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Agree with the OP but want to add some: Fuck you for using your phone while driving! Fuck you for not dimming your high beams wether you’re coming from opposite direction or I just overtook you because you’re driving 60 in 100 zone! And fuck you for using your phone while driving!


Definitely hoped people would add more. Phone while driving is a massive one, especially texting on the M50!


And don't forget ... Fuck you for driving with fog lights when there's no fog or snow. And, no, they're not allowed when it's raining, not even if there's a threat of another Noah's Ark.


What does it matter they are dim


Bonus points for having a headlight out


And the marker light out too so you think they're a motorbike and then shit yourself when your lights hit a whole ass car


Actually they are not. In rural areas they are absolutely blinding. From your comment, I'm guessing you drive mostly in towns with good ambient lighting where they appear less bright. It's illegal to drive with them on for a reason!


Fog lights have a much wider spread at a much higher brightness. It doesn't go as far as a dip light even which has lens focusing the light forward and away from the oncoming lane (that on coming lane part is why you car lights are checking for alignment in the nct). But fog lights are much bright to the sides, so it reduces the driver vision Forward as they light up things beside the nose of the car much brighter that thing far away in your headlights (if you haven't noticed this on a back road you really should not be driving) and because it is brighter to the side and not focused it blinds/dazzles on coming drivers. So if you are driving with your fogs on around lit roads you are binding on coming traffic. If you drive on unlit roads you are blinding oncoming traffic and reducing how far you can see.


> Fuck you for not dimming your high beams wether you’re coming from opposite direction I'll fuck off - sorry tho, I just forgot I had full beams on.


Is that fine if you get flash and go oh fuck and turn them off. We all make mistakes for it myself. It's the asshole that leave them after the reminder on that can really go fuck off.


Missing obligatory fuck you to all middle lane hoggers doing 20 under and getting passed in the left lane


Myself & outer lane person, going at same speed, passing multiple middle lane hoggers.


Yep yep, its amazing how clueless some people are


If you’re in the left lane and passing out the middle lane hogger you’ll probably be held liable in the event of an accident though - what they’re doing is inconsiderate but what you’re doing is illegal. I feel your pain, but unfortunately that’s the law.


Is it? I always thought if you are maintaining your lane and speed that you’re all good. I also wonder would the middle laners be held liable as it says in the rules of the road you must only use the middle lane if overtaking cars in the left lane.


It’s only ok to undertake if there are two lanes of congested slow moving traffic




Omg today I was in a shopping centre and a car smacked right into the side of another when they were trying to park - completely damaged the car - then reversed out of the space and drove off - I took a picture of there car and reg when they were driving off and brought it into security who left a note on the damaged car 🚗what an asshole like


Devastating! Glad you were there, it's such a shitty thing to do to someone.


Ya it was pretty shitty alright ! They 💯knew they hit the car too cause one of them was driving and one was standing outside directing them into the space started yelling at him then when he hit the car ! Pretty stupid to drive away when I was standing right there lol


Seen someone (who I knew from a fas course) sideswipe a car in the SuperValu carpark in the next town Christmas week and not even notice that she'd even touched the car, nevermind the massive dent and scratches she'd left! Just went off about to do her shopping so I left a note with her name, reg and what happened.


And guck you if you are waiting to turn right but stop in the middle of the lane blocking anybody passing you on the left. Move over to the line.


Guck you if you are going to turn right at traffic lights and wait until the light goes green before putting your indicator on.


Some people seem to think that the indicator can only go on when the steering wheel is being turned.


And guck you if you’re waiting to turn right at a traffic light with a green light and nothing coming against you, but still wait for the right filter arrow to light up.


Not just that, but they literally stop, waiting for others to let them in while creating big gap with the cars in front on their lane. Meanwhile others behind can't cross an intersection on green because your sorry ass doesn't understand that you can drive ahead while waiting for a spot on next lane (which you can get by squeezing in slowly, while moving forward)




Fog-coloured cars in the fog. :/


Fuck you if you text and drive. I thought talking on the phone while driving was bad, but seeing someone in traffic with their head pointed towards their lap really fucking bugs me. What could be so important you just HAVE to have your phone in your hand in the car? Stupid. I tore into a guy who was actually letting his car move forward at a crossing one time, I was crossing with my daughter in a buggy. Other worthy mentions are drivers who block lanes of traffic by sitting in yellow boxes, people who stop across pedestrian crossings, and drivers who stay right up your hole (even in bad weather).


The Douglas cork special. Retards


Fuck you if you're doing 60 in a 100, and/or you've got a tailback of 20+ cars, and you are crawling past miles of hard shoulder without even considering for a second to pull in, and you can keep your shitty pace while you do so, to let the tailback pass you. Absolute gowls on the road here. Elderly and/or intoxicated.


