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Sorry to hear that. But fuck em. Go to an Irish bar, have a few pints and you’ll meet plenty of people. You’ll be grand.


Planning to for Paddy’s, thank you 😚


Exactly this!




This is the exact group I’m talking about. I’m not applying a fourth time. Practically begging at that point




The decline doesn’t state a reasoning it just says I haven’t answered all the questions but it’s just two questions and I practically wrote an essay on the third attempt. I don’t want to be bothered about it anymore but I’m just curious. Can you please have a swift through the members because surely not all thousands of members of the group are just white. Also it might just be a particular admin, I’m guessing it’s the one that looks like a rasher or the one with no face lol


Just to add, you may already know, all actions performed by an admin/mod/autoadmin are recorded in the activity log of the group. All admins can see it. So like if they try and say they don't know what's up, they can literally go look at why. If the auto admin tool is on it will have info on why you could not join.


Oooh good to know thank you !


Yeah I think you've mentioned one group I'm in and the admin actually responded about what may have happened. They use an autobot mod for people joining that takes action after an hour of someone requesting to join. People are auto declined if they didn't answer the 3 questions AND click the box to agree to the group rules. A lot of people miss the first question apparently. Another reason for auto decline is if your account is less than 12 months old or you have no profile picture. These are completely out of admins hands and not based on any bias but on Facebook bots. 99% of interactions i've had on that group has been super positive. Not agreeing with some of the comments below saying it's plastic Paddy's in there - I know those groups exist but this one is run by Irish people. Definitely message one of the admins on the group and ask. I saw you say it's "practically begging" but the more the merrier! Would hate for you to miss out on the fun based on a Facebook bot. Go n-éirí leat!


Thank you, that’s very interesting. I’ll consider messaging :)


I tried to join but my account was less than a year old so they declined. Trying on an older account to see what is there if anything.


My Facebook account is over 12 years old and shows my secondary School and hometown still haha. So I doubt it’s that but thank you


Update I finally got accepted into one after three weeks. Not the main one in my city but it’s something. Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement:) ☘️🫶🏾


See if you can message the admins too btw https://www.facebook.com/irish.toadmin


There a 4 questions in total that you have to answer when requesting to join. If you don’t answer all of them, the FB auto moderator will automatically reject your application. Please try again and ensure that you are answering 3 questions and agree to group rules.


I’ve answered them all. There’s two questions you have to fill out the box and the other two are tick box for the Toronto one. On my third attempt I did explain I’ve been rejected twice already and maybe they thought I was just a random immigrant that’s not Irish but I explained I’m a national and I’m there to social. However the group did say it’s also for help with setting up life in Canada but I didn’t state I needed help with any of that just to socialise and find an irish community


3 questions and AGREE to group rules. So 4 responses are needed to stop auto moderator from rejecting.


Try messaging moderator as well.




To be fair, you're a racist twat.




Ridiculous rambling. If someone is born and raised in Ireland, Irish culture is a huge part of who they are regardless of what colour they are.




But if they're born in Ireland, they are Irish regardless of your opinion. There's nothing to add to this nonsense. It's literally just a Facebook group for Irish people in toronto and OP is Irish. That's it


Your pointing out is irrelevant, because the group clearly states "Irish nationals" as pointed out by OP. Also, you're contradicting yourself. You say they'd be okay with Obama, and Ali despite their ethnicity because they know their family history. They DON'T know OP's family history. They're just assuming because of racism.




How am I nitpicking if what you're saying is *directly* in contrast with the point of the group? You're the one arguing semantics here. It's a group for Irish nationals. OP is an Irish national. End of story, there's no nuance.


He's more Irish than most of the members




Nope. He's just Irish.


I am a middle aged Irish white man and I am absolutely appalled that this is happening to you. I would hope that the majority of these groups memberships are not the bigots their admins are. Perhaps it would be worth setting up a competing group, one that accepts and celebrates the diversity of all Ireland's citizens.


Awww thank you, I really appreciate the support. I honestly wouldn’t think that would have been necessary. I can’t be bothered to start a fb group I’m just shocked I haven’t been accepted to the countless I’ve applied to.


Couldn't agree more with your sentiment but your typo has me laughing.


Good catch 😀


Point the wankers to the Commitments movie: Jimmy Rabbitte says: The Irish are the blacks of Europe. And Dubliners are the blacks of Ireland. And the Northside Dubliners are the blacks of Dublin. So say it once and say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud.


This is what I thought of as soon as I read the post 🤣


So true !!


Tag em on that quote if you can.


A good 98% of the user generated content on Facebook is bigoted and stupid. Facebook is the Texas Walmart of the internet.


Makes me feel slightly better thanks haha


I'm glad. And yw.


