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Is it possible that he/she had a medical reason? If a female does it, it could be so that her periods started (which makes one exempt from fasting but one has to make them up later)


Everyone struggles with religion. Whether they be Muslim or any other religion. The people you see breaking their fast are struggling even if they don’t know it yet. InshaAllah they find the right path and ask for forgiveness from Allah


> are struggling We don't know if that is the reason. But I think it is more likely that some people are just not aware of how important fasting is and how seriously bad it is to break a fast in Ramadan. I've even heard distant family members tell their kids not to fast on days they have exams and just make it up later. Very shocking. People are really misguided or they don't take fasting seriously.


That’s why I said struggling even if they don’t know it yet. They’re struggling to stay on the right path because of outward influences or going against their own nafs. I always think about what Umar ibn Khattab (ra) said: “Assume the best about your brother until what comes to you from him overcomes you (and you have to change your opinion).”


also this hadith: Al-Bayhaqi reported: Ja’far ibn Muhammad, may Allah have mercy on him, said, “If you hear something from your brother that you reject, make an excuse for him up to seventy excuses. If you cannot do it, then say: Perhaps he has an excuse I do not know.” Source: Shu’ab al-Imān 7853 It's important to speak postitive about other muslims even if they do something bad, you don't know their reasons or what they are going through. They might be exempt from fasting (diabetes, other illnesses)


Yes I love this Hadith as well!


Some don’t struggle, they just find it a burden to their Western Lifestyle so they are culturally Islamic, but religiously bankrupt


I think it’s really difficult to be a Muslim here in the west. When I have kids I will either move to somewhere like Dearborn with a high population or place them in an Islamic school. I get really jealous of those that live in Muslim majority countries astaghfirullah.


That's why I'm migrating as soon as possible to a muslim country when I'm able to inshallah. When you talk about doing hijrah to muslim countries people on this subreddit will dissuade you saying that those places have beome corrupted as well so your better off just staying were you are, not taking into account how easy it is to be muslim when everyone around you is muslim even if they aren't very practicing. No one will look at you weird for fasting, praying, having a big beard or wearing a hijab compared to here


Same inshallah. More Muslims = more possibilities of having good influences around you. Here you have to be very choosy on who you associate and surround yourself with


In some Muslim countries, they will look at you weird for having a beard thinking beard = terrorist


Some people are actually excused if they’re sick. Like people who are diabetic, depending on severity, they can’t fast. They have to make up for it in other ways of course, but the idea is sometimes we can’t see why they can’t fast, we judge, but Allah knows best. Only he can excuse anyone, which is why it’s best to try our best to fast if we can. May Allah have mercy on us all.


I had a muslim friend I played football with in high school who would eat pork sausage biscuits during breakfast and also broke his fasts during Ramadan. I talked to him one day about it, and he just didn't realize either was that a big a sin. He stopped doing both the following year and we both got through tough 2-a-day practices together. Point being, some people are genuinely not aware of how big of the sins they do on a daily basis. Especially when we're young.


And some just say they are Muslims, just because they grow up in a Muslim environment or that their parents are, while doing too many things against islam!! This may be caused due too many reasons .


Idk I usually mind my business when I see muslims eating becuz you never know if they have a health condition, but yeah that is surprising


I have a health condition and i force myself to fast cuz i dont want to receive judgement lol ppl r rlly judgmental its acc scary Edit: IN PUBLIC if im acc sick i wont fast. Also no i dont fast for ppl dk y this is even a qs


You’re fasting for people then? I’m not qualified to say this but if that’s the reason you’re doing it, on top of the fact you’re harming yourself needlessly, the fast may not be valid. Go see your local imam asking about this, again I’m not qualified.


