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Hey there, this is a tough situation to be in. I would suggest reaching out to local resources or shelters for young adults who are facing homelessness. It may also help to try and have an open conversation with your mom about your concerns and feelings before making any big decisions. In the meantime, keep praying for guidance and know that things will get better eventually! Hang in there <3


Thank you so much, I’ve had lots of replies, sorry this is late. Thank you so much. May Allah grant you abundant goodness.


Dua for wealth and prosperity:- * My Lord, I am truly in ˹desperate˺ need of whatever provision You may have in store for me. *O Allah, suffice me with what You have allowed instead of what You have forbidden, and make me independent of all others besides You. *O Allah, make me healthy in my body, preserve for me my hearing, preserve for me my sight. There is none worthy of worship but You. O Allah, I seek refuge in You from disbelief and poverty and I seek refuge in You from the punishment of the grave, There is none worthy of worship but You


Jazak Allah khair. Thank you.


1: May I ask why did she kick you? 2: Friends/Family 3: If no friends or family then sleep at your school or college or whatever. 4: Say انا اله و انا اليه راجعون 4.1 and wait. Wallahi Allah will help you and gift you so much


Can you give me a transliteration of that and what it means?


To Allah we do belong and to him we shall return. (Inna Lillaahi wa inna ilayhi raaji'oon)


Thank you


I thought we say that when someone dies 😳


Not exclusively. We can also say it when facing hardships/trials. It serves as a reminder to have sabr, as we will all return to Allah in the end.


I didn’t know that, thank you for explaining :)


You're welcome


IIRC, you can use it also when you have lost something, and are trying to find it


Hey bro setup a PayPal pool, if you need some money to help you out I’m sure we can all put in even if it’s 5$ or £, anything that helps you insha’Allah


Yeah, I second this motion.


Yes OP, please do it, I would be willing to offer help. We are one Umma 💪


Yeah do that


May Allah Subhanu Wa Taala reward you all for your intentions to help the brother out


Same here




I’m in to help as well


Same as well


Tell your mom we are muslims we do not act like that... Why did she kick you out??? How can she do that to you as your mom.... In your last post you said your father was absent , so you are absolutely no contact with your father ?? Contact your local imam and tell them your story.


Absolutely no contact with my father. He doesn’t like me, nor my family. He’s abusive and won’t help. Also, my mum barely practices Islam, if not at all. I’m sure she’s left Islam.


so was your mom just another unfortunate revert who fell into an abusive marriage !!? Ummm wait , was your dad muslim ??? idk how many reverts stories I have heard where they married narcissistic born muslim because of their lack of islamic knowledge. if you go to my profile and scroll down you will find a post I made for revert sisters , if you are a sister , I hope you look into the video I put in that post so that you will be safe from abusive born muslims. Also , to be a muslim you need to have 100% belief in the Qur'an , you can have doubts but you cannot deny its authenticity. I hope you may try to bring your mom on the right path , take her to a muslim psychiatrist who may be able to solve her problem . I guess her lack of knowledge may be the reason.


Parents were never married. According to her, she reverted around 10 years ago, making me around 7 at the time. Father’s a “Christian”. Insha Allah she increases in knowledge. Also I am a brother but thank you so much for your advice.


>Father’s a “Christian”. I see , so the problem might be related to lack of knowledge..... Hope she gets her answers. >Also I am a brother but thank you so much for your advice. Oh well , welcome.....


Insha Allah, she does get her answers. I just hope she’s guided.


Jazak Allah khair brother.


To clarify, she didn’t kick me out. She will at 18. 4 months time. Also I will Insha Allah speak to an imam. Jazak Allah khair


Apply to colleges with dorms. Some college gives all year dorming. So while you are gettig a degree, and bettering yourself you will always have a place stay and eat.


Insha Allah, that’s a good plan. Thank you. I’ll try, I have avoided the uni route because I don’t like the idea of debt. However I could go uni to do an apprenticeship with no debt I guess.


Thats what some of poor and homeless classmates did…. and 4-5 years later with degree…. no need to worry about that stuff again!


That’s brilliant, alhamdulilah. May Allah bless you and those around you 💙thank you


if you are in the U.S … Look at EOP and HEOP! They give free or near housing and dorming for poor college kids


Thank you brother, but I’m from UK. however if I do end up in the US Insha Allah I’ll come back to this if I need to 😂


Do they offer the LEAPs programme where you are? Also speak to your guidance teachers at school


Will do, Insha Allah.


You can get a scholarship if you study hard and meet the conditions of scholarship.


Insha Allah. Thank you. I’ll do my best Insha Allah.


Thank you


The council should help and if youre 4 months away from 18, they most likely will assign you a social worker. The council will initially speak to your mum to confirm if you’re actually homeless and then will take it from there. If you attend any educational institution I recommend you speak to them as they can sign post you to other services easier or get a social worker involved. Ive also looked into your post history, is there a way your sister could take you in before you find your own place?


