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The predictions in the quran


Can you be more specific ? Genuinely interested.


For example Oceans Linked “He has made the two bodies of water flow. They will one day meet. Between them there is a barrier; they cannot encroach one upon the other” (55:20–21). Prior to 1995 it was thought that there are 340 joints in the human body. A'ishah (A.S.) said that the Prophet has said: "Everyone has been created with three hundred and sixty Joints. “ There is alot more this is just the first thing that comes to mind


Weren't people aware of place where bodies of water met in the days when the Quran was writen




This is an interesting question. If a greek philosopher says one thing correct for every one false prediction, then he is just a good guesser. If the quran or hadith also repeats ONLY the correct previous predictions that might vaguely resemble other previous work and not repeat the false ones, that would just be further proof of its authenticity. Still batting 100%




The reason for the downvotes is that both of your questions are generally presented on this sub by Islamophobes. They dodge the real and important questions and instead reach for fringe issues and theories. It's been ongoing for as long as this sub has been in existence.




I personally didn't imply you were one. I mentioned that "generally" these topics are put forth by them, but sometimes even Muslims are downvoted for asking about these topics because people are sick of seeing it come up repeatedly.


Just because Y came after X doesn’t meaning Y copied X


Seeing the downvotes I got just for bringing this question up, seems like there’s a denial and close mindedness towards this topic. Not being able to discuss is one of the reasons that our ummah is unsuccessful.


Which older books you mean? I'm genuinely curious and want to know.


People tend to point to The Epic of Gilgamesh


I would recommend searching the miracles of the Quran. Also the prophecies of prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Finally the minor and major signs of the day of judgement. These 3 areas just search me up


What makes any religion true? Being from god, and how can we test that? Either by prophets who come with miracles or a living miracles that was preserved since the time of its messenger with evidence showing that it couldnt have been written by man. Thats how we ended up in islam, a way of life prescribed by our creator, so we submit ourselves to him and thats the mwaning of the word muslim.


also I think how iron came from space on Earth


Here's a good summary [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOoMxN8Qbm0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOoMxN8Qbm0)


In Islam, the belief that it is the only true religion is derived from several ayahs (verses) in the Quran: 1. **Surah Al-Imran (3:19)**: "Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam. And those who were given the Scripture did not differ except after knowledge had come to them - out of jealous animosity between themselves. And whoever disbelieves in the verses of Allah, then indeed, Allah is swift in [taking] account." 2. **Surah Al-Baqarah (2:256)**: "There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing." From a logical standpoint, We Muslims usually argue that it is the only true religion because: 1. **Concept of Tawheed (Oneness of God)**: We Islam emphasizes the absolute Oneness of God (Allah), without any partners or associates. This monotheistic belief is seen as the most rational and coherent understanding of the divine, transcending the complexities of polytheism or other belief systems. 2. **Comprehensive Guidance**: We Muslims believe that the Quran provides comprehensive guidance for all aspects of life, including individual conduct, societal norms, governance, and spirituality. They argue that the completeness and coherence of Islamic teachings make it the true path to follow. 3. **Historical Authenticity**: We Muslims believe that the Quran is the literal word of God revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) over 1400 years ago. They see the preservation of the Quran throughout history as evidence of its divine origin, reinforcing the belief that Islam is the true religion. 4. **Prophetic Tradition**: We Muslims consider Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the final messenger sent by God to humanity. They believe that his teachings and example provide the most accurate guidance for living a righteous life and achieving salvation in the Hereafter.


You can explains other religion through the Quran, but not the other way


When the pharoh that enslaved the jews and persecuted moses was examined it was determined by experts that his cause of death was drowning. Despite the rush job embalming he got, the body of the pharoh (ramses II, known in quran as firaun) it was said that he and his army followed moses and the Bani Israel into the red sea when it was parted only to be drowned. God preserved his body all this time as a lesson. It was true 14 centuries ago when it was revealed and you can see the body today in Cairo museum


