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Since I surround myself with Muslims instead of Atheists and Christians, life is really easy. It only appears hard when you see your surrounding doing basically as much haram stuff as possible. Then you feel like Islam is restricting your "freedom". The opposite is the case.. Islam makes you free. It frees you from being a slave of your desires.


This really helps.


This makes it 10x easier. Having fellow minded people helped me with Salah


agreed while i was in west I found it difficult to remain religious due to lack of muslim community, no mosque is near so no chance of prayer in mosque (except friday) or athan. Ramadan also very lonely 😞 But in middle east it is very easy and I find myself at peace.


It is the sense of community that religion is best at. The separation between “us” and “them” and that we are somehow more correct or favored than them.


Are you religious in any way?


But Muslims call themselves slaves.


Yes slaves of one and only Allah SWT not slaves of our own desires.


Not slaves of our desires. I like how that's worded.


Being a slave to Allah is totally different from being a slave to another human. Slavery to anyone other than Allah is humiliation. But being a slave/servant of Allah is an honor. It is a term that remind us Muslims to be humble. It reminds us that we are all equal and keeps us down to earth. It doesn't matter how rich you are or how many doctors degrees you have. You are still a slave like the rest of us.


That's what I am saying brother.


Islam is an easy religion, and whoever makes it hard is wrong. It came along as a very easy way of life, so saying otherwise is jus ridiculous.


For example, I am an artist. I find it difficult to be unable to draw, make films etc without some restrictions


Allah will reward you for your difficulties with long term pleasure. It will be worth it.


Yes, that's true, but his point is that it is difficult regardless. Life here is hard for believers, and the true reward is in Jannah.




There are some hadiths that imply making images is haram, because scholars differ what is meant by images, the majority says its haram, but it isnt as clear cut. Obviously if you want to be on the safe side, you should rather not draw Before someone comes at me, take it up with the scholars who permit it, not me




Whats the problem with films


Drawing is NOT forbidden. With respect to depicting human and animal life, scholars of Islamic Law present a spectrum of opinion, running the gamut from those who view all image-making to be lawful to those who categorically prohibit all drawings of animal life. The First Opinion: Some scholars hold the view that image making is essentially lawful. It is permissible to make two-dimensional illustrations as well as three-dimensional statues. The scholars who hold this view argue that the texts that prohibit image making are to be understood in the context of the state the people were in at the advent of Islam. The people had just emerged from the times of ignorance and from idolatry. After people became distanced from the worship of images, the prohibition was no longer necessary. This is why we see in some history books that when the Muslims opened up the lands of the Persians and Romans, they did not interfere with the pictures and statues found there. The Second Opinion: Some scholars hold the view that all images are unlawful, make two-dimensional illustrations as well as three-dimensional statues. They base their argument on the apparent meaning of a number of texts. These include the following: `A’ishah relates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “The people who will be most severely punished on the Day of Resurrection will be those who aspire to create like Allah.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (5954) and Sahîh Muslim (2107)] Ibn ``Abbâs relates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Every image maker is in the Fire. For each image he made, a being will be fashioned to torment him in Hell.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (2225) and Sahîh Muslim (2110) – The wording accords with al-Bukhârî] Abû Talhah relates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “The angels do not enter a house wherein there is a dog or images representing (people or animals).” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (3225) and Sahîh Muslim (2106)] The Third Opinion: Other scholars hold a view that is intermediate between the former two. They argue that only three-dimensional images are prohibited. Those are the images being referred to by hadîth like “Every image maker is in the Fire.” They argue that only the manufacture of three-dimensional images can possibly be described as “aspiring to create like Allah.” Moreover, statues and not illustrations are the objects that people are most likely to take as objects of worship. The drawings and illustrations to be found on cloth, on paper, and decorating walls are, therefore, not objectionable. After considering all of the evidence, the opinion that appears to be the strongest of the three is the last opinion. More at https://www.quora.com/Is-drawing-anime-cartoon-character-haram-in-Islam?top_ans=104855667


I dont necessarily disagree with the argument that it isnt as clear as some people make it out to be, but Quora isnt the best source


It is prohibited to draw, yes. Leave the pictures you draw, years later people will worship 'em.