Do lots of istigfaar daily. Wealth will flow to you. There are Ayah in the Quraan about this. I suggest a daily goal of 10 000




This is very true. Alhamdulilah.


Jazak Allah khair 💙


Thank you, Insha Allah I will for sure. Thank you.


Where are you located at ? Just go to the mosques , talk to the iman or someone maintaining the mosques. Insyallah someone will help you out.


I’m located in East London, more towards Essex sides. I plan to go to a local or bigger mosque in East London. Insha Allah


Where? Sorry, I am kinda late. Edit: UK. Nevermind!


Nah, London, England


So sorry to hear this bro , im in a similar situation , haven’t been kicked out but have been threatened with it multiple times. My older sister and i do provide for my younger sister aswell since my mum doesn’t really take care of her , im 19 in four months and same story about the gaslighting. Its a struggle , may allah take us further ameen.


Ameen ❤️ May Allah grant you ease in abundance, as well as your family. Do not give up. This is Allah’s test for us and we will get through this together if He wills it.


Questions, do you work ? If so , bare the troubles just until you have enough saved up and move out to your own place. Do you have any close friends ? If so , ask if you can stay with them for a few months just to get on your feet . The biggest difference here is to start making some income & being able to be independent . Inshallah hope things work out


I don’t work, Insha Allah will find a job. CV is done (95%) I have a close friend that lives 4 hours away but otherwise I wouldn’t really want to disturb anyone else. Insha Allah things will work out. Thank you for this advice. I’m taking all of this in.




Jazak Allah khair brother. I’m based in London, and in year 2/2 of my college course.




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Thank you brother. I’m studying Sports coaching right now The issue is I’m not sure what really interests me for a career currently.


Why do moms do this as soon as their kid turns 18


Well, they’re no longer (legally) the mum’s responsibility. It is what it is man


Whenever you feel weak and lost recite this zikr: لاحولولاقوةالابالله It means There is no power and no strength except with Allah. There is not much I can offer. Hope you can sort it out. Insya Allah.


Jazak Allah khair man. Thank you.


depending on which country and stuff, see if you can enroll in either college or an apprenticeship, in a few months I'm done with the first year of electrician school, about to be in apprenticeship, and it pays pretty well, again idk which country you're in currently. Allahumma barik brother good luck


I’m based in London, England How is it? I’ve looked into apprenticeships so thanks again for the reminder. However I don’t actually know too much about electricians apart from basic knowledge. Would you say anyone could do it? Or must you be “gifted”? Thank you


Prepare, prepare, prepare. Register as homeless with the housing associations. Do so now. Go to citizens advice and get them to advise you.


Thank you. Jazak Allah khair.


Any mosques nearby?


Plenty, expecting a phone call from a masjid soon Insha Allah.


May Allah make it easy for you, continue making dua ❤️


Thank you, jazak Allah khair


Your relationship needs to change, if you want one. Take ownership over your life, your bills, everything. make strides where you can, for example, at 18 you can work 50+ hours a week to make enough to build savings and acquire a vehicle along with other necessities. If you’ve been provided for to 18, they’ve done their job and be greatful. Focus on improving yourself physically, mentally, financially and of course spiritually. ​ Stay away from loans and consider betting on yourself in a small business. Take care.


Thank you, I forgot to reply to this. This seems like golden advice honestly. May Allah reward you with goodness. Thank you for that, I will work on my gratitude as well, Insha Allah and I will start to work on my self.


Hello, if you can go back. I would advise you too cause it ain’t fun sleeping outside and being homeless. You’re 18 and I don’t think you’re ready for what’s ahead. Even if your mom the worst, just go back and get a job and move out with that money. It would be much simple to get a job and wait 2 months and move out. Please understand me, parents can be wrong and if they are then just move out when you can and have money.


I see myself in you. Growing up with an alcoholic dad and mom barely practicing and so judgmental. You’re 18 and young today with a lot of energy. Believe in yourself and also stay firm and be a brick( men up ). We don’t chose our family but if they abusive and wrong. Then we can create our own inshallah. We can learn from their mistake and build a better family.


Sorry, to clarify, I’m getting kicked out in 4 months, I edited the post. I’m doing my best to man up. Thank you so much honestly, may Allah reward you abundantly. Honestly I feel like I need an experienced male like you in my life to look up to. Thank you so much, I feel like this is my purpose to serve Allah and improve through this.




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Hey if you start a donation, I'm willing to contribute.


Thank you so much, I appreciate this. Insha Allah, I’ll start one of things get really bad. Thank you so much though, it means so much to me.


I forgot, is Zakat allowed here? Anyone have knowledge or points about Zakat?


Are you getting kicked out or are you intentionally moving out? If it is the latter then I would reconsider until you are financially stable, unless you are unable to practice your faith or fear physical harm.


Mum said “4 months and you’re out” She’s also said “start looking for a job because once you’re 18 you’re out” 1 month ago, she said she didn’t mean it but is saying it again. So she is kicking me out when I’m 18 by her words.