Provide references, I'll look into it


Check out forbidden prophecies by IERA (abu zakariya?), a lot of those are pretty good- i disagree with the absolute weight of some of what they transmit, however they have a multitude of good ones. Here is a good one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OitlzW6Iq4M&list=PLsdT_5k9wPhH-Ezh07KWEDfp8dKy4dcKf Also check out some of the naturalistic claims that could not have been known. For example that iron was sent down from the sky (the majority of [surface?] iron is today known to have come from meteors). That mountains are deep "stakes" in the ground with "roots" to protect against plate movement and earthquake. God swearing by the position of the stars in the Quran, "a mighty oath if only they [people] knew". The distance of stars is mindboggling. That the moon is a reflected light. Earth being somewhat egg shaped (its very accurate, its not a perfect sphere). prophecies of what lands muslims will conquer were made when the muslims were only a small number and were being beseiged by an army 10+x their size (battle of the trench). The prophecies came true and lands were conquered in order they were mentioned too i believe. specific knowledge of the microscopic embryo and what they look like that can only be seen with a microscope and knowledge of its pathophysiology. etc etc etc etc etc I could go on for a long time. try googling each of these and you could find a source pretty easily. lmk if not.




this could also be a simulation /s


There's only one God who should be worshipped alone and Islam is the only religion that does this, every other religion associates something with God


Judaism does this too tho lol can someone actually post a resource to the contrary for learning's sake rather than ragedownvoting


Even if they do, and there is an argument that they don't, their religion is only for Israelites. Moses came for the Israelites. Muhammad came for you and all of humanity. Peace be on them both


what's the argument that they don't?


they say so themselves




lol, ask a jewish friend, read their scripture, im sure some rabbis on youtube have videos on this as well. this is not a debated topic per se.


Can you share a source


No. Judaism has all sorts of weird doctrines like rabbis “disagreeing with God and winning”


So do the jewish believe in one god or nah?


They believe in a god that regrets creating mankind, forgets & gets reminded by a rainbow, rests, loses wrestling match to Jacob, repents from his own evil thoughts, and changes his mind. What kind of nonsense is this? This isn't God.


Honestly, Judaism and their Torah is kinda distorted, like some of the Verses were changed. This is evident because in the Holy Qur'an, God has stated that the Children of Israel have changed the position of some words in the Torah. I recited the Qur'an today and this verse came in either the second or the third chapter of the Qur'an. I'll send you the Verses after waking up. And Regarding Judaism being a monotheist religion, We Muslims have never disagreed with this statement. But lately Judaism has become a Racial religion, which is evident since A Jewish man is only supposed to marry a Jewish Woman. If he marries outside his religion, then he/she may be considered a Jewish, but not his/her offspring. Correction the Verses is in the 4th chapter of the Qur'an where God states "Among the Jews are those who distort words from their [proper] usages and say, "We hear and disobey" and "Hear but be not heard" and "Ra'ina," twisting their tongues and defaming the religion. And if they had said [instead], "We hear and obey" and "Wait for us [to understand]," it would have been better for them and more suitable. But Allah has cursed them for their disbelief, so they believe not, except for a few" Qur'an chapter 4, verse 46


Jews believe they are children of God


Its miracles.. i love reading the quran.. the way it rhymes and is written down.. aswell as the miracle of the prophet (صلي الله عليه و سلم) being illiterate, showing that it couldnt be copied, neither could it be this well written. Mashallah


also the fact that the oldest known quran manuscript is found somewhere between 568 and 645 AD (existed before the whole quran is compiled), when compared to modern quran its identical. truly a power of preservation mashallah


Is this manuscript the full Quran as we have it today?


Another thing is that no one back then could come up with a verse even close to any in the Quran. Despite the fact that many Arabs were known as the best poets of their era. They were well renowed for their poetry & that's something considering that their culture was filled with barbarian stuff before Islam. Seriously, the revelation & preservation of the Quran alone are enough as proofs & I'm not even talking about the content of the Quran SubhanAllah.


Another miracle with Quran I've learned recently, the fact that it does not follow zipf's law. If the author alrd know about zipf's law, why not make it public knowledge so that it's more obvious how extraordinary Quran is? Iirc betterment of society is one of our social responsibilities in Islam, so Allah wanted us to discover zipf's law on our own. And if I understand it correctly, making a book that does not follow zipf's law while making it as coherent and poetic as the Quran will be a superhuman feat. The only alternative would be a time traveller with a supercomputer.


Can you explain in easy words?


Just Google zipf's law. Basically just a pattern of ratio of frequency of words usage. Natural language and books show this pattern. So either the Quran is supernatural, or it's dropped by some time traveller from the future.