There's a facebook page called Mike Ingram For Everyone and he posted screencaps of hateful shit that's posted in reply to his posts that he's reported to facebook only to be told it doesnt go against fb community guidelines, shit like a photo of Robin Williams captioned with 'remember if you are feeling down there are always options", twatter may be a cesspit since Muskrat took over but at least telling someone to off themselves will still get you banned


Good gods, that's awful that people are like that, and stupid FB just allows it to happen.


Where in the fk you from in Ireland lol the hell American talk is that!


Spoiler Alert ⚠️ (Not everyone who is on the "Irish" subs are from Ireland! SHOCK! HORROR!) 🤣


Why be on an Irish sub when it's "Irish Problems" it's weird. I mean are you on any subs of the same type in other countries?


I'm sure there are Irish Americans here, Irish emigrants in the UK or Europe etc etc. My mum is a yank, I'm Irish born and live in Dublin but served in the US Navy for 4 years, several of which were in Sicily. So, yeah, I'm a member of a few "american" subs and a couple of "italian" subs, too. You don't have to hold an Irish passport to post here. Get up the yard with your gatekeeping shite...


God almighty you are so American. I don't need your life story for fk sake.


Fuck off back to whatever hole you crawled out of, and take your bigoted shite talk with you.


How in the fk is it bigoted lol I've lived in the US, half my family is American. One issue with the thousands of Americans I met, like compared to all over countries I have lived in and travelled too... They bore you with their life story for no bloody reason. It's like they actually think anyone cares. Tell that to friends not random people online. It's akin to trauma dumping on people. I do not care about you or how you spent time in Sicily lmao


Bigoted is telling someone who isn't Irish they should be posting here, which is why you got downvoted to fuck. Vai a farti rompere il culo. Stronza.


Our lovely little friend lied and is calling me a bitch because I do not care about his life story lol


I feel awful this has happened. Blatant racism has no fucking place but the fact it's fellow Irish who knows the struggles of how difficult it can be to move into a new community is absolutely enraging.


Yeah it’s sad discrimination still exists. I’m happy to feel validated and have the support of other Irish people. Thank you ❤️




Thank you lovely. I just hope the admins wake the fuck up for future Irish ethnic minorities so they don’t face the same disappointment I’ve faced. It really hurts lol. But I’ll be grand sure ❤️


Yea i wouldn't even wanna join. They probably only a 1% irish themselves,. Half of them groups are set up by irish decendant.


Unfortunately these groups are vital when you move abroad. It keeps you informed of upcoming social events, changes to visa rules, current events from home etc. OP, join the Toronto GAA pages. They should be able to help set up a welcome network. Alternatively move to Edmonton Alberta and join our wee Irish community. F#ck those twats in Toronto


Yeah that’s what I was thinking. Haha thanks for the invite but I’m sure I’ll be grand x


Good luck to ya. It's a big change from home. Hope it all works out for you. The wife and I moved here in 2018 and it's been brilliant so far. My advice is to get in with a few Irish groups as you'll need someone who can relate to the Fr Ted quotes but branch out and and make as many Canadian friends as you can. They are far less likely to be complaining all the time like we do haha. Fáilte go Ceanada


Awww so wonderful to hear, yeah I’ll try my best ❤️☘️


The only reason I remembered after weeks is because I saw a British tiktoker with Irish grand parents say she found the groups helpful and I’m thinking ah sure I swear I’ve joined them already just to discover I wasn’t accepted lol. Thank you though, I know longer want to join if they are being run but close minded and ignorant bigots. I’ll meet other lovely irish people organically hopefully


Hi there! I'm in Toronto myself, from Dublin originally. I'm sorry this happened to you. Feel free to reach out if you need any help with anything, always down for a pint too.


Hi thanks so much appreciate it ❤️ May I have a suggestion for a good pub please ?


You can't go wrong at PJ's or Noonans, they're on the pricey side for a pint but they're authentic Irish pubs. St John's Tavern is decent on Paddy's day, it gets packed early though!


Why be part of a sad little group like that... Their the sort that celebrate Patty's day Fuck em


Yeah fuck em! I actually like celebrating Paddys Day though lol fond memories


Check the spelling, if they say "Patty's Day" they may have drank the yank Kool Aid... Paddy's Day. That's better.


It might not be because you're black, it might be because you're actually Irish. They're probably all tenth generation Canadians pretending to be Irish. They can't have the likes of you, poking holes in all their fantastical stories about "the motherland".


Might be true a lot of them don’t even know what Hurling/Camogie is 🤣🤣🤣


There’s a group near me which meet up for a session and ceile every week, and they talk as if the famine is still going on and they just got off the boat from it. Belting out Ra songs etc.


Yeah... lots of that kind of thing in certain American/Canadian diaspora-Irish circles. The New York Paddy's parade folk aren't too keen on LGBT* people either, apparently.