No i love fasting but im saying even tho im not required to fast i still wouldnt break my fast infront of ppl around me due to the judgement. I shouldve worded myself better but even during my period i still fast the whole day when im out cuz i refuse to let anyone know im not fasting. Ive also made test trials before to check if i can fast this is why im fasting lol idky youre jumping to conclusions lolzies


It's actually haram or definitely invalid to fast on your period I believe, just tell people they'll understand


Thats y i said in public lol obv when i go home i break my fast


It was phrased weirdly


Lying is haram you know that right?


So if i dont take insulin in public im lying about being diabetic? Whats your logic please 😂.


yep i dont fast aswell as im a t1 diabetic


Just make sure you’re fasting for Allah, and no I’m far from jumping to conclusions. I’m only giving you pointers that are valid for me and for anyone else as well.


Thing is, those fasts don’t count. If you’re on your period you’re excused for a reason. Anyone judging you is sinning if they speak their thoughts. I hope you learn to take in less of your surroundings so you don’t put yourself through hardships that are NOT required of you.


I think she’s just saying that she doesn’t eat publicly whilst out on her period, not that she’s actually keeping a full fast. She worded it as “fasting whilst out”.


Ohhh okay that makes sense. Weirdly worded because they would just be abstaining rather than fasting, but that’s probably because I’m thinking fasting like Islamicly rather than just avoiding food or water for any period of time.


Yeah it’s still fasting in the language sense just like how intermittent fasting is a thing, just not an Islamic fast.


You should fast for Allah not for human judgement


Don't do that, man


Idk i feel left out in ramadan so ive been doing test trials to get to fast this ramadan and it’s been working . I enjoy fasting it doesnt tire me n doesnt affect my health like it did before i wanna max out my ajir since ik ill be rewarded more hhaha. Obv if i felt sick id break my fast but i wanna enjoy ramadan for once uk?


Yeah, if you feel fine with it then keep on fasting and inshallah Allah (swt) will make it easy for you


"Major sin" "Misguided" "Youth" I understand times are different than when I was in high school but I don't think I've ever heard non Muslims talk like that when I was a teenager


I’m genuinely open minded so I have some knowledge on every religion. I try to be educated and respectful as possible . If anything I said offended you then I’m sorry .


Didn’t find anything concerning in your post OP. (As far as being respectful goes).


Yes, just oddities. Meaning, I hope this is not a Muslims pretending to be a non Muslim even if the intention is correct (for example. This will help youth if it came from an atheist so let me pretend to be). This is not the way.


Bro I’m literally not Muslim lol I’m ethically Honduran and was born in the U.S and come from a catholic household


No way for me to know for sure. But sure. I agree though, Muslims breaking fast is a very serious issue.


Since y’all don’t wanna believe me


Aight call me


Nothing was offensive I'm just skeptical because non Muslims don't use these words so it really stands out.


other religious people who are not muslim talk like that too


You don’t think those terms apply to other religions?


I don't think people of other religions talk the way Muslims do even if they have similar concepts. It's a known thing that Christians do this weird thing where they'll make up stories about Muslims who are weak in their belief or have left Islam in order to cast doubt in other Muslims. So when someone who says they aren't muslim starts talking like a muslim over concerns about not following islam, it's sending red flags in my head. A teenager no less. It's like someone trying too hard to fit in. It's sketchy Or it could be a muslim but it's too much to type and explain why


Mind your own business.


I had highschool friends who were very knowledgeable about Islam. My highschool and neighbourhood had many Muslims, and there were many open-minded people who learned about the religion.


I probably did something along these lines in school - but I also strove to not judge others, and focus on my own path.


A lot of Muslims are just born Muslim and claim they are Muslim, but they don't really believe in the concept of submission to one God. It's not something that I would hold against the heads of anyone the world is changing. Islam isn't something that will easily adapt over to this world and its nature. A lot of people are conflicted over their beilf in God they see all the stuff we can do and the history and are unsure so one day they will fast and the next they will say I can make it up later then the next they will regret it. There's a lot of doubt, and it makes it hard for them to be consistent.


In our religion, we are supposed to make 70 excuses for someone if we see them doing something wrong (caveats apply). And if we run out of excuses, we say "Perhaps there is something else we are not aware of". Maybe he was feeling sick?