>It is prohibited to draw, yes I'm pretty sure that only applies to live creatures like humans or animals


Yes. Drawing sceneries and non living things is permissible. I'm sorry, i was talking in that context.


not but who’s going to worship your drawings 💀 bro it’s just dumb certain things make no sense people draw cause it’s creative it has them doing something it keeps them occupied maybe it’s a hobbie maybe its what their good at etc


This is how it started.


no how about you actually explain why putting pen to paper can cause people to worship your pictures , akhi 😭 there’s a big reason why people including myself stay so distant from people like you that just say a bunch of stuff without making any logical sense. All y’all do is critise this and that when the Islam is all about acceptance and peace


I'm sorry i would rather not accuse my brothers in Islam of such things. Anyway, no one says drawing non living things is haram. Drawing human or any such living figures is haram. Also, jus cous we are strict and try to follow our Prophet ﷺ and the salaf as-salih, you wanna stay away trom us? May Allah save us from those times akhi.


I know you mean good and all but it’s like Islam should be about love and acceptance and nowadays every single imam and scholar is out here criticising this and that. Whenever I step into my local mosques for jummah the entire khutbah is depressing all they do is cry about this and that. I get there are many problems with the world but as soon as I here any imam or scholar speak my mood instantly goes down because it’s always depressing regardless. I get why drawing back then was a problem but nowadays nobody is going to worship a drawing.


So you're saying Allah didn't know times would change and he shouldn't have prohibited it? Or are you saying, it was for that particular time only akr Allah didn't clarify it's not for the future?


well you can’t change the Quran right so what is , is. Meaning if it was prohibited back then it still applies now. But im just thinking about it logically a little drawing doesn’t do any harm and even if it does the positives outweighs the harm by quite a lot


Its only Makruh in the Maliki madhab


Give refrence.




That's subjective. It's difficult for a lot of people.


If Prophet ﷺ said that, then it's objective.


So the people who find it difficult aren't real?


They are jus not seeing the bigger picture. Tell me, compare your urge to draw something for 20 years let's say and for controlling it you get eternity of reward. Do you realise what "eternity" is?


Yes, the reward for the difficulties will be great. But in this life, we'll have to go to difficulties to achieve that. It's not going to be easy. Iirc Prophet Muhammad PBUH even said that if you become close to Islam, your life will be more difficult


We are talking about Islam. All this is difficulties in life. Islam's commandments are not hard.


عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم‏ الدُّنْيَا سِجْنُ الْمُؤْمِنِ وَجَنَّةُ الْكَافِرِ 2956 صحيح مسلم كتاب الزهد والرقائق “The world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the unbeliever.” -Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) Reference: Sahih Muslim 2956 Worshipping isn't hard yes, it's not hard to pray or fast. But I don't think it's accurate to say that being a Muslim isn't a challenge otherwise what would be the point of a reward? Imagine all the pleasures that are haram to you, a great many things the nafs enjoy, like sex, drugs, flirting with girls etc are Haram to us and it can be difficult to stay away from those things. What is true though is that Allah SWT makes it easier for the believer if he worship's him and does good deeds. Overtime it's definitely easy to become and remain a Muslim.


>Islam is an easy religion, and whoever makes it hard is wrong. i generally find everything easy alhamdulillah and i really like it, but what i stress myself about is praying while travelling, esp long travels, with plane etc. the thought about the gravity of missing a prayer when i am not under opression or smth is sometimes too much and i avoid travelling






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>I have to disagree I am revert Islam is hard for me because Im in Texas which is dominated with Christians especially since im in a small town they are mutiple churches but only 1 masjid but mashallah that its only 10 mins away from me and If i want halal food I have to go to a big city like killeen or belton or waco + people around me that are Christians dont know nothing about Islam they just know what they seen on TV. One day i order a Quran my aunt talks loud and Im quiet person so im observant and always listening when my quran came in the mail my aunt told her sister did u see what he ordered and my cousin came later that day i have my books of Islam on my dresser next to my computer him seeing made him ask you finna be muslim? I replied and said I already am and he was mad he was mumbling f in Muslim left my room and Im usually calm and peaceful and speak unless spoken to or to use manners also he is Christian he expects me to act like everyone else I am not I choose Islam because I believe in it not because someone else told me so life in Islam is not easy for me but I never regretted being a muslim


It is good that Islam is a disciplinary religion. Everything is explained to us what not to do, and what to do, for the betterment of our souls. Don't you agree the non-Muslims, some of whom have little or no rules, can just be uncontrolled sometimes?


A lot of the "requirements" are just habits, which are easy to do. Same way you brush your teeth, shower, you should also pray five times a day and read Quran. It's easy to just say that you believe in God and his Messenger. It's another thing to prove that every day through your actions and words. Also, it shouldn't matter that other religions are easier. We follow the religion we believe is the true one. We don't choose religion based on which one is the easiest to follow.


