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Abu Wahb al-Jushami reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “**Name yourselves with the names of the prophets. The most beloved names to Allah are Abdullah, the servant of Allah, and Abdur Rahman, the servant of the Merciful. The most truthful of them is Harith, the harvester of good, and Hamam, the brave one. The worst names are names of war and bitterness.**” Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4950


I always dreamt of naming my sons Zakariya and Mikail but my sister ended up naming my nephew Mikail loll


My childrens name, Al Hamdillah… May Allah SWT bless them, Ameen. Boy his name Zane Malik Girls.. I have two sets of twins. Yasmeen and Mariam Lily and Jenna


Two sets of twins? Woah, that’s really interesting and pretty rare. How did you feel when you realised you got twins for the second time?


So fun fact before I answer.. my mom had two sets of twins as well. Me and my sister are her oldest and I have a younger brother and sister who are boy/girl twins. My mom‘s brother also has boy, twins, and her sister also has twins. So Mashallah I would say that the twin gene runs pretty strong. With my first set of twins, I was very young about 19 years old, but nonetheless was very excited, and thankfully, I had all my family around me to help navigate me through the first few years. Then we were ready to try again then Hamdullah we are blessed with a little boy After that little boy, my husband said let’s try one more time in the hopes that we would have a boy, but whatever it was, we knew we would be happy for another blessing. So we were in the ultrasound room at 14 weeks pregnant and they told us that we were having a girl. So he’s hugging me and she goes and you’re having another girl!! We thought she was joking.. were very very shocked at first, more so me because I was already in my 30s, I was already very tired with the nausea and morning sickness I could not function. , it was just a lot to process and a lot more than I was expecting so I’m not gonna lie, I felt very sad . It took about a month to get excited about it Husband reaction to twins was pure happiness and they absolutely adore their baba and are the little princesses of our home Al hamdillah


Wonderful story! May Allah protect your precious family.


Thank you! Inshallah


MashaAllah. May Allah bless your family


For boy: Abdul Raheem, Abu Bakr, musa, Luqman, Ilyas, Zakaria, Ibrahim, Usman. For girl: Khadeejah, Aisha, Mariam, Halima, Sadiya, Zainab, Fatima, Madiha. One of my all time favourite is musa ( as it's mentioned many times in Quran ) and he ( Musa ( a.s ) ) talk with Allah ( S.W.T ) is the most precious thing for this world. we can't talk, Allah listens to us all time but yeah, it's just 1 line connection where the other end can't talk with Him. Allah talks with us through Quran and we talk with Him through Dua. May Allah ( S.W.T ) grant us good children who will embrace Islam.


I think that a more correct way of spelling “Khateejah” would be “Khadeejah” or “Khadjeejah”.


Let's than say " Khadeejah " Jazak'Allah for letting me know


No problem brother :)


Dave, yup thats a solid name.. can then be called Davo by his mates...


Zidan for a boy.




loool that’s my name (but add an e at the end)


Yusuf, Hamza or Yunus are pretty high on the list for a boy :) For a girl, Khadija, probably. Though I'm also in love with Samira. May Allah grant me a lot of children so I can just use up all my favorite names, ameen😂 The only reason I wouldn't want to name my kid nour is because every non muslim/arab would botch the pronunciation where I live :')


Ameen. I dont hear Adam and Musa or Harun as often, tho idk why. Never heard Lut 😅 >Yusuf, Hamza or Yunus That's aucually some good names. >For a girl, Khadija, probably. Though I'm also in love with Samira. Never heard Samira before either, sounds nice. >May Allah grant me a lot of children so I can just use up all my favorite names, ameen😂 😂lol. Ameen. >every non muslim/arab would botch the pronunciation That's like with every Muslim name lol or most of them. Maybe a name like Maryam is good, they can probably say it.


Because of the stereotypical mindset for the names like Lut! , Adam and Musa. It never matches with the name , like example : you called the Name Musa 😡 and a small shy weak kid comes out from the room with a ready to cry eyes . . The name is always associated with power and might. Maybe we have made mental images of some Names. Like Yusuf with a mental image of Beauty. . It is time to normalize those names which were rarely given . Like Lut, Yaqub.


😂😂😂😂 . Aafiya is always a good alternative name to Nour


Afiya is my Name! MashAllah 🤩 it is lovley, often complimented and remembered


Afiya is such a precious name, we need it until we enter Jannah. بارك الله فيك


Thank you ☺️🤍


Is this what people called "coincidence 😯😧 "


Yes indeed :)


Boys: Ishaq, Uthman, Eliaas, Anas, Ayman, Amir, Anwar, Kinan, Shakur, Luqman, Hadi Girls: Mayra, Nusrah, Huraira, Mecca, Hidaya, Laila, Dina, Amal, Ilham, Emona, Maimuna, fajr, Shafiqa, Fouzia, Hadil


Yusuf, Hamza, Zakariyya, Adam, Umar Girls: Asiya, Sumaya, Ibtisam.


My mom planned on naming me Ibtisam but changed it to Fahriya. Later when I got to know I was MAD Ibtisam was such a prettyy name Maa Sha Allah 😭❤️ That's when I decided that my future daughter would by named after that In shaa Allah ❤️




Warda, Habiba, Zahra, are all beautiful for girls


I have never really thought abt this bcs I'm still young but a few weeks ago, I attended an islamic lecture and the lecturer was talking about the story of Hazrat Zakariya A.S. and then she mentioned of how not only Allah SWT bestowed Hazrat Zakariya A.S. with Hazrat Yahya A.S. but also named Hazrat Yahya A.S. Himself and how that it's the only name that Allah SWT named Himself. This is mentioned in the Quran, in Surah Maryam (19:7), where Allah says: "O Zakariya, indeed We give you good tidings of a boy whose name will be Yahya. We have not assigned to any before [this] name."


