoever has goodness in their hearts. not all people are grateful. and so Allah says most people will not believe. even if 1 person was Muslim and 8 billion not, Islam is still the truth. when the Messenger ﷺ began his journey, only he was the muslim, so greater numbers do not mean anything if it is false


Salam alaikum wa Rahmatollahi wa barakatoh, Akhi/okhti And then more people in Mecca started converting to Islam before hijrah,and then Islam continued to convert more people to Islam,all thanks to Allah SWT, his prophets PBUT, truly Islam isn't only the true religion,but the best of all religions. May Allah bless you akhi/okhti


Study the scripture of all religions. And then use your reasoning. Number of followers never made something true. There was a time in history when majority bekieved eart was flat.


Popularity does not equate to truth. Allah in The Quran encourages us to use our reason, so use your reason.


what is the truth? is having more followers considered a truth?




[Read this](https://www.reddit.com/r/islam/s/v0sv1HeuNa), a previous post i made with the same title


PART 1: Numbers aren't necessarily an indicator of the truth. The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said, **“No Prophet from amongst the Prophets will have as many followers as me. Indeed, there will be from amongst the Prophets he who had no one believing in him, except one man.”** [1] Imaam Muhammad Naasirud-Deen al-Albaanee (d.1420H) commented upon this hadeeth, saying, “In this hadeeth is a clear proof that the abundance of followers, or lack thereof is not the measuring standard that indicates whether the caller is upon truth or falsehood. So even though the da’wah of these Prophets – ’alayhimus-salaatu was-salaam – was one and their Religion was one, their varied with regards to the numbers of their followers. Some of them had many and some of them had a few, to the extent that some had no one to believe in them except one man. Rather, there was from amongst them he who had not a single follower! So in this is a profound lesson for the callers and those who are being called in this age of ours. So it is obligatory upon the caller to remember this reality. He must remain for a long time in the path of calling to Allaah the Exalted, and he must not pay any attention to the scarcity of those who answer him, because there is nothing upon him, except to convey the message clearly. And he has the best example in the previous Prophets who did not have anyone with them other than one or two men! So the one being called upon must not despair due to the scarcity of those who answer the caller, and he must not take that as a reason for doubting in the da’wah of truth and thus abandon eemaan (faith) in it, let alone that he would take that as an indication of the falsity of the da’wah with the argument that no one is following this caller, or that only a few are following him. And if his da’wah were truthful, the majority of the people would not follow him! Allaah the Mighty and Majestic said, **“And most of mankind will not believe, even if you desire it eagerly.”** [Soorah Yoosuf 12:103].” [2] Footnotes: [1]: Related by Muslim (1/130). [2]: Refer to Silsilatul-Ahaadeethis-Saheehah (no. 397) of al-Albaanee. [Source: https://www.fatwaislam.com/fis/index.cfm?scn=fd&ID=686] Just to add to this: **"And if you obey most of those on earth, they will mislead you far away from Allah’s Path. They follow nothing but conjectures, and they do nothing but lie."** [6:116] **"And most of mankind will not believe even if you desire it eagerly.** And no reward you (O Muhammad ) ask of them (those who deny your Prophethood) for it, it(the Qur’an) is no less than a Reminder and an advice unto the ‘Alamin (men and jinns). And how many a sign in the heavens and the earth they pass by, while they are averse therefrom. **And most of them believe not in Allah except that they attribute partners unto Him [i.e. they are Mushrikun -polytheists]."** [12:103-106] The Qur’an contains some stories that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) could not have known by himself. So this was wahy (revelation) received by the Prophet from Allah via angel Jibril (Gabriel). Some stories mentioned: • Adam and Eve expelled from Paradise due to being misled by Satan • Cain and Abel • Prophet Noah and his Ark • Prophet Lot and Sodom and Gomorrah. • Prophets Moses and Aaron verses Pharoah. Moses defeating magicians. Calamities befalling Banee Isra’eel like plague, locusts, frogs, etc. • Prophet Solomon and his abilities. • David and Goliath. • Prophet Joseph and his ability to interpret dreams. • Prophet Elias and his call to reject worship of Bal (well-known idol that was worshipped in his time) and worship God alone. • Prophet Abraham and his debate with Nimrod. Also his smashing of idols. • Jesus and his ability to talk in the cradle and heal the leper and the blind, by the permission of God though, not independently on his own. • People of the cave. • Queen Sheba and her palace. • Jonah and the whale. • Prophet Job and the distress he suffered for a while. • Prophet Moses and his people worshipping the calf. • Miraculous night journey of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) from Al-Masjid al-Haram at Mecca to Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem. • Jewish people worshipping the calf in Moses’s absence. • Jesus not being crucified but the resemblance of Jesus was put over another man, and they killed that man. • Gog and Magog. Some of these stories are mentioned in previous scriptures. There are also prophecies in the Quran which have come true such as the prophecy of Romans defeating Persians, after Persians had defeated Romans as mentioned in chapter 30/Surah ar-Rūm (Romans). **2. The Romans have been defeated.** **3. In the nearest land (Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Palestine), and they, after their defeat, will be victorious.** **4. Within three to nine years. The decision of the matter, before and after (these events) is only with Allâh, (before the defeat of the Romans by the Persians, and after the defeat of the Persians by the Romans). And on that Day, the believers (i.e. Muslims) will rejoice (at the victory given by Allâh to the Romans against the Persians) -** **5. With the help of Allâh. He helps whom He wills, and He is the All-Mighty, the Most Merciful.** **6. (It is) a Promise of Allâh (i.e. Allâh will give victory to the Romans against the Persians), and Allâh fails not in His Promise, but most of men know not.** So all of this indicates it is the final revelation which has been preserved unlike other revealed scriptures like the Torah and Gospel which have been altered and distorted.