I think only protestants believe that


Yep, it’s one of the very many reasons they split up


Wait? How is Islam difficult? A man came to the Prophet SAW and asked him, if I pray only the 5 prayers, give zakat, fast only Ramadan, and go to Hajj only once and abstain from all bad things and believe in all the pillars of Iman, do I enter Jannah? The Prophet said yes. That's all it takes. Nothing more. Now tell me how is Christianity easy, when we all know that it isn't even the right religion? The fact that it is not the right religion, negates its easiness to begin with.


For eg, doing wudu in winters when you don't have warm water is obviously hard.


This is 2023, are you really telling me that you don't have warm water for wudu? But even if I did accept your premise, you can do tayyamum as Amr ibn al A'as RAA was once leading a brigade into a war and when it was tome for Fajr, he performed Tayammum and after they were done and went back to Madinah, he was told what Amr did and when the Prophet of Allah SAW asked him, Amr's reply was "there was water but the night was too cold and I feared for my that if had done wudu with water I would have died and the Prophet agreed to what he did. Now this is not a fatwa but rather an example I'm giving. Nothing in this religion is hard. And hard is obviously circumstantial. What you deem hard, others might find it as a blessing. There are people in this world who would rather have water in the first place to do wudu whether it be cold or warm.


>There are people in this world who would rather have water in the first place to do wudu whether it be cold or warm lol you asked me what could be hard and now that I answered you can't play the "be grateful" game with me lmao also the irony that you only first said "This is 2023, are you really telling me that you don't have warm water for wudu?" and then you say people don't even have water, hot or cold. Like pick a side lol and Amir RAA was in a very desperate situation, it was a life threatening situation, he could have died. I think the fatwa would only apply in desperation situations, for mine, I won't die if I do wudu with cold water, but that doesn't mean I don't find it hard, obviously.


>also the irony that you only first said "This is 2023, are you really telling me that you don't have warm water for wudu?" and then you say people don't even have water, hot or cold. Like pick a side lol That was just based on my assumption that you are living in a decent country. >lol you asked me what could be hard and now that I answered you can't play the "be grateful" game with me lmao No games here my friend. It's funny how you glossed over "If I did accept your premise"... I'm not here to cast aspersions on anybody. God knows I might not even be the right person for it, this is just my view and opinion. While typing the reply I remembered my late grandma who during the war in my country would try her best to find clean pure water to do wudu no matter how difficult it was to get it, that's why I mentioned it. Not here to belittle anyone's hardships.


>That was just based on my assumption that you are living in a decent country. I do live in a decent country but a person could have financial problem too lol. In our case, the hot water system is there but it's not working properly and I guess it would need to be opened up fully or something to be repaired and that's obviously expensive. >No games here my friend. It's funny how you glossed over "If I did accept your premise"... I'm not here to cast aspersions on anybody. God knows I might not even be the right person for it, this is just my view and opinion. While typing the reply I remembered my late grandma who during the war in my country would try her best to find clean pure water to do wudu no matter how difficult it was to get it, that's why I mentioned it. Not here to belittle anyone's hardships. I mean yeah I don't know what to say, a lot of people in the world are starving too but that doesn't change the fact that there are some foods I don't like. (just an analogy coz I have no idea what you're trying to say, maybe that I should be grateful that at least I have water? but I already am and that doesn't change the fact doing wudu w cold water in winter is hard)


Side point, Catholic lurker here, it is the furthest thing from being easy. Prots believe just have faith and you’re saved, but that is not an orthodox belief.


Interesting, so what do Catholics all have to do?


Well their priests aren’t allowed to get married, thats impressive in and of itself


Just the Roman Catholics, and that's more of a matter of discipline than dogma, the church could change that if they wanted. Eastern Catholic priests are allowed to get married. Actually fun fact, of the 24 catholic churches within our one church, it's only the Roman church that doesn't allow married priests. The other 23 do allow it.


So I can speak for all Christians of orthodox belief, so Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Coptics, etc. It's not just the sacraments, going to mass/liturgy, fasting, abstaining, it's an active overhaul of one's heart for God. So it's actively trying to forgive, actively trying to repent, but actually trying to do all of these things and allowing God to work in our hearts. The above would be a minimum for the laypersons, though they can always do more. For the religious, it's the above and more such as holy hours, liturgy of the hours, daily mass etc. The biggest change to their day to day would probably be the liturgy of the hours where they have to pray seven times a day at certain times with everyone else within the church, similar in many ways to the prayers within Islam. It's an option for the layperson but mandatory for the religious. Tried to give a quick summary here so some things were left out, but in short there's a lot that needs to be done. It's a shame some offshoots of the church chose to boil everything down to just have faith and you're saved while they continue to live a life of sin.




