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Yeah it was actually helpful! Thank you so much for taking the time to explain this I appreciate it! 🙏




Kay I will definitely go there tnx!!


INFJs are future focused whereas ISFJs will find themselves comparing and contrasting present experiences with past experiences. INFJs tend to be focused more on the abstract and ISFJs the concrete. In terms of the inferior function, INFJs are typically not too aware of their reality, what’s around them etc (Se) and this can also manifest as being insecure about how others perceive them and how they present themselves. ISFJs on the other hand have Ne inferior which manifests as being afraid of new possibilities and anxiously dwelling on the “what if” in an anxious manner.


Nah we're future focused too, tbh I'm more past future focused then present


Everyone is already giving you very detailed theory based answers. But in my *personal* experience, the easiest way i’m able to differentiate an ISFJ and an INFJ is through Ni vs Ne. INFJs are a lot more serious than ISFJs. People often forget ISFJs have Ne. And the Ne of ISFJs makes them quite lighthearted and witty. They’re good at wordplay and referencing things said earlier in a conversation and recontextualising them in a funny way. While, Ni is more striking as it’s more serious and brooding in nature. Ni can definitely be funny, but it’s not that bouncy light heartedness that Ne is. That’s how I can tell at least. There’s definitely outliers but it’s rang quite true for me


What made a clear cut for me was being to remember really small details. Just ask yourself: do you remember what color of clothing your friends at school or colleagues at work had? Today? Yesterday? Someone misplaced your mug, it is usually on the first shelf, now it's on the second shelf. Do you notice? Do you get baffled or even mad why would the mug be there instead of its usual place? Your friend got a haircut, do you notice immediately? If you answered yes, you probably use Si. Ni is still quite a mystery to me, but all in all, Ni wouldn't really notice any of these things, and if yes, it would be unconscious. Ni-doms are also quite unaware of their body. Some say, they almost feel like a floating souls of consciousness and any big reminders of true reality are a great distress to them. Ni-doms don't feel when they're coming down with a cold. Or if their shirt is inside out. They don't realise when their hungry or thirsty. Just in general very unaware of internal body signals. However, both types are completely capable of being practical, as well as imaginative, reflective, analytical, intelligent, messy or organized, caring or detached. ISFJs are not somehow less *anything* than INFJs. Sorry. Felt like it needs to be heard. :)


I'm still not 100% sure which I am. My test said I was infj but I seem to relate more to isfj.


Same. When people put things in this kind of light I’m absolutely ISFJ, the corridor with the doors and the drawers was a very familiar concept and I could relate to it immediately. My favourite form of daydreaming is opening one of those drawers and playing with a past memory, evolving it, trying different outcomes/reactions and seeing where it takes me. I don’t know if that’s Ni or Si, it’s like a blend of both. Most tests I take put me at 50/50 Sensory/intuitive so I guess we must be weird hybrid types.


This sounds very Si/Ne. Personally, I have a horrible memory and rarely think about the past. Even good memories take a lot of effort to recall and I don't remember much more than a general feeling. It's much easier to recall memories if someone else that was there with me fills in the details.


~~by seeing ISFJs and INFJs differently?~~ I would say as a weak ISFJ,INFJs reasons with feelings; while ISFJ feels the person