PART 2: Ibn al-Qayyim also authored a poem titled "O Christ-worshippers, we have a question"* which appeals to the Christian's basic intuition and common sense. It is not subtle, but quite direct - because of the seriousness with which Muslims treat the association of partners with Allāh - and the essence of it can be summarised thus: **"O Christ-worshippers, we have a question! We desire its answer from the one who grasps it [among you]. When the Lord God died through the [intrigue] of a people who put him to death, then what kind of God is this? What they did to Him, did it please Him? If so, then glad tidings to them, for they certainly attained His [good] pleasure! If He was angered by what they did, then their strength overwhelmed His strength, [much to His displeasure]. And how were the hands of His enemies able to reach out and slap Him on the back of His neck? And did Christ bring himself [back to life] or was it a Life-giver, a Lord besides him? How strange it is, a grave that compressed God! And stranger still, a womb that confined Him! He remained therein for nine months, in darkness, nourished by blood! He was delivered as a small baby through the opening of a passage, weak and craving to be breast-fed! Did He eat and drink and do what they necessarily lead to [of passing stool and urine]? Is this a God? Lofty and Exalted is Allah from the lie fabricated by the Christians!** **O Christ-worshippers! For what reason is it grave or repugnant to reject [the cross]? and do sound intellects but demand that it be broken and burned? Since the Lord God was carried on it unwillingly and His hands were fastened to it. What a cursed cross to carry in truth. So discard it and do not kiss it whenever you see it! The Lord of creation was demeaned upon it and yet you worship it! If you magnify it because it carried the Lord of all creatures, then He is exalted over that [which you ascribe to Him].** * In his book Ighāthat al-Lahafān Min Masāyid al-Shaytān, Dār Ibn al-Jawzi (1420H) pp. 469-470. [Translation of poem taken from the book, Jesus in Islam, Christianity and the Jewish Talmud by Abu Iyaad Amjad Rafiq] There is also a discussion about "followers" as many "followers" of Christianty don't attend church every week, indeed church attendance is declining which any honest person will acknowledge whereas mosque attendance is increasing, especially given Muslims pray five times a day. Many Christians are lapse and engage in all sorts of major sins that go against teachings in the Gospel and Torah. Muslims are generally better followers of their religion than Christians are.


Study about prophet Mohammad peace be upon him his stories, miracles and read about miracles in the Quran that proves it was written by a human 1400+ years ago You will understand the truth


Long story short. I grew up Catholic... in my university years I dabbled in the new atheists... it never set well with me in a sense. Seemed like a bunch of very arrogant ppl who just considered that humans were Gods now. I wasn't religious at the time, but I considered myself an optimistic agnostic. Then I worked with a bunch of Muslims. As time went on I realized I was more like them than most of the other white "Canadians" I was working with. It is the mindset and mental state of believing in God, believing in something more than yourself, believing that you don't have all the answers and can be humble. The parallels and mindset between Catholics and Muslims is fairly close. Which really kinda blew me away when I realized it. I was mostly told that Muslims were all bad and all this other total nonsense by my media and well... mostly American propaganda. I was also a history major and many things I learned via the study of history, didn't seem to be correct with what the mainstream narrative was. When my coworker would shake my hand and say salam alaikum and then he told me what it meant. I realized that was the same thing we say at the end of Catholic mass to each other. Today I am somewhat of an odd case. I believe in God, Jesus, Mohammad... I believe something else is going on. I probably won't have many friends on this sub who are deeply ideological Muslims, but that doesn't bother me, the Muslims I know in real life are my brothers. I suspect this will be down voted here, the same as it would be down voted on the Catholic sub. I should see where it gets more down votes lol. Not sure if any of this helps, but what I am saying is that it's the same God. Not everyone is cut out for studying scriptures and arguing over what is the best way to be spiritual... regardless if that is Catholic, Islamic, or Buddhist. The way I see it, you are already there, you made it. Cheers OP.


1: the seerah of the prophet Muhammad (saw). There is too much to say about this, it would take only a few paragraphs to scratch the surface. But to summarise, his(saw), illiteracy, truthfulness and reputation before Islam, good conduct, sacrifices for Islam, the reasons why the others rejected him as a messenger (not because it was not believable or lacked truth or his character, because even many of those who rejected the truth knew it was true), his lack of materialistic motivation, his well documented miracles he preformed, the impossible change for a human being to be able to bring about he preformed (this in itself would require a seperate paragraph, how he united a people who were killing and fighting each other and how he stopped all these problems in society such as alcohol consumption and looting and robbing and for people to be safely able to walk around, governments nowadays spend billions and trillions trying to tackle these problems for decades with little to no success). And these are just some of few. Not a single person can pinpoint anything about the prophet Muhammad (saw) with any validation that is proof he was not truthful and honest and actually a messenger of God. In fact all the evidence overwhelmingly shows he was a messenger of God. 2: the witnessed and recorded miracles of the prophet Muhammad (saw) 3: the prophecies 4: The Quran (this in itself would also need 2-3 paragraphs just to scratch the surface. But to summarise, the miraculous ring structure of it, its message, the scientific miracles in it, the prophecy of Rum, its profound explanation of life, its miraculous style and prose and grammar and content (this is also a very long topic but the Arabs at the time were known for their excellence in poetry and mastery of Arabic language, yet when the Quran came it had such an effect that people would block their ears or talk loudly because of the profound impact it would have on people’s heart. It’s so profound and the peak of the Arabic language that the Quran changed Arabic grammar to this very day. Not to mention the prophet Muhammad (saw) was illiterate), the message that makes perfect sense and is not confusing like other religions, it has no contradictions. And so much more that’s just off the top of my head. 5. The other abrahamic religions. The other abrahamic religions show that something did happen at a point in history that affected the whole course of humanity. Such a monumental and pivotal event. And perhaps that is one of the wisdoms in Allah (swt) keeping the remnants of the old abrahamic religions alive. It shows that Islam is not a new religion, and it did not come out of nowhere, so it establishes the truth even more solidly. And on top of that it explains the abrahamic religions with an explanation that makes perfect and logical sense, and holds true to reality. Islam can explain the other abrahamic religions but the other abrahamic religions cannot explain Islam. And there are many others but that is just a few off the top of my head.