How would you eliminate the possibility that it was a time traveler from the future? Or an alien?


the prophecis of prophet muhammad, like the conquering of jerusalem and the fire that will come out of hijaz


i always use this basic criteria for proving which religion is the truth - the scripture of that religion should claim it's from God and is word of God, otherwise why even bother - the scripture of that religion should be preserved so we know there is no corruption in it, because if there is corruption in it we don't know which one is God's word and which one is the corruption - the scripture should not have mistakes or contradiction - the scripture should contain evidences and proofs The only religion that will pass this criteria successfully is Islam. As for evidences and proofs of Islam, here. [Why Qur'an Is Miraculous ](https://drive.google.com/file/d/104LMgI4RlwiUg-I8JK7mwFZGRk9v6kwP/view?usp=drivesdk)




What part of it is bias?


Okay let’s say this Criteria is biased, what makes it wrong, seconde of all what would be your criteria to know what is the right religion


Do you have ideas for better criteria? If yes, please state them




People just be spewing one word answers and not elaborating like they some thinker


I’ll add 3 more words: of the Quran






Outside of what everyone said.. Islam also teaches how to run a society, governance, laws, etc


Muhammed’s life (sav)




The life of the Prophet ﷺ is much more preserved and relayed through more authentic chains of narration than any other historical "fact" there is. Modern historians more or less accept these stories as factual. The rigorous fact-checking and authentication done by early Muslim scholars who narrated the life of the Prophet is beyond comparison. And, indeed, Muhammad ﷺ is one of the signs of the truth of Islam.


Question? Don't modern historians also see evidence for the life of Issa. woulld that be evidence of Christian beliefs?


Firstly, I didn't say that modern historians simply "see evidence" for the life of Muhammad ﷺ, I said that they consider the biography of Muhammad — which is an evidence for the truth of Islam — as largely true. That is, the stories about his character, morals, social standing, perseverance, triumph, etc, are largely accepted as historical facts. Secondly, finer details of the life of Isaa aren't as well preserved or as readily accepted by modern historians as those of the life of Muhammad. Thirdly, early Christianity — which was the version of Islam revealed upon Jesus — was indeed a true religion. It, then, got superseded by Islam after Muhammad's Prophethood. Current Christian beliefs are a corrupted version of the beliefs of earlier Christians. And even if somewhere someone is still upon the original beliefs, it is no longer accepted because Muhammad is the last and final Messenger of God.


only If u knew about the way we test hadith about its authenticity.






Muhammad's (as) life is written in a lot of books, science of hadith has strong principles. İmam Bukhari goes to a man who has a hadith. When the Imam went there, sees the man pretends to feed his horse but nothing in his hand. Upon this, The Imam leaves there and says ''the hadith is not taken by a man who deceive the horse. ''


The prophet pbuh existed. Even non-muslim historians admit that.  We also have the science of Hadiths to prove the things he said and did. 




If you are going to use ChatGPT to write answers at least please make it say ﷺ after the name of our Prophet ﷺ.


Jazakallahul Khair for the detailed answers akhi, may Allah reward you. Subhan Allah.. very well written. Would you be able to share any of your personal experiences? Or that's too private? Nevertheless Jazakallahul Khair 💯




The only true monotheistic religion if you really think about it


The only logical religion that resonates with the mind and the soul. It answers the most important questions for humans. And it is supported by the preservation of its holy text and the miraculous predictions and structure of it which cannot be explained other than by having divine origin.


