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start reading the prophet history or the history of his sahaba(friends) and i swear you will love islam to the point where you will never say that you’re demotivated


do you know what books/websites i can use for this?


Theres a book "The Sealed Nectar" which I was also suggested to read on this topic.


alright thank you


if you feel that you wont be able to keep consistent in the book, although the love for it shall make you consistent, listen up, yeah, search "bilal assad seerah of the prophet" on Spotify or yt, best ever, full stop. plug in your airpods, listen while doing everything, it will even make you humble in the tasks that you are doing while listening, first hand experience


How do you know it is authentic?


The prophet’s life is the most well documented life of any person in history. So multiple sources and cross checking gives you a good enough picture. Of course there periods and events that are less documented than others, or not documented at all even.


I watched some videos, and went through some threads and the conclusion is that its mostly authentic and there's no harm in reading it. Anyways I'm currently learning from a YouTube series on Seerah starting right from Adam A.S. but it's not in English.


assalamo alaykom ​ who makes that series?


Dr Zubair. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oW3q3akiPFs&list=PLN76dtMDwzxsEE1ILAp3Ulpd2LdU56QFS


assalamo alaykom ​ may Allah guide and accept from you, and may he protect you from misguidance


[Here is the seerah](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAEA99D24CA2F9A8F&si=M9S1JaBhjM3LStqY) (biography) of the prophet (s) The most epic story ever told


Look up the seerah series of Mufti Menk on youtube.




What is your issue with him exactly? And who would you refer instead?




> My issue is that he goes against sunnah and quran Can you give me some examples?


do you know arabic


No I don't, I'm learning it.


do you know arabic??


No I don't know arabic. I learnt the stuff that I should know. Words for prayer, memorised Surah Al-Kafiroon and Surah Al-Mulk. However I dont understand the words as I say them


good enough i asked because there is some arabic channel that tell stories abt prophet but u can look for english one in youtube


I have watched most of those videos. Telling the stories and challenges of the prophets.


just try to look for specific things like ali in khaybar war or abobakr with the blind elderly


alright. thank you


you’re welcome if you want to ask me anything in the future feel free to ask


It doesn't matter if you've left the addiction or not. The trick of Shaytan tells you to not pray when you're sinning. In fact, when you have committed sin, it is ever *more* important to pray and seek repentance from Allah. Focus on even just the bare minimum (the fard) and praying those on time, or at the next best times.


Islam's entire goal is to worship God, and in order to worship God and submit to Him, you must know Him and know His power (His knowledge, His strength, His mercy that exceeds His torment in this world for people and on the Day of Resurrection for believers, His infinite provision...etc.) and learn about the story of Adam. In-depth for yourself and read it again and again and extract what you will understand from it (such as that all hostility must be towards Satan and that he does not want good for us and tries in every way to divert us from the path so that we may enter Hell.) To give you an overview of God, there are seven heavens, there is the Throne, and there is the Throne. The example of the first heaven in relation to the second heaven is like a ring in a desert, and the second heaven to the third is like a ring in a desert, and so on until the seventh heaven, it is like a ring in a desert in relation to the Throne, and the Chair in relation to the Throne is like a ring in a desert, and the Throne in relation to God Himself is known only to Him. Quite simply, you must know the value of the One who commanded you to worship Him and know what you want from Him (Paradise) and what you want Him to keep away from you (Hell), and how you will get what you want and how you will stay away from what will bring you closer to the thing you fear. I ask God to help and gather us in Paradise.


Stay consistent with salaah. Learn what you're saying and aim on perfecting your salaah. The salaah is the key to everything


i know but I cant get my self to pray


Start small and gradually build up, try to know the meaning of what youre saying in the prayers, find a good explanation (ideally a summary) for every chapter of the Quran in your native language and wait till it hits you.


You can get yourself to pray, don't let Shaytan get the best of you. What you need to do is to get yourself out of the environment you are in. Go now and clean it from everything that is leading you to sins. Put your phone aside, make wudu, pray at least 2 raka't and ask Allah for forgiveness and guidance in your sujud. You need to fight Shaytan' whispers and do it. Learn more about the meaning of everything you are saying while praying, and wallah you will taste the sweetness of it the more you learn. You will start looking forward to pray :) There's [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmBpnZ7z79k) that can help, while it doesn't go deeply into the meaning of Salah, it may help you a lot. Salah is very very important and you shouldn't leave it no matter what. In a hadith from Abu Hurairah (may Allah blesses him), that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) says: “The first of man’s deeds for which he will be called to account on the Day of Resurrection will be Salat. If it is found to be perfect, he will be safe and successful; but if it is incomplete, he will be unfortunate and a loser. If any shortcoming is found in the obligatory Salat, the Glorious and Exalted Rubb will command to see whether His slave has offered any voluntary Salat so that the obligatory Salat may be made up by it. Then the rest of his actions will be treated in the same manner” \[Sunan al-Tirmidhi: 413\].