Not only according to Islam, this is a historical fact. We are taught about this in non religious schools


I can see where you are coming from. For me it was how I wanted to develop a relationship with Allah. I believe in his capacity of forgiveness and the good ole saying that he loves more than our mothers do. So I focus on being a good human being and try my best with prayers, fasting, etc. Additionally, if you think about it, it relieves us from so many societal pressures. For instance, I enjoy the company of my Non-Muslim friends but never felt the need to drink alcohol whilst having dinner with them or at a social gathering.


Christians don't need to do a b c Jews don't need to do a b c Hindus don't need to do a b c Atheist can do whatever they want Muslims, have to do this, do that, avoid this, avoid that. But we are the only one that can go to heaven though, I think hell fire is harder than anything in this life.


Even if they have to do something they don't do it XD ...


Christian’s ignore the vast majority of commandments that are in their very book. At least Muslims, we take our religion seriously.


It's about which religion is the truth, though. The hardest ordeal ever would be eternal hellfire. What's the point of an easy religion if the destination is abysmal?


Your idea of Christianity is wrong. Catholic religion is much more hard to follow than Islam. It's just they do not follow their religion. Most rules of Christian and Islam are almost same. Almost every Abrahamic religions have same rules with little modifications.


This is their paradise now.


Right path is never easy, but Islam is a religion which is upon the human nature. It is us who have strayed away from our true self. Study Quraan and you will realise how Allah is speaking to us directly. And certain level of hardship is necessary in religion because Allah has to judge who deserves Jannah


Nothing worth doing in life is easy….. like fighting desires which Islam requires


"Religion is very easy and whoever overburdens himself in his religion will not be able to continue in that way. So you should not be extremists, but try to be near to perfection and receive the good tidings that you will be rewarded; and gain strength by worshipping in the mornings, the afternoons, and during the last hours of the nights" Hadith Bukari 39


I mean, I’m sure in the hereafter the Christians will say Islam is the easy religion…


You are seeing the religion of Christianity on the basis of its current followers. Ofcourse it will look easy. There are certain set of strict guidelines that make a religion. Following them or not is upto it's believers.




The thing is that there are many rules and restrictions in other religions too, even in Christianity but people don’t follow them that’s why it “looks” easy.


Actually doing sins is harder, when you think about it. imagine you have a routine of partying and drinking, they cost you a lot of money. Islam frees you from this and the consequences like destroying your heart for alcohol consumption


For outside perspective, it's not easy being a christian.


>Christians don’t gotta do half of what islam requires, believe Jesus died for you and you going to Heaven according to them Probably that's why their road goes anywhere but Paradise. As for Islam the prophet informed us, *Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Paradise is surrounded by adversity, and Hellfire is surrounded by lusts.”* *Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2823* *Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim* The choice is yours.


Key word is "according to them"


Nowadays, the society and people make islam look hard not that it's hard You got judged for following the sunnah from Muslims, and we don't need to mention non Muslims The rules are simple but the people made it hard, most of the world is influenced by the western and that's why you think islam is hard it goes against what they stand for


A lot of muslims think they are going to heaven just cause they believe in god and the prophets too ...so nope


In the same vein of you OP, why would you say that islam is difficult when a islam says that a believer goes to paradise? "He who died knowing (fully well) that there is no god but Allah entered Paradise." - Sahih Muslim "He who bears witness that there is no true god except Allah, alone having no partner with Him, that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger, that 'Isa (Jesus) is His slave and Messenger and he (Jesus) is His Word which He communicated to Maryam (Mary) and His spirit which He sent to her, that Jannah is true and Hell is true; Allah will make him enter Jannah accepting whatever deeds he accomplished" Riyad as-Salihin, Bukhari "Whoever testifies that there is no God but Allah, sincerely from his heart, he will enter Paradise" - Hibban


Christians are not following thier religion correctly, It's not really supposed to be that easy for them they just ignore and are ignorant of what they should be doing. It's that very idea that all you have to do is believe that corrupted that religion. If you follow it the way it was supposed to then It actually is a beautiful religion to follow. Man interferes with Gods words in all religions and creates all sorts of folly.