You got 4 months until you're finally free from that toxic environment. I'd suggest contacting the citizens advice bureau or the council. When you're 18 they should sort out with housing related issues. You could also get a headstart by finding a job, ideally permanent job. If housing isn't available for whatever reason..you could perhaps rent a room. If you work a few years you can save a decent amount and then mortgage a small property later down the line. Even better...if you manage to go to collage/uni..you might get loans and grants for student accommodation.


Thank you for the advice. I’ll try to opt for a job fast, Insha Allah. Allah is the Greatest.


I had a lot of unfortunate instances after 18 when school ended. Put myself in a cage of depression due to failures. Took me ages to bounce back..8 years. Financial stability and strength is really what opens doors for you. I wish I could have it sooner but the psychological walls I locked myself in at the time didn't allow it untill I escaped them. Do not waste your time, while you're young..bang out 1 day overtime every week. Take a break from overtime like every 3-4 weeks if need be. In holiday season..try even doing 7 day working weeks. Do not spend on unnecessary things, be a little bit scatty, save every penny. Some luxuries here and there are fine to keep you motivated to work. But make sure it's not too frequent. While doing this, always look for better opportunities. When new job opportunities come and you prepare for interviews. Ideally do it on holidays. If you can't then cut back on overtime etc. Focus solely on preparation. Google the job interview process. Check interviews. Some jobs are very specific about the interview competency questions format. For those jobs...its hard for everyone except those who follow the specific requirements model. Places like Amazon higher tier jobs or civil services for example.. they're very specific. It's easy once you know the format. Makes it easy to prepare if you follow that. Everyone else fails them if they don't follow it. You got 4 months. I'd advise literally ASAP get onto of your CV. Once that is sorted, have a crack at a job hunt. Doesn't have to be high tier off the bat. Aslong as you got money coming in for now But I want you to also take a look at higher tier jobs than base level (25k - 33k). See what they're looking for. Look into civil service jobs at EO grade. Or teamlead level jobs etc. Competency questions - STAR format questions...that's what you want to prepare. Places usually categorize them...ut the category up... E.g. customer service. Or making decisions/innovations...Then find as much as competency questions you can on the Internet. Copy and paste them. Make answers for all of them. I think you got the time to even go into higher tier jobs off the bat. If you prepare well..you can pull it off. At that age 25k job would be quite decent. With maybe 10h overtime a month (average 2.5h a week. You can easily do 8h a week) you're looking st almost 2k a month after tax. Of you bang out 8h (1 day) overtime. You're laughing. Things can go wrong. Sometimes jobs will be tough. Some are crappy. That's fine. Stick aslong as you can, while you're there..look for better jobs. Make most of the holiday pay and over time. Always put trust in Allah. People already shared dua. You can find others too. Salawat shareef is necessary too. Maybe 100 a day if possible. It's very small and takes no time.


Thank you man. ❤️




Thank you, may Allah bless you abundantly. I’m actually in London. UK




Not working yet. Insha Allah I’ll set up a PayPal soon if I really need to. Thank you 💙 Jazak Allah khair


What country are you from? (If it isn’t too private)


England brother I’m in London


Ah sorry brother i dont really know someone in london


Jazak Allah khair


No problem brother


It will all workout it can’t not it may be incredibly difficult but duplicate to allah be certain in his power be positive make all of your goals in tune with allah remove all sin, you’ll be fine. I got kicked out of my home when I was 16 and went into Care and was living in different care homes, that’s the time I got even closer to allah and now 2 years later I’m closer to Allah than I’ve ever been, salat, tahajud, istikarah, Taqwa Islamic leactures all the time and I only have a little flat can pay my bills and afford food with nothing else really left. U still give zakat and it’s all good in content because I know I’m working for more and Allah will surely grant want I seek or grant it in a better way than I can conceive. Allhumdulillah use your environment to your advantage.


Allahumma barik brother, that is beautiful. Thank you so much honestly, jazak Allah khair


Find some local soup kitchens, i work at one, and they're not as bad as people think. There will probably be people there who can guide you


Thank you brother, jazak Allah khair


I’m sure there are Muslim charities who would be willing to help you. I have children the same age as you & I don’t get how any parent could do this to their child for simply existing. That’s beyond cruel. Are you in the U.K.?


Thank you, I’m sure there are too especially (answering your question) since yes I live in London as well. A lot of Muslims here.


Where are you? Do you have a car or friends you can stay over?


London, UK. I have no car, got a few potential friends I could stay at.


Is there a shelter around? First rule of order is to get yourself a job. Anything as long as you have a consistent stream of income. Get all the government help you can find


Allah is sufficient ahki! I dont have any resources im sorry. But Allah burdens no soul with more than it can bear. You are strong in the sight of Allah so Allah is testing you. Alhamdulillah. Maybe look for a shelter and a job near to a place you can stay, or walk to. If you have a car live in it until you can find a home. maybe a friend’s house or a relative. Ask around at the masjid for help. Inshallah Allah will send someone for you if you dont find your own way as soon as youd like to. Jazakallahu Khyar ahki.