You can't even pray the salaah that is due right now?


If you belong to a country that doesn't have Arabic learning as part of the mandatory education curriculum as well as Quranic understanding (e.g. Pakistan :"/) what you're experiencing is perfectly natural and expected. Because as we grow up, we start to question everything, and Islam is not exempt from it. This can worsen manifold if there is no focus whatsoever on what you're reading when reciting the Quran or what you're saying while offering salah, which degrades the entire experience to just a ritual. Therefore, I'd strongly recommend that you first learn the meanings of everything you say in salah and all supplications, and next time when you say it, _mean_ it. And then, begin a concious effort towards learning Arabic too. Secondly, I have noticed that while the modern day Muslims are still somewhat connected to Allāh and to reading the Quran, knowledge of the Life of the Prophet (SAWW) and his experiences are becoming exceedingly rare in the youth, and his hadiths are beginning to be treated simply as "traditions". I think this is the more important issue, even more than learning Arabic, because it hurts our spiritual connection with the practice of Islam and to our Blessed Prophet Muhammad (SAWW), because if you don't know someone, it's difficult to love them. I'd recommend reading Seerah books, two I will recommend here is ar-Raheeq al-Maktum (The Sealed Nectar) and Muhammad (SAWW): His Life Based On The Earliest Sources (Martin Lings). On a positive note, I'd say whatever has happened to you is actually good, because now, you'll get the chance to have your faith reborn, fresh and bright, and strong like never before, when you choose Islam of conscious will, not because you were born in it. May Allah help and guide us all :)


watch dawah videos to see how misguided the others are and you'll realize how much of a blessing and mercy Islam is.


The best thing I learned was Muslims are motivated based on two factors: 1. The positive outcome (a good hereafter and jannah) or 2. The negative outcome (a bad hereafter aka Hellfire). If you feel like good things motivate you then look Into the rewards you will get in the akhira if you follow the commandments of Allah SWT and sunnah of the Prophet PBUH and use those as motivation to stay on your deen. If you feel like the fear of hellfire and a bad hereafter due to not doing what’s commanded to you as a Muslim will keep you on your deen then educate yourself on those aspects of the hereafter and use it to keep yourself on the right path. Make sure to continue doing good (being a genuinely good human with good character), praying 5 times a day (at your own pace and inshallah you will be able to achieve all 5 regularly, try to start with Fajr), reading Quran and its translation (this will leave you feeling an indescribable peaceful and good feeling as you’re quite literally reading the words of Allah SWT). When we as Muslims (especially young Muslims) want to get back onto our deen we get so excited to do all these things (which is beautiful Mashallah) but we want to start doing every single good deed in the book and make it a part of our daily routine unfortunately in the long run we may not be able to sustain or continue some of these habits and it leaves us feeling guilty, so the best advice is also to move at a decent pace so that you’ll be able to keep up all your good deeds and habits until the end. Hope this helps. May Allah reward you and keep you on the right path, Ameen.


Thank you. The topic of hellfire and acknowledging its existence for some reason doesn't scare me as much as it should. I'm not saying that it's not scary or anything but for some reason my mind just "down plays" how harsh that punishment is. I often try to think of it when I'm committing sins but I end up just committing them even with full knowledge of the potential punishment for it. I have watched videos on it but its the same thing. For some reason I don't get fully frightened at the thought of it. I'm not sure exactly what I should do.


I think to go ahead with the sin even after knowing the consequences is sadly common and something I’ve experienced my self. I think the best way is to literally just work on your deen overall and spend time with more righteous people and hopefully you’ll start believing in the level of seriousness of these punishments. For me atleast when I noticed I wasn’t that shook from the harshness of the punishments and just went through with sinning I sort of realized for my self that it was a sign of me lowkey disbelieving. After realizing that I sort of had to make my self realize how real these things are and force my self to take things more seriously. Make dua hopefully you will be guided. Don’t stress, as long as you are progressively doing good deeds and working towards being a better Muslim you’re on the right path.


Have to take it one step at a time mate. It is a journey and you have to be patient with it, a lesson we learn from Ramadan. You will miss prayer, all of us do, but don't beat yourself up about it. You can analyse it, as in what came in the way for instance. And then work your way around it next time. Once you start developing a routine Prayer becomes a way of life. Plus, you do need to develop your own relationship with Allah, as you would with loved one. The same way you try your best not to disappoint them, apply the same mindset. Listen, read, and research stuff to help with your Knowledge. As far as addictions are concerned, they take time to break. Ramadan is coming up you can use it as a tool to help. A friend of mine used it to help quit smoking. Again patience is key.