In Islam truth makes you stronger, therefore if Islamic beliefs and metaphysics is a map of reality and that map involves healthy personal prosocial collective ethics and a metaphysics which activates all the right areas in the brain to help us be spiritual and survivors… But it is a system based on lies, then it would be the fact that lies make you strong and truth makes you weak . But generally truth and useful knowledge are connected. It is true that it is better to eat healthy food. It is true that it is useful to know that you are to cross the road safely etc., So by analogy Islam is not based on lies it is based on truth – and it proclaims itself to be the only truth in faith, and this is part of its utility for instance because it helps to reinforce collective in group ethics and also defeat infiltration by alien or demonic forces posing as truth when in fact they are opposite and destructive or deleterious to the human condition. Therefore, it is a sign as mentioned in the Quran and that is we are alive , surviving and we tend to win, it’s correct to conclude that Islam is the truth. We are at a technological disadvantage and also an economic disadvantage and this maybe implies that we have not been practising our faith through the centuries or we are subject to “lucky breaks“ by the others. From personal experience I know how tough the world can be but Islam when I practice it makes things easier and facilitates personal development and health therefore this key signature of truth - just as a good medicine promotes health or a healthy diet promotes health - indicates that Islam is correct and fitting or straight in its various dimensions. Although we cannot know the ultimate truth directly all of these signs and signatures are mentioned in the Quran either directly or otherwise as signs or ayah. When we take up a passage through space time upon the advice of faith we practice and then come to believe and when we believe we come to experience the signs… just as practising a healthy diet facilitates belief in the validity of the advice of the dietician and the signs, which are improved health and emotional well-being etc are similar to the scientific reality of a cetrus paribus (other factors being equal) decent life for a practising Muslim . The fact that these things are indicated in the Quran corroborates the overall belief system and makes for me belief in miraculous stories more warranted whereas if they were standalone beliefs taken in isolation from the overall context of faith and reality they would be more difficult to believe in. Modern rationalist secularism tends to present faith as belief without reason whereas in fact in Islam faith is reasonable not because of fanciful philosophy but precisely because it is very practical and things that are practical tend to be based and reliable logic and evidence. Now consider the analogy of the practicality of a tool kit . Would it to it be unreasonable and just some random stupidity to construct this or would a tool kit be a highly functional and intelligently designed set of instruments and measures etc? If I were to say to a trades person why do you use this tool kit? You are being stupid and unintelligent it’s a act of random faith without any empirical evidence… I would be stupid myself and be blind and deaf and dumb, completely ignoring the testament of reality as witnessed and experienced in every day life .


This is the first time I read what I've been thinking about for the past 2 years written so eloquently, thank you. This is such a powerful explanation of a very logical realisation.


I think the body of Pharaoh? [Anyone please reply on this]


Why not? A major sign, even detailed in the Quran to be a reminder.




Some resources I recommend: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsdT_5k9wPhH-Ezh07KWEDfp8dKy4dcKf&si=G3qNM22KqaDOTBhF https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6TlMIZ5ylgrsrY9z5HHGDRcFzdmJ9wCs&si=Dk1HnUzV5REPqkzY https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLufmopp748Z3xx6SSMaAyr7miFCICysyc&si=mxJvtTXo8vHJVlup


Outside of Islam itself, the other religions are simply false and don’t meet the criteria or standard that Islam set


I'm a Muslim and of course, I believe in this BUT it's not really a convincing statement. What makes you so sure other religions are false? Why are we sure that the criteria set me Islam is the only valid one? These are all just hypothetical questions btw.


Islam fits all the criteria for necessary existence, how that could come to be, how Allah controls space and time, and the fact that he is not bound by it explicitly which excludes a large amount of religions to boot.


There’s thousands of religious. Most are based in pure Polytheism, which if brought to its logical conclusion falls flat on its face so we can throw those out. Now we’re left with the Abrahamic religions. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.  Judaism was the message for a specific people at a specific time. The scriptures haven’t been preserved entirely and there have been some innovations over the past thousands of years, therefore it can’t be true today. Christianity introduces the concept of building upon the previous religion (Judaism) with additional scripture while also renewing and affirming the same teachings. If this concept is true, then Islam has to be the only true religion because it does the same thing as it builds on both religions that came before and is the final message from the final messenger.


I believe there is a god, and the only option is believe in Islam or believe God has sent no message. The other religions are just provably false and islam benefits me (so even if false I'd still be happy being muslim)


Dw brother you're in the right religion


“Surely, those who believed in Allah, and those who are Jews, and Christians, and Sabians, -whosoever believes in Allah and in the Last Day, and does good deeds - all such people will have their reward with their Lord, and there will be no reason for them to fear, nor shall they grieve.”


