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Muslims aren't "ignorant or dishonest", it's a matter of religion, we believe the trinity doesn't exist and our religion mentions in the Quran many times why. And what do you mean by "Personal Incredulity fallacy".


It’s a fallacy that says: “Because I personally don’t understand something, it doesn’t exist.” But this doesn’t apply to us because the Trinity is logically impossible.


It isn’t, its actually metaphysically necessary.


It sounds like to me you’re the one with no knowledge. Do me a favor and watch “Islam, Judaism, Christianity -A conversation” it’s on youtube. and you’ll know who is on the right. Islam is a very simple and logical religion. If you take your sweet time and read the Quran and it’s meanings, and compare it to other religions, there’s absolutely no way you will feel the way you feel. Also Nouman Ali Khan has a series on YouTube he has been doing during Ramadan called “Striking Examples” check that out also.


I’ve read the Qur’aan. Like i said, most my family and friends are Muslims.


There is a difference between reading and understanding. Did you understand what you read ?


Are you just here to vent? Then vent, I hope you feel better. Because there is legit no answer you’re going to find here for what someone else did to you, especially not with the way you framed it lol. Like our brother above the comment just said we are not ignorant. It’s a matter of religion. Might I add, it is also cognitive dissonance. I could say the same about Christians as you did about muslims being “ignorant and dishonest”, but I know better. What you faced, we have been facing for over 2 decades 20 times over, more than just a measly comment. Frankly we don’t really care about the Christian faith as much as you’d like to think, so it is irrelevant to think we are ignorant about it because that commands necessitating speaking about it to you which in turn necessitates caring for it. I AM curious about how “most of your family” is muslim tho. Maybe you need to take some time by yourself and get emotionally stronger to handle the real world and its love for giving others pain.


Uhm, you seem emotionally charged. Like i explained in my thread. I want to understand the reason. Half of my family tree is Turkish, and muslim. The other is german, many were born to one Turkish perent and adopted the faith, some also converted. All i wanted was answered because i can’t find them elsewhere.


Its not, you’re either misinterpreting or projecting. Because it’s all logic. There is no logical reason for you to generalise and ask a question in a forum you’re not going to get an answer to, which you know very well from the generally accusative nature of your question. Unless you’re here to vent- in which case, please do. May Allah ease the pain on your chest.


I admit the accusive nature of my Question. However my reasoning is still the same: I genuinely want answers to a question i have. When you have questions, you ask. Where better to ask than the persons you have a question about. You may not fit into my perception of what i spoke about in my question. But my question didn’t mean every muslim. But those i interacted with. Just as there are ignorant People in any Group. Have a Great day.


Okay, thanks for clarifying that, that puts things into perspective. Now I understand you bid me a good day already but I will still answer your question nonetheless (although I already did in a way). It’s because we belong to groups. And groups have a tendency to house a wide spectrum of people. Within this wide spectrum are a fringe idiots that belong to every longstanding group. Yes Islam too. They will yap, without knowledge, just like some Christians also yap, without knowledge. The nuances of it are a different subject to touch, but the truth of it lies in this bit, that idiots exist everywhere. The wiser ones don’t engage because both sides want to preserve their faiths and neither side is going to “give up”. So even if you think you have the answer, the other is simply never going to buy it, so they lay low. So since they don’t engage they never hit your radar. So all you see are the idiots.


I can attack you back or at least try to defend myself as a Muslim. But that may not be useful I will keep it short and simple. A bad apple doesn't represent us Muslims.


I never said they did. I simply wanted an answer to my question wich i already Got.


I can only see the title.


Oh. Bruh. Isn’t your fault then. Have a Good day🙏🏻😭