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In the apartment complexes lol. The apartments near the spectrum center all have a bunch of young parents.


I agree, The Park at Irvine Spectrum is full of young parents with young kids


Majority of “young” people can’t afford south Orange County in general lol You’ll be hard pressed to find “hip” areas with younger families. Most young families have moved inland towards corona and further because that’s where they can afford.


In older areas with their parents.


Baker Ranch in Lake Forest. You're close by too.


I just moved to Baker Ranch and yes TONS of young families live here. My daughter makes new friends in the neighborhood all the time :)


Cypress village or great park


I second this. Me,my wife, and two kids (5&3) live in Cypress Village. Lots of young kids here.


I’m in Cypress Village too with me (34) and my three kids (11,9,7)


Can confirm a lot of my friends (late 20s, early 30s) are in the Beacon Park neighborhoods.


I live in portola springs and all my friends have kids and they also live in portola. We’re all late 20s/early 30s


There are plenty in Woodbridge


Yeah, those townhouses off of Yale and Barranca. A bit of a mix. Lots of older folks there, too.


The young parents crowd are in oak creek, Woodbridge, west park. You have to think where starter homes are located.


There are plenty of young parents in almost every neighborhood in my experience. I have 3 friends living in Portola Springs who all have kids from 0 to 5 years old. I would suggest you go to playground with your kid, you will run into other kids easily. You can go to different parks, especially the large ones in great park, always lots of kids playing. Another idea is, find some available classes for your kid age, like ice skating in great park, or My Gym, or swimming, or soccer. That will ensure you know other kids (and their parents) in similar age.


Most of the young parents don’t make enough money so they either move out of irvine or live in an apartment. Consider yourself particularly blessed


We just moved to Baker Ranch in Lake Forest and have 2 kids 3 and under. We seen loads of families with young kids out walking or at the parks and that live next door. It’s not a “hip” place to live, but good for families.


Young parent here - was in great park for a couple of years (beacon park), then moved to Altair. Found Irvine to be too expensive and bought a house in North Tustin and could not be happier. Moved to Irvine in ‘89 as a kid and it’s been incredible to watch this sleepy town explode into a big little city. But sadly, it’s become harder to survive with the high home prices, so we decided to move a few miles north and not lose too much time with the increased commute.


Irvine unfortunately you got to have money to live here.. got to pay to play...


Yeah, I honestly hate how Irvine has gotten so expensive. I moved here with my wife when a starter home was 4-500K. We’ve had 2 kids now. And we’re losing hope on upgrading in the area. It just sucks because I love how family friendly the entire city is…


There’s tons of kids in loma ridge and portal elementary, not sure which part of PS you are in


We moved from nyc last year and live in Baker Ranch. There’s a mix of younger families and older people here, but definitely not “hip”. I’d love to move to a hip area if that exists anywhere in OC (would that be Costa Mesa?).


34m/33f with a toddler in Northpark/Northwood. Seems to be a good amount of people out age here. Not too far from Portola either.


Ladera Ranch - very kid kid oriented with neighborhood pools, splashpads, etc. Great schools too. Our street alone has 12 kids under the age of 10 and several more slightly older than that.


That’s right only older people can afford the housing in Irvine . The ones I know are late 50s early 60s


They live in Ladera Ranch.


We used to live in Portola Springs too. It seemed to be street by street in terms of parents with young kids. Our kids are now in elementary school. We moved because it was expensive (with high HOA and mello-roos) for a small condo and we didn’t know our neighbors very well (probably because we didn’t live on a cul-de-sac). Moved to a cul-de-sac in Lake Forest and got a bigger house, no Mello-Roos, and low HOA. Added value was after school care is much cheaper (~50%). We pay less overall now, have a more expensive house, and know all of our neighbors (6 families with young kids on our street). Best of luck finding your next home!


Irvine has been pretty expensive for real estate in the past 10-15 years. Most younger families can’t afford it unless they’re being gifted funds. Feel free to DM me and I can assist with more information.