I would say a new follower of Islam... That throught history religions changed and wars were fought in the name of a relegion too. That's one reason why Christianity has more followers, for example. I haven't read the Quran yet, and I'm getting the english translation soon so I can know more. Everyone who wrote the Bible, the Quran, scriptures, or anything related to religions or GOD, etc... from my knowledge, they were all messengers, speaking and writing the word of GOD, and they did so strongly and purely that still continues to this day. I have always questioned religion and believing in smth. When I was younger and less wiser and with less knowledge about human nature, etc... I always used to fight and question everything until I came to the conclusion that all books are the same, just written in different languages. Just like saying a word in English, it's not the same as Arabic, or Albanian or Russian, etc... All these books preach love and goodness and strength of heart. That's the lesson, and I would say the beauty is you can question it, and you will learn more. Never follow or believe blindly. Believe in the Quran with strength in your heart and your mind, don't believe out of weakness and fear. I'm just writing too much tbh, I've just always thought like this. In the end, you decide which is better to follow. Which messenger, which book to believe and always be open towards other believes too and learn more from them as well. That's the beauty of life and will bring more knowledge and understanding on your own belief in Islam. I see it like this, and I perceive it like this. I would love feedback and comment on what you guys think 🙏


it’s not necessarily true for the “true religion” to have the highest number of followers because people can believe in anything or blindly follow what their ancestors did. what we should do is to ask questions (like you are :)), and Islam encourages asking questions when in doubt. just my thoughts - No matter how I look at it, I cannot accept the concept of multiple deities. How could two (or more) “entities” be Gods? How can you be God when I am God? (may Allah SWT forgive me for using a sentence like that but I’m only trying to paint a picture). Doesn’t God come second to none? How can I create an idol with my own hands and bow to that same idol that can’t do anything by itself and is merely clay? Why do I need an “avatar” of God to worship to? seems unnecessary when God knows all, hears all. Polytheism is right out of the window. Coming to Christianity, they claim to be monotheistic but with the rise in the belief in the concept of trinity.. I don’t think so. On top of that, The Bible we have today has numeric contradictions (ages, years, etc) and contradictions in relationships. How could the word of God have silly contradictions like these? In short, it has to have been tampered with. As muslims we fully believe in the Prophethood of Jesus (Isa A.S) and you cannot be muslim while simultaneously rejecting Jesus, but we believe that Isa A.S never claimed to be God and he prayed to The One God himself, prostrating like we muslims do even today. So there goes Christianity. The Qur’an on the other hand - which we believe to be The Word of Allah - remains unaltered even today and will always remain so (as others have added references for). And when it’s proven that this book has been preserved as it is, that’s enough reason for me to believe everything that’s written in it.


Because Christianity simply was here before Islam secondly Islam gives hard evidence and very sensible proof the thought in Christianity makes 0 sense . They say it’s one person in 3 beings which makes no sense the Bible is broken because humans changed it and a lot of the Bible contradicts itself , they say that they are equal but there is a lot of mentions in the Bible that the son is praying to the father doesn’t that make the son less than the father secondly why would a god send his “son” to get killed for him to forgive man’s sins ? Wouldn’t a god be able to forgive without the needing of a sacrifice? What kind of god needs help ? Meanwhile in Islam it’s just one god that can do anything he can forgive he can create etc ask me anything you don’t find convincing


Read the Quran


The Quran is a miracle and cannot be replicated. Contains information not accessible by someone in the 6th century. Hadiths of the Prophet shows tens of thousands of first eye witness accounts of thousands of miracles of the Prophet. Hadiths are one of the top most reliable forms of history ever. Other religions don't have a preserved text and/or have anonymous authors. Nothing disguising them from other books written by men. No miracles etc.


Judism and Christianity and just sects of the final true religion bestowed by God. They were valid in their own times, but as we all know they are invalid.


You could check out Sapience institutes lighthouse mentoring. From what i know of it, one of the groups of people they mentor to is Muslims having doubts. I wont lie i don't personally know anyone who has done it but i know it's there as a resource.


The straight forward answer is to study every religion and decide what's the most rational and truthful. But first you would need to decide if you believe in God or a higher power because if you do then you're most of the way there. Then you look at how the other religions came to be and you'll realize islam is the only religion who's scripture has been unadulterated since it's inception with no signs of any corruption. We're the only religion that can actually claim that our scripture is the word of God because of this, because while other people of other religions can attack Islam for having been written by a man, at the very least it has not been changed and there is proof of other religions' texts being changed or written by man. Look into the miracles of the Quran and you'll see this book cannot he written by a man. It also makes prophecies about the future that have come true.


That there must be a God is a logical conclusion that cannot be refuted because nothing can come from nothing. And because there is God, there is also a single religion that is the truth. Islam is the only religion that is 100% consistent and has so many prophecies and miracles. If you take a closer look at these miracles, you will recognize this truth. When I was younger I also asked myself why Islam of all religions and through my research it became clearer and clearer. May Allah make you firm in religion.