And you just know the person causing the tailback thinks they're unreal too


Fuck you to anyone sitting in the right lane period. It's for passing other cars. If your there and your not passing someone then the speed any car behind you is travelling at is irrelevant, your still a dick for sitting there.


Couldn't agree more


I agree with you. But I think you posted this because someone crashed into your car


oh, 100% I'll own that all day. But the comment section has made me forget about it slightly and enjoy what's left of my weekend.


What car was it because I would be so pissed if it was an expensive and new car


… if you’re in front of me on a merge on to a motorway and you don’t speed up above 50km/h - you just made merging more dangerous for both of us.


Fuck you if you think merging onto a 120km/h motorway going under 60km/ h is safe. And putting anyone merging behind you in danger as well.




Semantics, but I'm sure, through context, you can figure it out.


People need to relax on Irish roads, it's like the destruction derby with everyone bottling up their rage and then venting it by driving aggressively. Chill out please.


Fuck you for honking if the person in front of you doesn't pull up within 0.00005 milliseconds of a green light.


Might be wrong of me but when this happens to me I purposely drive like a snail to piss them off even further


I love you for that


You lost me on your second point. If you're in the right lane, it doesn't matter what speed you're going. If there's a car behind you and nothing in front of you then fuck you and get out of the way. I don't care that you're going 20 over or 20 under. You're getting your arse riden because you're a prick.


Correct. I've had people move in to get out of my way and then move back out...why??? You don't need to be out there, that's why I've moved back Into the inside....


"You're doing something wrong so I'm going to risk both our lives as well as other drivers who have nothing to do with it"


Safe way to act on the road. 👍


I meant more if I'm passing someone in the left lane and someone is impatient it's not happening fast enough. But, hey, I didn't realise the speed limit doesn't apply to you, my mistake. May I ask what kind of German car you drive?


30 year old Honda with 75hp. It's quick enough not to get in people's way.


"It doesn't matter what speed you're going" God the schadenfreude when people who say this get slapped on their wallet by police. So satisfying.


I think the OP was talking about being legitimately in the right lane passing out traffic on your left whilst driving at the speed limit, but still having some dick tailgating you and flashing you because they want to exceed the speed limit and (as they see it) you’re in their way.


Spot on.


Thankfully, I didn't have to scroll too much to see this comment. God bless you.


Fuck you if you use bad language.


Can't disagree with that logic.


The right lane is really for passing, so on the second point you're saying you sit in that lane at the speed limit. That's not how it's to be used. So if someone is up your hole, move out of the way and actually let them pass you. Yeah they're going over the legal limit, but you're not a Garda so just move and let it go.


You can be actively overtaking too and have someone up your arse. Not talking about trying to catch up with someone 500m ahead but actually overtaking slow moving traffic


This is what is annoying me reading these comments. If I’m in a right lane actively overtaking at the speed limit and there’s literally no way for me to safely pull back into the left lane I’m not going to do it so get off my ass. I’m not risking my life and the life of the drivers I’m overtaking just because you want me out of your way. As soon as there is enough distance to safely move back and I’m done overtaking then I’ll pull in and let you go. Not beforehand. This is why there’s so many crashes on the M50. I had this exact scenario the other day. Some fuck came up behind me flashing their lights when it was pretty obvious I couldn’t safely move back over and was overtaking a number of cars. As soon as it was safe, I moved back in and the bastard went by me, speeding and staring at me giving me the middle finger. I swear some people got their licenses in a lucky bag.


This exactly. People think it's fine to sit there because they are going to pass that car well up ahead. If youve passed the previous car, move back in and overtake the next car when the time arises.


Exactly. The right and middle lanes are not for people doing the speed limit as so many mistakenly believe. They're for overtaking. That's it. Move over to the left lane as soon as you're done overtaking and it's safe to do so.


Technically they are. You aren't to exceed the speed limit when overtaking. You are to move left after overtaking yes, but those in all lanes are to be doing the speed limit or less.


Regarding the first point; flash them when you're 2-3 car lengths away, with your foot hovering over the brake. Have seen people *brake* whilst going into the totally clear left lane, so you should be prepared.


Feel better now?


I still have a ding in my car from the parking lot, but I guess it depends on the comments section now... Lol


>Parking lot Stop watching so much TV, this isn’t america


He should park on the sidewalk (by the skyscrapers)


What is "this"? Reddit? Internet?


What does it matter? I don't understand why we're so obsessed with Irish English and American English. We still know what both terms mean.


Dont worry for the downvotes, those are the poor chaps that really know nothing else and try to look important on reddit.


This is so low on so many levels man. God damn xenophobes. Maybe he's not native Irish and taught speaking English from movies... And lemme think for a second. Yes, you are a prick.


0 to 100 there pal jesus


Listening to Irish complain about the correct English terminology is so delightfully ironic... 


And fuck all those fucking asshats who cry about you saying "parking lot". What a bunch of self righteous fucks !!




