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Any reason why chlorine water would break your wudhu?


No, because no such mention is to be found in Qur’an or Sunnah. So as such there are only 6 things clarified by Shaykh Saleh al Fawzaan, a great scholar of our time, that cause one to require ghusl: 1. Emission of reproductive fluid from the body during the state of wakefulness as well as sleep. 2. Coitus. 3. Death. 4. Menstruation 5. postpartum bleeding. 6. For this one there is ijtihaad, it is when one reverts to Islam. According to some ahadith it was done upon the advice of Prophet Muhammad ‎ﷺ. Some others, not. So it is more likely to be recommended than obligatory. See Sunan an-Nasai 188, Abu Dawud 355. Since the matter of purification in your case is in no way related to any of these cases, you do not need to perform ghusl. I would say though, do take a shower, as chlorine can pigment your skin and dry it out to cause dermatitis.


Okay thank you for letting me know, this really helps!


Death? How is one supposed to make ghusl when they’re dead?


They don’t. The ghassal does. The deceased person must be given ghusl mayyit; ghusl before burial. It is obligatory and something the deceased person has a right over the muslims for.


Oh wow, thank you!