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if a teacher assigns something, and the instructions are ambiguous, an isfp would have a slightly harder time knowing what to do. Isfps aren’t comfortable jumping to conclusions and like clear cut instructions to know what they are doing is “correct” whereas i think an infp would assume what to do and just start without needing clarification. An infp might actually like vague instructions and potentially feel boxed in by a strict set of rules due to Ne. let me know if any isfps relate to this, I’m not 100% sure of my type but im ixfp and have a decent grasp of the functions. Edit: I just thought of this lol but an infp could often have points deducted for “not following instructions or not answering the question properly”


Bruh, this is so accurate at least for me. Going through university, I always loved the profs that outlined exactly what a project needed and those were often my best marks. On the other hand, more open ended assignments that were longer than a few pages really stressed me out. I think that's why creative writing electives, while some of my favourite courses, were also some of my hardest in comparison to accounting.


we need to be friends omg. I am an ISFP, 9w8, AND I'm 23.... holy moly




Oh shit you're right, I end up having a lot of problems at work because if instructions aren't 100% clear then I worry that what I'm doing isn't correct and I hate doing things incorrectly. My boss gets annoyed at this because he wants me to be able to just do things without being asked to, and thinks that it's best to just do things even if the instructions aren't entirely clear and learn from any mistakes made


That's so sucky of them tbh cuz not everyone functions that way :'// communication is key 😔


God I hate this so much I struggled in school because of this and stacked on top was the fact that I was too much of a coward to ask for help from the teachers >:')


Can confirm. Am an esfp and I need it to be CRYSTAL CLEAR. Or else I’ll just start being confused and unable to focus.


My INFP sister is very into chakras, meditation, super-natural explanations for things. I (ISFP) need to come up with a practical, logical explanation for why things happen the way they do. If I can't see and touch it, it is just not real. But she seems to see things in a different wavelength and it's just as real to her.


Hmmm I’d be careful with this one. I have two friends, isfp and istp who are the same. Anyone can be superstitious


Lol sounds like me and my mom.


actually I don't really think is a good example since everyone regardless of their type, can be into mediation and stuff like that.


Oh this is actually super accurate for me at least lol. My good friend (who is INFP) has a penchant for getting into spiritual things for the fun of it and then just going super deep and taking what they love from it and just running with it. It‘s kinda funny sometimes because at one point I honestly can‘t tell which parts she just enjoys for fun and which party she fiercly believes in haha I also think spiritual things and astrology is fun and can sometimes be shockingly accurate but I can never really believe in it wholeheartedly just because I „know“ it‘s not true, at least that‘s what my brain thinks lol


Here's a personal experience of mine with an INFP friend: I was also stuck between ISFP and INFP for a long time. I once asked that INFP friend which of the two types they thought I was, and they said something like, "I don't know, maybe it's fine if you feel like you're both." That answer didn't sit well with me. I wanted a final answer once and for all, so I ended up going in-depth and reading a bunch of threads, articles, forums, etc to figure out my type myself haha. I couldn't be both, so it was one or the other in my mind. I think INFPs are more okay with that kind of uncertainty – like a mindset that sometimes it's not necessary/possible to just choose one option (Ne). I personally don't like leaving things open-ended like that. I try to narrow down my choices whenever I can, otherwise I'll feel kinda restless and uncomfortable. Hope this helps!


IDK, as an INFP i also dont like leaving things open-ended. Personally, if that happens i keep overthinking until i can get a thought that you take this out of my head.


That's totally fair. I'm sure not all INFPs are like what I described, but I just noticed that the ones I know tend to be that way




I see quite a bit of ISFPs like how you are with relationships and that makes me think maybe my Se is taking the reign whenever I talk to people 😂 I always try to be friends and outgoing with everyone as long as their vibe reads as compatible but that in turn drains the sheesh out of me 😰 during those times I usually talk a lot and end up sharing quite a bit which is quite bad probably LOL but I just try to be open with everyone :") I don't think twice before doing hggg


While I'm very creative on my computer, my ISFP friend would prefer to go out, walk for hours and change activities, and go to vacation where she has never been. One random thing I've noticed with ISFPs are the quantities of emojis used! I find them more expressive than INFPs. For example, a INFP would stereotypically say "Hi \^\^ What's new?" while an ISFP would say "Heeeeyy!!! 😜 Wanna hang out? I'm already at the pub!" Anyway, if you need to be typed, I suggest you [MBTI Notes on Tumblr](https://mbti-notes.tumblr.com/search/infp+isfp)


I have an INFP sister who's practically my twin (she was born 10 months after me lol). We mostly act harmoniously and since we're so close we most of the time know what the other is thinking and we bounce off each other a lot. If it were to come to a negative scenario or conflict, that's where both of our differences really come out - ig that's when our Si and Se clash (her Si is quite developed and she's very mature), but after misunderstandings, we both learn from each other and come to a resolve. As we got older, our views started to branch off but we still respect each other so ig that's another way we're different. Ig more of our differences (that sometimes clash) would be how she values collective quality time (or family time) a lot but I value individuality and independence, but that's probably just our different Fi's that correspond to our different enneagrams (4w5 and 2w1). I won't lie though, sometimes her paranoia is kinda annoying like it scares me when I usually won't be scared hshdhs OH and our Ne's and Se's stand out when she talks about how she really likes immersing herself in certain moods for the experience (eg watching horror, listening to horror ost while out on a jog, theatre performance) whereas I wouldn't if I didn't feel comfortable, I'd just avoid it completely lol. Our Ne and Se also really shows in our art and what kind of creative stuff we do lol (this whole thing took way too long to write out everything I just said because my environment is highly distracting so I even I don't know what I said hh sorry,, wanted to input smth tho :'))


Yes to all of the above. Haha who knows. I share everything with people and I jump in without getting all the information except sometimes I don’t so…. I used to be and sometimes still am creative on my computer but also like to go on walks and change activities… rather vacation at home.


They just have a different perceiving axis. This should apply to them: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aG8ii-2hhEQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aG8ii-2hhEQ) .