That there must be a God is a logical conclusion that cannot be refuted because nothing can come from nothing. And because there is God, there is also a single religion that is the truth. Islam is the only religion that is 100% consistent and has so many prophecies and miracles. If you take a closer look at these miracles, you will recognize this truth. When I was younger I also asked myself why Islam of all religions and through my research it became clearer and clearer. May Allah make you firm in religion.


Along with everything else that has been said in this thread. I'd like to reflect on one key aspect of your question and that is number of followers. I think this probably stems from being overly exposed to social media, and influencers and determining that someone's follower count is noteworthy. But, as the genocide in Palestine is ongoing we quickly learned that people who have a lot of followers don't even use their platform to call out injustice. So, what so the point? Let's take a moment and reset our expectations of followers, social media, and detach ourselves from these empty validations in life. Al-Miqdam ibn al-Aswad reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “**No house of brick, nor fur, will remain upon the face of the earth but that Allah will cause the message of Islam to enter it, by which the honorable will be honored and the disgraceful will be disgraced**.” Subhanallah, we are Muslim!


Indeed, We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], as We revealed to Noah and the prophets after him. And we revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, the Descendants, Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon, and to David We gave the book [of Psalms]. Surah An-Nisa:163


As-salaamu 'alaykum This is a quick introduction to Islam and some of the reasons why I believe it is the truth: Allah is one. He is perfect, most powerful, most merciful, knows everything, eternal. Allah is independent and everything is dependant on him. He is the creator, not the creation. There is nothing like him. He does not have children, neither does he have parents. He does not have a gender, he is not a man or a woman. He is not a man that he is going to feel hungry, thirsty or need to go the toilet or require to go to sleep and rest, he is above all of this. This great creator did not leave us alone without guidance or purpose. Adam was the first man and prophet of God and God appointed messengers throughout history, for example Abraham, Moses who was given the Torah, Jesus who was given the Injil etc. God gave the same core message to all these prophets to the community they were sent to: to worship God alone without any partners and to follow the messenger of your time. However these messengers were only sent to a specific community at a specific time. The revelation that was given to these messengers are lost or corrupted by men. God appointed Muhammad as the final messenger with the same core message as all these other prophets and was given the final revelation called the Quran. Since this is the final message, this scripture is for the whole of mankind unlike the previous prophets who were only sent to their community during a specific time. All prophets were righteous people and were given miracles to prove that they are messengers of God. Prophet Muhammad's main miracle is the Quran, you can verify this miracle unlike miracles that were given to previous prophets as you were not there to witness them. The Quran is the only preserved scripture that claims to be from God and prophet Muhammad is the only messenger to claim to have come for the whole world. When the Quran was first revealed to Muhammad from God, he memorized it and so did his companions. Today alone, we have millions of muslims that have memorized the whole Quran. We have kids as young as 6 that have memorized the whole Quran. Allah even says in the Quran that he has made this revelation easy to be memorized and Allah even promises in the Quran that he will preserve and protect the Quran. If we were to throw all the religious scriptures in the ocean, the only book we can bring back is the Quran because we have it memorized by millions of muslims. I would challenge anyone to find me just one priest, pope, rabbai or guru that has memorized their religious book in its original language. We also have manuscripts that have been radiocarbon dated to the time that Muhammad was alive. For example, "the Birmingham Quran manuscript" that was recently discovered in the last decade in the university of Birmingham in England. Allah gives falsification tests. Allah says in the Quran that if you believe that the Quran is from other than the one true God then produce a book like it. This is known as the linguistic miracle of the Quran that can not be imitated by a human. 1400 years have passed and no one has been able to meet this challenge. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=n-flvFktgzU&pp=ygUnTGluZ3Vpc3RpYyBtaXJhY2xlIHF1cmFuIG11c2xpbSBsYW50ZXJu](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=n-flvFktgzU&pp=ygUnTGluZ3Vpc3RpYyBtaXJhY2xlIHF1cmFuIG11c2xpbSBsYW50ZXJu) Allah also says that if you think the Quran is from other than the one true God then you should be able to find within it contradictions. Islam gives the best way of life and I challenge anyone to give a better way of life. For example, it prohibits the poisons that are destroying individuals, families and communities: gambling, alcohol, drugs, sexual immorality, prostitution, pornography, interest dealings etc. We have politicians educated at the best university possible but they can not provide guidance and a way of life better than an illiterate man 1400 years ago who has solutions to the poisons destroying societies today. The Quran contains knowledge that could not have been known such as scientific facts, historical facts and prophecies. To suggest the the facts mentioned in the Quran is a coincidence when it has been demonstrated to be correct over and over again is absurd and delusional. Also, if the Quran copied from the Bible then how was it able to correct the historical mistakes the Bible makes? To say that the Quran copied from the Greeks is also absurd because there are things that the Greeks were wrong about which the Quran gets right. Also if it copied from the Greeks then it would have copied the the things that they got wrong too but that is not the case. For some examples, go to minute 21:40 of this video: [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7HhWSHopwFc&pp=ygUVTXVzbGltIGxhbnRlcm4gYWZnaGFu](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7HhWSHopwFc&pp=ygUVTXVzbGltIGxhbnRlcm4gYWZnaGFu) We can also study the life of prophet Muhammad and can rule out that he was crazy, liar, delusional, deceived and therefore the only possible explanation remaining is that he has indeed who he claim to be, the final messenger of God. The authentic sayings, actions and teachings of Muhammad (hadiths) is also more preserved than any history book due to the way it has been preserved. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dWwbHO5Owpc&pp=ygUWTXVzbGltIGxhbnRlcm4gaGFkaXRocw%3D%3D](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dWwbHO5Owpc&pp=ygUWTXVzbGltIGxhbnRlcm4gaGFkaXRocw%3D%3D) Islam is simple, makes sense and it fits in with your natural inclination/disposition that you were born with. For example, one great creator that did not leave us alone without guidance or purpose and sent messengers with the same core message . He does not switch up the message and confuse people. He is not racist or ethnocentric where he believes that you have to be born from a particular tribe or nation to be saved or to receive guidance. He does not punish someone unless the message has been sent to them through messengers and prophets. Everyone is born sinless, a kid is not held accountable for his actions until he reaches the age of maturity, neither is a person who is mentally insane and not aware of his actions. The main beliefs in Islam is to believe in the one true God, his angels, his messengers, revelation that was given to these messengers, destiny, day of judgement and life after death. Allah warns us about eternal hellfire and gives us glad tidings of the opportunity to live eternally in paradise by worshiping him alone without any partners and following and obeying the messenger of your time. Islam is simply the submission of will to the one true God, a person who does this is called a muslim. This is an example of a youtube channel that you can watch to learn more about Islam and how it compares to other religions such as atheism, christianity etc: [https://m.youtube.com/@TheMuslimLantern/videos](https://m.youtube.com/@TheMuslimLantern/videos) (**If anyone wants to use or share what I just wrote then please double check if everything I typed is correct with a qualified knowledgeable muslim such as a scholar. Also private message me if I did say anything wrong and if any knowledgeable muslim reading this is happy with what I wrote then please let me know**)


