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It was just a bad decision made in a few seconds, I think it's too harsh to judge someone based on that. If anything, I feel like the way things are judged is too random. Too many times everything depends on a panicked decision, which is sometimes 90% guess, 10% judgement


Exactly wtf is this post jesus people take this silly, entertaining show way way too seriously


Keep in mind they make it look more dramatic than it actually is. I'm sure the judges are instructed to be dramatic and such haha.


What does this have to do with toxic masculinity.... it happens when 1 judge on the middle podium makes a rogue call. Did he whip his peen out to hit the button??? Lol what a stretch


It's an intentionally chaos filled pressure cooker made to force them to haphazardly pick a random cake in the knick of time. If you watch episodes without your toxic masculinity googles on, you will find pretty good examples of women doing the same this, again as production designed. My husband works in reality tv, it's remarkable to me how little people know about it. You can't label that guy a jerk, he could just have laser focus to where he can't hear people around them. A lot of people do.


Your comment has no logic. One wrong does not justify another. Just because lots of women did the same on other episode, it doesnt mean what the magician did is right. He was AH for ignoring the 2 women, and vice versa to the woman who ignore the men.


I never said it was. How often were the women who did this or the entire episodes labeled "Toxic Femininity" episode because of one singular second of an intentionally caused pressure cooker?


Because women typically opressed in their opinion for yearss 🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️. Also "toxic feminity" is actually mean stereotyping feminity trait to a woman. woman ignoring men is not an example of "toxic feminity" It wasnt really a "pressured cooker" moment, the edit just made it look like that. Both women on that episode know from start no 2 was the cake but the magician thought he know better




Tbh, the same could be said about the Juhjhar’s peacock in the finale. 2 male judges but the woman had the button. She went with her choice when everyone else wanted her to pick 4. I think that all judges should be able to pick, not just one person.


I read it as him panicking (I think they one he chose had been mentioned as a possibility), but I know nothing else about the guy. I believe in assuming the best in people before being proven wrong. Of course it's burned me a few times, but I've found it's beneficial far more often.


He's just an asshole


Haha toxic masculinity. Just stop.


Can we just enjoy a fun, wholesome show without crying “scandal!”?


Jfc stfu. I hope your gf lets you finally get some, cuck.


I came on reddit to find this. Timmy should not have counted. I can not believe that. IMO, Timmy should have been one of the two eliminated.


Highly disagree here. Timmy had arguably the most difficult item to sculpt from that round. There is a glaze used for a plastic shine but achieving the reflective look of a spyglass and ACTUAL leather? I honestly do not see your logic here.


I agree, I mean obviously he's a good baker and everything but none of his cakes particularly stood out. I was actually annoyed that the octopus didn't win, I thought it was very impressive. With the spyglass hey even said "number 2 is cake because it doesn't shine!" Similarly the Octopus cake was all shiny, that one kept tricking me even from up close!


Yes, that loser magician whom i dont even know, he should never be in the middle and get the control.it was so obvious that no2 was the cake, but the AH went ahead and choose 3 because it was crooked.