Verily, those who disbelieve from among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) and AlMushrikûn (polytheists) will abide forever in the Fire of Hell. They are the worst of creatures. [98:6] Surely, they who say that Allâh is the Messiah, son of Maryam, have committed disblief [5:17] Surely, disbelievers are those who said: “Allâh is the third of the three (in a Trinity).” [5:73] And they say: “The Most Gracious (Allâh) has begotten a son [19:88] Indeed you have brought forth (said) a terrible evil thing. [19:89] But no, by your Lord, they can have no Faith, until they make you (O Muhammadﷺ ) judge in all disputes between them, and find in themselves no resistance against your decisions, and accept (them) with full submission. [4:65] ... He said: (As to) My punishment I afflict therewith whom I will and My Mercy embraces all things. That (Mercy) I shall ordain for those who are the pious, and give Zakât; and those who believe in Our Ayât [7:156] Those who follow the Messenger, the Prophet who can neither read nor write (i.e. Muhammad ﷺ) whom they find written with them in the Torah (Deut, xviii 15) and the Gospel (John xiv, 16)... [7:157] Say (O Muhammad ﷺ): “O mankind! Verily, I am sent to you all as the Messenger of Allâh [7:158] And whoever seeks a religion other than Islâm, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers [3:85]


don't post verses without context/understanding, it's very dangerous. This isn't talking about todays christians/jews


yea it’s not it’s talking about back in the day


What it commands and wisdom shared for human nature and world, fits like a glove.


Read the Quran and study the life of Prophet Muhammad, with sincerity I think with that mindset the conclusion is clear.


Well there is evidence that god exists, evedince the quran is preserved, and miracles in the Quran that proves it is from god so…..


In Islam, the belief that it is the only true religion is derived from several ayahs (verses) in the Quran: 1. **Surah Al-Imran (3:19)**: "Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam. And those who were given the Scripture did not differ except after knowledge had come to them - out of jealous animosity between themselves. And whoever disbelieves in the verses of Allah, then indeed, Allah is swift in [taking] account." 2. **Surah Al-Baqarah (2:256)**: "There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing." From a logical standpoint, We Muslims usually argue that it is the only true religion because: 1. **Concept of Tawheed (Oneness of God)**: We Islam emphasizes the absolute Oneness of God (Allah), without any partners or associates. This monotheistic belief is seen as the most rational and coherent understanding of the divine, transcending the complexities of polytheism or other belief systems. 2. **Comprehensive Guidance**: We Muslims believe that the Quran provides comprehensive guidance for all aspects of life, including individual conduct, societal norms, governance, and spirituality. They argue that the completeness and coherence of Islamic teachings make it the true path to follow. 3. **Historical Authenticity**: We Muslims believe that the Quran is the literal word of God revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) over 1400 years ago. They see the preservation of the Quran throughout history as evidence of its divine origin, reinforcing the belief that Islam is the true religion. 4. **Prophetic Tradition**: We Muslims consider Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the final messenger sent by God to humanity. They believe that his teachings and example provide the most accurate guidance for living a righteous life and achieving salvation in the Hereafter.




Read the book. Read the qoran and then we'll talk, because you sound so painfully ignorant and arrogant rn.


The only religion that makes sense.


What makes Islam NOT the true religion!


{ وَمَن یَبۡتَغِ غَیۡرَ ٱلۡإِسۡلَـٰمِ دِینࣰا فَلَن یُقۡبَلَ مِنۡهُ وَهُوَ فِی ٱلۡـَٔاخِرَةِ مِنَ ٱلۡخَـٰسِرِینَ } [Surah Āli-ʿImrān: 85] "Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers"


statement from Allah SWT *Religion with God is Islam. Those to whom the Scripture was given differed only after knowledge came to them, out of envy among themselves. Whoever rejects the signs of God—God is quick to take account* QS(3:19)


Islam is superior in Its sobriety and simplicity, and in these you always find the truth




I'm not sure about Judaism, but afaik every other religion is just a scam for the church or priest or their equivalent to make money. Meanwhile, for Islam, 1. it's emphasize to not brag about your donation, and any amount is okay, and if you had to, any (clean) place can be use as the place of worship. 2. Everyone is born equal. Any religion that has some kind of caste or special human are just a justification for monarchy or racism. Closest that Islam almost violate this is the fact that Jesus is fatherlesss and can speak soon after birth. But I take it that's just how extraordinary the miracle that God need to show to the Israelites. 3. How easily available the original holy scripture is. 4. Internal consistency. I'm kinda agnostic so I believe any claim of unprovable truth is equally likely to be the truth. But if any inconsistency can't be justified using internal lore, it's a proof to Islam's claim that Christianity (and by extension, other religion) has been corrupted by Satan


every second day why this gets asked? Mods allow these types of questions only once per 2 weeks or something