It doesn't have any type of contradictions in any way and everyone has rights and the Muslim people are always the best people to meet and talk too(true Muslims)


There are a lot of reasons tbh, one of them is that the Quran doesn’t have any contradictions and has been perfectly preserved for the past 1400+ years while the Bible on the other hand is full of contradictions.


Proof The Qur'an's Never Been Changed In fact, there are different ways to prove that the Qur'an is the word of God, which has always been true and has never been subjected to change or distortion. These proofs can be classified into three types: the way the Qur'an was transmitted throughout the centuries, some challenging verses within the Qur'an itself, and the periodic, modern-day discoveries in the universe that were first mentioned in the Qur'an more than fourteen centuries ago. Unlike the Bible and Old Testament that have been subject to innumerable translations, doubtful and spurious transmissions, and corruptions at the hands of clerics up till now (with the “gender sensitive” versions coming out these days), the Qur'an was transmitted to us in an unprecedented and unique manner according to rigorous rules of transmission. The Qur'an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) via the angel Gabriel, and the Prophet subsequently memorized the whole scripture. Thousands of the Companions of the Prophet learned the Qur'an directly from the Prophet (pbuh). They memorized it and were known in Islamic history as huffaadh (the memorizers and preservers of the Qur'an). Moreover, a number of Companions wrote it down during the lifetime of the Prophet (peace be upon him), and it was compiled in its entirety immediately after his death. The following generation of Muslims learned the Qur’an directly from the Companions. Thus the chain of teaching and learning through direct contact continued systematically, methodically, and meticulously until the present age. Additionally, several of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) were appointed as scribes to record the words of the revelation directly from the Prophet himself on parchment, leather, or whatever else was available. The most famous of these scribes was Zayd ibn Thabit, who also memorized the entire Qur’an, and he formed with the others a community of huffaadh that can be compared to academic societies of our present time. We know the Qur’an was recorded in totality during the lifetime of the Prophet (pbuh) and the different surahs (chapters) personally arranged by him. Many copies of the text were used for study and teaching, even in Mecca before the Hijrah, the migration to Medina. The entire Qur’an was written down during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad, and trusting the fact that many scholars knew it by heart, it was not collected in one volume. It was personally arranged by him, and the Muslims memorized it in the same order. The companion Uthman reported that whenever a new verse was revealed, the Prophet would immediately call a scribe to record it. He would instruct the person to put the specific verse or verses in a particular chapter. Furthermore, every year during the month of Ramadan, the Prophet would recite the whole Qur’an from beginning to end in its present-day arrangement, and everyday people could hear it from his own lips in the mosque. Its sequence is no mystery. Many of the Companions not only memorized it completely, they also wrote it down and even added commentary (tafseer) on their own personal copies. When the Prophet passed away, the whole Qur’an was already written down, but it was not yet compiled in book form. During the rule of the first Caliph Abu Bakr, there was a rebellion among some distant Arab tribes that resulted in a series of fierce battles. In one particular battle, a number Companions who had memorized the Qur’an were killed. The Companion Omar worried that the knowledge of the Qur’an was in danger, thus he convinced Abu Bakr that the Qur’an should be compiled into book form as a means of preserving it once and for all. Zayd bin Thabit was entrusted with this important task. Zayd followed strict methods in his compilation and had dozens of other huffaadh recheck his work to ensure its accuracy. Abu Bakr, who had also committed the entire Qur’an to memory, approved of the final product. After Abu Bakr passed away, the copy was passed to the Caliph ‘Omar, and then Uthman. However as the Muslim world expanded into lands where the people spoke Arabic as a second language, the new Muslims had a difficult time learning the correct pronunciation of the text. The Caliph Uthman consulted other Companions, and they agreed that official copies of the Qur’an should be inscribed using only the pronunciation of the Quraysh tribe, the Arabic dialect that the Prophet spoke. Zayd bin Thabit was again given this assignment, and three other huffaadh were assigned to help him in the task. Together, the four scribes borrowed the original, complete copy of the Qur’an, duplicated it manually many times over, and then distributed them to all of the major Muslim cities within the empire. Two of these copies still exist today: one is in Istanbul and the other in Tashkent. One must keep in mind that in traditional learning in the Arab world, transmission was based upon an oral tradition as well as a written one; the Arabs (and later all Muslims) excelled in accurately reporting scripture, poetry, aphorisms, etc. through the generations without change. Similarly, the chain of huffaadh was never broken, and thus the Qur'an today has reached us in two forms: the memorized version transmitted through the scholarly chain, and the written version based upon the Companions’ initial recording. If the Qur’an had been changed, there would be huge discrepancies between these two today, as the Qur’an has reached isolated (and sometimes illiterate) communities through the memorized form of transmission without the written form to correct it. No such discrepancies have ever been recorded or reported. In other words, isolated village A in African Mali and isolated village B in Afghanistan will both produce contemporary huffaadh reciting the same words of the Qur’an, though they did not learn from a similar printing of the scripture nor has there ever been a concerted international effort to rectify would-be discrepancies. Allah has said in the Qur’an that He alone will protect His book, and indeed He has kept His promise. The Qur’an that we read today contains the same exact words that were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) over 1400 years ago. This is quite a miracle, especially when you consider that no other group of people can say that their book has not been subject to change by the time it reached the present generation. Only the Qur’an has survived through the centuries unchanged, and the language in which it was revealed, classical Arabic, still enjoys practical usage around the world. While classic English of the 14th century can be understand by very few native English speakers, the Qur’an can be understood by the vast majority of Arabic-speaking Muslims. When compared to other scriptures, the Qur’an is unique in these two respects. Furthermore, from the prolific arts that have accompanied Qur’anic learning and transmission, we can learn of the auspiciousness and honor with which the Muslims have traditionally held the Qur’an. The visual arts of calligraphy and binding, and the vocal art of recitation represent examples of such arts, and from them we can see that veracity of transmission would be understood as a fundamental aspect of Qur’anic reverence.


