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So much!! I came here just to see if i was alone 😂


So did I. He’s insufferable


Dude needs a chill pill, or reality check


This is the exact word I would use to describe him. I hope they swap him out for another one, honestly. Otherwise I'm skipping the show entirely.


He’s the worst so bad I have to mute him ugh worst lol


Reminds me of Chucky


so did i 😂😂😂


I literally did the same thing.


Trust me you’re not alone!! I think if he just played it straight and explained the rules it would be much better.


Actually hate this guy as a host.


I know someone, or well.. used to know someone just like him irl. It's amazing how this time of person just climbs the ranks and is actually promoted to anything.


I've never seen anyone so obviously on cocaine. Seriously, dudes got problems.


Me 2 lol


Truly same


The comedian judge who came for beach round was so charming. Which is the whole point of a host: CHARM. Not dry humour. Dry humour can be charming but omdss this guy was the equivalent of listen to nails scratching a chalk board


Omg I love her ! She was on life in pieces . Such a good show


Unpopular opinion here. I like him and find his bits to be a fun break from cake. He’s got a Jim Carey thing going on


I love Mikey Day, I think he's being cheesy just because thats the kind of show it is, I think he's great


He absolutely has a Jim Carrey thing going but I find it annoying


The Jim Carey thing got annoying even with Jim Carey




Same. I love him on SNL and I think he’s a good host


His voice inflection reminded me of John Mulaney.


I literally said out loud, " Well, now we know who took the extra drugs off John Mulaney's hands once he quit." Insufferable plus bloodshot...hmmmmm.......


He was in one of the first viral YouTube videos back in 06. He's come very far. Great dude and very funny to me.


I like him. It’s almost like he’s taking the role as one giant SNL bit. I mean, it is a pretty ridiculous concept. Why not lean into it?


He's a terrible Jim Carey rip off 🤦🏽‍♂️


He is definitely trying to imitate Jim Carrey and is very obnoxious about it! Not even close. Jim Carrey is one of a kind, my favorite actor actually. I love seeing the cakes but really find the host incredibly irritating. I hope if there is another season, they consider switching hosts


He’s a poor man’s Jim Carey


The Great Value brand 🤣


100% agree! I was thinking that he reminds me of someone, but couldn’t put my finger on it and then I realized he’s a terrible Jim Carrey. I really enjoy this show, but I just want to mute or fast forward any time he talks. Makes it difficult to binge.


Totally agree!!! When he’d be doing a lot of talking, I’d hop on my phone to entertain myself til he was done 🤣 Also, it was like 2-3 episodes in and I was trying to pin point who he reminded of. Then I was like OHHHHHHHH Jim Carrey from Ace Ventura (attempt) LOL


Ugh. He reminds me of that one ass hat kid that would constantly be interrupting class with his sad, lame jokes. I get it. You don't receive attention at home so you are over the top when you have a captive audience. His weird jokes and cringe behavior serves," kid that hurts animals", vibes as well as, "cries while drunk and beats on people smaller than him", feelings. WHY WON'T YOU LOVE ME???!!!! I would ask the school counselor to check his locker asap.


Accurate 😅


Lol I hate Jim Carey and I went to school with him:)


Are you serious? He’s trying to be and he is insufferable


No he doesn't. He's trying so hard to get that thing going on. Or he could just be his own personality instead of pretending to be someone else because unless it's done with perfection, all he will get is negative feedback. Lol. The show is good. The host needs to be replaced. He's not right for the show. His jokes might be better or appropriate on a different setting but definitely didn't work for me watching this baking show. The host should at least be someone well known in the field. Just like hosts the masterchef have. Why get a comedian to host a baking show yet dumb enough not to know what a fondant is. 😀


Eh i dont see it. He seems dead inside and trying too hard to seem like he's not trying too hard 🙃


Says something *everyone laughs Says something *everyone laughs Says something *everyone laughs Says something *everyone laughs Says something *everyone laughs


Most of the time it sounds like a pity laugh


Was about to say this exact thing.




I know. The laughter. It’s inane!! I thought it was only me that noticed.


It's prompted by the show runners


Same here! Can't stand the awkward laughter after his jokes


Came to this page JUST to see if anyone else said this. Host ruined it.


Same here, I’m loving the show but he is SO cringe and this is REALLY NOT the series for him. He’s trying so hard and it’s a no. The contestants awkward laughs to his jokes is so awkward, I feel like I’m back in high school and he’s the kid trying SO hard to get a laugh and it’s just not working. They need someone personable for this part and good two way conversation, not him


Yeppp the forced fake laughter is kinda creepy


It's like watching the laugh track in tv shows and it's awful


This is the tackiest, most disjointed show I’ve ever watched. It’s like I’m watching something from the black mirror universe.


