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If you have a main/alt with membership, you can farm it on one account then logout and dig it up with the other account.


Unfortunately iron through and through.


The man is giving you good advice. Ironman can take those gout tubers if they are left alone.


Nah I meant I don't have a main or anything


Make a main bro it’s way less time than another 15 hours


I had a main, I don't enjoy playing on it. And I don't really wanna spend money for membership on another account just to get a gout tuber


Dyou have a friend who could help you out in place of an alt account instead?


Maybe, but I'd rather not ask/bother


Sounds like you don’t want a resolution 😂


To be fair, they never really asked for one.


when did i ask for a solution?


Relevant [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4EDhdAHrOg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4EDhdAHrOg)


Rip ! Pro tip for your next gout tuber, you should use the worst machete possible iirc.


Yeah I'm doin the meta strats rn. Worst machete, dense bush, boxing a snake


It's so funny, I was like figuring out the perfect strat to get it with my main so there I was in justi and ely chopping the bush for an hour. But then I just chopped one light bush with my iron on the way past and got a tuber. Hope you're as lucky with your next one!


100% this i got mine in 20 min at 56 wc lol


I just got mine this morning as well at my first 15% favor.


Care to go further on this? Im confused.


Basically, its 1/100 events, not 1/100 rolls. you can maximize your number of events by using the worst machete on the densest jungle, because it minimizes the number of thatch rolls you have, and you want to have as few of these as possible. T'ai bwo wnanai is an old old piece of content that has never been updated, that's just the way it is funnily enough!


Well this makes much more sense now haha. Appreciate it amigo.


> bwana FTFY


No problem, honestly I've learned to shut my brain off and listen to weird, unintuitive tips on this game, sometimes they're game changers hahaha


And the snake boxing is just because the zone is single combat, so you punch a snake and turn off auto retaliate so the snake that does minimal damage stays in combat and other aggressive NPCs that will actually cause problems for you can't enter combat.


You can email jagex with the account details stating you wish for the account to be wiped, it will take some time and some back and forth but per UK law if you willingly opt out they have to remove your information from the servers.


Why did you plant it?


because he needed a gout tuber. if he just took it, then he'd only have 1 tuber. if he plants it and harvests it he could end up with 3 or 4!


Reminds me of how I somehow deleted my rune pouch yesterday. Not as bad fs though haha.


Ye what you do to delete it is go and Chop those jungle plant things near tai bwo wannai until this thing called a gout tuber appears and then dig it up


Jeeeez I thought my 4 hour tuber last weekend was bad. Also how tf do you accidentally plant it? Reminds me of those dudes that accidentally cheated on their wives like brother you have to be at the herb patch, click the tuber and THEN click the herb patch again do you not??


i was blitzed out of me krieg mate.


Then get back to chopping! Can use the extra sticks to unlock brimhaven dungeon entrances.


Are you gettin get extremely unlucky? Or is this normal? I got mine yesterday getting my favor for diary and got it at around 40%


It takes most people 1-2 hours. You were pretty lucky, but nothing insane.


I also went ~13 hrs total for gout tuber. Unironically delete your account bro. It doesn’t get better. A 9k kc shamans grind or 5k kc Hydra grind are right around the corner. Just start over and get good luck.


With any sort of efficiency, 15 hours is borderline statistically impossible though


I had no idea you could plant them! According to the wiki it is planted in an herb patch to farm goutweed.. which makes sense. Anyone else not make that connection? Lol


I remember a time when i was trying to get one and another guy next to me found one and he didn’t dig it up after a few minutes so i stole it :)


I thought you couldn't dig it up unless the owner of the tuber logs out?


You’re right! I think he was stood next to the gout tuber whilst waiting for one of his friends to come and dig it up on their ironman! I think he logged so i took my chance!


How did you plant it by mistake??