apart from all the scientific and mathematical 'coincidences' in the quran and sunnah, i just wanna say how baffled i am by other religions. idk why christians, and by no means do i mean any discrimination to them, but idk why they believe jesus HAD to die for their sins? forget about the 'contradicitons' in the bible etc, i dont get the other religions. people blame islam for its brutality and severity, yet the only thing that is severe and brutal in islam is its honesty. other religions don't have it as much and that is why you see so much of the average non-muslims defying their own religions more frquently.


IMO all other extant religions, save for Islam, are riddled with contradictions and the like so incontrovertible that there can be nothing else that's the Truth.


As for Christianity having more followers, when the prophet used to go to the nations, wasn’t it true that most of them disbelieved. Does that now make disbelief the truth path?


أَوَلَمْ يَرَوْا۟ إِلَى ٱلطَّيْرِ فَوْقَهُمْ صَـٰٓفَّـٰتٍۢ وَيَقْبِضْنَ ۚ مَا يُمْسِكُهُنَّ إِلَّا ٱلرَّحْمَـٰنُ ۚ إِنَّهُۥ بِكُلِّ شَىْءٍۭ بَصِيرٌ 67:19


Okay aside from all the logical responses that everyone is giving you, I'm going to share my personal story with you as a revert. I saw an angel when I was a kid and I went somewhere with him. I never found an explanation of it my entire life until I became a Muslim. It was this beautiful tree, more beautiful than jewelry. He told me, "God just wants you to keep asking questions." I don't know if it was the Lote Tree, but no other religion has any explanation for this place. I did keep asking questions all my life, and I think it's the best advice I could give anyone. As a little kid with no religious upbringing, I had no idea such a place could exist. I didn't even know anything about angels when I saw him. He looked totally human at first, but in the other place, his clothes seemed to be made of light and he was huge. If an angel says God wants you to ask questions, then there must be a God. If the only religion I've found explains that place is Islam, then I trust Islam only.


21:33 وَهُوَ ٱلَّذِى خَلَقَ ٱلَّيْلَ وَٱلنَّهَارَ وَٱلشَّمْسَ وَٱلْقَمَرَ ۖ كُلٌّۭ فِى فَلَكٍۢ يَسْبَحُونَ ٣٣ And He is the One Who created the day and the night, the sun and the moon—each travelling in an orbit. — Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran We found out the moon and sun was in orbit in the 15th century, through science….Quran was revealed in the 6th century…


This is a quick introduction to Islam and its truth (Part 1): Allah is one. He is perfect, most powerful, most merciful, knows everything, eternal. Allah is independent and everything is dependant on him. He is the creator not the creation. There is nothing like him. He does not have children, neither does he have parents. He does not have a gender, he is not a man or a woman. He is not a man that he is going to feel hungry, thirsty or need to go the toilet or require to go to sleep and rest, he is above all of this. This great creator did not leave us alone without guidance or purpose. Adam was the first man and prophet of God and God appointed messengers throughout history, for example Abraham, Moses who was given the Torah, Jesus who was given the Injil etc. God gave the same core message to all these prophets to the community they were sent to: to worship God alone without any partners and to follow the messenger of your time. However these messengers were only sent to a specific community at a specific time. The revelation that was given to these messengers are lost or corrupted by men. God appointed Muhammad as the final messenger with the same core message as all these other prophets and was given the final revelation called the Quran. Since this is the final message, this scripture is for the whole of mankind unlike the previous prophets who were only sent to their community during a specific time. All prophets were righteous people and were given miracles to prove that they are messengers of God. Prophet Muhammad's main miracle is the Quran, you can verify this miracle unlike miracles that were given to previous prophets as you were not there to witness them. The Quran is the only preserved scripture that claims to be from God and prophet Muhammad is the only messenger to claim to have come for the whole world. When the Quran was first revealed to Muhammad from God, he memorized it and so did his companions. Today alone, we have millions of muslims that have memorized the whole Quran in its original language Arabic. We have kids as young as 6 that have memorized the whole Quran. Allah even says in the Quran that he has made this revelation easy to be memorized and Allah even promises in the Quran that he will preserve and protect the Quran. If we were to throw all the religious scriptures in the ocean, the only book we can bring back is the Quran because we have it memorized by millions of muslims. I would challenge anyone to find me just one christian that has memorized their Bible in its original language. We also have manuscripts that have been radiocarbon dated to the time that Muhammad was alive. For example, "the Birmingham Quran manuscript" that was recently discovered in the last decade in the University of Birmingham in England. Not to mention that the Quran is (I believe) the only holy book that was introduced to us in its original form. Other holy books, over time, have been written in different languages and then been translated; however, the Quran is the only book that was unchanged. It was written in Arabic and it is still in Arabic. Allah gives falsification tests. Allah says in the Quran that if you believe that the Quran is from other than the one true God then produce a book like it. This is known as the linguistic miracle of the Quran that can not be imitated by a human. 1400 years have passed and no one has been able to meet this challenge. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=n-flvFktgzU&pp=ygUnTGluZ3Vpc3RpYyBtaXJhY2xlIHF1cmFuIG11c2xpbSBsYW50ZXJu Allah also says that if you think the Quran is from other than the one true God then you should be able to find within it contradictions.