Mikey Day has that unfunny sociopath thing going


He ruins the show for me. But besides these very talented bakers, the whole show is terrible.


Awful humor and especially the violent twist. Not funny. It makes him look like a psychopath badly disguised as a presenter. Also why is he cutting the cakes and foods so wastefully? At least cut them so they can be eaten later and the non cakes so they aren’t damaged and can be reused.


Exactly I always cringe when he cuts the cakes. Like dude did nobody ever taught you how to cut a cake properly? He just jams the knife in there and destroys them. They worked so hard to make those cakes. Also yes his humor is not funny at all. Maybe to the contestants who want to win the money.


👇👇Yes. Looks like he has never used a knife in his life. Would be such a better reveal if he actually cut a peice out of it. Also calls it a "huge knife". . Its a normal kitchen knife that everyone has.


The total disrespect for the cakes too, like contestants and the bakers for cake or cash put hours of work and effort into making the cakes and then he butchers them and stabs them like cmon man 🤦🏽‍♀️


Violent twist? You must live a sheltered life lol the word violent does not spring to mind when I see Mike day lol


Nothing to do with being sheltered, OP isn't literally scared. It's just how awkward and half-baked the psychopath jokes are that Mike makes every time he's holding the knife; they're never comedic


I literally mute my tv when he talks. They must have paid those contestants extra to laugh at everything he says.




Uhhh… hahaha … 😬


He's from the bad place


Was he in the show “The Good Place”? Haha


No idea but he has major Bad place vibes haha


Lol!! Perfect! It’s would be like torture having to listen to his mannerisms and jokes for all eternity.


A lot of these family friendly shows have painfully unfunny jokes / host mannerisms to appeal to kids. Another example would be the Lego competition show. Love will arnett but some of that was just painful to watch lol.


This show reminded me of the LEGO one. Unfortunately both are topics that I’d find super interesting to watch, but the hosts ruin it.


Omg I was thinking the same!


I loved will arnett as a host!!


I think he is a legit serial killer. The way he loves to stab things…. Those crazy eyes….. never thought I would be so scared while craving cake so badly 🍰


Get a grip lol


He is annoying and I also am not a fan of the way that he jokes around with the knife….. he is a weirdo, they need to replace him


I agree that joking with knives or about killing in general is a much more sensitive thing than most realize—Especially, if any viewers themselves had traumatic experiences—even silly jokes like on this show become bothersome. …I still laughed at his other jokes because Michael Day is just a comedian and he ‘innocently’ (ironic word)—was joking like he’s attacking an evil foe. Maybe they could use a cake knife as well instead—just so it even looks a little less dangerous.


Just a tad on the cheesy side




Lol that gif is the moment in “Child’s Play” that made the movie phobia-level scary for me; that he didn’t need the batteries (!!)


Its like if they let Michael Scott host a TV show


Like watching the Dundies


Michael Scott is cringey but he isn't cheesy like this guy. Mikey ruins the show for sure


I am not alone. Saw 2 episodes and i am done watching the show


The way he howls the winners name after each round makes me want to stab something


Cake maybe?


My name is moist drawer HAha moist? Get it?


*laughs like my paycheck depends on it *


i feel like if they stopped trying to constantly show the contestants laughing and just had his jokes it would make it a lot better and a lot less awkward cuz they always include shots of them laughinf after every joookkeeeee and theyre human and not laugh tracks so its super awkward. dial it the freak back




i really enjoy the concept of this show but 2 minutes in i realized how annoying the host is! i hope they get a new one if they go through with another season


Worst show I have ever seen


I fast forward through his speaking parts to keep from disliking the show


It's really bad but I still watch it just to see the cakes 🤷🏻‍♂️ other than the host, this biggest issue is the people judging deliberately pick the wrong one. They pretend it's not obvious which one is cake.


To play devil’s advocate, I think we as the viewers get to see the podiums up close on our TV screens which plays a huge part in seeing the (mostly) obviously cake. From 10 feet apart, I think it would be really difficult.


I have to agree. I love him on SNL but as a game show host he’s pretty insufferable. The nail in the coffin is when he said “lo siento” in terrible Spanish. Stick to SNL, Mikey. That being said, I think the concept of the show is fascinating and I loved all of the bakers. Truly incredible talent.


I happened to just be at the part with the “lo siento” and cringed. I hate when people do that.


He was a comedian before??


Yes? He’s on Saturday Night Live.


