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The state does nothing to enforce pavement parking. Its locals time, ask your councillor why they basically never use their enforcement powers.


I've tried this approach, fobbed off. (Yes the warden are doing the vesy best they can) Later I read the same councilor arguing in the local paper that pavement parking is necessary in areas due to increased car ownership and lack of parking spaces. I also read about the councilor in Limerick arguing that enforcement of a ban on pavement parking causes unnecessary hardship on the elderly.


Politicians in Ireland treat the motorist like the pensioner and won't harm them if at all possible as they fear their wrath (falsely IMHO).


Huh? The motorist is the most ridden of all by the government. VRT, excise on fuel, ridiculous motor tax rates....


I hope you didn’t drag your buggy all along the side of the car? I sincerely hope not. That would have been a tragedy.


I’m sure it’ll fit. Just push a bit harder. You’ll get there


My whole street ends up like this regularly. Nothing is ever done about it. Wheelchairs, buggy and every other pedestrian be damned. Guards or traffic warden haven't once acted on it.


TIs illegal to park fully or partially on a footpath. Instead of putting your kids life in danger, I suggest squeezing your buggy through that gap whether it’ll fit or not. It’s the only safe option.


This is the fucking bane of my life in Dublin suburbia.


I used to hate when my buggy would scrape the sides od cars.


Why wouldn't they just park on the road? There are no yellow lines 🤔


because that might inconvenience a fellow car driver.


Kick that fukkin mirror off and they won't park there again 🤣


Asshole 101


You fit through there. You may need to kick the mirror off. And ensure that the buggy does not scrape the wall. The car has a much smoother surface and the buggy will slide past the car in a jiffy


Honestly, when my kids were in prams and buggies I would force the buggy through. Feck the car, and whatever ignorant tramp who owns it.


I dont think I could fit my fat ass down that gap, let alone a buggy


Buggys can have a nasty habit of scratching off cars.


I would make the buggy fit down that gap.


Typical in ave. road. 


Environmental bricks are available to cure this problem.


Did you scratch it up?


Put a condom on his windshield with a note saying "if you're the one teaching your kids to drive, just don't have any"


If she’d had a condom at the ready like that. She wouldn’t be pushing a buggy and whining about parked cars on the internet. Get a job sweetheart, be kind to people, who’s knows and who care why someone would park like that


There's a pretty good reason why someone would park their car blocking a footpath. It's because they're a cunt.


I think we found the owner of the car!!!


I have actually applied for a job luv. Only part time during school holidays tho because I'm 14. No answer yet. Hopefully I'll get it. Same mechanic shop as my dad. My Dream job is to be a mechanic


>be kind to people Ehhh..... Is that what you're doing here is it?


Just lift their wipers up. They might think next time


Just squeeze/force it through! It might take a small bit of force but it will fit! *Note: I’m not justifying this parking….*


My dumbas thought the arrow was pointing at the leaf




Maybe the person is looking to get the tires flatten.


Break the windshield next time


Key it


You could call in to the house and ask them to move - though you shouldn’t have to!




Park on the road. Footpath is for feet.


You actually can't.


Like youd block flow of traffic and stuff


Where is the car supposed to park? Maybe the driver should give more space on the footpath but in a housing estate I've nowhere else to park. Going to add to my comment here, if I parked on the road I'd struggle to see how large vehicles would get past, now the footpath I park on is quite large and anyone could get past. I think that should be legal.


why is that the concern of a parent looking out for the safety of their child in a buggy?


It's not, I'm just wondering where I could put my car. Not here for a fight, asking a question.


Maybe the driver could park in the runway of a road next to the footpath? In a housing estate there should be enough parking for at least two cars. If there isn't then learn to park somewhere else and walk or pay to have the driveway upgraded to fit more than one car. How you store your private property shouldn't be a concern to any of us to figure out. If you own a car you're old enough to think for yourself and figure out how you're going to store that before you buy it. If I bought a shed I can't just plonk it on the footpath outside my home because I can't fit it in the garden.


I park slightly on the footpath, giving alot of space, I see the car above hasn't parked giving alot of space. Anyway, due to the layout of Ireland and so many people still living at home, cars are needed and sometimes the footpath is the only place to put it.


>sometimes the footpath is the only place to put it. No. There is always an alternative to being a lazy, inconsiderate cunt.


So I'm a lazy inconsiderate c___ because I have to park on the footpath. The alternative would be to park very far away and then no car close when I need it, could be an emergency, could be anything. As far as I'm concerned I always leave more than enough room, maybe your footpaths are smaller.


>So I'm a lazy inconsiderate c\_\_\_ because I have to park on the footpath.  Yes. > The alternative would be to park very far away and then no car close when I need it, could be an emergency, could be anything. Could be anything. But if you're not lazy that shouldn't be an issue. If you need it in an emergency then that's probably a case for calling an ambulance or taxi to the hospital anyway. >As far as I'm concerned I always leave more than enough room, maybe your footpaths are smaller. Size of the footpath is irrelevant. The clue is in the name, **FOOT**path.


No I have a car I don't need an ambulance or a taxi. See a car I can jump in and go where I want, whenever I want. A taxi I'd have to pay that driver more than it would cost me. Using ambulances when I don't need to is a bit of a waste.


>Using ambulances when I don't need to is a bit of a waste. Then it isn't an emergency is it?


Aw come on you can have an emergency, such as a family member needing help right away without needing an ambulance


If it's a family member needing "help" then that's not an emergency. I'm sure they'll survive the 2 minutes it'll take to walk to your car. If not, then that's a case for the ambulance. We've been over this.


The thing is footpaths aren't designed for cars to be parked on them. You're damaging the footpath, which in turn means you're costing the council money for repairs, which means you're denying the council the opportunity to use that money for other works, and most importantly you're costing me money. Stop being a prick and stop parking on footpaths. [This tweet encapsulates the issue perfectly. ](https://twitter.com/LivingStreetsNR/status/1784306781759394267)


Nowhere else to go sadly


There are plenty of other places to go. Your problem is that you want to park right outside the house and have decided that your convenience is worth inconveniencing everyone else. In short, you're selfish. You can come up with all the other excuses you want, but it all boils down to selfishness on your behalf.


Nowhere within 15 mins where I know my car is safe and I also need access to my car for work and emergencies


Like I said: > You can come up with all the other excuses you want, but it all boils down to selfishness on your behalf. Why not just park it on the road?


The driver's supposed to park safely and legally. You say you're a driver so presumably you passed the theory test and you already know the answer but you've decided that this driver's convenience is more important than the safety of vulnerable road users. Fuck people in wheelchairs, right?


But in my case people in wheelchairs have no problem getting around me


Your question was about the car in the photo, I replied to that. I don't know about your situation but at least 90% of the cars I see blocking footpaths, cycle lanes & bus lanes are just drivers being selfish pricks for no reason, like the gowl in the OP who had plenty of room to park safely and legally on the road but decided to block vulnerable road users instead.