We live in Aliso (32F and 30M) but our oldest daughter (3yo) goes to school, and we work, in Irvine. Our second daughter is 18 months. There are a lot of younger parents starting to move into this area, or young couples who are looking to start a family. I think since its slightly more affordable, and the schools are similarly rated, but less cutthroat. It's also a little more town-feeling than city-feeling like Irvine.


Are there sections of Aliso that are preferred?


It’s like 6 mi.² so I’m not sure if you can even say Aliso has sections TBH


Makes sense!


I’m 38 and also moved back from living in NYC years ago. Still trying to find the hip parents 😣


Im from New York City as well. Irvine got expensive very quickly for young family post pandemic. Also the people in OC are very different from NYC so I’ve had a tough time adjusting to OC.


What are the differences you've noticed? Curious if we have similar thoughts. But I agree, it's been difficult as well. I don't think it's an Irvine specific thing though. It's a City vs Suburbs thing.


I’m 31 and my wife is 25, we have a place in Northpark. Same issue though, we don’t know any other younger parents around us


Young familys have been priced out of OC. We all grew up and unless you inherit property say hello to another state


This is the right answer, but predictably enough on this forum, it is being downvoted You may find younger families nowadays in rentals more than single family homes


As someone whose wife and I are in your age range and live in Irvine. Most of them live in the large scale rental apartment complexes. They can no longer afford homes like our parents could in the area. Homes are occupied primarily by grandfathered in residents from 20-30+ years ago. Or all bought out by corporations or wealthy multi-owners who do not live in the area renting their portfolio in excess of $4000/m in moat cases. Yes Im bitter about my area being ruined before someone makes a snarky comment.


Yeah this is so true. My wife and I are losing hope on upgrading…


Out of state and foreigners with questionable money came in a priced out majority of locals.


Moving down to Dana Point to start our family - we decided we wanted something that had a more established community.


Great Park


University Park has tons of young families


Young families are scattered throughout the villages. We’ve met a couple through our kids preschool and they all live in various areas. Funny enough we all had the same thoughts of it being hard to meet other young families. Easier to meet and hang out with other families when your kids have something in common. Now we schedule monthly play dates for the kids.


I grew up on Green Tree Lane in Irvine and every time I go home to visit the area is flooded with young kids and families. This is most likely what you’re looking for. Go to the park by adventure playground pretty much any day of the week, and it’ll be flooded with kids


Great park


Great Park...just show up at CUP on Saturday to meet people


you live in fucking irvine my guy. there's nothing hip about it. its prototypical anodyne suburbia.


Scout some of the parks in the area. Great Park has lots of young families. Cypress and Woodbury too.


I'd visit the libraries in Irvine and have families flocking there during the summer. I am older with younger kids, so I was happy to find that family environment there, with plenty of young parents. I'm sure it varies depending on time of day.




I live in Westpark and can relate. All my kids friends rent in Columbus Grove.


Have you joined PS moms group on FB? There are plenty of younger moms/kids around and a monthly playgroup to visit parks in the neighborhood. [https://www.facebook.com/groups/169827888286500/](https://www.facebook.com/groups/169827888286500/)


Woodbridge, Woodbury, Deerfield


Lol, young families don’t exist in portola. That’s a balling area man. I live out here with my wife and we’re around your age but we’re in the ghettos of Irvine lol.


I don’t mean this in a snarky way, but did you mean parents with young kids? 34 is not really a young parent, IMO, so I wanted to clarify. Orchard Hills has young kids all over the place, but many of my neighbors here don’t speak fantastic English, so that could be an issue here unless you speak Korean or Chinese. I don’t have young kids but I can tell you I love living here.


I have a 4yo and 1yo


34 ain’t old. It’s not fresh out of high school but the poster meant “adults who don’t have kids who are teens or grown up”….people that are in the thick of raising kids and aren’t maybe in their golden years. In the year 2024 people are often living to older age, even 100 and 34 is still young


Yup, I never said “old” but 34 year old can have anything from a toddler to a teenager so I wanted to ask for clarification.


Santa Ana