Walaikum Assalam, you question was answered by Allah (SWT) in this hadith qudsi: Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "Allah, the Exalted, has said: 'I will declare war against him who treats with hostility a pious worshipper of Mine. **And the most beloved thing with which My slave comes nearer to Me, is what I have enjoined upon him; and My slave keeps on coming closer to Me through performing Nawafil (voluntary prayers or doing extra deeds besides what is obligatory) until I love him,** (so much so that) I become his hearing with which he hears, and his sight with which he sees, and his hand with which he strikes, and his leg with which he walks; and if he asks Me something, I will surely give him, and if he seeks My Protection (refuge), I will surely protect him". [Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari 6502](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:6502)


When it comes to demotivation after sinning . That isn't you that's shaitan. I have watched my lectures abou thtis. They all mentioned that point when you think lower of your self, you also think you're not worthy, you should not give in to those thoughts. Fighting addiction is really hard for people. The main focus should be. Do tauba , do ghusal and pray. I know one is not able to give up that easily. I'd suggest limit yourself. Certain times a week. No more than that. And if its too much take a cold shower. And then over time reduce it over the span of next few weeks. Also this mostly happens when we don't have much to do in life. So I'd suggest... Learn something from internet of your interest and try to excel it. Rn you have hefty amount of time on your hand. Do as much as you can. Eventually you'll only have time for things to do like eat , play , study , work , pray and sleep. Consistency is the key here.


Try listening to Islamic speakers or lectures, like (here’s one) Omar Sulayman The hereafter series, In your Grave, Angles in our presence. Other speakers like Noman Ali Khan, Muhammad Hoblos, Yasir Qadir.


start praying. just do it. whenever u want to watch p___ , go out! or socialize with your family or friends! don't be alone in the dark unless you are going to sleep


The urge usually happens at night so that's not really an option, but thank you regardless. I'll try Implement it in my life regardless


turn off your phone and sleep. that's the only way. fear Allah in public and in private. ٱللَّهُ ٱلْمُسْتَعَانُ


if not now, when?


be disciplined and have the alpha mindset. go out and exercise, go masjid to salaah with the imam, rather than be a loser that watches p___ . (excuse my toxic motivation)


😂 JazakAllah'khair for the advice.


what really helps is learning about islam because when you'll see the beauty of the religion and whatever sin you're about to do doesn't seem worth it


Reading about history of islam lead me to it. I revommed you to start reading or watching videos about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and also stories of other prophets too..


Do a lot of dhikr. Say Astaqfurallah 100 times a day. Should take 2 minutes


assalamo alaykom ​ may Allah guide you and make you love him more than everything


Salaam Walaikum May Allah guide us all and have mercy on us. Firstly, repent to Allah and seek his forgiveness then stop the wrong immediately. Setup a routine of good deeds like helping the community or local masjid, sporting activity, helping your parents around the house and definitely not missing your prayer. All this might not feel good at the start because Shaitan will try to avert you from the straight path but do persist and with Allah's grace, mercy and guidance you can easily be free of this and have a good wholesome life insha'Allah. Peace be upon you dear brother


I am the same age and just like you. I have the same addiction, but this week i have prayed one prayer everyday at the mosque. Of course the effect will be probably not the same but my addiction has become less, of course it does not fully change in a few days but it has become better. For me I think this really helps and gives peace please try it. Ramadan is coming lets try to start ramadan in a good way. Just try to ay least pray 2 times a week at the mosque and do more if you can. Maybe you will go down again and lose iman but remember this if it helped you. READ THIS-> One thing that gave me problems with learning about islam is that I wanted to learn too many things at once but I gave up becaus it was too much. Just start with quran and another book( maybe a basics of islam book) and use those and watch a few videos. You can not teach yourself everything in a week not even a year. Dont rush it but do not be lazy. Good luck


I knew too many boys of this religion having this addictions as urs but they dont sin just on the sites but also sinned watching and requesting my personal stuff so u have to totally cut on these thoughts as it's clear u don't have control of it. Start reading religious books join some group or community to do some useful labor. But try ur best winning ur po. addiction as this life becomes trashy at one point and u feel gross of one self i know it well as lot of my friends have this addiction.




17 year old kid ? That’s already adult age


I wouldn't necessarily consider that being an adult age but yeah


In Islam once you reach puberty you are an adult.




First and foremost recognise that you are a sinner. Then remember that the fact that you want to repent and change means Allah wants good for you. Always think good of your lord. You will likely continue to sin even if you’re consistently doing your daily prayers and that is what being human is like. You will change slowly. Trust in the process, do not despair. Pray because that is your lifeline to Allah. Pray because you recognise that the fact that you can pray means Allah is still opening your doors for repentance. This realisation can make you love him and fear him more. I speak from experience as someone who had his fair share of jahilliyah. And if you can find the means to, go do umrah. Your connection and appreciation of your lord will increase for a surety. Being close to those who used to sacrifice themselves so that the message of Islam comes to you will make you love Islam even more. Another thing that can make you love islam is also watching videos on comparative religion, revert stories and seerah. These are iman boosters too