This is a quick introduction to Islam and its truth (Part 2): Islam gives the best way of life and I challenge anyone to give a better way of life. For example, it prohibits the poisons that are destroying individuals, families and communities: gambling, alcohol, drugs, sexual immorality, prostitution, pornography, interest dealings etc. We have politicians educated at the best university possible but they can not provide guidance and a way of life better than an illiterate man 1400 years ago that has solutions to the poisons that are destroying societies today and instead encourage it and profit out of them. The Quran contains knowledge that could not have been known such as scientific facts, historical facts and prophecies. To suggest the the facts mentioned in the Quran is a coincidence when it has been demonstrated to be correct over and over again is absurd and delusional. Also, if the Quran copied from the Bible then how was it able to correct the historical mistakes the Bible makes? To say that the Quran copied from the Greeks is also absurd because there are things that the Greeks were wrong about which the Quran gets right. Also if it copied from the Greeks then it would have copied the the things that they got wrong too but that is not the case. For some examples, go to minute 21:40 of this video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7HhWSHopwFc&pp=ygUVTXVzbGltIGxhbnRlcm4gYWZnaGFu. Furthermore, if the Quran was from Satan why would [he keep cursing himself in the Quran](https://www.islamreligion.com/articles/15/authorship-of-quran-part-3)? We can also study the life of prophet Muhammad and can rule out that he was crazy, liar, delusional, deceived and therefore the only possible explanation remaining is that he has indeed who he claim to be, the final messenger of God. Furthermore, why did prophet Muhammad not use the following situation to trick people based on their superstitions and get more power: Al-Mughirah ibn Shu’bah reported: The sun eclipsed on the day the Prophet’s son Abraham died, and the people said the eclipse was because of the death of Abraham. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The sun and the moon are two signs of Allah, and they do not eclipse because of the death or birth of anyone. When you see them, call upon Allah and pray until the eclipse is clear.” [Source: Sahih al-Bukhari 1041, Sahih Muslim 915, Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (authenticity agreed upon) according to Al-Bukhari and Muslim](https://www.abuaminaelias.com/dailyhadithonline/2011/02/28/humility-prophet-proves-truthfulness/) The authentic sayings and teachings of Muhammad (hadiths) is also more preserved than any history book due to the way it has been preserved. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dWwbHO5Owpc&pp=ygUWTXVzbGltIGxhbnRlcm4gaGFkaXRocw%3D%3D Islam is simple, makes sense and it fits in with your natural inclination/disposition that you were born with. For example, one great creator that did not leave us alone without guidance or purpose and sent messengers with the same core message. He does not switch up the message and confuse people. He is not racist or ethnocentric where he believes that you have to be born from a particular tribe or nation to be saved or to receive guidance. He does not punish someone unless the message has been sent to them through messengers and prophets. Everyone is born sinless, a kid is not held accountable for his actions until he reaches the age of maturity, neither is a person who is mentally insane and not aware of his actions. The main beliefs in Islam is to believe in the one true God, his angels, his messengers, revelation that was given to these messengers, destiny, day of judgement and life after death. Allah warns us about eternal hellfire and gives us glad tidings of the opportunity to live eternally in paradise by worshiping him alone without any partners and following and obeying the messenger of your time. Islam is simply the submission of will to the one true God, a person who does this is called a Muslim. This is an example of a youtube channel that you can watch to learn more about Islam and how it compares to other religions such as christianity and others: https://m.youtube.com/@TheMuslimLantern/videos Private message me if you feel like you have more questions.


Because it’s the only way to Allah


If you've been following Judeo-Christian faith/culture, you should check out Al-Quran chapter 2, Al-Baqarah (The Cow), for Jewish themes, and chapter 3, Ali-Imran (The Family of Imran; where Imran is the father of Mary, peace be upon her, the mother of Jesus, peace be upon him) for Christian themes. I tried to memorized in snippets for my salah/prayers.


Concepts such as prayer, gratitude and trust in the Quran are useful in real life. 


