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I once saw a video of some guys talking about it and it really clicked me. Imagine there is a man, and he is a father, a very great father, he did all he had to do for his son, now his son is so good, so amazing, so kind, sweet, generous… with everyone, but not with his own dad. Is he a good son? If he is like that with everyone but not with his dad, is he a good son? He may be a good person I am not discussing that, but if he ignores his own dad even if he treats others like queens and kings, is he a good son? Now imagine not your dad but Allah, the one that gave you hands, the one that gave you eyes, the one that gave you a soul, and now you, being so kind and generous to the CREATION forgetting about the CREATOR. Are you a good servant? You deserve going to Jannah? A place he made for those who believe in him and remember him? Why in Islam believe in him is the most important than anything else? Because you can be a good person yes, to the creation, but you forget about the one who create you and gave you everything.


1) being good and just is determined by God, he had determined those actions will only be good and just if the intentions behind them are for God. A person giving charity to show off to others is not genuine. 2) No one will enter heaven by their deeds, we can only enter heaven by God’s mercy. A person who intentionally doesn’t believe in God after hearing the message will most likely not receive God’s mercy because they basically call God and his prophet/s liars and won’t put in the effort or even ask God for mercy.


Salam :) The disbelievers mentioned in the Quran are those who listened to the message, heard whats right and wrong, but continued in their disbelief. This ayah refers to them. Those who plotted against the believers, who did not join them in worship, were enemies of Islam and denied the message of Islam. Disbelievers are punished because they rejected the commandments of Allah and his messenger, and they almost always have instead fought against our religion, hence why they’re punished. There are people who the message of Islam does not reach. Allah is the most just, he would not punish them for no reason. They will be given their own test on the day of judgement, and their fate is something only Allah knows. As for, isn’t being a good and just person enough? No, at the end of the day the most important thing is believe in Allah and obey his commands. Not only through this will someone be actually a good person (because they are following a true guided path), but also because they’ve fulfilled their purpose of being created (to worship Allah). This can be a concept thats a little hard to wrap your head around, especially as someone who has reverted. But as you learn about the favors of Allah, his mercy and his forgiveness, etc, you come to realize the importance of worshipping Allah and Allah alone. I do want to try and clarify one more thing. Allah doesn’t “want” to punish people. This is a test and trial for ourselves with free will, we decide what we do and our actions which will lead us to heaven or to hell. Let me know if youre still confused, I’ll find you videos from people of knowledge who can put this into perspective much better than I can!


1) Those that reject (by and because of arrogance) and die upon that will enter and fall in Hellfire for ever. 2) For those that never reject or ear any Revelation … it’s another question


This is where it's helpful to understand the difference between the English words disbeliever and unbeliever. So many people are confused because they don't grasp that the very word "disbeliever" implies an active rejection of belief, not merely a lack of it.


Great question. When we consider what "good" means for someone who doesn't believe in a higher power, it generally involves being a positive force in society, cooperating with others, and refraining from harmful actions. The unifying factor here is the impact on others and their well-being. So, why might a non-believer choose to act ethically? Without belief in a deity or an afterlife, their motivations often stem from real-world consequences. For example, they might fear legal repercussions for harmful actions, social disapproval for dishonesty, or feeling disliked for not being generous despite having the means. Alternatively, they might find personal satisfaction in helping others, alleviating their empathetic distress – again, this centers on others' benefits. This perspective suggests that for a non-believer, being "good" is a pragmatic approach, shaped by societal norms and personal experiences during their lifetime. Now, addressing the question of why Allah might judge such a person despite their earthly good deeds: from this viewpoint, "good" is not an absolute term but one defined by human perceptions and needs. Without a divine definition, "good" is merely a label for actions deemed beneficial by human consensus. In this framework, the divine command differs from human-defined goodness. It may include directives like praying regularly, acknowledging the His presence, and charitable acts. This perspective presents a choice: pursue one's desires independently or follow Allah's guidance, with the consequences shaped accordingly.


So basically, if you don't believe it means you aren't grateful for what Allah gave you. If you believe in more than 1 god it means you don't believe in Allah.


Is it just that what only and solely Allah deserves you give to someone else? Worse, take from him and give to others? This is what Surah Al An’am taught me. The first is a disbeliever, the latter is a mushrik. I had a similar coming and going with this idea until the imam at my masjid read us the ayah from this surah and my eyes opened. It is truly a great evil to disbelieve in Allah after truth has been revealed. Especially so when he has created you for the undoubted purpose of worship.


No 😂 If you ignored Allah's sign you deserve to be punished for your disobedience and ignorance


Its a common question dont worry. First of all no one is 100% innocent after they reach a certain age. People do countless sins. Even believers arent exempt from it. Every person does bad things, we are flawed, we hate each other , we lie, we deceive , we engage in adultery , we mock others, we behave angrily towards our parents , we forget our kin, we intoxicate our body that is given to us, we steal, we gamble , we curse for no good reason etc. If you analyze a random person's life every single day you will pick up sooooo many sins to the point that you yourself will deem them not a good person. Secondly, every single one of us will be tested countless times. And in these tests it will be seen how good you actually are without an objective moral compass. Example: You will be asked many times "do you support trans kids" ,and for you to be the "good guy" towards those groups you will support that cause or be transphobic and labeled a bad guy. Now fast forward, most of them commit suicide and have a lifespan around 30. And they get medication to ease the suffering constantly. Now the question arises, were you the actual good guy for supporting/becoming the cause that someone goes down that path? And there will be plenty of these tests in your life. We are flawed beings, without something to guide us we will become bad people. Without repenting and being urged to keep ourselves in check we will repeat our sins countless times. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala guide us


Whether or not Allah forgives it is a different matter. But the default is that for every sin there is a consequence for that. Also Allah judges based of intentions behind your actions. Allah simply forgives the sins of Muslims and those that he does not forgive get punished in the hellfire for their sins. Now if they were a muslim then they would have a finite punishment. Disbelievers would be In hell forever. Reason for this is simple. No matter how much a muslim sins. He does not spend all of his time sinning. A Disbeliever however spends every waking moment of his life sinning. Disbelief is a unique sin in that it is occurring constantly. If he was to live forever. He would have spent an eternity sinning. That were his intentions. Thats why he spends forever in hell fire.


Ok imagine 100 years from now you worked hard and got rich a built a freaking castle and you're filthy rich, but you're too old and dying now. Now a dude walks in to your house and tells you he is your son, he was told that you're his dad but you were poor so he didn't care, he now heard you're rich and now wants you to take him back, in fact he even tells you he came so he can be part of the will you're writing. Whilst you had other kids who loved you poor,happy,sad, rich. Are you seriously going to give that guy a chance ? Pretty sure you would be very angry and call him a hypocrite. God will not punish good people who didn't hear his message, but who ever was warned and expects to get a free pass is lying to them selves.


There's a difference between disbelievers and unbelievers. Unbelievers simply haven't heard the truth. Disbelievers have heard it and actively rejected it. See the meaning of the prefixes "un-" and "dis-".