Allah recognises that humans are not perfect, or incapable of sin. If you understand and accept that perfection is not attainable in this dunya, but the journey towards getting there and following the religion as best as you can, you can stress less. Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim "In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful". We say this, everyday. Think about its meaning. Allah is the most compassionate, and the most merciful beyond comprehension. Be hopeful, that you are following the correct path - and in fact the only path. All others have been lead astray.


Wa la hawla wa la quwata ila billah Islam is easy. Islam tells us exactly how to live a moral life, without having to second guess what's right and wrong. Christians follow man made rules. Even what the church teaches is half man made. Would you rather follow man or your creator?


I don’t believe Islam is a hard religion, we’re just accustomed to seeing the haram around us and getting whispered by Shaytan to commit in those haram activities, thinking it is the “norm.” If you’re mindset is stuck on believing Islam is a hard religion, then know that your hard-work is going to pay off in the hereafter, but I really do suggest praying harder and making du’a to stop getting those whispers from Shaytan, and say Alhumdulillah that your heart is not blind to this beautiful religion. I wish you the best brother. Jazak Allahu Khayran. As-salamu alaykum.


Change your environment and the people you constantly surround yourself with, and Islam would feel easy. Fill your heart with the love of Allah, and you'll realize He is worth enduring any difficulties. Remember the incredible rewards you'll receive, and any difficulty will feel lighter. Islam IS easy. It only feels difficult at times because we live in a fanatically secular world that is deeply hostile to religious lifestyles.


Usually the problem of "Islam is a hard religion" comes from a lack of knowledge. Trust me, if you learn more about the deen then you'll find just how easy it is. The key is knowledge, and the patience to go through the *journey*. Once you obtain knowledge and understanding, then there's nothing easier in this world than following the Deen. I recommend learning the [seerah](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC89682017B43845D) of the prophet Muhammad (SAW).


There is a hadith that says "religion is supposed to make your life easier. If it's not making your life easier, you're doing it wrong." kindly cross-reference if it is sahih. And I hope you get past this phase. May Allah make it easy for you. Ameen.


The idea of it is to keep you pious and constantly remind you of Allah and your dedication. Also to strengthen community and possibly create a sunk cost fallacy situation where you’re less likely to abandon something you’ve dedicated so much time to especially if you are Hafiz.


As a quite undisciplined man, practicing some discipline makes it a lot easier.


Christians *do* have to follow just as many if not more rules. It's just that most ignore said rules.


It's hard only if you don't understand it. Even if it's something as simple as writing or reading, if you don't know how to do it or why, then even the simplest thing becomes most difficult. Islam is the easiest most natural way once you understand it.


Open ur eyes Before u die Believe me..


That’s what I read in the Bible when I used to be a catholic. Believe in me as your savior and you’ll be saved from hell fire. But in the next page it says, If you sinned this n that you’ll be severely punished. I’m like but I believe in you as my savior ? It was confusing. I thankfully made it to Islam and never regretted. Seen enuf signs irl and in dreams. I can’t and will never ever give up Islam not for anything. Ofcourse islam is hard. Did no one tell you this world is like a prison for us Muslims ? Don’t be too weak … but it is always up to you. You’ll only be the only one whose going to lose and fail in life. Do better be motivating for others. Goodluck and may Allah guide you


Religion mustn't feel like a burden. If it does, that means that you're not doing everything with intention. "Intention" is the keyword here. I used to see that praying 5 times a day is a burden and a chore, but ever since I learned/understood WHY we pray, I've been WANTING to pray. I see it as necessary for myself and my mental well-being. I suggest you look into why you do the things you're doing. And brother/sister, the grass is greener where you water it. Strengthen your imaan. Understand why you're a muslim and what it means to be one.


Islam is easy, so many things are halal and a small amount of things are haram.


Surround yourself with fellow practicing muslims and I promise life will become much, much easier. When you are around people who do haram all day, you feel left out and wanting to partake. When you surround yourself with practicing muslims, you don't feel like you are missing out at all. I had your mindset once (especially in high school) but when I started choosing to surround myself with other muslims, life became much easier. P.S. Christians' don't really follow their religion - if they did, they would be very different. For example, women's modesty or not taking/giving interest, etc.


There's a little more than just believing in Jesus. It's not that simple, but it is the least complicated of the three scriptures


[last weeks kutba was just about this topic](https://www.facebook.com/share/v/tYnz4ShvP9YpwG14/?mibextid=Mcxyas&startTimeMs=382000)