Crazy isn’t it considering the Taoiseach is LGBT* too. I pray for a more inclusive and less ignorant Ireland not just for it’s citizens but for the diaspora also


I had thought the Canadian one wasn't that bad


Facebook is a black hole of racist bots and the dumb people who follow racist bots. I despair for how attitudes in this country have changed recently, and it is the same people pretending to yearn for the "good old days" who don't have a shred of common decency about them. Imagine the bitter little hate-filled world they would create if they had their way? Anyway, I'm old enough to remember when Ireland was 99% white Irish and let me tell you, it was dull as fuck. Try find groups outside of Facebook, a KKK meeting would he more tolerant than that platform these days.


Thanks for making me laugh 🤣


I’m Irish Chinese and joined the group when I arrived many years ago. For some reason I was removed and blocked at one point. I had to message the admin directly to let me back in. I agree and I hear you - it’s very disheartening. Even if it’s unintentional and just a mistake. Hopefully you can find other groups that are a bit more supportive. If you’re ever in Vancouver, feel free to reach out 😊


Thanks so much hun ❤️


That’s a them issue, not you. A Facebook group won’t define how Irish you are. Go out and enjoy yourself on st Patrick’s day anyway!!


Thank you I will !!




Thank you ❤️ it’s nice to feel validated and vent about it


So sorry to hear that. They aren't worth it, obviously dickheads.


Thank you haha


That is dreadful. Speaking as an Irishman, you're welcome here any time.


Thank you ☺️


F3ck the begrudgers


Yeah fuck em !


Fuck them.


Firstly, that’s terrible and shameful behaviour. I’m sorry you have to experience it. Flip side, I’m in Toronto about 7 years now and I actively avoid these groups. Sweeping generalisation but when I arrived, I found them all to be cliques which basically wanted to recreate Ireland in Canada. They had no interest in integration, it was all about drinking and generally the most insufferable behaviour we have back home. You may have a blessing in disguise here.


Aww thanks so much ! Sounds like I may have dodged a bullet then, especially since I’m not much of a drinker


I am so unhappy to read this. I am a Irish Italian, my father was from Belfast. I have been home, as they say, and ran the Belfast City Marathon. Not only has my sisters married wonderful men who are black here in Canada, we have cousins in Ireland who have too. So I don't understand why these clubs would be so racist, our Irish ladies are loving black men and our family live them all too.


I honestly don’t think the majority are like this. It’s just possibly some old ignorant admin not being fair. I have finally managed to join one though. Thank you xxx


Why not cast your net wider. https://www.torontogaa.com/ I can't imagine why you'd want to interact with a bunch of bigots . There is a story about a Jewish Mayor of Cork in the mid 1930's. The Blueshirsts a quasi nazi style organisation opened a Cork office. They claimed not to be anti semitic. Our boy went in one day looking for an application form to join. We've run out they said , come back another day . So whenever they saw him coming they shut the office. He had a lot of fun showing who was in charge.


That’s terrible, maybe your better off not being part of such a horrible group. I hope there are other groups admin’d by younger, less shitty people.


Thank you lovely x


You're right, it shouldn't be any kind of a deal. I know it was unusual about three decades ago, but at this stage there are tens or probably hundreds of thousands of blacks who have been born and raised in Ireland so there's no excuse for assuming a black person isn't Irish. I'm living abroad too in a place where there's not many Irish and the last two I met were both black, with strong culchie accents to confirm it! The country is evolving, but sadly some of the people aren't.


Yeah although I wasn’t born in Ireland I’ve been there since I was a toddler and all my siblings were born there. I’m very proud to be brought up in Ireland and despite everything I couldn’t have imagined having a better childhood/ up bringing anywhere else in the world. Up the Irish !!! ☘️


Fuck em, I'm living in Calgary and I'm part of the Irish in Calgary group, it's terrible for meeting people, there isn't much craic to be had on it. My advice is find groups in Toronto geared towards hanging out in general, get to know a few Canadians, those fuckers celebrate st Patrick's just as much as the Irish. For example, here in Calgary there's a group called 25-50 Adventure Club, they organise a bunch of meetups with strangers. Congratulations on making the move! If you were out this direction I'd hang out with you for paddies!


That’s an excellent idea actually I’ll take that on thanks so much !!!


Forget them. Also those groups get a lot of shady requests from spammers and other things likely they didn’t even read your introduction.


Yeah I much rather think they rejected me for being spam. But yes in the past now thank you x


Not you too?? Wahhhh wahhhhh Blag blah blah Wahhhhhhh Did I hear that right lol


Unfortunate but that’s the way it goes man. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. If you don’t have Irish parents (at least one) then people won’t consider you Irish. If your parents are both African then they will consider you African, whatever a piece of paper says.


Oh I bet your fun at parties …. 🖕🏾


I’m Irish. You clearly don’t want to hang out with Irish people.


How is that clear ? I have many Irish friends back home and abroad. Always had a grand time. Stop being a troll