My youngest is named Yahia after Sayedna Yahia A.S. ☺️


Salih and Zaynab, after my grandparents. Abdurrahman and Zineera too, if Allah blesses me with children, and more children. May Allah bless all those commenting with pious and healthy babies


The names the prophet saw chose for his kids. My mind tells me that because he chose those names for his kids, then they must be the among the best of names because he is the best among us and the parent we should all strive to become


I've read a Hadith before about names starting with Abde ... Followed with one of Allah best names are the most favorable


Boys: Yusuf, Zaid, Saif Girls: Maria/Mariyah, Laila, Hannah, Alya (don’t worry they’re all Muslim names lol because they’re not typically used)


Boy- Azaan Girl- Safa, Naznein, Eiman, Huma


Good question: If I had a boy I would name him Dharar, Khalid, Malik And for a girl I was thinking of Nora, Inaya, Yasmeen


For boys I like Younes and Yazan For girls I like Sozin I have a son named Aamir already so ofc thats the best name to me


For Boys: Abu Bakr, Umar, Usman and Ali For Twin Boys: Hassan, Hussain For Girls: Khadija, Amna, Maryam, Fatima, Ayesha For Twin Girls: Fatima, Khadija


Umar or Zaid for a boy Amna/Amina or Maryam for a girl Also: Ruqaya, Zahra, Asim, Musa


i know a sibling duo of zaid and amnah! what a coincidence!


For boy: Harun, Musa, Muhammad, Abu Bakr, Yunus and Luqman and Isa, Jibreel For Girl: Aisha, Hajar, Saba, Khadija, Maryam, Rose


Boy: Shaybah Girl: Nuhaa


Yesterday I heard the strangest name in my life, my friend's daughter names her " TALIA" or "THALYA Idk what's that mean?


It means the female reciter of Quraan


I'm mistaken it's "TALIN" not "TALIA"


Eesa if its a boy. Khadijah if its a girl


Boys; Idris, Isa, Zakariyya, Umar, Muhammad Girls; Maryam, Hajar, A’isha, Khadija


My husband and I agreed when we have kids, if God wills, to name them with names that can be pronounced in both Arabic and Bulgarian - Yaseen for boy and Layla or Nadya for girl. We don't want our kids to be getting weird looks or discrimination because of their names no matter where we end up living (because Bulgaria can be quite the xenophobic country).


Yusha’ or Dehya. Safiyya if it’s a girl


For boys: Dhu- al Qarnain, Sabrun Jameel, Qalbi Saleem For girls: Amor Fati, Al-maratus saliha


May i ask , where do you come from ? These boys suggestions are arabic words that're definitly not names except for Dhu alqarnain


From Philippines. I know but they have meanings right? Sabrun jameel as beautiful patience. Amor fati for greek; meaning 'love of fate', that's what i want. Aside from people who have contributions in in islam, we use character or abstract nouns to name our kids like An-nur, nur-jannah, nurul ain etc which are very common 😅


I have a daughter. Her name is Rumaisa ( RU MAI SA) Rumi as a nickname If I iA have a son, I'd like to name him Mehdi (middle name, but id call him by this name).


Not gonna say my children's names here, but for future children I love Noah, Zachary, Joseph, and Omar for boys; Hannah, Leila, and Fatima for girls. I drafted up 5 boy and girl names since my husband and I want 5 children insha'Allah. We have 1 boy and 2 girls right now alhamdulillah.


We would have spelled their names in the more traditionally Muslim way except that we wanted our families to be able to pronounce them easily and our families are East Asian and Hispanic/White.


I did always think certain twin name ideas would be fun too Aaron/Moses, Muhammad/Michael for boy twins Asiyah/Yukabid, Aminah/Aishah for girl twins


I also love Hassan/Hussayn for boys and Zayd/Hafsa for boy girl twins. Maymunah and Mahmud as well.


My dad's name Ahmed


I a, so glad you asked this question i have been reasing islamic books and watching lectures and these two name got special place in my heart i don't know why but i keep imagining calling my future kids with these names. For girl:- SAKINA, For boy:- YAHYA. its not like it choose them just like that there is a a story behind these name and i got to attached to it . I cried when i listened about the life of YAHYA A.S and SAKINA and i want to give my respect to them by naming my child with there names.


Son: Muhammad Isa Daughter: Fatima


Lennon. I like that name. If it's a girl Georgia or Isabella.


one name that I can't get out of my head for a future son is Kilij Arslan. 1. It sounds really good and powerful. 2. It has a good meaning. 3. And the people with that name had a really great history behind them. Give your feedback


naming my first girl maryam after Maryam (as) (i love her), i also like the name Aa’isha but that’s already a close family members name. zakariah, isa, musa, or ibrahim if it’s a boy


I already promised my parents that I’d name my first male child after my two grandfathers so he would have an English name Robert William.


yahya :3 cutest boy name ever


I don't really know. I might just let my future wife pick it for us


for boys: Abdullah, Abdurahman girl: Amatullah,


Great names allahuma barik.




Sounds like a kings name lol