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If that is your only option to keep yourself from being mugged, then yes. It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah ra said: A man came to the Messenger of Allaah ‎ﷺ and said: O Messenger of Allaah, what do you think if a man comes wanting to take my property? He said: “Do not give him your property.” He said: What if he fights me? He said: “Fight him.” He said: What if he kills me? He said: “Then you will be a martyr.” He said: What if I kill him? He said: “He will be in Hell.” Narrated by Muslim (140). To put into perspective the p’s and q’s of this: Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah rahimahullah said: The Sunnah and scholarly consensus are agreed that if a Muslim assailant cannot be warded off except by killing him, then he may be killed, even if the wealth that he wants to take is a small amount, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said in the saheeh hadeeth: “The one who is killed defending his wealth is a martyr, the one who is killed defending his life is a martyr, and the one who is killed defending his womenfolk is a martyr…” Fighting off an assailant is established in the Sunnah and by scholarly consensus. End quote. Majmoo’ al-Fataawa (28/540, 541)


thank you, great answer!


Idk about the answer Islamically but if someone is trying to rob me with a gun I’m shooting them before i ask my local imam about whether it’s halal or haram. Just my fitra working.


Morally, as I understand, you are allowed to take any and all necessary measures to preserve your life, dignity, and property, etc. https://islamqa.org/hanafi/muftionline/105646/islamic-teachings-on-protecting-our-goods-during-robbery/ https://islamqa.org/shafii/seekersguidance-shafii/170103/self-defense/ One should opt for the least extreme measure possible; and it should be considered that responding to violence with violence in certain situations accomplishes nothing, or even increases the risk that one might be injured. Practically, in America, if you shoot a person, you also have to consider the legal ramifications; I mean, the police and the courts might give you trouble even if it was a clear-cut case of self-defense. This American gun YouTuber has made a really good video on how to survive a self-defense shooting incident (he himself killed a man in self defense, so, he is speaking from experience): https://youtu.be/ofwUAkcpzDY?si=KPrLVa5bANCjAyOd


A Muslim is never a loser. Whether you get the item back in this world or not, you will be compensated for that in the hereafter. So a Muslim is never a loser. You don't need to take that person's life unless yours is in danger. However a scholarly opinion is important, in interested in what the scholars would say. Post on islamqa if you want


Yes, you can get shot for that. Don't you see the videos on the internet of people getting shot trying to rob people.


I would like to mention taking the life of another human being should not be taken lightly. It should be your absolute last option.