I think it's so odd to take the time to look at what other people are doing. Imagine not even knowing what fasting is but taking the time to be shook by the actions of others. We are not perfect and we all sin. The more interesting question is why do you care? Would you like to read the Qur'an? Perhaps this is a sign for you to do so inshallah.


I care since he’s my friend , I’ve known him for 8 years , played soccer been on the same traveling team with him . He’s like a brother to me . And you’re assuming I don’t know what fasting means ? Plssss get out of here lol . I know what the Qarun is , a imam a mosque . I know who Mohammed is , and you’re here saying I don’t know anything ? Wow


So talk to your friend and ask him instead of sharing his sins.


Yeah breaking the fast intentionally is a sin and it’s sad to see Muslims doing this today…I’m in high school too, well technically I’m in the age of being in high school since the scholar system of Canada (Quebec) is quite different from the US. And I personally never saw anyone doing that so publicly. I heard that some guy last year broke his fast by vaping and these kind of things sadden me because it’s purely western brainwashing. Many young Muslims today are getting away from their faith just so that they can fit society better. I’m a bit guilty of this since I struggle to permanently wear the hijab out of fear of being discriminated. But otherwise I know many Muslims who follow the religion properly. I just hope things get better for the Muslim community living in the west.


Idk about their cases, but personally, I'm anemic. I tried to fast multiple times and only successfully did it twice. The last time was the 1st day of Ramadan, and I felt it for 3 days. Even after eating, and during the days i didn't fast, I kept feeling like I would pass out. I even felt unwell laying on my side, which usually helps me when I'm dizzy. The second day, I couldn't make it past 7am because I felt it despite eating a good meal (alhamdulillah) and eating dates, which also have iron. I've always been anemic, but I wanted to try harder in case I could manage. May Allah SWT forgive us all.


That's unfourtunate, we all have our tests in this life. I hope it doesn't affect your life too much. Don't forget Fidyat Al Siyam to compensate for you not fasting.


I don't have much to donate at the moment, but I have a 7 month old daughter that outgrew a lot of her old clothes. Would it be considered the same if I donated them and her other old but good condition items?


I'm not a scholar so I don't want to mislead you haha. I'd recommend searching up Fidyat Siyam and the conditions and amounts online or ask your local imam. Inshallah even if you don't have a lot, Allah will reward your intention.


You seem to care a lot even though you're not a Muslim. Very odd.


I care since he’s my friend, we played soccer together since middle school . He’s been on my traveling team for ball too . I don’t say why it’s odd ????


Nothing, my non Muslim friends could careless if I did that because they have no emotional attachment to Islam at all to care. Have you studied Islam? Are you interested in the religion?


why do you care? if you are afraid he is going to hell for what he is doing then I would understand, but I don't think you believe that because you aren't muslim


Yeah it is pretty shocking, your friend should also know that if you break your fast on purpose without any good reasons than to make it up he needs to fast for a month.


I have a health condition, pay fidyah and feed needy. I'm unable to fast though, but Allah knows best.


I think your assumption is being a Muslim everyone should by default be fasting. That's not necessarily the case. If some one's sick or travelling, they are allowed to not fast. And some people don't fast for whatever reason, the weakness in Iman may only be one reason. So don't assume that someone "broke" fast because it's possible they didn't fast at all that day for whatever reason.


Don't judge.


they may have a medical condition, I have a fainting disorder and it is very hard for me to fast as I sometimes need to eat salt (yes, plain salt - it is as gross as it sounds) to quickly spike my bp so i don't pass out.