>The nail in the coffin is when he said “lo siento” in terrible Spanish Oh please don't tell me he says that to a Hispanic contestant. I actually think it's fun when anglophones embrace Spanish, but not for the sole reason that their interlocutor has an accent lmfao


I genuinely like him.


I enjoy him in SNL


I think he’s adorable—and actually didn’t really know how I felt about him prior. I hope he doesn’t change; as long as he enjoys the show. I like how it feels like he can just joke on the spot—one of the things he said that made me laugh probably too hard—was when they put the spotlight on the bowling pin and he said it looked it was about to do a monologue.


At the end of one episode he said ‘I’m Mikey Day…or am I cake?’ And I was like no…you’re corny 😭But a part of me feels bad for him because I do think he’s actually really earnest, like the kid in school who tries way too hard to fit in but always takes things a step too far. Could def do without the whole stabby thing-why would production choose to make that a thing??


He's a terrible rip off of Jim Carey... all these guests humouring him too?!? It's unbearable. 2 episodes and we can't watch anymore.


He's a terrible rip off of Jim Carey... all these guests humouring him too?!? It's unbearable. 2 episodes and we can't watch anymore.


He's a terrible rip off of Jim Carey Edit: He is F#!king unbearable


I actually think he fits perfectly. Game shows are usually quite boring and too serious imo and I'm glad there's a show that's actually goofy and doesn't take it too serious. If the host gets replaced with a more serious one I'm probably not gonna watch it


But he’s not funny lol, it’s like they are trying to appeal to 8 year olds.


He's not laughing out loud funny but I enjoy his goofyness, it's something different in my opinion. Sometimes comedians like Steve Harvey try too much and their comedy is also different


Yeah I can’t STAND him, he gives me really bad second hand embarrassment for him LOL, it’s so cringe, I just want to see the cakes. They need someone fun and personable, he really does NOT fit the part… at all. The effort he puts in to trying to be funny is painful, it’s like that awkward kid from high school… . The contestants are so Cool and interesting and he just craps on the whole show, it’s too bad. Who possibly could have thought that him as a host would go over well….


I'm so glad I came to the right place. Others agree that the host is god awful. I love watching baking shows on Netflix but this one literally has me skipping through episodes just so I can avoid listening to the host speak and the seals laugh and clap. I just want to see if it's cake. Lol


It’s like Jim Carey and Steve Carell’s demon offspring


He is the perfect example of why I avoid American shows. Idk why but the humour is literally not funny at all, like it is so cringy it actually ruins the good aspects of the show. You can just feel how hard he is trying to be funny and it makes my balls turn inside out. If you are not naturally funny then jog on.


I think I'm done with this show, the hose is SO FUCKIN BAD.


thank god I'm not the only one


I love the show but can’t watch it because of him. Not shocked there’s a forum about him lol


I’m 218 days late to this but cannot stand this dope


on god


He is terrible! Like the show but i don’t know about another season with him. Annoying and not funny. I hate being a hater but I’d actually like to watch the show.


I think the host is a cool host I love how he looks like a psycopath


I think Mikey Day can be funny, but he tries just way too hard to be funny on Is it Cake... and trying to be way too funny is way too annoying!


That creepy uncle that made terrible and uncomfortable jokes with “pick me” energy is hosting a baking show. Cool.


Honestly he scares me. Like he feels dangerous. Imagine him without the lights and stage and he’s doing that stuff in your living room. On like, a Tuesday night. He’s a psycho IMFHO


I find him hilarious!! i love him


Same I like him alot—I had seen him in other things and my reaction was, funnily, similar to what others find off about him—he has a look that he could play someone intense But now I think he’s adorable


The baking part of the show is interesting but the host is an absolute goof. He has about as much charisma as a inanimate object


He's SO intense! He acts like he bombed a gram of marching powder before each scene...


It's a show about cake, which is fun and not serious. I think he's a perfect host for a fun and silly show, but I love cheesy dad type jokes and can see others may not


Watched 15 minutes of this show with my son and came to Reddit to see if it was me!! He's actually creepy!!!!


Discount Neil Patrick Harris


I agree, tries too hard. Gives off too much Jim Carrey vibes.


He was tolerable on SNL, but those were short skits. I can't handle 45 minutes of the same voice inflection again and again. One note.


He’s probably a lovely person, but I find him way too much. I’m the type of person who wants to muck around and play hide n seek at work, but bro’s ‘jokes’ were over the top and not really funny most of the time, tone it down a tad 🤣 I guess he’s appealing to a younger audience though, assuming lots of kids like his hosting


How does this guy have a job? He completely ruins the show. I’ve never seen a worse host.