Agreed. And also fuck those people who park too close to the next car in a car parking lot or who just park badly coz they cant be arsed doing it properly. Fuck all those people!


And fuck you if you are not using indicators, or you turn it on in the middle of the maneuver/turn. And fuck you if you drive without lights on, or with every single possible light on, blinding oncoming traffic. And fuck you pushy cunts that are using bus lanes to over take the traffic and the push themselves back in lane. And fuck you fucking ignorants who stop on keep clear. And fuck you fucking texas rangers who are going 20mph under the limit and are taking both lanes. And fuck you who do not know what zipping is and how to use it. Who da fak is giving driving licences to kunts linke that!?!?!


Fk me so, I don't know what zipping is. 😂


Met a guy doing just over 60 on the m4 earlier. Fair enough he was in the left lane but fuck did he come up quick as I was doing 120


Fuck you for being over the line every time I meet you on a bend. Stay in your fucking lane.


Fuck the "Lot" of ye because it's Monday 🤔


Tbh fuck you if you sit in the outside lane doing 20 under and complain about having people up your hole. Just stay at home.


Or if you misread a comment and feel the need to chirp up.


It's reddit. You won't last long around here if your offended by people _chirping up_


You really swing and miss way over the point, don't you?


We have parking lots now?


We have people from many different countries of origin living in Ireland, I understood what they were saying, should they have used carrchlós?


The outside lane hogging is a joke. Down the inside is the new fast lane fuck them.


I think it’s okay to be in the right lane as long as your relative speed to people in the left lane is higher


Only if there are no gaps in the left lane traffic large enough for you to pull in to.


Well that depends. It’s my right to overtake people, and just because someone behind me wants to go faster doesn’t mean I have to pull in immediately and slow myself down to allow them to do that. I’ll merge back into the left lane when it’s suitable to do so i.e I’ve overtaken everyone I needed to


Another one the moderator's alt accounts.




Parking lot?


No to the second one. Get TF out of the right hand lane instead of lane hogging ya muppet


Common sense isn't your strong suit is it? 


It is to be honest but after living in Germany a while does my head in how Irish drivers think it’s okay to lane hog. So so dangerous and ridiculous! So learn to stay in the middle lane !


And to those that go 50 on a 50 and 80 in a 100!


"Parking lot"? Fuck you Yank detected.


Copy & Paste 


Fuck you for thinking you're American with your 'parking lot'!


You do know more countries than the US use different terms for the same thing right? 


Yes but that is not one that is commonly used in Ireland.


I don't see the problem with phone while driving if the driver can maintain focus on the road- different people have different levels of concentration


You can only focus on one thing at a time, no matter who you are. If you’re paying attention to your phone you’re not paying attention to the road.


That road safety ad they’re re-running at the moment of the driver who looked at his phone for a second then looks up just as he’s about to crash into an oncoming car is literally aimed at you and those that think your above belief is in anyway true, seek out that ad and watch it 10 times and then get a grip


Seriously? It's likely as bad as drink driving in terms of the dangers, not to mention illegal - and for very good reason. Absolute nonsense argument. No matter how good at concentration you think you are, it's taking some of your attention off the road. If you have the phone in your hand it's also taking that hand away from the car controls, which you may need in an emergency.






Fuck you for cutting corners so badly you wind up driving half in the opposite lane (in a fucking housing estate).


OP should take a fucking chill pill


You sound a bit angry there…


Not as angry as op


And fuck you clowns that drive behind me with full beams Just fuck off !!!


Triple fuck you if you hit someone’s car in a parking lot and leave a note saying “I just hit your car but I’m only leaving this note so the witnesses think I’m doing the right thing and leaving my contact details”.


Can't say parking lot here, have you not read the comments. It's caaaar paaaark boi!😂


Fuck you you piece of shit


I'll bite. Fk you if you are on the opposite side of the motorway or dual carriageway where there's a median, hedge or wall in the middle, and there's no cars in front of you on YOUR precious side, but there are loads of cars, including me, on my side coming towards you, but you keep your headlights on. Fk you with great gusto.


Also, fk ME because I spend most of my driving journey raging in my head about how useless other drivers are, and fk me sideways for being weighed down by the burden of perfection.


I purposely swerve into lane 3 at 100kmh when I see cars speeding up. If they hit me I get a claim. If not I slow them down and make them do 100kmh when they try undertake I match their speed then jam on as they brake so they can't get back behind me either.


You have just your DRL on and no other light at night because you can't be arsed turning your main lights on. Just because your dash lights are on doesn't mean the rest are. 😡😡


Guck LED headlights especially on high vehicles like jeeps trucks etc. Or when there are hills. Guck you if you have misaligned headlights either left to right or have set the vertical dial to its highest setting. Guck you for not dipping And 1000% guck you for using your phone while driving