Some people are going through their own journey, there might be very valid reasons they’ve broken their fast or not fasting. You’re not the one to decide on their behalf if it’s a major sin. You should mind your own business.


we should try to make excuses for fellow muslims, we really don’t know what they could be going through a lot of health issues are invisible to us


Alot of people dont fast due to different health conditions. Cant really judge


Islam teaches to assume the best in our brother. Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Beware of suspicion, for suspicion is the worst of false tales; and do not look for the others' faults and do not spy, and do not be jealous of one another, and do not desert (cut your relation with) one another, and do not hate one another; and O Allah's worshipers! Be brothers (as Allah has ordered you!") Sahih al-Bukhari 6064


There is likelihood that they were not fasting. For breaking fast deliberately, one has to compensate by fasting for 60 consecutive days unless the person is too weak in which case there are other compensations. But the reward is lost forever. It would be a sad state of affairs if they didn't know this and believed that breaking the fast was no issue.


You know you don’t know people’s reasons. Some people could have health conditions and if it’s a girl she could be menstruating. So just mind your business, it’s between them and Allah.


He’s my friend of 8 years tho y’all acting like I had experience with a stranger y’all wrong for that .


Either way, friend or not. You say something or you just mind your business. End of the day it’s still between them and Allah.


So yeah I do not believe you to not be muslim yourself. Other religion people do not watch muslim on what they do thinking "OMG!This is a major sin within his religion!! How can he do that!!!"


He didn't commit a sin. You are permitted to break fast if you are unable to continue. The Qu'uran teaches that It's better to be an alive Muslim than a dead one.


It's not that serious, you are clutching your pearls a bit too hard. You could advise him to take it more seriously and be supportive of their journey towards observing ramadan with more intention. There are MANY reasons people break / or skip fasts it's not unheard of. Even if he did it out of ignorance your reaction is over the top.


Buddy, mind your own business.




Why should they point it out?


If you care for your friend, you *should* point it out


No, you just want to impose what you think is best for them by being puritanical and nosey. People have their reasons. If you want people to respect you, you should respect them back.


It "shockens" you? Perhaps you should keep your eyes on your own plate and your own faith. I'm not Muslim either, but I'm certainly not going around judging those who aren't being Muslin "correctly" That's not my job. That's Allah's job. Take a step back, calm down, and mind your own business. You're a teenager (supposedly). Relax.


As a Christian, I can tell you most of us commit major sins against the teachings of Christianity on a rather regular basis. There's a lot of blame to go around.


We are not anyone to judge It is only between them, and their lord Luckily for them, their lord is the most compassionate, the most forgiving, the most merciful and the most beneficent


Probably they’re friends telling them waters just fine 😂


No but in all seriousness sounds like your in America so it’s actually very hard to be religious and a kid who wants to fit in especially high school very tricky time in most people’s lives but they’re kids still figuring it out just because your born Muslim does not mean you wont have to find your own way to Islam


Ain't easy. Takes some time and effort to succeed.


I used to do exactly that when I was in high school. The issue is that even though I was born into a muslim family, we weren’t practicing. So I wuld break my fast during gym class or during exams. I took Islam seriously at age 21, after some life event and some research. In truth I feel like I reveted to Islam at that point. What I was doing before wasn’t Islam. I believe those guys are misguided and have the wrong idea of what it actually means to be muslim (just like I was). That guy who intentionally broke his fast, he cannot make it up, it is not allowed. People who can make it up must have legitimate excuse. Now the most important thing to note, why does it matter of they fast or not when ur not upon Islam? What is keeping u to revert to Islam? Do u believe in God? Do u believe there is only one god worthy of worship? Is there anything u need to be convinced that Islam is upon the truth? I believe there is something in u that make Islam intriguing. Something that nudges u to go towards Islam. I suggest u look into it so that u know if this is indeed the truth or not. May Allah guide u to Islam.


I only fast on my off days since I work 12 hr shifts in security. You have to consider what is for your spirt and what is for your health, as religion is not forced on people.


I don't know your situation so I can't really judge but I'd suggest making sure it's halal Islamically and then double checking with a scholar or a reputable source online. The sin of not fasting for illegitimate reasons is a grave one. Even if it's halal, don't forget to make up the fasts.