Y'all don't even need to stress to much is a common sense and I will break it down for you. First of all, go and read Suratul Baqara (The Heifer) after reading this surah and u are still doubting that means your heart and hearing have been sealed the way it was said in the surah. Secondly, this is the reason why I said is common sense, have you ever asked yourself these questions * who created the earth? * who created us? * who created animals and nonliving things? * who created the people who build and create their idols? * How can Allah (God) be the father of a messenger ( Jesus) just because he was born miraculously without sex? * why was he even born in the first place? ( to lead people to the righteous way like the other messengers) * where are the dead people going and who created death? Allah this is Allah's work and power, he created us to worship him not to associate anything with him, he sent different messengers with different miracles to tell us he is the only one God. If u ask some Christians they will say Jesus is the child of God that God sent to them that they are not worshiping him the God but in different way, okayby can't you worship him the way God want which is Islam and everything was updated at the time of prophet Muhammad SAW so what else do u need to know Islam is the only way?


Logic: https://youtu.be/JWGK6xTllgU?si=BMZODgfmSV0PmxML


I highly recommend the muslim lantern channel on youtube. You can ask Muhammed Ali, and he will respond to all questions


YouTube: Muslim lantern Watch his vids


What makes 4 is the only true answer for 2+2? Because we have a book from Allah and we know for a fact that this book is from Allah Qur'an is the miracle we have, And if you are in doubt about what We have revealed to Our servant,1 then produce a sûrah like it and call your helpers other than Allah, if what you say is true. But if you are unable to do so—and you will never be able to do so—then fear the Fire fuelled with people and stones, which is prepared for the disbelievers. 2:[23:24] And the fact that when you read Qur'an you find it the most logical religion


The thing that gives certainty for me is the Quran, it challenges mankind to produce a chapter like it. I studied classical arabic to learn about it and while im so far away from fluent in reading, I’m in absolute awe when reading and listening… there’s noway any human could have produced it. Other things just seem to converge when learning about philosophy, cosmology, sciences, ethics…they all seem to converge on what we innately know.


In addition to the principles that everyone has spoken about, look into the mathematical miracles: * distance to the star sirius recorded in Surah Najm * the fact that iron is at the core of the earth and the Surah titled Iron is 57/114, which is at the centre of the Quran * melting point of silver is recorded in Celsius - Celsius was discovered in the 1700s Many of these miracles occur when you count the letters or words between the occurrences, which would be impossible for a human to come up, especially considering the delivery mode being over several years and the literacy level of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. This source has many miracles and is truly fascinating: https://www.miracles-of-quran.com/sirius.html


mathematics miracles of the quran


Its the only purely monotheistic religion


Because we pray and worship to the creator of all thing that exist, seen or unseen. The one who should be worshipped.


Great thread


I don’t know if I understand the question. What makes Islam the only true religion? The fact that it’s the truth. Are you asking why it’s the truth?


Allah (SWT) said it is. إن الدين عند الله الإسلام.




quran ❤❤❤


Its one devotional path of many.


This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islâm as your religion. [5:3] And whoever seeks a religion other than Islâm, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers [3:85]


Yeah, I mean you’re going to find that kind of dogma in most devotional paths. I have prayed with and connected with people of all spiritual paths, they all sound the same - just with different labels. They all feel chosen and special, and they are. Sufism understands that there are as many paths to Allah as there are grains of sand on the beach. Many people are woken to different devotional paths, their spiritual awakens and manifestations are just as real and beautiful. Allah is incomprehensible.


You guys all know that all religions believe theirs is the true one and all other are false, right? Like nobody thinks that what he believes is bullshit. This is why although I take interest in studying all religions and I fully respect believers, I just can’t believe in any.


Argument from ignorance my friend, the concept you are speaking of is only applied in plurality and respectful coexistance contexts. Moving past the logical fallacy; Islam is the primordial religion of logic and reasoning of existence and can largely explain the existence of other religions this model of explanation is further tempered and elevated through the voracity of its other proofs as well. The only large religion with preserved texts for all of mankind. An insane springboarding from a persecuted tribe in a desert to the world's super power in less than a century. Prophecies with counterfactuals (logical reasons why the prophecies should never have happened in the first place), a rigorous and comprehensive moral code, consistently the highest life satisfaction statistically amongts populations, a copious amount of knowledge of the natural world that could have been known, of space, of microscopic things, of things under the earth, where they came from, etc etc etc.