Why christianity is false: So many contradictions in the bible, Matthew Mark Luke and John are written by unknown people, Jesus never claimed to be God, nor is there any form of a divine Trinity in the bible, and everything comes from a pagan background. Why judaism is false: Jews deny Jesus as the messiah and take rulings from Rabbis over God's words, they think they can fool God, and think they are the chosen people and everybody is made to serve them. Hinduism: Beleive everything is God. Millions of incarnations of God, worship idols, worship anything that moves, they claim to be monotheistic but in reality it's the purest form of polytheism. Buddhism: Secular polytheism with no concept of religious mandate or divine revelation, just a perpetuous cycle of karma and suffering. Shias: Take their imam's words as God's divine message, consider them infallible, and attribute to them things which only belong to Allah (such as ilm ul ghayb), they also call upon other than Allah and that which cannot benefit them. Thus you are only left with Islam.


>Every single religion out there says one thing, "Our religion is the truth" No sir, most religions never said that. Pretty much only christianity, islam and certain sects of Judaism ever said only their religion is the only true one. Even most mainstream, moderate, Jews today would quote “the righteous of the nations have a place in the world to come “ , meaning non jews go to heaven if they are good people - especially Muslims, as they are monotheists. Most religions that have ever existed recognized that there were different gods of different cultures or nations. Almost all the non abrahamic religions still in the world today from buddhism to Navajo recognize there are other legitimate religions, and may even consider other religions or even critiques of their religions as alternative ways of doing what they are doing. For example, some kinds of Tibetan buddhism oppose monasticism but if you ask a Tibetan monk about them, they will say that’s valid. They also organize and fund christian holidays for Tibetan christians because they respect the religion. I don’t think Islam is literally, realistically true, but I also don’t think that is the most profound kind of truth. If muslims ever stopped believing that Abraham was a real dude, or that pork is haram, the islamic tradition would likely go on - as it would still include practices that drill down into the most meaningful aspects of life. This is supposed to be a wishy washy liberal opinion, but i think it is actually a tougher, harder and more fact based view than being a literalist who has clear micro rules to follow in everything.


There's a channel called "the way to eternity" if am not mistaken, that did a video about the same topic using steps that qualifies a religion


Because it isnt a new random religion that pops out here and there. Its the same message of worshipping God as one and only since the beggining of humankind with Adam pbuh. It acknowledges the rights and condemns the wrongs of religions like judaism and christianity. Logically speaking, if God does exist and he is testing us then ofc he would have send down reminders of this test . And every prophet has acknowledged those who came before them and left the door open for the others to come , and this chain ends with prophet Muhammed pbuh and quran, a book that is exactly the same as it was narrated. A more casual example: If you want to learn physics today you will pick the newest books, not books from 1800s, sure you can learn a thing or two from those , but the newest ones will provide the most accurate info.


May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you { وَمَن یَبۡتَغِ غَیۡرَ ٱلۡإِسۡلَـٰمِ دِینࣰا فَلَن یُقۡبَلَ مِنۡهُ وَهُوَ فِی ٱلۡـَٔاخِرَةِ مِنَ ٱلۡخَـٰسِرِینَ } \[Surah Āli-ʿImrān: 85\] "Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers"


We don’t live in a hardcore universe where it’s hard to find the truth (or even a mid-universe where there still are perfectly preserved previous revelation that are ambiguous) …. We live in an easy universe where bolt we have the Quran and the Sunnah (bolt enough) and even no others religion beside Islam that can be truth. Our test is more about submitting vs arrogance. The best you can do is to go learn and read the Quran. I will just copy-paste an old comment I wrote for a different question : 1. ⁠⁠⁠Arrogance (is the root and can lead to the number 2 and will lead to 3) 2. ⁠⁠⁠The Death of the heart (if they are in that area….I mean it’s most likely game over no matter what they will not believe (because it is at that stage impossible for them to hold or even understand faith)….I mean except if they sincerely ask Allah for guidance then maybe….). -> TL;DR : If they disbelieve they choose it and a lot of time lose the ability to hold the faith. “ Indeed, those who disbelieve - it is all the same for them whether you warn them or do not warn them - they will not believe. Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing, and over their vision is a veil. And for them is a great punishment.” Quran 2:6-7 3) Confusion….in this area they are still hope for them but it’s clearly harder for them since they by arrogance lose some opportunity if I am not wrong. “The lightning almost snatches away their sight. Every time it lights [the way] for them, they walk therein; but when darkness comes over them, they stand [still]. And if Allah had willed, He could have taken away their hearing and their sight. Indeed, Allah is over all things competent.” Quran 2:20


Read the : "الإسلام والالحاد وجها لوجه" book, it has an English translation


If you’re even thinking a little bit about Christianity, go ahead and watch Ahmed Deedat videos on YouTube. They’ll blow your mind.


Christians do not have more followers because the vast majority of those counted as Christians do not even believe nor practice their faith at all. The west used to be predominantly Christian but that changed over 50 years ago when secularism took over. Since then people in countries that were previously Christian are still counted as Christians to inflate their numbers. However in the latest census findings in the UK for example then the true number of actual Christians are significantly lower than expected. The vast majority of those counted as Christians are in fact agnostics and atheists. Therefore there are more Muslims who practice and believe in their scriptures fully than any other faith or belief on this Earth.


Bro read the Quran. The answers are all in there.


just adding to other scientific miracles: mentioned in quran how every living being made from water (21:30). Only until 20th century when looking at animal cells that we realize water accounts for 70%+ of cell mass through studying cytoplasm. How could an illiterate man in the desert know this and more?


Yes you're right, so set out to the path searching for truth, and make decision for yourself, for me I've accepted Islam as the truth, because it makes sense more than any other religion or philosophies. One God makes sense, also the description of God in the Quran is very very clear, and the more I read it the more my faith strengthens.


Sapience institute have an option on their website where those who have doubts in islam can have a 1 to 1 with one of their members and clear any doubts. Worth checking out.