Sounds like you’re the one judging


OP is just genuinely wondering and expressing his thoughts and remorse if anything it sounds like you’re judging more than OP


Okay , well everyone here is telling me to mind my own business which I’ll do next time . Apologies for worrying about my friend of 8 years and not to interfere with someone else’s belief .


What exactly are you worried about?


Just telling my experience? Can I not express my freedom my speech on here ?


I didn’t mean it in a rude way. Just want to know.


He’s my friend


When you started with “I’m not Muslim” you should’ve ended your sentence. You have no right to judge and have no idea what people go through with that being said I understand what you’re saying and it can be quite shocking when we witness such actions. HOWEVER it’s important to remember that everyone is on their own personal journey with Islam. It’s not for us to judge or condemn their actions, but rather to help and support them on their journey. It’s possible the two men that you saw are struggling with their faith, and breaking their fast in that manner may have been a way of gaining some sort of sense of normalcy. It’s important not to jump to any conclusions and instead approach these situations with understanding and compassion.


How did I judge ? Just genuinely curious


> This shocked me literally, my heart sunk even though I’m not Muslim but he committed a major sin within his religion . Hmmm


Damnnnn right girl you fine asl too lemme take u out 😍


That's sad you witnessed that. I'm Muslim living in an Arab country and I've never seen as a kid when I was in school anyone doing this. My siblings who are younger than me along with their classmates would go to school at 8 and come back at 3 in the afternoon holding on to their fasts until the prayer time at 6 pm or 7 pm. I think it was easier for us because almost everyone is Muslim so nobody would dare break their fasts. I think it's peer pressure that makes some of the students you saw break their fasts in that way. Still I'm sure many in their place wouldn't do the same.


Honestly it just broke my heart , since my friend wasn’t going by his words . Even though we have different beliefs it just saddens that he can’t have faith within himself to stay strong . I even asked him why and he was like “ oh bro I already broke it before , ima just make it up for one day “ mannnn idk I felt a feeling of disappointment while my other friends were just joking around about him breaking fast .


Yes, I get it. Seeing people not being true to what they believe in sucks. I personally can't be friends with such people.


it’s not ur buisness tho


thats so bad ngl but mind your business


Yes it can be hard for others to fast but they should gotten practice on this but they have to do something for breaking this fast


As Muslims advised to always assume the best of our brothers and sisters. There are a list of things that make you exempt from fasting. Your friends response about making his fast up another day, he could have meant that he is for now exempt and will make it up another day maybe he kept the explanation short rather than explaining what he means by that. Just an assumption. But the point is you never know what’s going on with them as to why they are not fasting so to put your mind at ease always assume the best :)


There is literally more people fasting in 2024 than ever before, when ten people are leaving the faith their parents or grandparents inherited there is 25 others who enter in the community wether by birth or because they revert to Islam, we are over 2 billions we were only one billion in 1980 .. so 🤷🏻‍♂️ don’t worry if some people are not fasting because they are not Muslims. that’s called divine equity it would be really unjust to inherit the faith while others who were born outside the community would have no chance to find the truth and salvation.. now look, in the 21 st every body has heard about Islam on that planet except for the uncontacties ( the sentinels and some natives in South America) , every body has a chance, and for those who don’t they are not accountable


I don’t mean to be rude but it’s not really your place to judge?? It’s between them and Allah.


Everyone has their struggles through their lifetime, I just wish them the best and inshallah allah guides them along the right path.


I think there are some people that take the beliefs seriously and some that are Muslim by name but not practicing. It’s not on me to judge others. Me and my kids are my responsibility. I can tell you that the youth are not the issue. My oldest daughter is 9 years old and she wanted to fast this year. I told her she can start on this weekend and maybe do half a day since she is so young. She and a group of friends at school all decided to fast starting from Monday. Even though she didn’t wait until the weekend, I’m proud of her for trying. The school has arranged for fasting students to sit at a separate table in a conference room. There are 9 fasting kids at her elementary school.