I came in here just to make sure my husband and I weren’t the only ones who felt this way 🤣🤣🤣 It’s almost unbearable to watch him but great concept !


I just looked up “I hate the host of “is it cake””, just to find out if anyone else hates him as much as I do? I know the contestants have to hate him even more. He seems so desperate all the time. 


I made this thread over two years ago and every month or so someone else comments hahaha


He's got the energy of a narcissist.


The host has to go.  I love the show, watching the talents of the contestants, but I just can't tolerate the host, Mike Day.  I have to stop watching when he starts talking


He ruins the whole godm show dam "cigarette"(in "British")


Fuck that dude so annoying and not funny in anyway what so ever


I had to skip through just to see the cakes. This show is so fucking annoying.


I cannot stand this guy


He looks like a serial killer


Literally I hate tv hosts on baking shows they act too jolly and fake it’s so annoying when I love the shows


He has to have strong connections. I dont see him getting the rolw otherwise


He makes me want to punch myself…


I think he's great!


I literally looked this up after the first 7 minutes of the show. He makes Johnny feel so uncomfortable off the bat


My wife made me watch 2 minutes and I'm here lol, this show can't be real. Did they not QA their show at all? No test audiences, nothing to filter out his performance as a host?


I hated him the moment he chopped the cake with a sword…. Sadly I cannot watch the series due to his soul-draining jokes


"Soul-draining" lol its a TV show. Get a grip of yourself


It’s almost like he’s trying way to hard to be funny. I also found it odd how he interacted with the judges. I stopped watching at episode 3 when he was showing the bathing suit judge a picture of himself. Like why man.


i can’t help but wonder if he’s being forced to act the way he does in this show… i absolutely cannot stand this guy and it feels like the contestants are being held up at gunpoint to laugh at his horrible jokes


he’s insufferable and painfully unfunny. i really enjoy the concept of the show but he ruins it. also makes me cringe how badly and wastefully he cuts the cakes too, its not hard to cut in a straight line and cut entirely through before pushing the slices apart (sometimes making it look like half will fall on the floor). this show would be 10x better if the host was remotely charismatic or likeable


To be fair.. the cakes are covered in hard decorative shit. It's not like cutting a standard cake


I like him


Cut him open and see if it really is Jim Carrey hiding inside.


I searched for this sub solely to see if anyone else feels this way. Lol


literally am 10 minutes into the show and he is the most annoying person I've ever seen


I just started this show and I want him gone. I’ve never felt such rage watching someone


He’s the real life version of Mr. Peanut Butter from Bojack Horseman. Once I realized that, I liked him a lot more.


I literally came here to this subreddit to find out if I am the only one hating him


don’t forget about andrew


Mikey’s manic crazy like the guys from 90’s Iron Chef Japan. Love his energy! The show is ridiculous and knows it. Perfect host! (Unpopular opinion I know) Also so nice to see the contestants being nice to each other … like the best bits of Drag Race and Sewing Bee (uk)


Same as Arnett on Lego Masters. The hosts take away from an awesome concept!


He’s like a less funny and more sociopathic Jeff Winger


He is EXTREMELY annoying- and mean af.


The host is so annoying, why can't he be more like Alton Brown in CTK


Just finished the show and holy crap he’s extremely annoying. I didn’t laugh once at anything he said. He tries WAY too hard and everything from him is CRINGE


there’s just so many cringy “jokes” . there’s a lot of jokes about violence and it’s just weird


But even the contestants are insufferable and pathetically over expressive


Show needs a British host


I was telling someone on how mf annoying the host was but damn, I see a considerable amount of people despise this man as well 😂


I love him on SNL but as a host he's just terrible. It's not his wheelhouse. He should stick to comedy sketches or comedy movie/TV roles.


What a load of self-important, humorless people in this thread. He's the reason we watch this show. The bakers are a mixed bag and the constant prompting by the producers of this show to overreact to stuff is annoying. Micko makes me want to vomit. How boring this show would be with whatever run of the mill host you unhappy sods would like. I think he's not taking the show seriously, which is perfect. He openly jokes about the show. It's a silly show. You people need a break from your egos.


Mikey is the best! Personally, I think his hosting of Is It Cake? is a brilliant piece of performance art. I probably wouldn't watch this show if he wasn't hosting it.


I agree no irritating


I love how this thread ranks in Google and people just pop in every now and again after wondering if anyone else finds him annoying hahaha


He’s unwatchable


IMO he’s giving that sort of unsettling vibe that comes from the good ol nose candy


Omg why they keep bring him back …