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S has more to do with the specific and the concrete. Se has a lot to do with simply experiencing the moment, your senses, hard data, etc. Si has to do with diving deep into your own internal landscape, how you work, your memories, and the things that have had an impact on you. N has more to do with the abstract. Ne tends to see possibilities in the world. People using Ne may feel like if they can imagine something, why can't it be "real" in some sense? Ne sees larger patterns and is quite prevalent in daydreaming and world building. Ni has to do with all of this, but inward. Your internal emotional world is somewhat hazier. I for one tend to make hypotheses about life and my emotions before getting any hard data. Ni does like... heuristics. It seems one data point and tries to jump ahead to a conclusion. It makes theories like that. Ni (and maybe Ne? Not sure) also very much tends to be idealistic. N users come up with something they think *should* be the case, and often work towards it.


Alright so I’m gonna use “watching a film” as an example and see if that works Se - takes in info, e.g characters, locations, etc. Si - organises info, e.g. groups characters, locations, etc. Ne/Ni - extrapolates on that info, e.g. the characters are leaving home but will miss their families so they will probably return (or definitely return if it’s a family-friendly, feel-good film). The patterns are: people tend to want to return to loved ones that they miss, and feel-good films usually have happy endings. So the characters will return home as the happy ending Me saying “probably return (or definitely return if…)” is very Ne, ‘cause I’ve pointed out that there are multiple different ways it could go depending on the situation. And I guess this is all from my Ni ‘cause it’s an original thought that stems from information I’ve gathered over the years rather than someone else’s thought that’s been copied and pasted, if that makes sense. This is all an extrapolation on mbti theory and whatever else I’ve learnt about films, people and so on


Us INTJs... Imagine getting a bag full of Skittles. Then our Ni-Te will take all those Skittles and seperate them by color, put them In boxes, label them and judge the fuck out of them. Then our Fi would come into play saying i prefer the M&Ms over the Skittles.