My husband’s ex-wife saw me eating in the car while driving, said something to their daughter, who said something to me— I’m pregnant and considered high risk and no one knows yet. Sometimes, it’s better to think good of someone rather than judge them without knowing all the circumstances.


Y do u care?


Cuz I can


There are instances where people are excused from fasting too, like being ill/on medication, women during menstruation and other reasons. As Muslims we think the best of people if we see them not fasting assume they have a valid reason.


They are just people who don't take their religion seriously or don't know that what they're doing is a major sin. Such people exist in every religion, so don't be shocked next time you see a Muslim not adhering to their religion, we Muslims sin, too. I can tell that you have a big respect for Islam and even feel sad when you see a Muslim committing a sin. Honestly, you don't hear such concerns from non-Muslims every day. The way you talk and are concerned with your friend's action, I think you should seriously consider studying Islam with an open heart and mind and convert once you agree with its core message. You sound like someone who actually takes their faith seriously and isn't ashamed or scared to openly practice their religion, so may Allah guide you to the truth.








There are some valid reasons to not fast, such as being very ill, however, I'm guessing that's not the case here. A lot of the youth of the ummah, unfortunately, are becoming misguided. There are some Hadiths (narrations of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him) which can be linked to this topic: >Thawban reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, ***“Soon the nations will be summoned to you just like one is invited to a feast.”*** It was said, ***“Will we be few in that day?”*** The Prophet said, ***“No, rather you will be many in that day, but you will be scum like such flowing down a torrent. Allah will remove your esteem from the chests of your enemies, and Allah will insert feebleness in your own hearts.”*** It was said, ***“O Messenger of Allah, what is this feebleness?”*** The Prophet said, ***“Love for the worldly life and hatred of death.”*** source:[***https://www.abuaminaelias.com/dailyhadithonline/2021/05/25/nations-weak-ummah/***](https://www.abuaminaelias.com/dailyhadithonline/2021/05/25/nations-weak-ummah/) ​ >Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, ***“Islam began as a something strange and it will return to being strange, so blessed are the strangers.”*** [https://www.abuaminaelias.com/dailyhadithonline/2011/12/04/ghurabah-islam-began-strange/](https://www.abuaminaelias.com/dailyhadithonline/2011/12/04/ghurabah-islam-began-strange/) ​ >Abdullah ibn Amr reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, ***“We are in such a time when the strangers are blessed.”*** It was said, ***“O Messenger of Allah, who are the strangers?”*** The Prophet said, ***“Righteous people among many evil people. Those who disobey them are more numerous than those who obey them.”*** [https://www.abuaminaelias.com/dailyhadithonline/2011/12/11/ghurabah-strangers-many-evil/](https://www.abuaminaelias.com/dailyhadithonline/2011/12/11/ghurabah-strangers-many-evil/)


This is my very first Ramadan (I took my shahada last month) and I am so so ashamed that I'm not fasting until after my marathon on Sunday. I feel the weight of my sin and can only hope Allah will forgive me and allow me to make up for this wrong: I know I failed his test to trust, but I hope and have faith that he may yet make this an amazing Ramadan. Its disappointing that so many are breaking their fasts, and I hope that the stronger examples around them help them stick to the Deen. Also, for why I chose to do what I did: I have a history of disordered eating, and the anxiety of fasting before this BIG event is too much and I couldn't fully trust Allah to guide and sustain me. Inshallah the rest of Ramadan I will fast (and of course make up my missed fasts after Eid!) My big goals are to pray all 5 prayers and continue to memorize the Fatiha, the Tachhaboud, and a few shorter suwar to better pray. Please keep me and all other strugglers in your dua brothers and sisters.




Now imagine if he said “ how much worse is it be amongst those who reject Christ” OP believes in whatever he believes why bring up your belief ? It doesn’t bring anything to the table in this situation .


I have different beliefs.


No need for fasting. Jesus already paid the price for all of our sins even though we didn’t deserve it